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Project Runway: Season 8 – Finale Part 2

In the end it came down to Mondo v. Gretchen. Who should have won?

Most of this two-hour episode was devoted to watching the final three designers prepare for the runway, and reuniting with the rest of the cast. We don’t learn much from the first 3/4 of the show, and it was a relief to finally get to fashion week. After a lot of drama early in the season, the final three designers are friendly and supportive of each other now that they have reached the end. We don’t get to see the designers pick their models, or very much of the drama surrounding Mondo replacing three of them. The details of getting each of the collections to the runway seemed almost like an afterthought this season. After quick intros by each of the designers, we get to see the final three collections as Nina, Michael, Heidi, and guest judge Jessica Simpson look on.

Andy’s collection is a bit safe and, according to Nina, went “overboard on Orientalism”. When the judges convene on the runway to make their decision, Andy is quickly placed in third. They wished he would have made more of an impact with his opening look, and were missing some of the stregth he had shown throughout the season.

Andy South


Gretchen Jones


Mondo Guerra


The final judgement came down to a split decision between Mondo’s bold collection (Heidi & Jessica) and Gretchen’s more accessible ready-to-wear garments (Michael & Nina). They loved Mondo’s collection as a show, but thought he could have used some editing. Gretchen would be more commercial, and Michael and Nina thought she was on trencd with her bohemian looks. We didn’t get to see how the judges finally break the tie, but in the end it is Gretchen who is crowned the winner of Season 8.

Do you agree with the judges that Gretchen’s collection would be more marketable? Was she really following the trends, or did she get lucky that her particular look is trendy right now? Should Mondo have been the winner as Heidi suggested? Check out all 30 looks from the final three collections and let us know what you think in the comments below.


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  1. User avater
    Skycarl | | #1

    Well, I guess I don't know what I'm looking at. Granted, I'm
    by no means a fashion guru (truly). But this last episode takes
    the cake. I'm just shaking my head because I don't believe it.

    I have to admit, Gretchen's stuff was probably some of the best
    we have seen from her, and not because she's a jerk and a B you
    know what, but I am convinced that Heidi had it right that
    Mondo's collection popped and Gretchen's did not.
    It was suppose to be a fashion show. Something that wows the
    people. That's what has been preached all season.
    So when Mondo wows them, they give it to her. And one of the
    main reasons was because Michael didn't like the polka dotted
    dress last time and Mondo had the nerve to put it back out there.
    Better listen to Mr Kors.

    I am very disappointed.

  2. User avater
    rakijaa | | #2

    I think the judges made a mistake this season, in choosing Gretchen. Her final collection was dull and lifeless-no energy, and so like what is out there in retail already. Mondo certainly has the panache on the runway, but I believe his target audience will be small. (And not respecting the advice of people who have been successful in this industry doesn't bode well for him). I honestly thought that Andy's collection, taken in pieces, was the best. The grey/silver color was ethereal, and many of the blouses were lovely (and I believe marketable) separates. I didn't care for the greens he used, but that cocktail dress at the end was beautiful. It could have been made up in black, or any other deep color, and been a great evening look. I would have bought it! Well, if I didn't sew, that is....

  3. sews4fun | | #3

    So, Gretchen takes the prize.....HUH?
    I have to admit, Mondo's stuff DID look like something a tween kid would wear and his collection should not have won. I feel that Andy was the true winner this time around but I guess I'm too old to know what fashion is or should I say is not.
    I DID say I would eat my sewing machine if Gretchen wins so, in determining WHICH of my sewing machines were going to be lunch, the little chocolate one was the "winner"
    You know, I guess the folks on P.R. are making a statement to us "older" gals, and that would be, " We are aiming at a younger audience, we want twenty somethings to watch our show, not someone over 40" which is a shame because WE are the ones with the REAL buying power.
    Gretchen's win just makes me more determined than ever to make my own clothing, I wore that garbage she cranks out during the seventies, I don't want to wear it again, I'm over that stage in my life. I'm not going to have some "fashion expert" dictating to me what I can and cannot wear. If that gypsy-horse poop catcher in the back-goodwill sensibility is all I have to choose from, I will make my own clothing. You know, there was such a sense of finality about this season, my husband even remarked that he will be surprised to see the show air again next year. I disagreed with him but maybe he's right, or maybe, I'm just over that show. I guess we'll see next season........or not. Either way, this entire season was not up to par with the former ones and the designers were nearly ALL a disappointment. If Gretchen was all they could come up with, the pickings have become mighty slim.

