April wins this challenge with her design constructed by Christopher.
This week on Project Runway, the designers are challenged to be both designer and sample maker. After the original challenge to create resort wear is explained by Michael Kors, Tim breaks the designers up into pairs and asks them to switch designs. As professional designers they will have to learn how to explain their vision for a garment to sample makers, and not rely on their sewing skills to make every garment.
The teams:
Michael D./Ivy
Mondo/Michael C.
Some of the teams worked well together, while others had a harder time with the differing skill levels. The pairs with the biggest problems were probably Mondo/Michael C. and Michael D./Ivy. Mondo and Ivy both had trouble working with their partners and believed construction problems helped put them in the bottom 3. With the help of Ivy’s excellent construction, Michael D. found himself in the top 3 with great praise for his design. In the end, it is Casanova going home with another “matronly” design. The judges thought he missed the mark on resort wear after he agreed that he had designed with his grandmother in mind. The winner this week was a surprised April, with Andy rounding out the top 3 with his stylish swimwear.
Do you think the judges were right to send Casanova home this week instead of Ivy? Did April have the top garment this week, or should Andy have won with his bathing suit and cover up?
Andy South
Gretchen Jones
Ivy Higa
Michael Costello
Christopher Collins
April Johnston
Michael Drummond
Mondo Guerra
Valerie Mayen
I r4eally thougth that Andy's looked more resort that April's Fredrick negligee! But then maybe it depends on the resort one is going to.
Casanova just wasn't understanding and I think the judges seized a moment that they thought was a good time to let him go. Although, I am ready to see Gretchen and Ivy leave. They have a problem with attitude!
I did like Michael D's dress just because of the interesting look around the shoulders.
There is way too much black and earthtones in this collection. When I think of resort, I thin of color! For the most part, these designs were depressing with few believing in color!
I love Andys look!!!
i dont like the 2 black dresses.... they look more like something out of a scifi show....
The person that i would have sent home was Gretchen, what woman would were that..... it made the model look like she had a big belly, hanging breasts,and back fat. Ivys look looked better then that.
poor Casanova, i liked his look and I'm in my 20's.
I'm sorry but Michael D's dress would have placed in the top three with or without the help of Ivy's sewing the garment. If that were not true, then, why does Michael C consistantly win with his "sloppy construction" techniques? I felt that Mondo and Michael C were practially best friends when the challenge ended and Mondo was pleasantly surprised with michael's sewing abilities. I cannot stand Ivy's mall "style" but I am glad she was not eliminated. She would have had the consolation of "knowing" it was all Michael D's lousy construction techniques that caused her to lose. Ivy needs to understand she will be sent home ( and soon ) because she is no designer! She has excellent construction abilities and she is with no doubt a tailor, that being said, she is with no doubt NOT a designer either. Her snotty attitude is the icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. Did anyone notice Gretchen giving Cassanova "design advice"? She is 4 for 4 now isnt she? I couldnt agree with Cheryln more on the winner, I kept telling my husband it looked like a negligee from Fredericks of Hollywood and that I wouldnt wear that disaster ANYWHERE! I noticed the "shorts" underneath looked like a pair of granny bloomers that were drooping on the model, very unflattering IMO> I think Andy should have won hands down. My husband said the only reason April won is because Koors was in the sewing room, saw Aprils nightey beforehand and went to bat for her with the other judges. He loved the camel toe remark by Tim for next week so who knows, maybe I have a new PR viewer!
Design-wise, there wasn't all that much to love this week, I thought. I definitely wouldn't have given April the win, even though her design was interesting. It just looked too much like lingerie to me. Would anyone--even Heidi or Kristen Bell--really wear that to a resort? It's not good as a bathing suit, can't really go into a restaurant...I just don't see who would wear it, or when or how.
I liked Michael D's black dress--it had the right mix of simple silhouette with that intriguing strappy business at the top, and the fabric looked kind of cool (he said it was linen, but I think it must have been a blend with silk or metallic or something to have that shimmer). Andy's outfit was a good piece of resortwear, I thought, but when it comes down to it, maybe I just don't know what "resort" is. I thought it was essentially summer clothes that you design and sell early, so people can get a head start on their spring shopping once they've become bored with winter. How many people actually purchase new wardrobes for a resort vacation during the winter, anyway? Either way, what does April's insane-asylum/dominatrix-wear have to do with it?
While Casanova's look didn't say "resort," it was kind of elegant, and certainly more so than the ho-hum Eileen Fisher reject outfit Ivy put out there. She not only didn't design anything, she also didn't work well with her partner, and that would have been enough for me to send her home.
