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What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions. I’ve only done it once or twice over the years, and although I was faithful to my resolution for a month or so, eventually I gave up and the resolution became nothing but a memory.

I’m ready to give it a try again, and thought perhaps making my resolution “public” might help encourage me to stick to it. I invite you to join me in making a New Year’s resolution involving sewing–perhaps to work to improve your sewing, increase your sewing, try sewing something new and challenging, take a sewing class, or whatever. You get the idea.

Here’s my New Year’s resolution. I hope you’ll share yours publicly as well, and I hope making them public will encourage us all to stay committed to our resolutions through the end of the year.  Good luck!

Since I work at least 40 hours each week at Threads, and I’m involved with a number of outside organizations and events, I never seem to have enough time to sew. As a result, my 2010 New Year’s resolution is to spend AT LEAST one hour each week sewing. In addition to sewing a new garment or other item, mending will qualify and so will cleaning and organizing my sewing room. If I’m away or for some other reason I can’t sew in a given week, I’ll have to make up the hour the following week and increase that week’s requirement to two hours. Think of all I’ll be able to accomplish in 52 hours of sewing over 2010!

Please share your resolution with us.

I speak for the entire staff at Threads when I wish you a wonderful New Year filled with many sewing pleasures and happy moments!


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  1. User avater
    SewLimitless | | #1

    My resolution is to make at least one new garment per month. I hope to do this from my fabric stash so that I can reduce some of that. So far, that part of the resolution hasn't worked out since I've bought a lot of new fabric this month already. But, on the flip side, I have already sewn two new garments. I just hope to keep up the pace.

  2. User avater
    sews24seven | | #2

    I am a master at free motion embroidery but can barely operate my serger...my resolution is to at least be able to serge something without getting out all of the manuals! I even bought the one that threads itself so no more excuses! lol Really like this new Sashiko machine too!

  3. eyesofyellow | | #3

    April, I am like you...I try not to make resolutions because I tend not to keep them....I also work 40 hrs a week and have set aside sewing time each evening and weekends.

    Last year I made a promise to myself that I would sew a bit more than the year before for charity and I did. This year I repeat my promise, to sew for charity, more than I did last year. So far I am off to a good start.
    Also this year, I want to sew more for me. I have made one top (Vogue 8582) from a grey Jersey Knit, which I love. I love how it fits, I love how it feels on and fits! I want to make a few more, different knits. All the sewing that I am doing is from my stash. If I sew for others they buy the fabric, I gift my time!

    Thank you for letting me share!

  4. ChrisinTexas | | #4

    My resolution this year is to learn how to fit my Wild Ginger software so I can make professional looking clothes for my office job. I have the fabric and fitting help is coming to visit in two weeks and the sewing knowledge is here! This is achievable!

  5. lucygirldesigns | | #5

    Once again, my resolution is to shrink my stash of fabric, notions and yarn substantially before I buy more! I have plenty of room and storage in my sewing room but seem to be overflowing into the hall closet. I retired a year ago and have more time to sew, knit, etc. so maybe this year I'll be more successful.

  6. Sewing2enjoying | | #6

    I have vowed to clear up the collection of lovely clothing I have to "re-style" and then to get busy and sew, sew, sew clothing with much of my material "stash" that I purchased for new clothing. I hope to remember some of what I had in mind upon making those purchases, too. Now if I could only "remake" my body to match some of the older patterns I have.

  7. Pakalani | | #7

    I haven't made a New Year's resolution in years (knowing that I'd never keep them anyway) but have embarked on a total makeover/improvement project. As far as the sewing & crafts go - I figure that if I get my space reorganized the rest will follow. I can only hope!

  8. LindaWV | | #8

    Santa brought me the new DVD of 146 issues of THREADS. One of my resolutions is to spend time each week reading, enjoying and learning from this treasure trove.

    My stash is more like a warehouse but, you know what? I love all those fabrics and threads....The colors and patterns and textures and endless possibilities. This is my passion. I am a collector and the things in my sewing studio are as precious to me as rare coins or stamps or vintage automobiles. If I resolve to add to my stash, I believe I will have made a successfull resolution for 2010!

  9. User avater
    mommitta | | #9

    Continued from last year's resolution. To finish all of my unfinished projects, but this year, to not begin any new projects until the unfinished projects are completed.

  10. afrati | | #10

    Making it public is what I think will make a difference this year. I also made it public and include it in my signature in another popular sewing forum in which I am a member. My resolutions are 4: 1- sew more (30 min a day, probably in mornings before work); 2- be more organize (clean up cutting table after each project and put everything back in its place each time); 3- learn pattern-making and machine embroidery; and 4- buy less fabric (aka make a significant dent to stash). Let's do it!!!

  11. amm | | #11

    How are you all doing with your resolutions so far? I missed one weekend, but I was able to make the time up the following weekend by sewing much longer. I'm thrilled. It's amazing how much I get done by sticking to it EVERY week.

    One of my colleages told me she made a resolution a number of years ago to sew ONE seam a day. There were days that she didn't sew more than one seam. But just sitting down at her sewing machine with the appropriate notions, etc., was all she needed to motivate her to sew more. Most of the time she sewed much more than just one seam.

    I think I'll try her idea for my 2011 resolution.

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