  4. veras | | #4

    Well, I had made that "Alec Baldwin-type remark" that if Mondo didn't win I'd not watch PR again and I'm sticking to my guns. I can't fathom *what* they all said to break the tie of who was to win, but it certainly wasn't predicated on creativity, imagination and fresh perspective. Wretchen's "designs" (and I use the term loosely) were elevated because of the styling and jewelry which indicates, to me anyway, that they cannot stand alone. I guess her kowtowing to the egos of Garcia and Kors was enough to vote her the winner.

    And while I may not be the ideal demographic for most of the fashions shown on PR, I do know that sending 3 - count 'em! - 3 drab-grey diaper panties down the runway is not high fashion nor fashion for anyone over 2.

    Yep, this finale did it for me: no more PR. I'm done.

  5. Andirose | | #5

    I agree with you guys. I was flabbergasted to say the least. I just couldn't believe what fashion has come to. If Gretchin's shabby, tasteless, dust rag looks are fashion forward then I'd much rather stay behind thank you. You know, after looking at what went on last night I too vow NEVER, I repeat NEVER, will I watch Project Runway again!!!

    Yes, we all HATE the crap Gretchin came up with but could we really blame her for winning? What really stood out to me above all else was the judges' lack of integrity, especially Garcia and Kors. In an earlier episode April designed the panty,diaper shorts she was almost booted off, yet Gretchin came up with an exact replica in that ghastly greyish colour and all of a sudden it's high fashion and wearable. What's really going on here? Isn't it funny guys that Michael C. lost because his collection was in the same colour, am I being colour blind in saying that so was Gretchin's yet she won?

    Last season When Seth Aaron won to Anthony Sosa I remember specifically at the reunion Anthony asking why he didn't win and they said it was a fashion show. Seth Aaron gave them more fashion whereas his was more of a ready to wear collection. This time Mundo gave them high fashion and all of a sudden Gretchin's boring, homeless rack collection was more ready to wear and fashion forward. Besides that, I'm sure I wasn't dreaming when I heard one of them say that Seth Aaron's collection was like the cousin to Mondo's yet still he lost to boho drab.It is as though these judges have absolutely no set standards or criteria for judging. Whatever whim catches their fancy they go with and it's really pathetic to see what their taste level has come to.

    Mundo is the clear winner for me. While his clothes may be a bit whimsical they are well tailored and deigned. His colour and pattern coordination are spot on. Isn't that what fashion is about? True his designs may be a bit limited to a specific market but then so are Gretchin's -homeless people living in a shelter!

  6. jacesgrammie | | #6

    This is my first season of watching Project Runway and don't see myself going another season. I too, was surprised and disappointed that Gretchen won. I think Mondo was clearly the winner, his fashions had a freshness and energy that were completely lacking in Gretchen's. I live in Portland and what is available at Nordstrom's "off the rack" has more zing and fashion than most of her designs had throughout the season. Honest we really do wear colors other than earth tones out here.

  7. Cherlyn | | #7

    Just like everyone else, I was really surprised that Grethen comes out the winner! Her things were all the same, not what I call high fashion---just plain and boring. Mondo, while I was not as blown away by everything, continued a creative side. What aurprised me was Andy! I felt that Andy had more interesting pieces and most were interchangable so why is it he didn't come out the winner? I really felt he won this one! I would wear more things in Andy's collection than Mondo's and I dont' think I would wear anything in Grtchen's. I think what really bothered Kors was that Mondo was edging (not the black but the "death" statement) on the Gothic look that is so appealing to teens (although that look is dieing out). I liked Gretchen's jewelry, but one peice looked like any other. Every ooutfit looked the same. I cannot believe she won!

  8. SewLucky09 | | #8

    Yes, I had a feeling during the judges' argument that Gretchen would win. Sad, but true. Her final collection was better than what she had done before, but alas, that still wasn't good enough for me. I am 24 years old and rather new to sewing (always wanted to do it but started just this year) and I guess I am in the age group PR is aiming at....but I have watched almost every season and this was the worst of all. I did not like Gretchen the whole season. B**** does actually describe her, and that tearful reply of how strong women are often mistaken for b****es was a poor statement. You can be strong and not have that attitude she has. I could go on and on about her but she's not worth complaining about and I think we all have the same opinion of her (so far). I really liked Andy's the best overall, but Mondo did give more of a show. Mondo was borderline costume but did not cross that line. Plus like Heidi said, this was a fashion SHOW. Yes, in past seasons they reward the best SHOW, not ready to wear or what will fly right off the runway to a rack. I liked how Heidi pointed out she could totally see Mondo's clothes mixing and matching with other stuff. Nina and Michael are ridiculous. If only Andy had done a better opening piece and more wow pieces like that green ruffle mini dress, he would have won. I liked his oriental-ism actually. The head pieces were a bit much, but so were Mondo's. I really didn't want this to happen, but I am afraid I won't be watching next season...I am so sad. I loved watching Tim and the fun challenges like the party store challenge. Oh well, nothing can last forever.