The folks in the middle were justifiably there--Gretchen's designs are getting really predictable in color, detail, and silhouette; Valerie's weird vest was unflattering; Michael C's thing was too disco for my taste (but at least it had a joie de vivre I associate with resort); Christopher's was actually nice-looking but slightly safe (just as well, really).
As for Mondo, I was sorry he seemed so lost with this challenge. His design was not uncute at all, just not sophisticated (and his model did NOT work it on the runway!). But he won all the points in my book for his willingness to admit that he'd misjudged Michael C as a person, a designer, and craftsman.
How does Michael C. sew a swimming suit and jacket without using a tape measure? Mondo's design was run-of-the-mill colorful and youthful and all that, but what is Michael C.'s technique? The swimming suit looked like it fit well. And kudos to Mondo for admitting he was wrong.
OK. Andy's outfit looked like it was suited for an older clientle than April's, but he was my pick for winner. I thought April's design concept was interesting but the shorts didn't look well-made when the judges took a peak and vacation wear? I didn't get it.
Casanova wouldn't have been in my bottom three, and either Ivy or Gretchen would have gone home ...
April's design was a little too punk for me (but to each his own). I really liked Andy's (?) (bathing suit and cover up). I thought it was beautiful, elegant and flowing.
I haven't seen anything that either Gretchen or Ivy have made that I liked. My intense dislike for their personalities probably isn't helping. But interestingly enough, I look at Michael Kor's things at Macy's and I'm not all that impressed with his stuff. So lifetime achievement or not, perhaps he should be spending some more time with his design staff and less sniping at people. It is one thing to critique a garment and another to be just mean. I stopped even looking at his clothes in stores as a result.
I haven't seen very much this season to wow me compared to past seasons. Usually just looking at the final garment is enough.
Hands down, Andy was the winner. April's "punk babydoll" is more lingerie than resort wear...unless it's in the bedroom at the resort. I agree Casanova's look was a bit "old," but are there only twenty-somethings who go to resorts?!? So, who's supposed to design for the middle-aged ladies who can actually afford a resort vacation?!!! I really didn't think Casanova should have been sent home. At least his designs were beautiful! Ivy's was not...at all.
As usual, I put myself in the challenge: What would I have made? For sure, it would have been white!
Thumbs down for April's outfit. The straps falling down around the arms is a big turn-off for me. The outfit looks like lingerie with bra straps that won't stay up.
Furthermore, Gretchen and Ivy are full of hot air and they're so arrogant, I can't wait until they are gone.
Does anyone else besides me think that Michael Kors is there stealing ideas? His designs, talk about mall stuff, ick. Very boring. Just rehashing of same old.
Watch his face when the models do the runway.
I see the gears turning when he sees something unexpected and scribbles madly and I just bet we'll see these ideas pop up in his collection soon.
Ivy's was boring and basic - construction aside. For all of her attitude, she didn't show much quality in her design or fabric. She should have been "out".
Gretchen's was the basic jumpsuit (as she won with before), just with wider pant legs. She is also a diva who should join Michael Kors and be ousted for her nasty, biting comments about others.
Andy's was beautiful - choice and use of fabric and the design. It should have won. What more do the judges want?
April's - just so boudoir. In fact, with a little more walking, I the model's nipples would have fallen out. Resort wear, indeed! I was thinking more of a strip joint when I saw that.
Cassanova - I don't think he really designed it for his grandmother...I think his English was misunderstood. In fact, I'm NOT a grandmother by any stretch of the imagination and I would have loved to have had his outfit for dinner at any resort. I love the creams and whites. It was loose and beautiful and I bet would make one feel beautiful and elegant.
I am tired of Michael Kors. He is too full of himself and it is not helpful for beginning designers to be made fun of. I think the show is way off-base on this. Perhaps the rest of the world likes to see the designers humiliated but I'd prefer to learn something from the show, including educational critiques, including the judges showing proper or better handling of the fabrics, showing where construction went wrong, and demonstrating in what ways the design could be made better. Why does this show have to be only about cattiness and throwing stones? Why not have some real educational value for those of us to really care about design and garment sewing? Anyone can make fun of another and I bet many of the readers here could make fun of Michael Kors.
How I wish you'd send these comments on to the show. Perhaps they could learn something from your readers.
I loved Andy's design. It was gorgeous and wearable.
April's design was a design that could be on a particiant of "What not to Wear". Flowing and flowing are a no no.
I liked Cassanova's outfit. I'm old enough to be a grandmother, but I'm too hippy and dumpy to wear it. The slacks were constructed beautifully and really draped beautifully.
The lingerie should have been sold on Fredrick's of Hollywood, it didn't even have enough class to be a Victoria's Secret outfit.
I'm not a follower of high fashion, it's just not my taste.
