submitted by Barbara Snyder
from Threads #117
When I’m adjusting and fitting patterns, I often make an adjustment, test it, and then make a second, third, and maybe fourth adjustment. To keep track of which marking line is the most current one, I mark them in rainbow order (red, orange, green, blue, indigo, and violet). I use a red pen the first time I mark an adjustment. If I adjust the same line again, I mark the new line in orange. If I adjust it again, I use green. (I skip yellow — it’s too hard to see.) So until I trace a final copy of the finished pattern, I can tell by looking which adjustment line reflects the most recent changes.
Unfortunately, this system shows how far I am from my holy grail — that master set of patterns that no longer needs adjusting. But until I get there, this method keeps me on track.
I love this idea- another reason I am thrilled to have my washable markers as a set rather than singles from the sewing store!