  9. User avater
    judithann | | #9

    I cant say I was totally surprised but...I didnt find myself thrilled with any of the winners. I think Andy would clearly have done better. In part one I recall he hadnt made any clothes and had only two weeks after recieving all his fabric. I bet that decision cost him. Also i agree with what someone else wrote, did they not hear the negative criticism thrown at Michael? and I hate the underwear shorts period.

    I love Andy and I am looking forward to more from him and mondo. dear gretchen...well my feeling is it is not memorable.

    And I hated the way they did this last episode. And excuse me, but why was Jessica Simpson a judge? She doesnt come across as fashionable...ever. What is the criteria to judge? I think they really need to make some changes...just dont change Tim Gunn!

  10. fabriclover007 | | #10

    I couldn't stay up long enough to watch, but woke up briefly to see the rerun (missed the fashions). Woke up right when they were standing on the runway after the show. Saw Andy auf'd; then between Mondo and Gretchen and boy was I shocked when she actually won. I turned the channel in disgust.

    I guess I don't get them. Mondo consistently wowed them all season, did Gretchen even win a challenge; for most she was in the bottom, but all of a sudden she's the winner. OK. So I guess the challenges all season don't mean anything. I may or may not even go back and watch the reruns to see what the collection looks like, but they've lost credibility with me.

    Show business first, sewing/design second. Maybe because everyone almost unilaterally hated her they felt to award her the prize would be one of those surprise endings they pull off so well in other tv shows. Except I didn't think Project Runway was entertainment first, and sewing/design second but I guess it is.

    Oh well, justice. Away from tv with their need to maintain ratings she still has to either get a job as a designer or start her own line and with really talented designers struggling I predict she'll be a has been pretty soon. Mondo, Michael C and others will find a home somewhere doing what they love.

  11. User avater
    RevDi | | #11

    Were they kidding? What hypocrites! Last year Emilio didn't win because he turned out a "line," not a "collection." Last night Michael and Nina are praising Gretchen's "line," which I expect to see at Walmart or Penneys very soon. Granny panties? Really?
    Michael Costello got the boot because he was monochromatic. What were Gretchen and Andy? Except for a spot of green, everything Andy had was grey. Gretchen was a sea of brown.
    Mondo too juvenile? I'm 59 and he had a couple of pieces I'd love to wear, and pieces that were very adaptable to mass market wear. But the point was they were fashion - runway fashion.
    I too am determined not to watch again. What started out as an intriguing program showcasing designers and throwing them interesting design challenges has turned into a bloated, commercial-infested personality drama with little camera footage of the design or construction process that made it such a pleasure to watch in the past. I'm sure poor Tim Gunn is embarrassed. He is the only touch of class left on the program. The only hope of salvation left for the program is to get rid of Michael Kors (I read he designed the dress that made Jessica Simpson look like a parade float) and Nina Garcia, move it back to Bravo, and cut it back to an hour of actual design process. Will it happen? I doubt it. Perhaps when they lose their audience - if they have a next season - they'll figure it out. Polls on the web are running 99% against their decision.

  12. User avater
    Kate_W | | #12

    Not surprised at the outcome, but disgusted. For me, Mondo's show was #1, Andy #2, and Gretchen, meh.

    I watch designers for little details I can incorporate in my own sewing. I admire the technical matchy-matchy Mondo did with his prints at the seams and across the body. Running the plaid on the cross-wise grain down the pant legs was just awesome, not for my closet, but awesome.

    Andy's first outfit out of the gate was lovely. I liked the draping and the grey of the pants. A few years ago, or maybe 20, I could have seen myself in that whole look (no headpiece).

    OK. Congratulations to Gretchen. Good-bye Nina. Good-bye Michael. The judging has been inconsistent and if PR has another year, I won't be watching. At least not the judging.

    Sews4fun: Off to find a chocolate sewing machine ... where did you get yours?

