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As a sewist, what are you most thankful for?

What sewing-related item are YOU most grateful for?

In the United States we observe Thanksgiving, a national holiday instituted to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. I have so much to be thankful for—family, friends and good health to name a few. Thanksgiving isn’t usually a time to focus on sewing-related blessings, but I thought this year it might be fun to do so.

What sewing-related item are you most thankful for? Select only one—if you can. I’ll share my thanksgiving, and I hope you’ll share yours.

There are so many sewing-related items to be thankful for. I could have chosen any one of the great sewing notions that help to make sewing easier and better. I could have selected my sewing room itself—well, actually it’s our guest room, but when we don’t have overnight guests (which is most of the time) it is my sewing room. I could have selected the staff at Threads who provide so much sewing inspiration. It’s surprisingly difficult to select only one thing. I had to do some thinking…

When my mother and her sister graduated from High School (an all-girls school in Brooklyn, NY), the graduates were all required to make a white dress to wear during the graduation ceremony—no traditional caps and gowns for them! When I was a kid, the graduation-class photo mesmirized me. I used to scrutinize each of the dresses and examine the clever creativity, elaborate embellishments, and stunning details that were clearly visible. Each was beautiful in it’s unique design. When my mom informed me that every dress had been hand stitched, I was flabbergasted and in awe. The school didn’t have sewing machines for the students to use, and all sewing had been done in class. EVERY SINGLE stitch had been hand-sewn!

You must understand that I more-than dislike hand sewing. I have been known to make a new outfit only to have it hang in my closet for weeks or months just waiting for the final hand-stitched detail. Hence my current decision. I am most grateful for my sewing machine. It may not be new, but with the push of my foot it sews quickly, smoothly and with amazing precision.

Oprah Winfrey is a proponent of gratefulness. She recommends keeping a “grateful journal” in which you “list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change your perspective of your day and your life. If you can learn to focus on what you have, you will always see that the universe is abundant; you will have more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.” I actually tried this, and it’s really worth doing. Surprisingly, I found that the frustrations and annoyances in my life became insignificant. I have a magnet on my refrigerator which is a reminder to me. I’m told it’s from a song, but I don’t know which one. It says, “Happiness is not having what you want. It’s wanting what you have.” It’s something worth thinking about during this Thanksgiving season.

You don’t have to live in the US to be grateful for what you have. Nor do you need a special day designated for that purpose. Gratefulness can happen any day, any time.

Please tell us what you’re most grateful for in your sewing-related world.

UPDATE: Check out what our fans on facebook are thankful for in terms of their sewing on the Threads facebook page.


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  1. CraftLikeCrazy | | #1

    of all my sewing things i'd have to sya im most gratefull
    for my sewing machine as well, im not the most patient person you've aver met so i use it a lot its a rather old,
    machine and is very simple but i like it better then my mothers with all the neat stitche because ive used mine for soo long iv'e realy grown acustom to it, Happy Thanksgiving

  2. CraftLikeCrazy | | #2

    also forgive my spelling on the post above i didn't relize
    it was that bad,

  3. 627196700 | | #3

    I am most thankful that I have been bestowed a valued life skill by God himself and to use that skill to create my own fashions thereby allowing me to save a few dollars along the way!! Not just the financial incentive, but also the knowledge to be able to create a garment w/ my own two hands and be proud to wear it. Not a lot people can say that in our get it quick and easy society!!

  4. michellecap | | #4

    I am so grateful for the ability to make things the way I like them with the fabrics, beads, etc. that I have chosen. It is a beautiful thing to know not only how to sew but how to create.

  5. Busiasews | | #5

    I'm grateful for a husband who understands my need to sew. He's moved boxes of fabric scraps and patterns from location to location without complaint. He always compliments my latest project no matter how large or small. He never gets upset when I buy that "perfect" piece of fabric even though I have a huge stash already. Sewing makes me happy and he likes seeing me happy! I'm very grateful for him!!!

