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What’s your favorite sewing event/show to attend?

Threads editors will be attending the ASG conference this week in Atlanta, GA.  Which sewing event or show is your favorite to attend?


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  1. celticmom | | #1

    When I was growing up my mother was an incredible seamstress. One thing that she wasn't though, was a teacher. Any attempt to show my sister and me the basics ended with us in tears and my mother angry and frustrated. Consequently I had no basic sewing skills like my cousins had by the time I became an adult.
    When expecting my first child I took a basic quilting class with the project being a Christmas Tree Skirt. I gave it to my mother for Christmas. She couldn't believe I made it. Quilting became my area of sewing which I enjoy immensely. From then on when I wanted to learn something, I would find a class. I discovered that my lack of sewing expertise was not genetic from my father's side. I thoroughly enjoy Threads and the other publications that come from Taunton. The sewing publications and videos have taught me so much that I now have confidence in my skills. In the last email I have received there was the Teach Yourself to Sew:How to Sew Buttons, Snaps & Hooks. This is just the kind of information I need since I have no one to hand down these skills to me.
    In the past my lack of sewing abilities was such a source of shame and humiliation since I belonged to a family where all the females were taught to sew at an early age. I am amazed that your resources have taught me all kinds of skills and not only that, I ENJOY sewing! I cannot thank you enough.
    P.S. My sister still breaks out in a cold sweat when confronted with simple tasks like sewing a seam. She gets so flustered that she can barely thread the machine. I am trying to get her to overcome her feelings of ineptitude and at least open up an issue of Threads. There is so much she is missing!

  2. Kitist01 | | #2

    If I understood the topic correctly, I get to extoll the virtues of my favorite sewing event. That would be the Sew Expo at Puyallup, WA, in November. This is a show where the newest gadget and widget makers show off their wares. We make kites and we have gotten an amazing number of tools, techniques, and ideas for this show.

    Our second choice is the Sew Expo that occurs in late February, also at Puyallup. This show is typically larger than the November show and I think it is listed as the largest of its kind in the U. S. There are certainly enough booths and displays to keep us going for all three days. (Hmmm. Maybe it's a four-day event. I forget.)

  3. LostArtChix | | #3

    Hands down the BEST show (at least in the Northeast) is the Antique Fashion & Textile Show in Sturbridge MA. AMAZING antique, vintage & retro clothing, fabrics, trims and inspiration surrounds you. This show really gets the creative juices flowing and if you go bring the credit card and lots of cash! VBG!

  4. mstt | | #4

    wish I could find a pattern for a real wrap around dress with pockets. Does anyone out there knows of one. Please do not tell me that I can make my own pattern because I can not.

  5. DebbieBarry | | #5

    I just returned from the ASG show in Atlanta and thought it was wonderful. All four days I scheduled classes in every slot and visited the vendors in the exhibit hall during the evening and lunch breaks. Many thanks to all the sponsors, instructors and exhibitors who worked very hard to make it such a success. And by the way I was able to round up enough people in my chapter and on the bus to the show to place an ASG group discount order to Taunton Press for Threads!

  6. fotofashion | | #6

    My favorite is the Houston Quilt Show. I haven't attended for a couple of years but might just make the effort this year.

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