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Contributing Editor Takes the Stage on Threadbanger

Threadbanger Oscar Week: How to make a Dutchess... by threadbanger


Kenneth D. King is a man of many talents. He’s a professor at F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology) in Manhattan, a couture designer, and a Threads contributing editor. (He can also be outrageously funny. I never miss a chance to attend one of his classes.)

Not long ago Kenneth showed up on an episode at Threadbanger. The theme was Oscar Week and Corinne and Rob, the hosts, featured the film “The Duchess.” In keeping with the theme, Kenneth chose a black velvet cloak project. In this video he demonstrates how to take a pattern from an existing garment and then gives some very useful tips about sewing with satin and velvet, using a walking foot, and pressing velvet. Here’s your chance to attend a class by the King for free.


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  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Love ThreadBabger Videos.

    King is the King!

  2. thegreatqueenbee | | #2

    You are so awesome.....but I'm sure you know that already. I have never had anyone explain how to copy ready made garments as simple and easy as you did on this video. You are truely one of a kind. I will look for your book at the book store. Thanks for sharing.

  3. saguaro | | #3

    This video isn't working properly - it keeps stopping and it takes anywhere from 15 to 45 seconds to restart. I couldn't get through it to the end.

  4. AthenaWeaves | | #4

    Any time Mr.King is ready to speak, drop EVERYTHING!, listen and learn. Mr. King I love you. I am a student any time you demonstrate, but I wish I was your student at F.I.T. Thank you for this interview. Love AthenaWeaves

  5. zipsewing | | #5

    I'm amazed at watching what Mr. Kenneth King can do. I'll watch this again when time permits.

  6. tutusdivine | | #6

    Dear Kenneth, I just got to SEE the video on the Threadbanger show with your demo. on making the cape. I have all of your books, and someday I will come to NY for a class....in the mean time I read everything that I can get my hands on that you do for THREADS....you are a master teacher. One question.....could you EVER do video's like this one to explain "The Moulage" or the "Birth of the Bustier" for those of us who don't learn too well from reading.......the ADD/ADHD, deslexeas of the world who have to see and hear things over and over again. I think I am smart when I send an email, I am still trying to figure out my embroidery machine, and I have 3 of them.......so you see my problem. I went to a sewing expo and went to a small lecture "I have all this stuff, now what do I do with it" I thought I'd be the only one there but NO the room was full of many of us who keep buying and then get home and go "What the heck do I do now????" You give the best directions, but even for a slow learner I'd love a slow and tell to go back to....I have post it notes everywhere for even small things...am I the only one who loves to creat, but wants to give up????? Thanks for your help......

  7. smockerlady | | #7

    Kenneth D King

    Absolutely fabulous as always. Love your books and the video is great. Only wish I could attend a class.

    Coming to NY from Turkey in April, should find out if there is any chance of a class being on?

    May I ask a silly question............watched the video, but connection here not great, so it kept on breaking up. What do I do to accurately locate the straight and cross grain on the garment, when drafting the pattern for the item?

    I will feel a fool when I'm told the answer........having a bad hair day!!

    Thanks as always for everything you do.

  8. imdvine | | #8

    I would love to watch this video, But there is nothing to watch. I have refreshed the page several times and there is nothing there, just a blank white space where the video should be

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