  13. User avater
    Martykay | | #13

    Two thoughts: The judges wanted Gretchen to win from the beginning, which explains why she received a pass all those times she was on the bottom. The had to kick Michael C. out because how would they explain Gretchen winning over him. They were able to say that Andy and Mondo would only appeal to a few women and Grechen appealed to the every day women. Since Michael also would appeal they had to get rid of him. or.... Gretchen wanted to win herself so she criticized everyone and saw Michael C. as competition so she tried to turn everyone against him.
    I'm not sure if I really believe either one but it sure makes sense of what went on this season.

  14. Rosiesews | | #14

    What a disappointment this final brought. Gretchen Winning I thought fashion was about new and creative designs, not the stuff we have seen before, Thank godness I can sew and make my own stuff, cuz if Gretchen's design are on mark for the future season, I am not buying retail. It really is to bad that Michael C, did not get to show is collection, I think it would have really been a 3 way tie, Oh!wait a minute, Nina and Michael Kors, aren't looking for Design and a runway show, there looking for ready to wear. I am not sure I will be all that interested in watching next season of PR. So long PR.

  15. sews4fun | | #15

    To Kate W:
    I have a friend who makes her own choclates at Easter. This is embarrassing, but LAST EASTER, She made me these little chocolate sewing machines, they were cute but she made me a dozen of them. I ate a few, put the rest in the freezer and had one left. I know, it was waaay too old to eat, but....it was chocolate! She orders her molds from somewhere and just pours the melted chocolate in them. She gives me chocolate so I will design clothes for her b.j.d. dolls that she collects.
    Anyway, now the world knows I eat chocolate thats months and months old! BUT....I wouldn't have done that if I had not lost a bet that Gretchen would lose so....fooey on Project Runway!

  16. User avater
    KarenJ | | #16

    I didn't get to watch the show until last night since I was out late Thursday. I went to bed angry about the outcome and thought all night about what I wanted to say about it. After reading all the comments I see I'm pretty much in agreement with everyone else.

    Gretchen's looks were at best forgettable and if that's the direction fashion is headed then I'm glad I can sew my own clothes. Mondo's collection didn't wow me but if you look at everything he's done this season I think he should have won. Andy surprised me with a beautiful collection that made me want to reach out and feel all of his clothes and see their details close up. I really wish I could see Michael C's collection. Is it online anywhere? I can't say I'll never watch PR again because I like to think through the challenges and ask myself what I would do, but I think it's way past time to replace the judges. That in itself would help make the show fresh again.

  17. Bother | | #17

    The show is supposed to find the next great American fashion designer. Anyone looking at just the pictures shown here could see that it's Mondo. I like Andy's work, but Mondo has the magic. Gretchen is just sad. When did the judging criteria become "immediately marketable"? Compare Gretchen's collection to Jay McCarroll's or Christian Siriano's: there is no comparison in the excitement or the inventiveness, much less the final result walking down the runway. I think it might be time for some new judges.

  18. AnnCP | | #18

    What were they thinking? The judges have repeatedly chosen the most outlandish designer (say Christian?). However, never would I have chosen Gretchen's line. BORING.

    Both Mondo and Andy presented a show that said "wow, style and excitement for a woman's body." Though Mondo created the more colorful examples of color, Andy's pieces were incredible - even in gray and bright leaf green. Andy was my choice, hands down, during this competition. It was beautiful.

    I am so disappointed in the decision of Season 8, so dissappointed. Agree with previous post - we wore her clothes in the 70's - never want to go back there again.

    Maybe it is time for Project Runway to hire some new judges. I personally would like to see Michael Kors get the boot!!!

  19. Skymom | | #19

    I'm still reeling a bit from this insane outcome. When Jessica Simpson and Heidi are the judges who make the most sense, you know something's wacky. It's beyond me to understand what Nina and Michael Kors were thinking. For one thing, there are plenty of examples of high fashion that's "current and now" that very closely resembles the direction Mondo went with his work. But I think Mondo really stuck to his unique vision, and made it clear that that's what drove him, while Gretchen bought into commercial/fashion-mag type trends, which basically was kissing up to Nina and MK.

    Like most of you posters, I too couldn't/wouldn't wear Gretchen's clothes, even if you revamped them in a color scheme that's flattering to a non-redhead. I actually tried on a long, flowing dress in a similar print, but blues/greens/purples this past summer, and decided it just looked ridiculous. Just too drably bohemian and inexpensive and shapeless. Oh, and ugly.

    Mondo, on the other hand, made a bunch of things that were fun and wearable, even by someone pushing middle-age. No, I wouldn't wear the skull-print top, or the plaid bubble dress, or the bias-plaid pants, but versions of the polka-dot top, several other skirts and tops--sure! I'd have a blast mixing those with existing items I own. I don't see his work as junior at all, just fun and youthful and refreshing.