  6. User avater
    Deana | | #6

    I am grateful for being able to work in a creative environment where I get to write and read about sewing everyday!

  7. MargieP | | #7

    I'm the sewing friend, "Marglit" that Judy Persson talked about. Friends like her only come by once in a lifetime. I am thankful to have her as a friend. I really miss her. We used to get together for a whole weekend and do nothing but sew, sew. She is in Regina, Saskatchewan and I am in Penticton, BC.

  8. Sondraleigh | | #8

    I'm most grateful for any time that I have to sew. It's very little, and I dream all day, every day of sewing. When I finally get to sew, it's a wonderful feeling.

  9. LottaTroublemaker | | #9

    When it comes to sewing, I must say that what I'm the most grateful for, is the Internet! I can't help but stop and wonder sometimes, how it is so amazing and fantastic how we now can share things with eachother, without geography or other things being boundaries and hinders. I think it is so amazing how I can sit here, in my living room in Norway, and be able to learn and get inspired by other people from all over the world - e.g. you guys at Threads in the US! I recently took up my old sewing hobby after a long break, and I'm just enjoying myself so immensely. It is just so wonderful to be able to create and see new and unique things evolve before your eyes! I have a lot of health challenges, which makes many things difficult to do, but with the Internet, even when I have my "down time", I can enjoy sewing, just in a different way than when I'm making something myself. Reading on this site and all the other sites out there, doing Google searches and go where it leads me, gives me so many wonderful sewing experiences. Sewing now sure isn't what it used to be! And I learn something new every single day! Being able to enjoy this wonderful network of people and information, just is fantastic way beyond what words can express. And (for the most part), the Internet really seems to being out the best in people. Who hasn't, the past few decades, heard people talk about how people used to always help eachother before, that much of this got lost over time. That everybody have more than enough with themselves and the ones closest to them? That society has gotten colder etc? How people do not have "dugnad"'s anymore ("dugnad" is a Norwegian word which means that people go together to help others, without expecting anything in return, e.g. helping with redecoration or building a home or something in the community. I'm using that word since I never found an equivalent word in the English dictionary/vocabulary). Well, if much of that got lost, a new way of helping eachother sure has evolved, reviving the "dugnad" and collaborative effort spirit in people, only now it happens on the Internet. It is fantastic to see all the wonderful articles on Wikipedia (also about sewing!), all the super picture tutorials, video tutorials on YouTube and other sites and all the Internet communities where people turn to each other and pitch in to share knowledge and joys as well as challenges! Sadly not everybody in this world have this wonderful possibility, e.g. many people in Africa (Malawi, Zambia etc.) and other places where not even running water, let alone electricity or computers, is an option for many or most people... Thinking of that, just makes me even more thankful for what I have, including the experiences this gives me! It's amazing when I think of all the people I have "met" because of it the past 14-15 years... :) Right now I'm also so thankful for all the great ideas the last issue of Threads gave me, just love the magazine, I'm so happy I got to learn about it's existance here!!! I especially loved the examples of different ruffles/ruffle trims they showed me (gave such a great and more "minimalistic" and elegant expression than ordinary ruffles give, I think) and also the needle felting and machine free hand embroidery/quilting (made me try out making some appliques with free hand embroidery, so much fun - just made a girl's skirt with 5 cute appliques on it! I have a stippling foot on the way to explore this even more!). LOL, about time I step off my soap box... A big thanks to April too, for making me stop for a little while to appreciate these things and also for all the great ideas in the Threads issue!!! :)

