Pipe-wrapped fabric shows the striated pattern left by the string.
by Lois Ericson
from Threads #72, p. 67
Derived from the ancient Japanese resist-dye art of shibori, wrapping loose folds of fabric with string around a plastic PVC pipe (or pole, bottle, or the like) can create exciting patterns.
Start by dividing the fabric into roughly even segments and taping them around the top edge of the pipe, then wrap the fabric with a continuous length of string, allowing the fabric to fold up randomly or regularly underneath (left). Stop occasionally to scrunch up the wrapped portion (right) so it will be covered easily when dipped.
When the dipped fabric looks “done” (left), unwrap it before rinsing, neutralizing, and rerinsing. The finished fabric is at right.
More on dyeing fabric:
Dyeing with Bleach
Resist-and-Spray Technique for Dyeing Fabric
Wrap-and-Dip Technique for Dyeing Fabric
hey, can u explain to me which are composition to put to bleach inside the basket there? thx!