    As for Andy: I loved his collection, but recognize that it had some real problems. The color range was, like Gretchen's, possibly too narrow, and that lovely pale gray is gorgeous but not entirely suitable for many seasons and climates. There were plenty of details to admire, however, and I think creative sewers probably were more inspired than most looking at those pieces. Overall I liked Andy a lot as a designer and hope his career takes off from this.

    Well, I'm not saying I wouldn't watch PR again, but I'll be a less enthusiastic viewer. Yesterday I caught an old episode of PR, season 2, maybe? It was Santino, Chloe Dao, and Daniel Vosovic getting ready for their finale. The quality of the collections was so much better than this season's that I was actually rather shocked. What happened to this season? Aside from the killer challenges, I mean?! I hope the show gets back on track so we can enjoy seeing the design process and some interesting fashion.

  20. jas02004 | | #20

    I too was very dissappointed that Mondo didn't win. But then I saw that Mondo's colllection sold out overnight online and almost no one has bought from Gretchen. Hopefully Mondo can get the ball rolling on his own line without PR's prize money.

  21. turtlesandowls | | #21

    I agree with everyone's comments on part 1 and most of the above. Mondo should have won. Gretchen should have been "out" several episodes ago. Nearly all of her designs have been horrible and unwearable. The judges can not be in touch with reality.

  22. User avater
    thesearethebesttimes | | #22

    Well I'm in the minority, but I'm happy Gretchen won. I like her aesthetic. All of Mondo's work has been costume to me. I don't understand how the judges kept saying he is innovative, but then say it's a cousin collection to Seth Aaron's. I don't see the innovation in mixing crazy prints together. It's been done before many times. I do think Gretchen takes more criticism because she is portrayed as a witch. I'm happy for her and look forward to seeing her work.

  23. User avater
    sewlore | | #23

    A good show does not need to be over the top. To me it needs to be cohesive. Remember this is similar to judging figure skating or gymnastics. People all have different ideas of what is artistic. When two people see a movie or play, they can come away with very different ideas of the quality. That being said, I am confused. Andy was asked not to produce more "warrior women." He presented a beautiful collection without “warrior women,” but he was called on that for “losing” his point of view in his design. The judges said that he was to monochromatic, but Irina won with her dark collection. There is no consistency. I would have given the win to Andy.
    I did like many of the garments that Gretchen had. She would not have won because of the gray underwear. What was she thinking?
    I am a little frustrated about the “cult of personality” in rebukes of Gretchen. Michael C. has at points actually said that he lied when he expressed support for one of the designers. Others were very cutting, too.( No pun intended.) Just saying. Remember that this is edited film.

  24. smallvolume | | #24

    I agree with everyone's comments on part 1 and most of the above. I just couldn't believe what fashion has come to.

  25. smallvolume | | #26

    I agree with everybody's comments on part 1 and most of the above. Anyway, i love the fashional clothes best!

  26. shaniqua | | #27

    I don't get all this "I'm not watching ever again! I said good day, PR!" stuff. I watch the show to be bedazzled by what people can do with sewing, to see what people come up with in crazy challenges, to watch dresses and jackets and trousers appear from piles of mess. It's entertaining and sometimes inspiring and I salute every one of the people who can stick it out under pressure in front of cameras for my entertainment.

    I'm amazed to learn so many people seem to watch it for the actual sport of the competition, as if it were a boxing match with clear rules and obvious injustices. Why in the world anyone would care so much about what Heidi Klum or Micheal Micheal Kors has to say about anything that they'd stomp away from how fun it is to watch crazy unknown designers speed sewing is weirder than granny panties on the runway to me.

  27. cjbauman464 | | #28

    I cannot believe that Gretchen won. I personally think they are old grannie clothes. I am a grandmother but I would never ware Gretchen's Clothes. The only look from her I liked the entire season was the 1st design.
    I think that Mondo should have won.
    I also loved Andy's designs they also were cutting edge garments.
    Gretchen should have been off a long time ago.
    I love Project Runway but what were you thinking?
    Nina and Michael were wrong!

  28. dcj | | #29

    I was very disappointed that Mondo didn't win. He was always in the top. It seemed as though their reasons for him not winning, were the same reasons he won all the challenges he did.

  29. KRVaughan | | #30

    WOW! What an error in judgment! Maybe the show should get the audience involved in voting who the final winner is.

  30. Ayofemi | | #31

    I stopped watching 3 episodes before the finale. I have not been impressed by any of the designers for a couple of seasons now. I liked when they first moved to Bravo and L.A. and there was no Nina or Michael. That was a good season.