  10. still1luckyme | | #10

    I am grateful everyday for many things. Really. Happy home, loving family, good health, etc. It struck me as odd at first that I would include sewing among them.
    So I went up to my sewing room (okay guestroom, too) for inspiration. I think it's true for all of us - that comforting, familiar feeling we get when we first walk in. The place is usually messier than we remembered but was most always was left with hope of a speedy return. Numerous projects laying about. Some nearing finish, awaiting final detail. Some frustration defined and nagging us to try it again. Some yet to be, tempting us against our better judgement not to start another thing untill we catch up. This is my space (outside my mind) where I can dream and remember. My gosh! For this feeling alone I'm grateful I sew.
    But really, it allows me to slow down, be thoughtful, conscious of the next step, knowing that fine work is a commitment to excellence. No matter how fast " I must get this done", I hear my Grammy reminding me that "Haste makes waste".
    Grammy, who at 83 had never bought anything but her stockings off the rack. Grammy, who wouldn't allow an 11 year old me to even touch her machine until after I'd completed two dresses entirely by hand. I'm most grateful for her-and all the tears I shed ripping out and basting (eegawds) some 40 ago because the time spent taught me so much about the right way to impeccable work. My skills are a gift passed on, i know now, because i feel there is nothing I'm afraid I can't tackle. Thanks Grammy.

  11. AJ43 | | #11

    I'm most thankful for my antique sewing chest. I inherited it when my mother passed away. I believe it was handmade by someone in my family, but honestly don't have the right history! It's a chest of drawers, and it exudes the scent of old oak every time I enter my sewing room, and reminds me of the woman who taught me to sew 35 years ago.

  12. KathleenMcMahon | | #12

    I love to sew, and I try to work carefully. Still, I am most grateful for my seam-ripper!

  13. User avater
    AutumnBlonde | | #13

    ELECTRICITY !... It makes my sewing machine run. It also gets me on the Internet. Since I can't call up my original sewing teachers (Mom and Grandmom) there is always a friendly sewing expert on the Internet to answer my questions.
    I'm beginning to enjoy hand sewing, now that I've given in to Bifocals, but the convenience of my sewing machine is still my favorite. Electricity rocks! ;)

  14. kellybird1954 | | #14

    I'm grateful for so many things, but especially for my creative husband who imagined(then talked me into)a lovely sewing room in our basement. I didn't think I would like being "stuck in that cold, dark space", but he made it light,comfortable year-round, and a big,marvelous place to work.He even gave up his drafting table for me to use as a cutting table. If that isn't true love, what is?

  15. grnmabrn | | #15

    I am thankful for my sewing room . It is a quite place where I can be me .I can dream and sew my hearts content .

  16. nujoi1908 | | #16

    I am most thankful for layaway. In these tough times, it's the only way I'm able to get the sewing machine of my dreams, a Pfaff 2058.

  17. kfred | | #17

    I am most grateful to my mother who made most of my clothes. They were timely, perfectly done and unique. I had the same kind of clothes everyone else did but with little extra touches that made them mine. She inspired me to begin making doll clothes and I made my first outfit for myself when I was 10. I've been sewing and quilting ever since. My sewing room can be a place of reflection and sometimes frustration but it is always a refuge of comfort and joy. As I work on my projects I think of my mother with lovely memories. My mother is 87 now and deep within herself with Alzheimer's Disease. Her beautiful warm blue eyes look deeply into mine when we visit. She is searching but I am remembering. Those memories help me cope with this awful disease just as my time in my sewing room. I am grateful.

  18. Frances13669 | | #18

    The thing I am most thankful for is the talent that God has blest me with to be able to sew and the mother who took the time to help me develop that talent.

  19. Greytquilta | | #19

    I am grateful to live in a country and era that I can work hard and play harder, many with my sewing machine. I am self supporting so every sewing machine and/or notion I have worked for and paid for myself.

  20. porthavengirl | | #20

    I am most grateful for my two grandmothers. They both made beautiful quilts. My grandmother Ellen made quilts out of ties (remember the wide silk ties of the 1940s?). I still have the last quilt top she made before glaucoma ended her sewing. It is made into a wall hanging. She used the log cabin pattern. I still miss her.