I loved Andy's garment. It was, I think, the essence of resort/cruise wear. I'm not so sure that Aprils's garment would sell very well,(maybe in a different color) as resort wear. Casonova's garment was not bad, to me the coloration and especially the top were more resort/cruise wear then April's. When I was in school...we had to design a resort/cruise collection an we were told there were 7 pieces that would and/or could make up a resort collection. They certainly didn't have time to do 7 pieces. When I think of resort...I think of light weight fabric, and whites, off whites, neutral colors, navy blue....nautical colors....there weren't any.
Well, it just keeps getting better doesn't it? I was horrified when April go into the top 3 - let alone win!!! I live in Hawaii - resorts are everywhere here and I have never seen anything like that at any of them. And what was that thing Valerie had going? Ugh!
I absolutely loved Christopher's outfit - it was my style and something I would buy and wear. Andy was the clear winner of this challenge. Now that I could definitely see on Waikiki anytime.
I was never much of a fan of Cry Baby Casanova, but his outfit was actually quite attractive, and I too would wear that to dinner on a cruise or resort.
I too am getting a little frustrated with this season. They bought another 1/2 hour so we could listen to more whining and stabbing each other. I have been watching some of the old reruns and for the most part, the designs were much better and the dialogue was more constructive. But it is reality TV folks, and drama sells that. But I think we would certainly all watch anyway, even without the drama!
What resorts do these people go to? Where do they wear black? I agree, April's look was lingerie - my husband was so bugged by the straps holding her arms down he thought maybe it was a bondage look! I thought Andy was the hands-down winner in terms of color, flow, and the sheer resort "feel" of the outfit.
I was glad to see Mondo figure out and admit that Michael C can sew, and stay on the show so that maybe Michael C will at last have an ally. I hate to see the show devolve into personalities, but maybe Mondo will eliminate some of the backbiting. I so hated it when Michael C won the second time and Gretchen and gang just stared at him with those hateful eyes.
I thought Casanova's outfit was lovely, and it certainly said resort to me. Beautifully cut pants, a flattering, off-the-shoulder blouse with some interest at the waistline. And I too don't think he said he was designing for his grandmother - he said that was what he was accused of.
I don't think Ivy has a clear design esthetic. She might be a terrific seamstress (and a heck of a taskmaster), but the amount of fabric she comes back to Parsons with each week in which she hopes to find a vision is becoming a cliche, and this week a burden to her sample maker. This week she was throwing two people under the bus!
I have thought Michael Kors was too full of himself for several years now. And his remark about people in wheelchairs this week was the limit. I'm in a wheelchair. i don't choose to dress unfashionably. It's very difficult to be fashionable when you're seated all the time. You have to take into consideration not just the way your body changes due to the fact you're seated, but due to the reason you're in the chair, and to the results of being seated - things like pencil skirts, flowing sleeves, etc. are eyesores or logistical nightmares. Why doesn't Mr. Kors design for people like us, who are no longer model size with long legs and skinny waists? Hey, he won't have to worry about what the back of anything looks like!
With the aid of my DVR, I have finally learned why the show now takes 90 minutes but we don't get any more construction or planning details - its the commercials. We have more commercial breaks, some of which take as long as five minutes! Maybe we could petition to put the show back on Bravo, where it seemed to be edited more for construction content. With the exception of last season, which really had a cast of exceptional designers, I have been disappointed with the move to Lifetime.
I loved Casanova's design, in fact I recently purchased two Vogue patterns which were quite similar, lovely full pants and a boat-sleeve top. Imagine my surprise after watching Project Runway to find I have old lady taste! I think focusing on the cattiness is just a way to bring some emotion to the show, although I'm sure it exists in the real fashion world. I'm disappointed in the designers this year and have announced that this is the last Runway I'll watch, but I think they finally stepped up to the challenge this week, most were very creative and made me dream of being in a Hawaiian resort. On personality, both Gretchen and Ivy should be gone, but let's hope they learned a lesson and start treating others with more respect. I'm sure the judges want to see more from them. As for Michael Kors? I've never chosen any of HIS Vogue patterns.
Ivy's designs are what I had for years--SHE NEEDS TO GO--WASTE OF SPACE
I agree with the others that think that Michael Kors is full of himself. I know this is a competition and one has to be able to take criticism, but some of his remarks are too demeaning and hurtful and many designers are getting away with the same behavior. What is ironic is that Michael Kors is always criticizing the designers 'mall' look and to keep everything fresh, but if you look at some of the clothes with HIS name on them, they are anything from fresh and new. I have seen many designs that look very mall-like.
