My stash provides the greatest motivation for me at this stage of my life.
Sewing inspiration for me has changed over the years as my life has evolved. Here’s how my reasons to sew have progressed over the years:
- As a kid I liked to experiment and use new and different sewing techniques and embellishments in order to broaden my sewing knowledge and expertise.
- As a teen my motivation most often came from a specific event—the prom, an anticipated party, or special school event.
- In college desperation caused me to sew. There were no great clothing stores nearby, and I didn’t have a car, so in order to have a new outfit, I needed to sew. (I brought part of my stash to school with me!)
- As a young stay-at-home mother, I sewed children’s clothes and home dec items to save money.
- As a working mother, I had little time to sew, and didn’t sew much. Most of my inspiration came when I discovered a fabulous ready-to-wear garment that was just a little to pricey for my current clothing budget.
- Now that I’m an empty nester with a gigantic stash of fabrics, yarns and craft items that have accumulated over the years, my inspiration comes from my stash. My goal is to use much of what I already have, so that when the time comes for my husband and I to downsize and retire, my entire remaining stash will be small enough to come with us!
What motivates you to sew, and where are you in your life’s journey (student, young married, etc.)? Has your inspiration changed over the years? If so how?
My sewing inspiration comes from where I am. I was a military wife for the first 20 years of my marriage. We'd arrive at a new base and my husband would go off to work. Since I didn't know anyone, I would scout out fabric stores and maybe make curtains to brighten up our new place. When I'd land a job, I'd need the appropriate clothes, so I'd make clothes. My sons had custom made cloth diapers, and I used doll patterns to make clothes for our premature son. Next base, the curtain fabric would become a dress and I'd find new fabric stores. Moving from climate to climate required me to make everything from bathing suits in Hawaii, to winter coats in Indiana. Now I sew for grandchildren and teach others the joy of sewing. I get a great deal of inspiration from other sewers. Have you ever noticed that people who sew are so willing to share ideas? I look forward to my monthly ASG meetings to see what others are making, to learn new techniques and to share ideas.
Busiasews: What a wonderful life you have had so far. I take inspiration from people like you. I love to sew, but find too little time between the house, work and 3 kids. Still, I try as hard as I can.
My inspiration comes as well from the finished product. The sensation of having something made with my own hands, has no value for me :)
I'm a High school student and what I love about sewing is that I can use it to forget about everything that's stressing me out. While I'm sewing or embroidering or whatever I'm doing I find it so peaceful. My school really focuses on texiles, so I guess that also contributes to how much I love it. We have free after school sewing classes until about 6pm, they are always so much fun.
Two things inspire me. First, it is always the fabric. With uninspiring fabric, I cannot sew.
Then, most importantly at this stage of my life, it is my beautiful grandchildren. I love to decorate them like a I would a perfect Balsam fir on Christmas eve. They are all beautiful and so accepting of my designs. My daughters know that they never know quite what I will come up with next, but that it will be a show stopper for their little ones. I just love to dress these little angels.
I'm inspired by pattern, texture and colors from past decades of fashion. The embellishments on fabrics from the 1920's, whether it is on a coat, dress or hat, are currently on my sewing list to use on my own designs. Something with a history, a connection to another culture, or what I have seen in a museum is always reflected in what I make. Whether it is beading, using soutache, many, many pin-tucks, printing my own fabric, or anything to give the fabric color or texture, I give it a try.
I am greatly inspired by the reaction from people I sew for. I love it when I make them happy with my favorite thing to do - sew. I love fabrics, patterns, ideas from magazines, TV anywhere! I also find time at my craft very relaxing and it makes me feel so glad to have the wonderful tools to work with to make a piece of fabric into something actually useful! It's like magic! What fun.
I am almost 68 and find more time to sew strictly for enjoyment rather than more a financial help when I made clothing for my three children as they grew. I was very happy to make them clothing, too, but my life was understandably much more busy then. Now I can take the time to enjoy creating and making gifts for new babies and children. I made dresses for myself, my sister, and my daughter all from the same pattern and that was loads of fun, too. I am now learning to quilt and to knit. If I ever quit learning, I just know I will die.
Well mine is looking for just that perfect pattern for that special fabric I fell in love with. Or if I do my quilting its the fabric that inspires me the most. I love to mould it stretch it cut it and it keeps going till project is done.
Sewing for me was my sanity when I was younger and married to my first husband and had 4 kids.
After my divorce I sewed to support myself, even then I loved sewing, although I did not get much chance to just sew for fun so I collected fabrics and notions, and equipment.
Now I am remarried and sewing just what I want to sew.
Fabric is my inspiration, I love mixing fabrics with different textures and colors into one garment. I love seeing a garment blossom with bright colors and texture. Looking outside and seeing all the beautiful colors and designs that God has to offer is my biggest inspiration, bringing those color combinations into the sewing studio is always a challenge but it is so much fun to do.
I have such a large stash of fabrics and I am trying to use up as much as I can. But it is so hard to stay out of the fabric store. Every time I go to the fabric store, I find another piece of fabric that I can't live without.
I am inspired to sew when I see my 7-year-old has a 3-inch gap between his pajama bottom and his ankle! Darn those growth spurts. (Darn those socks!) Without enough income to keep the heat above 62 daytime, the fabric donated to our church will keep us warm. I *really* like warm! ;)
My ispiration generally comes from flowers and random techniques I see or find on the internet :)
I have sewed since I was 10,I have always been tall and it is hard to purchase clothing, I love to copy clothing I have seen and ,I have a photo file of styles I have gathered and Have copied many of them, also each year our club has a fund raiser and I love to make items to sell.