  21. msbyrdt | | #21

    FABRIC is the most sewing related item that I'm grateful for. There is a never-ending variety of colors, textures,designs and fibers! I LOVE!!!! fabric. To go into a fabric shop and see all of those marvelous bolts of fabric, is like heaven. I soak all of the colors in through my eyes and absorb the "hand" with my fingers. Even ugly fabric is a sort of "eye candy"....and when I see fabric,that just takes my breath away, with it's color and design, I'm thankful, that I have eyes to see it.

  22. User avater
    mews | | #22

    I am thankful to my mother and her mother for letting me sew and cut up anything and everything. My mother wanted to be a fashion designer in the late 1930's and early 1940.s while she was in college. But her professor told her she should choose dietetics instead of fashion. But my mother did nothing to discourage me from sewing and creating in all aspects of art and sewing, for that I am very Thankful!

  23. SCsewer | | #23

    I am most grateful for the people who instilled a love of sewing in me: my 2 grandmothers and my mother. They spent hours teaching me the various sewing methods, and were always patient, gentle and kind. Their efforts have given me 54 years of joy and pleasure, not to mention a creative outlet, and for that I am immensely grateful. They taught me to appreciate fine construction, and quality fabrics. In honor of them, I take every opportunity to teach others to sew, hoping to instill in them the love of sewing. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Sewing to all.

  24. Neosha | | #24

    Several things. One is a husband who is very supportive and thinks that a sewer like a person who does handyman type work must have the right tools for the job! I love all of my different feet and he does also!

    My interest in sewing from my mother and grandmothers.

    My wonderful Bernina sewing machines, especially the 830 which was invaluable as I was making an Elizabethan costume and needed all of the lights and arm space.

    All of my sewing friends near and far!

  25. momkelly | | #25

    I am greatful for reciently been given my Gr.Grandmothers sewing machine. Sewing on it is more difficult than she ever made it look.. but it comes with drawers filled with all her sewing treasures. She never discarded a dress.. she stripped it of its notions.. and used the fabric to make crazy quilts. so I have buttons, zippers, corset stays, darning thread.. so many treasurs..

    but most important. Iam greatful that at the age of 9 she realized that her DIL had not taught my mom to sew, crochet, or embrodery.... and she was not going to see another generation lost to the ability. and she sat me down and started my lessons.. I had a hand crank 1960 something childs singer sewing machine and my first accomplishment was a patch work quilt for my barbie doll.... but she began a life long ability in me. and because she taught me her way I didn't learn conventional sewing until I was in Jr High.. but that is a blessing in its self...

    when my kids were young and needed holloween costumes.. they picked them out of whatever cataloge came to the house.. but that didn't mean I was buying it. I went to the local sewing establishment and picked fabric.. no pattern.. and I began to cut and sew until they had a costume. My GrGrandmother had also shown me that you can sew with out patterns. and it is not that hard...

    every time I sit with a needle in my hand. I am thankful that she showed me how to use it. and this knowledge I have also passed on to my DD.. and my son...

  26. momkelly | | #26

    I am greatful for reciently been given my Gr.Grandmothers sewing machine. Sewing on it is more difficult than she ever made it look.. but it comes with drawers filled with all her sewing treasures. She never discarded a dress.. she stripped it of its notions.. and used the fabric to make crazy quilts. so I have buttons, zippers, corset stays, darning thread.. so many treasurs..

    but most important. Iam greatful that at the age of 9 she realized that her DIL had not taught my mom to sew, crochet, or embrodery.... and she was not going to see another generation lost to the ability. and she sat me down and started my lessons.. I had a hand crank 1960 something childs singer sewing machine and my first accomplishment was a patch work quilt for my barbie doll.... but she began a life long ability in me. and because she taught me her way I didn't learn conventional sewing until I was in Jr High.. but that is a blessing in its self...

    when my kids were young and needed holloween costumes.. they picked them out of whatever cataloge came to the house.. but that didn't mean I was buying it. I went to the local sewing establishment and picked fabric.. no pattern.. and I began to cut and sew until they had a costume. My GrGrandmother had also shown me that you can sew with out patterns. and it is not that hard...

    every time I sit with a needle in my hand. I am thankful that she showed me how to use it. and this knowledge I have also passed on to my DD.. and my son...