  31. sewsilky | | #32

    I've been down on the designers for the most part all season, but in the end I think Andy could have won if he had put a ball gown or another dress in his line. His beautiful soft metallic fabrics were gorgeous. Mondo's ability to put patterns together is wonderful, but really, I don't see myself ever wearing anything he put together. Gretchen was just plain awful. I even like brown, but her styling was drab and those under (over) panties were grotesque. What was she thinking. Don't know what happened to the talent this season, and I was even disappointed in Heidi who I felt liked clothes too tight and too short . . . on the edge of skanky. Really, Heidi. Jessica Simpson looked fat in that dress . . . very unappealing and a bad color for her. Nina and Michael, ugh.

  32. MichelleNL | | #33

    its been a few days now and ive watched PR again and I still think that Mondo Andy and Michael should have been in the final! i still would LOVE to see michaels collection!

    I do like Gretchen jewelry and fabrics a lot, but the open backs and the wierd shorts.... what was she thinking. i really dont get the open underback shirts!

    Lets hope that Mondo and Andy wow us with there work after PR!

  33. waves_gulls | | #34

    I was shocked that Gretchen won. That's not the future, it's going back to the past! Drab grammie gowns. Mondo should have been a runaway winner with his talents for mixing prints, and coming up with designs like nobody else has ever done. That represents the future in my mind. It would have been nice to see Mondo, Andy and Michael as the final three. I had looked forward to seeing Michaels final designs. And why have 4 judges with noone to break a tie! Not fair. I totally disagree with the comments made by Nina and Michael and I am no spring chicken either! It will be interesting to hear about the future of Andy, Mondo and Michael. They are all winners!

  34. bluefly | | #35

    Definitely Andy - I loved his collection. I would order it. Mondo's was what has been in the little girl's section of stores the last 5 years - cute, but hardly original. Gretchen's did not work for me, though I think it would do okay for a mid priced catalog. I do believe in fairness and the rules and judging criteria should be stated. If they want marketablity, say that up front. If they are after high fashion, say that. Either way, I think Andy should have won.

  35. porchswingstudio | | #36

    UGH! Have you read Marie Claire? It's a mess. The last issue I will ever buy featured a shoe with a blue mohawk! And MK. He and Simon Cowell must shop at the same Wal Mart. Heidi wore the worst clothes of any season and several of the guest judges were definitely not fashion forward. I'll keep watching, but think this season they looked for lots of personalities and a little talent. Only the talent didn't win. Keep Tim, boot the rest.

  36. CarolynFH | | #37

    What a ridiculously poor choice the Project Runway judges made for this season's winner. At least a few of the pieces in Gretchen's final collection were better than what she had produced previously during the season but that is faint praise, to be sure, given how lackluster all of her work was. It would also be a truly flimsy basis for awarding her the win.

    So what was the basis of judges Kors' and Garcia's decision? RTW? For whom? Who do they think is ready to wear those garments? More importantly, why? Oh, that's right, according to them, every woman would want to wear those clothes and be that girl. Not. Not me. Not my fashionable young daughters. Not any one of the rather wide circle of well dressed women that I know.

    Her supposed fantastic styling? Hmm. Missed that, too. The jewelry? Amateurish, and she didn't even make it herself. That stands out in high contrast to Mondo and Andy who both displayed an astonishing range of technical ability in handling all sorts of materials.

    Andy's collection was truly beautiful and I expect to see him achieve success in the fashion world. Ever since watching the preseason interviews and home visits, it has been clear to me that Andy and Mondo were the most technically accomplished of this season's designers. Both are excellent, creative designers/artists and I look forward to seeing more from each one but, to me, there is simply no doubt that Mondo is a world class talent and deserved to win by a large margin.

    So, on what basis did Kors and Garcia demote him from his obvious position at the head of the class? Costumey, did I hear them say? Costumey? This from the people who awarded Seth Aaron and his clown college aesthetic the win last season? Come on folks, talk sense here.

    Juvenile? Hmm. Doesn't seem like a problem to me and I am older than I am willing to admit in a public forum. Not that it would be necessary for me to personally covet any of Mondo's designs for my own use to recognize his tremendous talent, I would be thrilled to add some of his pieces to my closet. Absolutely thrilled.

    So, perhaps they thought his collection was just too showy? Well, since when has that been considered a negative either on Project Runway or in the high fashion world at large? To my eye, Mondo's masterful use of pattern and color, as well as his theatrical runway accessories and styling, were reminiscent of Anna Sui, Alexander McQueen and other truly exciting designers, designers much more exciting than Mr. Kors has ever been. Also, on a season that has prominently featured outre hat designer Philip Treacy, how can a few runway hats become a hanging offense?

