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Sewing Slang

The two-syllable word used to describe one who sews.

In our Gatherings forums, we couldn’t help but notice the variety of terms you use to describe yourself in terms of your craft. Here are a few of the terms we found.

Sewers – This is dicitonary definition of “one who sews.” But did you also know that this term also refers to a servant in charge of setting and changing the table? In Shakepearean times, it also referred to the servant who was trusted in taste testing the foods for poisons.

Sew-jahs – Perhaps this refers to sewing soldiers? This is a newer term that we’ve seen floating around the Gatherings forum.

Sewists – This term is not in the dictionary, but is commonly used by sewers. Perhaps someone needs to write Webster’s a suggestion letter?

Seamstress – This term is also recognized by the dictionary, however it only refers to a woman who sews.

Seamsters – This is actually an Old English term that you can find in the dictionary, but is having a recent resurgence in the younger sewing crowd. It sounds like a play on the word “scenster” (or dare I even say “hipster”), and has even graced book titles and magazines alike.

Sewing divas – We like to think of these sewers as those who show up to a sewing circle with a “rider” filled with their favorite notions, machines, and sewing books. A “rider” is the term used to refer to the list of things a musical artist requires at the venue before they will perform in the way of equipment, or in true diva style even the type of water and color of upholstery for their waiting room.

How do you define yourself? Are there any terms we missed? If so, post them to the comments below.


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  1. Ckbklady | | #1

    I, for one, am a good old-fashioned "sewer". The trend for new names came along so late after I learned to sew that the new words haven't caught on with me. I think it's amusing that some folks find "sewer" unpleasant. I never thought sewing would be hit with the political correctness bug!

    I HAVE seen mixups in this modern age, though. I recently brought a book I found in the sewing section in a great used bookshop to the attention of the booksellers at the cash register. The book was called "Municipal and Rural Sewer Systems". Oy.

    And in the end, I don't care whatcha call me as long as I have time to sew!

    :) Mary

  2. fanciflower | | #2

    That is funny, sewer and sewer-a world apart!! My husband's name for me is "my little sew and sew. I like sewing diva, sound so worldly and sew-jah sounds like someone sewing for the good of mankind-definetely not me! I sew to keep sane,

  3. User avater
    Dass | | #3

    :)... Cool. Few days ago i was arranging all my personal files on a memorystick. One of the folders is where i keep paterns, pictues of garments and images that I'd like to incorperate in my future creations and so on. I names that folder "SO'IN". Get it?

  4. Littletree2 | | #4

    I would definitely be a Sewing Diva if I wasn't a Wannabee Sewer, but I also like the term Seamstress. My mother sewed (and still does at 83) - everything from draperies to wedding dresses, ringbearer suits, going away outfits, and all my high school party dresses on an old back and forth black singer, as well as my wedding dress and 4 bridesmaids, her mother of the bride outfit and the flower girl's dress, and my going away outfit. It has served her for 50 years. I have a lovely Bernina and I can tell you I'm no match for her -- it's all blood, sweat and tears for me if it's too complicated - not at all hereditary skills. Soooooo, I want to say how thrilled I am with the Get Biased pattern in this month's issue! Can't wait to try it...and I'm so glad I logged on to get the correction for those instructions. Thank you Threads!!!

  5. User avater
    alexwest35 | | #5
  6. User avater
    alexwest35 | | #6

    amazing work mate

  7. ronsanchez3 | | #7

    Its really awesome

  8. User avater
    nickpaul74 | | #8

    I like your effort

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