  27. Sarah451 | | #27

    Mother, for having taught me how to sew.

    Nearly everything I enjoy doing — sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, tatting, crafting — sprang from her teaching me to hand sew then to use her Singer.

    Fifty years of enjoyment (and still counting) is a lot to be thankful for.

    I'm only sorry that it's too late to tell her that.

  28. Tricia2 | | #28

    I am most thankful for my hands. It is with these hands that I can use all other sewing tools. As I advance in age and still have hands that function well for cutting, guiding and hand sewing, I must give thanks every day.

  29. Consuelo | | #29

    I have to say I am most grateful for my "sewing sisters". I know, they are a not a gadget but I have learned more from them in the last 15 years than anything else.

    We are a group of 5 women who have gathered every month for a day to sew for years. We help each other with techniques, fitting,etc. At least two in the group are expert seamstresses and their knowledge, guidance and friendship has kept my sewing lively and interesting all these years.

    We are starting to hit retirement age, two of us are retired and the monthly event doesn't always happen. We now gather in Fountain Hills, Arizona, at least once a year and then back home in Minnesota when we can.

    Although sewing is what brought us together, the word "sisters" is now a better description for this group.

  30. hotdotyuki | | #30

    I am so thankful for a mother who had the patience to teach me how to do all those things by hand; sew, embroider, knit, crochet, tat. With these sewing skills came patience, creativity, thought and problem solving skills. Since it began when I was 4 yrs old until now, at the age of 68, I am still learning everyday as I do all my other responsibilities with the skills my mother taught me; always do your best and more, you can learn something new each day, some rules can be broken, finish what you start, there are more ways than one to get things done, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, patience is a necessity and a virtue, other people have good opinions too, and love what you do and what you have, not what you can't but never forget your dreams. Thankful, grateful and blessed are just a few words that can describe what came with the beginning of sewing.

  31. LindaJD | | #31

    I have always in a way taken my sewing ability for granted. I have lugged all of my sewing things with me each place I have lived. I have accumulated sewing machines, from old to new, a huge fabric stash, collected really old patterns, lots of them...went and got certified to teach beginning sewing classes through Palmer/Pletsch....but the thing I am so most thankful for is finally I can sew again. I was in a bad car wreck and I could not even remember how to thread my sewing machine, let alone sew. So I am so very thankful for the Grace of God that my abilities are coming back, even if I have to rip things apart because I sewed it wrong, I can sew again.....I could write on about this, but it is making me tear up...I am so thankful I can sew again.....

  32. puffcat | | #32

    My sweet husband. After sewing for 55 years, I have become crippled and cannot stand at a cutting table. He has learned to tape my pattern-drafting software pages together, traces the patterns, is learning to cut out garments and patiently "unsews" my mistakes! Without him I would only be able to do small craft projects that I could do sitting down. He also takes accurate measurements on me and helps me with fitting. "My prince is an expert frog stitcher--- Rip-it, Rip-it"

  33. Lizziebeth | | #33

    Although in England we do not have Thanksgiving, I am so grateful to have my eyesight. I have this year had cataract surgery to both my eyes - traumatising to me as I am eye-phobic- which has enabled me to continue with my first love - sewing! I will add to anyone anxious about cataract surgery, that it is wonderful and not at all scary! I can now see to thread a needle and how to thread my serger. I am grateful to be alive at a time when there is so much available to all sewers.

  34. User avater
    Jacque9104 | | #34

    My seam ripper !

  35. stillsuesew | | #35

    This year I am most thankful for the 10 women who gave me 11 sewing machines to sew with the Somali women I teach. While they may not be the best things on the market, I have been able to get 10 of them working and have kept them working and they are put to really good use. Most of these are machines that sat in someone's closet for years and I can imagine them smiling and purring along happily now when they are used by some very grateful women.