    Project Runway has been one of the extremely few television programs that I have ever cared about enough to watch routinely. It pains me to see it deteriorate into this inexplicable mess. Few of the viewers are so naive as to think that there are not other considerations beyond merit that figure in to the judging. Nonetheless, it has been all too clear throughout the season that the judges had some sort of mystifying behind the scenes agenda for Gretchen. Too bad. Too bad for all of us, including her. It cannot be pleasant to find one's shortcomings so widely commented upon nor to be so widely excoriated by thousands of people.

    Here's hoping that the show will survive this debacle and return. Without serious revamping of the judging, I cannot see how it will retain its following. I will miss it when it is gone.

  37. Lakatos | | #38

    I was so disappointed. I actually agree with Hide -- Mondo showed his stuffed consistently throughout the season -- young, innovative, talented. Other then the first several weeks, Gretchen sucked --and with attitude. Mondo was clearly the winner throughout the season. Not sure what happened -- but I obviously missed it! Mondo should have won - hands down. Gretchen should be reminded that life isn't all what you expect --move on!!

  38. kathykat | | #39

    I was so disappointed with Project Runway this season. Everyone agree that Mondo should have won. Actually no person of color has won on this show, and I don't think that is going to happen. I won't be watching the show anymore. I will be tuning in to watch the new fashion show on Bravo with Iman (model) and the designer who designs for Target.

    Gretchen no way should she have won. If anything she should have been in third place. I loved Andy's fashions. I think they should replace MK and Garcia because it is obvious that they are out of sinc with todays fashions.

  39. magicmary | | #40

    What happened to these judges?
    I thought the Project Runway competition was supposed to be about pushing the fashion envelope; about trying things that are different. I thought it was all about innovation. That was Mondo, hands down. He was bold and different and everything about his designs screamed his brand name - MONDO! Where was Gretchen? She was an "also ran" all season. Her final presentation was dull and lifeless, boring and "safe". I believe that the standard by which all of the designs are going to be judged should be standardized for every episode. That way the designers can take chances against a standard set of criteria. Where did "sale-ability" come into the picture? None of the judges talked about that throughout the entire season. It was pulled out at the last minute of the last show. Let's face it: If you are going to be inventive...if you're going to push the envelope.....if you're going to do things that have not been done before, you can't worry about whether or not someone is going to buy it. If you're worried about making designs that will only sell on the retail floor, then, to me, it's a different contest. How disappointing this was for everyone. Again, we "dumb down the audience and go with "average".

  40. kellen46 | | #41

    I think it was a toss up between Mondo and Andy. My favorite was Mondo, but if Andy had won I would have still applauded. April or Christopher C should have been in the top three, however Gretchen and her poop brown clothes and granny panties should not have been anywhere on the runway. She made her models look like they were wearing pull ups. So we should expect to see women wearing panties and a blazer and nothing else...well not if they are off the pole and on the street. I take it back they shouldn't be on the pole at all unless granola is a turn on. I loved Mondo's bright and fun clothes and thought Andy showed sophistication and a sleek profile. What was with Jessica's Simpson's look anyway....the dress made her blend so much into the background she almost disappeared and the pony tail....with all the stylists around do you think they could have made her not look like she just forgot to comb it? The only thing that didn't stink was that Tim Gunn is still on the show. I like seeing the design process, I like it when Tim does his reviews, I hate it when he give a thumbs up on something and the judges just trash what he likes, he isn't even given a chance to defend his position. Maybe it is time for new judges, keep Heidi and Tim get rid of the rest.

  41. kellen46 | | #42

    I think it was a toss up between Mondo and Andy. My favorite was Mondo, but if Andy had won I would have still applauded. April or Christopher C should have been in the top three, however Gretchen and her poop brown clothes and granny panties should not have been anywhere on the runway. She made her models look like they were wearing pull ups. So we should expect to see women wearing panties and a blazer and nothing else...well not if they are off the pole and on the street. I take it back they shouldn't be on the pole at all unless granola is a turn on. I loved Mondo's bright and fun clothes and thought Andy showed sophistication and a sleek profile. What was with Jessica's Simpson's look anyway....the dress made her blend so much into the background she almost disappeared and the pony tail....with all the stylists around do you think they could have made her not look like she just forgot to comb it? The only thing that didn't stink was that Tim Gunn is still on the show. I like seeing the design process, I like it when Tim does his reviews, I hate it when he give a thumbs up on something and the judges just trash what he likes, he isn't even given a chance to defend his position. Maybe it is time for new judges, keep Heidi and Tim get rid of the rest.

