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Teach Yourself to Sew

Teach Yourself to Sew – the magazine

Threads’ latest publication called Teach Yourself to Sew.

It’s back from the printers and on its way to a newsstand near you.

If you have been wanting to learn how to sew (or you know someone who is just starting out) watch for Threads’ latest publication: Teach Yourself to Sew. This issue is for anyone who wants to learn, and it’s a great refresher of the basics for everyone else. The information it contains, combined with a pattern guide sheet, can have even the inexperienced sewer sewing garments in no time.

Start with the sewing essentials
In this issue, we start from the ground up telling how to transfer key information from patterns to fabric, set up a sewing space, and drive the sewing machine. We explain how to press and even show how to make a few pressing tools. There’s also a step-by-step guide for making your own dress form.

Learn to make garments
All the fundamental skills for using seams, darts, hems, facings, and edges are explained, as well as interfacings to make your own one-of-a-kind garment. Read about the fabric fundamentals such as its grain—what it is and how it works for you. You’ll learn about patterns and all of the different sources for them—from commercial patterns to hand and computer drafted patterns and draped designs. There’s also an explanation about ease so you can make sense of the sizing systems patterns use. We even show how to make two garments without a pattern and then turn each one into six more garments (twelve total). 

Get time-tested advice from the experts
You’ll find easy fitting solutions, ways to conquer tricky stitching, and things about buttons you never knew. Plus, there are pages of quick reference for choosing the right needle and thread, how deep to make a hem allowance, how the pant leg width influences its length, how hot to set your iron, where to take measurements, and more. We’ll also introduce you to a variety of sewers–from all ages, genders, and histories. Their stories are inspiring and their talent amazing.

How to Get it
This magazine is packed with information and is one you’ll want to keep in your library. It is getting rave reviews and is an incredible value for $6.99. If it doesn’t last on your newsstand visit our store to order your copy. While you’re there check out the Teach Yourself to Sew DVD. The DVD is the perfect companion to this special issue. Together they’re a wonderful resource for the beginning or returning sewer.


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  1. Stitichy | | #1

    I picked up a copy, today. Simple, straight forward, clear, with awesome photos.

    I've been sewing for many, many years and would have loved to have this colorful magazine to turn to for help and inspiration.

    I even learned some new stuff. Beginners will find it a very useful reference.

  2. SewingbytheBook | | #2

    I saw this magazine yesterday at Borders and bought it right away. I think that sometimes Threads is a little over my head, so it was great to see a magazine that talks about the basics a little more.

  3. Debi53 | | #3

    I have been sewing for 4 decades but life sometime interrupts your plans. I have had to take hugh breaks in sewing and when it is time to get started again I find that I have forgotten little things. This new magazine is great for the beginner and the experienced sewer as myself to brush up on the basic skills that we can forget about. If you don't get the basics correct, nothing you sew will come out correctly. It is the difference between looking handmade and looking professional.

    Thanks for this wonderful publication, it is a great addition to Threads!

  4. BethC | | #4

    Love the magazine! What pattern was used making the blouse on page 44?

  5. User avater
    KewpieDoll | | #5

    I have been perusing this site trying to find out where I can buy a Threads magazine. I see someone here found the Teach Yourself to Sew maganzine at Borders. Would Borders also sell the regular Threads magazine? What other stores might sell Threads? I live in the metro Boston area (Quincy, MA actually). Any help would be appreciated.

  6. Aspydelia | | #6

    KewpieDoll: You can get individual copies of Threads at lots of places: Jo-Ann's, Borders, Barnes and Noble, Hancocks...

  7. momalice | | #7

    I purchased this magazine last evening and was sharing with the girls in my class this morning....they all want their own copy. It is refreshing to see a whole new generation as eager about sewing for themselves and others as I was when I was much younger...:) Makes my day!

  8. ms_avril | | #8

    I'm new to sewing (cultivating my intrest again after a 2 year hiatus from my first class) there's a huge JoAnn across the street, I'll have to see if they have the magazine :)

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