  36. GranJo | | #36

    That I am not politically correct and can still call myself a sewer. That aside I would be lost without my sewing machine and the interests that keep me both mentally and physically involved at 75.

  37. User avater
    ustabahippie | | #37

    I'm MOST thankful for my old Bernina sewing machine. I used to be wardrobe supervisor for a local ballet company and when I left this job my boss gave me this old machine because she was replacing all the machines. I took it to get it cleaned and tuned up. My mechanic said "What were you sewing with this?" It was full of mud! It's been serving me well for 12 years and still going strong. Happy Thanksgiving.

  38. Glick | | #38

    Threads magazine, it has given me renewed inspiration for many years in the many aspects of sewing in which I dabble.

  39. Starenka | | #39

    When I was 13 or 14 years old, my mother bought a top of the line Bernina, at that time. She went from a treadle machine that only sewed a straight line and no reverse. Lessons came with the machine but she was too embarrased to go so she sent me. I hated every minute of it (at the time) because there were "old" women in the room with their machines. Old, they were probably in their late 20's and early 30's but to a preteen they were old. I took the lessons and then each Saturday when I came home I would show my mother what the machine would do. I inherited her Bernina and now I am so happy I have it because it has an open arm and I can repair my husband's jeans, and also do most of the things I was taught 40 years ago. Thank you mother for sending me and thank you Bernina for building such a work horse!!! in the machine- not me!!

  40. LottaTroublemaker | | #40

    I hope it is OK to comment on another posters post here...

    AutumnBlonde, while writing my own post, I was thinking about the same things as you too. It made me think of a video I watched on YouTube, one you easily could think was taken ages ago, but it is not, it is current. A good reminder for us who are blessed enough to live in the part of world we live in, having the facilities we have. I just thought you would enjoy watching this sewing video from an African country: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIYz9QPtwVE

    Take care! :)

  41. gremol | | #41

    At 7 years of age, I sat down at my Grandmothers old treadle Singer sewing machine....and my love for sewing began. She taught me a lot about sewing, but mainly she let me learn by trial & error. By my teen years, I could sew as well as the teacher in my High School sewing classes. I've sewn everything from jeans to wedding dresses. Now, I'm teaching my Granddaughters to sew!! Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!

  42. Purplefiend | | #42

    I'm most thankful for having more than one machine for different sewing jobs and a husband who understands my
    need for "power tools". When I want to sew quietly, there
    is my treadle machine, just a simple straight stitch;
    what more do I need to piece quilt blocks?
    For fancy sewing there is my Viking Sapphire 875 with all
    the bells and whistles and its 10" of throat space for easy
    machine quilting.
    I make quilts and garments.

  43. babysparkle | | #43

    I'm most grateful for two women, Myra Gossett and Ruby Baldwin, both from Louisville, Ky., both deceased now. These ladies gave extensively sharing their knowledge with me, either by phone or at their homes. My knowledge base is because of them. They gave the best gift of all...themselves.

  44. jansquires | | #44

    I am most thankful for my wonderful, supportive husband who thinks everything I sew is "cool." I am also very thankful for my ASG Sisters who have shared so much of their knowledge to make me a better sewist.

    I am thankful for the national educators who work tiresly, travel sewwww many miles and continue to design patterns to our liking. Special gratitude to Louise Cutting, Emma Seabrooke, Linda Lee, Linda McGehee, Linda MacPhee, Judy Fenton and Susan Khalje. Thank you Loralie Harris for keeping us supplied with the most adorable embroidery designs to relate to our passions.

    Thank you Threads for keeping me inspired with great techniques and resources.
    Graphics in your magazine are superb and your contributing editors are "the best."

