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Help us Choose the Next Cover of Threads Magazine

It’s time to choose the next cover for Threads for our August/September issue. Help us by choosing your favorite images and coverlines in this quick survey.




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  1. KharminJ | | #1

    Good Morning, Deana!
    I like no. 1, because it's 'not like the others'. Seems like there's usually a model on the cover of most magazines on the rack, you've got a different focus, that's apparent when you feature the results, not the wearer.

    Yep, I took the survey!

    Bright Blessings! Kharmin

  2. User avater
    Deana | | #2

    Thanks, Kharmin!

  3. User avater
    Colorful | | #3

    Hello Deana,

    My choice is cover #1. The color combinations will attract attention of creative people. The title will spark the interest of creative sewers, beginner sewers, and those who have a desire to learn to sew. The blouse is an interesting garment, however, it is the peice that tends to be plain, and this article will offer so many new and fresh ideas.

    Yes, magazine cover #1 is my choice!

    Thank you for allowing your readers to participate.

    You are loved and appreciated!

    Harla Hawkins

  4. sewelegant | | #4

    Cover #1 is my choice because, as much as I love purses, there has been an onslaught of purse and tote making patterns and articles and there is usually nothing new in them to entice me, but the shirt, I can see that on display in a store and think I might like to copy it. I would enjoy reading about how it is done.

  5. User avater
    DartingDog | | #5

    No. 1 ... the picture makes me want to buy the magazine and sew the shirt. No. 2 ... this picture makes me want to shop. So, No. 1 is my pick.

  6. imasewer | | #6

    Cover #1. The bags look too homemade, crafty. Where the shirt looks professional. I'd buy the magazine with the shirt, because I already know how to make crafty looking bags. I want to learn more about how to make professional shirts.

  7. User avater
    NinaC | | #7

    Ok, I guess I am the odd one. I like #2 best because it is colorful despite the fact that the main topic is purses. Those that know Threads magazine will buy the magazine regarless of the cover. If you want to attract new readers then #2 is your cover. :)

  8. User avater
    NinaC | | #8


  9. msewwhat | | #9

    I chose magazine number 2 because it was attractive and colorful. I also like to have all the instructions inside the magazine for a project so I don't have to go out and buy a pattern. The projects listed on the cover seemed quick and doable to me.

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