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Project Runway, Season 8, Episode 11 Recap

One of Andy's winning designs

This week the designers were to use Heidi Klum as their client. At the beginning of the episode she presented a few pieces from her collection for New Balance and challenged them to make a companion piece to be sold on Amazon.com.

In the workroom, the designers were supplied with fabric used in Heidi’s collection and were also given $100 to get more fabrics from Mood. After a bit of time in the workroom, Heidi stopped by to visit with the designers and give an early critique. Her crtisisms were not met with appreciation. In fact, it made a few of the designers hostile and caused Mondo to start from scratch again.

As though Heidi’s critiques weren’t enough, she was also the bearer of this week’s twist–each designer was to create two more looks. For extra help, former contestants from this season arrived and brought in their drama with them including accusations of cheating from Ivy to Michael C. (I was so happy to see Ivy go before that when she walked in and I heard her voice again, I almost turned off the computer.) Tim Gunn put a stop to the nonsense, putting everyone in their place, which it seems he’s had to do much more this season than in the past.

In the end, Christopher was sent home for a collection he didn’t even seem to believe in, and Andy came out on top with three great pieces that included color-blocked garments using knits and chiffon. As a surprise, Heidi announced that all three of his garments would be available on Amazon.com among her New Balance collection.

What do you think? Did the judges get it right this time?


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  1. User avater
    Soli | | #1

    In terms of the collections that went down the runway, I felt that Mondo's tops were much more wearable and fit better into the existing line. Funny how no one complains about color blocking, the way they did with Mila. I actually liked April's asymetrical dress and armband. I can imagine that out to dinner in Malibu or Marina del Rey on someone with a seriously thin yoga body. I honestly didn't care much for Andy's collection this time out, although I agree that he did more in terms of creative bottoms than Mondo this time. I think that the striped pants would be unwearable by anyone of short or average height - if they made the models legs look short imagine them on a real girl.

    As far as the drama created by one immature, vindictive, mean spirited person, I would feel more gratified if Tim Gunn had read her the riot act on camera about her delusional game playing. Tim is a bigger person than me in terms of taking the high road. I haven't ever yelled at my t.v. the way I did on this episode, and I don't like that. This season has reached the absolute nadir as far as personal drama outweighing the design element, and I don't like it. If it weren't for Tim Gunn, I'd give up on the show altogether.

  2. User avater
    Kate_W | | #2

    I agree with Soli that Mondo's tops fit the existing line best. Andy did well. Although not for me, on Amazon Heidi's line looks very comfortable.

    For once, I agreed with Michael Kors that Michael C.'s styling was off. However, I was taking notes on Michael C's big oversize sleeves with what looked to be wide elastic at the hem to pull them in a bit. Out of all the designs, I want the big gauzy brown jacket with hood, no ties -- a zipper or button closing please. I didn't think he deserved to be in the bottom twi but then we're getting toward season end.

    Ivy's "instant Karma" moment is why I'm grateful for eyeglasses and am insisting that my daughter wear safety glasses when she sews ...

    As far as the drama. Meh. That aspect of PR is getting so old. I too appreciate Mr. Gunn's calm and reasonable presence.

  3. Cherlyn | | #3

    I agreed with the judges this week about Andy's win. I wan'st too crazy for Michael C's over sized things! They just hung there looking drab. Mondo gets a little touchy, but then so does Gretchen. I think we're close to seeing Michael C be out of this competition or maybe Gretchen. April, though, she loves that edgy sexy Fredrick's look, has talent. Who will be the final three?

  4. Flanerie | | #4

    I thought Mondo's designs should have won - maybe the judges didn't want to give him another win on the heels of the last few weeks, to keep it more interesting as to who will win the whole thing. Andy's designs were interesting to me only on the runway - aesthetically they went together, they were graphically striking, and made a strong presentation as a mini-collection, but to actually wear? And to the grocery store? I think not. . .I think Laura Bennett says it best in her blog on the project runway site: "Zebra on crack in aisle 3!"

    Personally I like close-fitting clothes, especially when running errands like going to the grocery store - the last thing I want when I reach in for raw meat is a voluminous sleeve -

    Gretchen is so tiresome - when the show began I thought she was going to be the clear winner, but I think this week she's going to be out. I think the final three are going to be April, Mondo, and Michael C. as the underdog, with Mondo winning. April has a distinctive aesthetic, albeit somewhat 'Frederick's of Hollywood' as has been pointed out, but given her penchant for black and the runway's need for color, I don't see her winning overall.

  5. User avater
    SewingForKids | | #5

    Actually, I think Mondo should have won. I liked Andy's color blocked pieces, but that one dress looked like a vampire costume. And Gretchen has sent that crop top outfit down the runway before.

    Having said that. I CANNOT believe Heidi is putting her name on that oversized, stretched-out, worn-out, thrift-store looking line! (I'm talking about the pieces she originally showed the designers.) I am totally dumbfounded!

    I believe even the designers on the show must have thought the same thing because they all were trying to give her garments that were more sophisticated that what she had.

  6. alli_bean | | #6

    I find it hard to believe that nobody has noticed that Andy has blatantly copied an established athletic wear company's designs. Lululemon. The displayed jacket above is a copy of Lululemon's design aesthetic and branding.


  7. alli_bean | | #7

    I find it hard to believe that nobody has noticed (including the judges) that Andy has blatantly copied an established athletic wear company's design. Lululemon. The above jacket is a copy of Lululemon's design aesthetic and branding.


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