    Happy Thanksgiving to all while our attitudes determine our gratitude. Peace on Earth! Jan

  45. User avater
    wtb | | #45

    I am most thankful this year for the purchase of a separate bobbin winder. Now I can wind as many bobbins as I want with no interference with my projects. This is a wonderful little invention.

  46. glendad | | #46

    I am thankful for the gift of sewing and the creativity that goes with it. I am thankful that I live in a country of plenty where we have fabric stores, the freedom of style and many other freedoms that others don't. I am thankfull for the jobs that allow me to own my machine, fabrics and notions. Even in difficult times I live in a rich country for which I am thankful. Happy Thankgiving

  47. User avater
    yousewsmart | | #47

    Many decades ago when I was just a teenager my greatgrandmother gave me a pincushion she made by hand which was covered in velvet and filled with a very fine sand. It has always reminded me of her and has kept all my pins and needles rust free and very sharp to this very day. All the women in my family sew and I am thankful that we have this "thread" running through the generations which allows the older generations to pass along thier sewing wisdom and the younger generations to share tne newest tips and tricks.

  48. Buttonscreates | | #48

    This will be odd, but I am most grateful for my grandmothers who sewed and my 4-H group in the 70's. They gave me the desire to want to create and explore.
    Friendships with fabric- aholics like myself.

  49. ellen_may | | #49

    When THREADS magazine first started I was amazed at how informative and current it was for the home sewer. I immediately signed up for a subscription and have every single copy published. I am thankful for all of the articles and new trends, sewing techniques, and then some that I've learned over the years. I Look forward to receiving THREADS every other month (wish it was every month)as soon as I get it I know my day will be filled with new ideas and reminded of many past ideas that need to be renewed. I've sewn every since I was six and am now almost 71 and have no intention of stopping.

  50. clematislover | | #50

    It's hard to pick just one thing that I'm most thankful for regarding my ability to sew. In my lifetime, so far, I've sewn doll clothes, clothing for me and my family, camping gear,and the current love is making Art quilts. I think though, that the creative ability and desire to create came from my parents. My Dad was always creating something in his basement workshop (wood and metal were his specialty) and my Mom always seemed to have her fingers busy with some kind of fiber or fabric. I learned to sew before my feet could reach the treadle of her Singer machine. I'd sit on her lap and sew on scraps of fabric.

  51. 416 | | #51

    I am most thankful to continue sewing in my late seventies even after cataract surgery on both eyes. I have a large collection of THREAD magazines that I keep handy as my references for learning new and creative ways to make my sewing projects look professional.

  52. boweavil | | #52

    My mom started teaching me to sew when I was 5 in 1950. She made all our clothes and lots for my dad. She had great taste, a fine sense of color, and an appreciation for quality natural fiber fabric. If it weren't for her training, I would not have had a career as a designer and professor of fashion design. When she died two years ago, there were only a few things I wanted from her house: her ironing board - the one I had used since those early days (It sounds like a truism, but indeed they don't make 'em like that anymore.)- and a hem marker, a simple stick of wood marked off in inches mounted on a small metal stand, also not manufactured any longer.
    Without sewing my life would have had a completely different arc. I'm thankful for all these things but most importantly for the lesson that we can make things for ourselves and don't need to be dependent on others.

  53. l1k3th3fr00t | | #53

    i am most grateful for the soft thimble that my sister picked up for me in korea, years ago when she was in the reserves.
    i have never been able to effectively use a hard thimble, so that was one of the best gifts that could have ever gotten. it has saved me more finger sticks than i could count (assuming i would want to count something so irritating).

  54. Zippylady | | #54

    It is hard to narrow this down to just one notion to be thankful for but I have to say that the one I am most grateful for is Wonder Tape. It holds everything in place until I can sew it. Can't live without it!