I go along with the others that think the show was much better on Bravo. In looking at the older shows, there is much more emphasis on design and construction details. Now the show is focusing on personalities and making hurtful comments (i.e. DRAMA) I believe the producers of the show are at fault, because the show gets more sponsors with all that drama. I, personally, don't want to see it and wish the show could return to it's previous perspective.
Last week's show was anything but fair. That punk baby doll from April is not resort. Andy's bathing suit and coverup should have won, they were magnificent and very easy to wear. Casanova should not have been sent home. His design was very high-end resort, unlike April's Fredericks of Hollywood look. It really makes me wonder how the judges come up with some of their decisions(????)
Hey Now. You might not agree with Michael Kors choices, aesthetic, designs, or vision, but to accuse him of plagiarism is really beyond criticism and edging into slander. You see how easily this type of show fosters snarky comments. We are no better than the judges.
I have to agree with other recent posts: I've only seen a couple of episodes of the current season, and I can't stand to watch: it is now all about the drama, and the design, creativity and technique get lost. It was better when it was on Bravo. They've lost me as an avid viewer (and I used to be one!)
Clean it up, PR used to be a great show but IMHO you have lost your way. I do not care for the designers you are choosing and the challenges are just not interesting. I do not want to watch PR for the BIZARRE. I want to watch PR because I sew many things. After this season and last, I would rather have Chris March back with his hair clothes sheesh.
These are nothing but stupid exercises by amateurs with absolutely no sense of class or style. Quite frankly, I am tired of seeing everything used as an excuse for a "tits & ass" show. If this is what's "in style" or a reflection of the future, then America has been flushed down the toilet. I was scribbling better stuff than this on my junior high notebooks. Threads needs to grow up and clean up its act 'cause I don't think I can stand this pathetic excuse for "garments" much longer. I suggest people start checking out the designs & lines in garments put together in old films - now that is style! - shows the female form with respect, class, and good taste. What Threads is displaying is nothing but gutter trash. Shame on Threads. Despite the media hype and bombardment, the truth is, most women don't want to look like whores, and their husbands and loved ones don't want them to look like whores either. Go back to school and learn some decent values and reflect that in your work, people.
I thought the winner's project looked like a nightgown. I thought Andy, Gretchen and Michael C did better work. At least, I would wear them.
I thought the winner's project looked like a nightgown. I thought Andy, Gretchen and Michael C did better work. At least, I would wear them.
I agree w/other posts that the winning outfit looked like a negligee ! Casanove had an elegent pair that perhaps could have been in bolder colors but he sure beat that Ivy who appears to be so self absorbed. I have noticed over several seasons how some of these contestants cannot even sew a straight hem. Who is going to hire these people?..
I love the new Santini and Austin spin off BTW.
I don't understand what you mean. Why should Threads be ashamed of the designs shown on Project Runway? Threads is not producing that show, they just have a comment board for readers to air their humble opinions.
I agree that there is some pretty pathetic stuff on P.R. this year but why is Threads responsible for that?
To AHH: Please note that Threads is not expressing an editorial opinion about the garments shown on Project Runway, which is a TV program that airs on Lifetime and has nothing to do with Threads magazine at all. Threads is merely hosting this discussion for viewers who enjoy sharing their thoughts on the show.
Those of us who participate in this discussion are sewers, designers, and fashion mavens who like to exchange our views on what makes for good design and good TV, and we appreciate that Threads makes this forum available to us.
Wow, I need to stop reading the comments here - they're making me question my taste level. I don't understand why everyone is so worried about people being "too full of" themselves, but it reminds me way too much of the political climate in the US. I don't need the best designer to also be the most just like me and my BFF. And (hat tip, Mr. Gunn) I'm not very easily manipulated by TV editing.
So I guess that makes me the one and only Threads reader to say April deserved the win. The judges got the top three exactly right. They got the bottom three right, too, and Cassanova's deserved the boot (well, Ivy deserved it equally, I think). His look was afternoon drinks at your 40th class reunion or something to me. Perfectly presentable and wearable and blah. I don't expect the hot new designers to be designing stuff for me to wear in daily life. I'm pretty sure my closet and Heidi's closet don't look much alike.
I agree, Threads is allowing us to comment on PR. What I would like to see from PR is having the designers design for real women. Real women don't go out in public without undergarments.
I gotta admit, I just finished watching it and all I can say is Andy's swimsuit was by far the best. I may not understand design very well, but I darn sure know what looked the best, had the best color, the most intricate sewing/design cand the one most people would actually buy and wear and it was not that black mess by April!! I have never seen anyone wear something like that (not even at the acadmy awards etc.)But I know women would love to be seen in that swimsuit, but you would get laughed at wearing Aprils design.
It's just my oppinion!