Snaps in different sizes, facing in different directions, sewn together with their snapping parts exposed. You can build with them, just like Legos.
Several years ago my friend Ruth Ciemnoczolowski handed me this conglomeration of snaps. I liked its offbeat look immediately. But what is it?
Ruth comes from a special place in this universe where creative forces flow from the least expected places. She wrote the articles “Build a Better Bust” in Threads issue #124 and “Art Darts” in Threads issue #130. She is a genius at finding funky fixes for all kinds of things.
Her idea here was to sew snaps together, facing in different directions in units. Then use the units like Legos to build jewelry. What you see here is a cuff bracelet, but with additions it could be a choker, long necklace, belt, or even a closure down the front of a garment.
The red and black remind me of a sample Susan Khalje made several years ago for an article. She used black lace and then demonstrated the stitching in red thread. I looked through our photo archives and found the photo. I’d like to see these methods combined in a jacket of black lace, snaps and red thread.
What a fun way to punctuate a wardrobe with unexpected goodies to add some edge to your work and your look. What would you do with it? And better yet, what ideas are you hiding?
wow! what an artistic idea! some people just throw away those used snaps not knowing there is a crafty thing
behind...thanks for sharing..
I would appreciate knowing (1) what type of thread you used for this, (2) how you knotted the thread ends so the knots aren't exposed. I began this project with embroidery floss (awful) to make Create a Watch watchbands for my girls' Easter baskets. HELP!