  55. Paws2 | | #55

    Like many of you I have a hard time picking one thing to be most grateful for. I read every single word printed in Threads absorbing all the information and techniques they share with us! Having said that ,what I am most grateful for is the desire my just turned 4 years old grandson to learn to sew. We went to the fabric store where he picked out the fabric to make his Christmas Eve jammies ...he was soo excited about sewing them himself I thought he would burst. He can't wait for our special time to sew where he sits on my lap guiding the fabric ,pushing the right buttons for needle up,down,pressure foot..the same and making the machine sew alot faster{ which won't happen for awhile}! We are half way through the proccess of making his jammies because he is 4years old {40 minutes} and I am most grateful for his passion that is growing as we do each step and grateful that he acually is remembering what and why we do each step. If he loses interest at some point that will be ok because we are enjoying each and every moment of his first project together and that is what I am sooo gratful for!!!

  56. MamieAnn | | #56

    I am most grateful for my Singer treadle sewing machine which Grandpa taught me to sew on at age 8. Even though I now have 7 machines including a top of the line Brother 4500D, that treadle is the one that never fails me. In a rural area where electricity goes off during thunderstorms, it was the treadle that made sure 2 brides got to the altar on time even with last minute design changes; it was the treadle my Dad moved into the garage so I could make a canvas top for the covered wagon for the Christmas parade, and it was the treadle that has mended countless horse blankets, overalls, leather handbags and even horse harness. If I could choose only one machine to keep, that would be the one.

  57. cjbauman464 | | #57

    I am thankful for my Brothers 6000D the Quattro and automatic needle threaders.

  58. mmcwillis | | #58

    I am most thankful that my mother had the patience to "rip out my mistakes" so that I didn't get discouraged and stop trying to learn to sew. I've been sewing for 35 years and have learned much from my mother. She taught herself to tailor my father's suits. He was 6'8" during a time when clothes for tall men weren't readily available. I still fit and sew tailored clothes for myself and my family members. My pleasure iincreases exponentially every time I complete a project. I only wish that my nieces will show an interest one day and allow me to help them learn a dying art.

  59. janethuisinga | | #59

    Most of all I am thankful to my mother who taught me to sew when I was seven years old. I am thankful for my memory, it is a wonderful thing that God gave everyone and can be very disheartening when lost. I am thankful for the information teachers have given me to put into my memory. I am thankful for teachers on HGTV, internet, Nancy on PBS, quilt shops and Joann fabric stores. They all have helped me in many ways! Thank you teachers!

  60. Elfi | | #60

    I am grateful for 2 buttons on my sewing machine, one to end a seam and the other to cut the threads.

    And I am grateful that my new serger works smoothly.

  61. Elfi | | #61

    I am grateful for 2 buttons on my sewing machine, one to end a seam and the other to cut the threads.

    And I am grateful that my new serger works smoothly.

  62. deemail | | #62

    Like many others, I find it difficult to single out one thing that makes my sewing life rewarding. I think I would have to cite the family of women that preceded me. Blessed with several female relatives who made whatever they needed and whatever they could imagine, it never occurred to me that I couldn't make whatever I wanted. After all, some person made everything in the local store, and if some person made THAT ITEM, then I could reproduce it for myself with a much better-fitting product. The obvious extrapolation from this are those that have come after me. Those that asked and sat patiently while I explained and demonstrated some little jewel of information that someone else had taught me. It makes me happy to know that the skills I have learned and even developed (here and there) are going onward. Right now, I belong to a small group of quilters via the internet that includes a 20 yr old, a 38 yr old (approx) and a 64 yr old and I think I can state absolutely, that each of us has learned from the others. In one way or another, the women in my life have passed on knowledge, provided support, and been most instrumental in one of my greatest creative joys, that of sewing.

    Thank you for making me think about this.

  63. User avater
    kitten39C | | #63

    I to find it hard to pick just 1 thing to b grateful for but that would have to b the readly available abundance of video,books,and the ebooks out there for those of us who have no one to teach us. I have bought many of these and anytime i need to refresh my memory i go back to them and if anyone is like me i seem to remember better from the videos due to the fact im not to good at reading comp, lol!

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