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Book Giveaway: Stitch-Opedia


Embroidery adds something beautiful to any project, but can be a bit of an overwhelming task for a beginner. Helen Winthorpe Kendrick’s Stitch-opedia is a complete guide to embroidery techniques. 


Stitch-opedia details hundreds of embroidery stitches and techniques. The stitches are sorted into categories for easy reference, and each is detailed with beautiful color photographs and diagrams. Stitch-opedia explains the equipment, techniques and stitches for basic embroidery motifs and is a wonderful go-to reference for any embroiderer. The book also contains a collection of motifs that can be either copied or transfered to fabric for embroidery design. 


As someone that knows almost nothing about hand embroidery, I found this book to be a wonderful guide to basic embroidery stitches. There are a lot of techniques out there, and Stitch-opedia is a great reference for learning them. 


You could be one of two randomly selected winners. Threads will send Stitch-opedia to TWO lucky winners. To enter, FIRST CHANGE YOUR AVATAR associated with your Threads ID from one of our stock images to one of your own. It can be a picture of you, something you made, or even an illustration. If you already have an avatar with an original image, you can enter the drawing now by simply leaving a comment.

To change your avatar, click on “My Threads” above. Next, click on “Edit My Settings” in the upper right corner of the window. Then, click “Change Your Profile Image” and upload the image of your choice from your computer. The image can be up to 4 MB or 1,200 pixels.

To enter the drawing, leave a comment displaying a personal avatar. Leave a comment on this post before the deadline—11:59 pm, Monday, July 19—and you could be one of the TWO lucky winners who will be chosen at random and announced on Wednesday, July 21.





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  1. User avater
    PeanutBudder | | #1

    Hi there!
    I just made this awesome skirt from a pair of wicked striped jeans found at a consignment store. I love butterflies, and with those crazy colours I couldn't resist adding a pair of them to the center panel of the skirt.

  2. jacesgrammie | | #2

    THREADS is the only magazine I get and I always read every bit of it. I received the DVD collection for my birthday and have started to reread them all over again.

  3. User avater
    littleblackpot | | #3

    I love embroidery! As much as I love it, I get stuck in the same ol' routine of simple stitches. This book would be the bomb to get me out of the rut!

  4. User avater
    WillaMcNeill | | #4

    Have enjoyed Threads for years.

    Would love to have this book. I picture a Harris Tweed jacket (that was my husband's years and pounds ago) with silk ribbon embroidery for my daughter! This should help.


  5. User avater
    AdelaideB | | #5

    This bok looks amazing!

  6. User avater
    Balazs | | #6

    I love threads!

  7. User avater
    LauPre | | #7

    Oh man! this book is awesome. I borrowed it from the library and have been dreading the due date! I've got to add this one to my bookshelf.

  8. User avater
    Jookie | | #8

    I would love to have a nice stitch encyclopaedia!

  9. User avater
    bluepenguin | | #9

    This book looks great!

  10. User avater
    cindy_sews | | #10

    I love hand work, and I would love to have this book. Thanks for the review. I would have probably never know about this book otherwise.

  11. User avater
    annenet | | #11

    I'm an avid Threads reader - have the DVD and also a lot of the issues, early ones thanks to my Mother in Law downsizing. This book looks great! It would kick up my creativity a big notch!

  12. User avater
    CndFrnd | | #12

    I've been looking at this book, I'd love to win it!

  13. User avater
    Kstana | | #13

    I'd love to have an modern version of stitch guides.

  14. User avater
    annielizabeth | | #14

    Hi, I would love to have this reference book. I've been wanting to embellish a jacket with embroidery and have needed a good book with stitches I could follow so it would turn out professional looking.

  15. User avater
    Ashford | | #15

    I want to learn to sew clothing that expresses my personality and I like crafts that are done by hand using simple tools. Learning how to embroider would meet both criteria.

    I learn many things from web sites, such as Threads; but nothing replaces a good reference book for quick access and repeated use.

  16. User avater
    mic42 | | #16

    The internet is a great resource but there's nothing like a good reference book!

  17. upreti99 | | #17

    this book looks awesome! i'm feeling lucky!

  18. User avater
    Luxiraj | | #18

    I have been yearning to learn embroidery for long. This book could just be the right impetus to it.

  19. User avater
    Katys_Mom | | #19

    Looks great!
    Thanks, Threads.

  20. User avater
    NinaC | | #20

    Me me me, please! I'd love to have this book!

  21. User avater
    maptome | | #21

    would love to get my hands on this book.

  22. User avater
    ShiningStar | | #22

    I'm just learning this craft. This book will come in handy.

  23. User avater
    LadyRay | | #23

    I love all handwork. This would be a wonderful addition to my library!!!

  24. User avater
    eeamende | | #24

    This book looks pretty sweet. I love the umbrellas. So cute. I've been trying to get more into hand embroidery and a book like this might help me along my way.

  25. User avater
    Sneddy | | #25

    Used to do a lot of embroidery as a kid and would love to get back into it again. Remember those embroidered denium work shirts? Great fun.

  26. User avater
    Sneddy | | #26

    Used to do a lot of embroidery as a kid and would love to get back into it again. Remember those embroidered denium work shirts? Great fun.

  27. Bre22 | | #27

    This would be a really great addition for my library. Hope I win. :)

  28. kskomer | | #28

    Looks like a great book. I don't have good embroidery skills but this book looks like I could improve.

  29. hotstc | | #29

    Wow, this book looks fantastic. I do hand and machine embroidery and am excited to see this book. There are so many books out there but not very many good ones.

  30. Alisia | | #30

    Hi Threads,
    Many years ago I learned needle work from my dear grandmother who just past September a year ago. I was very lucky to be with her for 48 years. She tought me alot the old fashion way. And now that I have see the book looks like I need to catch up. I am disabled and need to do something with my hand to keep me busy. So I would be very greatful for the book. Just found a couple of patterns last night to put on pillow cases to do for my parent 50th Anniversary.
    Thank you for the opportunaty to win this book.

  31. User avater
    DKMC | | #31

    Added Avatar...Like it? Hand crocheted from an old pattern book publish in 1957 using a matte cotton thread, the unmercerized type. I LOVE Threads and hand dabbled in lots of types of needlework over the years; started embroidering at age 6, started crocheting at age 8, been sewing since I was 14, discovered cross-stitching in the early 1980's, started quilting in my early 20's, done a little needlepoint, stenciling, latch-hooking, and finaly learned to knit about 5-6 years ago. What should I try next, tatting? or weaving?

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