  42. FlipStitch | | #43

    As it unfolded, I thought Andy had nailed it.......elegantly fluid, beautifully executed designs. Mondo kept his whimsy with pattern, color, wonderfully individual pieces that could easily be integrated into the wardrobes of women of all ages. But I guess the style of these two wonderful designers isn't what women want....according to Nina and Michael. Well, all I can say is that there is no way that I am buying a pair of Gretchen's 1940's underpants....or were they supposed to be bathing suit bottoms?......and walking the streets. Maybe if Michael had taken off his sunglasses during the runway show, he would have gotten a better look at what was really being shown. Like everyone else, I'm shaking my head.... Gretchen's granola style taking the prize and Jessica Simpson a judge. I've watched since Season 1 and I'm not feeling it any more.

  43. dollyt | | #44

    This is probably the end of my Project Runway watching. Mondo or Andy should have been chosen. Poor judging, I would say.

  44. dollyt | | #45

    I think this is the end of my Project Runway viewing. Mondo and Andy were clearly the best of the bunch. Too bad the judges chose the weakest of the three remaining designers.

  45. Ambre | | #46

    Gretchen winning was a joke. I only liked one thing
    Andy made in the season but I liked his collection the best. I live what Mondo made over the season, but his collection was unempressive. Either Christopher C or the woman who did all the black items could have been in Gretchen's spot, though Christopher C actually listened and learned but she never changed anything.

    MY real concern in how they let Gretchen cheat. She stated several times that she had the jewelry custom made from her. Unless they changed the rules that is not allowed. A couple of seasons ago they disqualified someone for having shoes made, how is jewelry any different. That and the fact that teh jewlry was cheap junk you can make for standard hardware parts and nothign creative or special. But that is typical of how Gretchen designed all season.

    I'm going to try the new show Bravo is going to have on fashion, that starts in a week or too. I really miss Tim Gunn's show, that was a qaulity show about fashion! Would that his imput not a producer (heidi) was taken into account. That I would watch in a heartbeat.

  46. Ambre | | #47

    Gretchen winning was a joke. I only liked one thing
    Andy made in the season but I liked his collection the best. I live what Mondo made over the season, but his collection was unempressive. Either Christopher C or the woman who did all the black items could have been in Gretchen's spot, though Christopher C actually listened and learned but she never changed anything.

    MY real concern in how they let Gretchen cheat. She stated several times that she had the jewelry custom made from her. Unless they changed the rules that is not allowed. A couple of seasons ago they disqualified someone for having shoes made, how is jewelry any different. That and the fact that teh jewlry was cheap junk you can make for standard hardware parts and nothign creative or special. But that is typical of how Gretchen designed all season.

    I'm going to try the new show Bravo is going to have on fashion, that starts in a week or too. I really miss Tim Gunn's show, that was a quality show about fashion! Would that his imput not a producer (heidi) was taken into account. That I would watch in a heartbeat.

  47. MerrySunshine | | #48

    Mondo gets critized as having teen designs and Gretchen wins with those pants that only a teenie can wear. I think Mondo should have won, and Andy second. Love that polka dot dress as well as the rest of his collection. I am looking forward to buying a "Mondo"!

  48. tell_ann | | #49

    What has happened? Argh! This season was not only disappointing but irritating. The amount of time placed on the mean-ness of the contestants - are they really that mean? God help us! I think this could be used as a college study on group dynamics & how negativism takes hold in a group. Where do they get some of these contestants? I think that the contestants should have to undergo a psychological examination before being granted a place. I am not interested in another soap opera show or a 'nasty' reality show like so many others & that is what had previously differentiated PR from the others & why I would watch it (& not the others). I think I could do a better job than most of the contestants & so many of their designs were old, 'done that before', & un-inspiring.
    I think the best designers were Mondo, Andy & Michael C. Gretchen's designs were nothing short of ugly - I didn't even wear them back in the '70's, & what is it w/ the Granny panties w/ nothing but a hat & a jacket - & she did that look 3 times! Her colors were monochromatic - Michael C @ least had more texture & shape to his as did Irina & Christian's (who's winning collections were almost all black). Gretchen's jewelry was ugly - I would never buy any of it & never would my daughters (they said).
    Mondo's clothes inspired me & my daughters - we all wished we could purchase some of his clothes to mix w/ our current wardrobes & wished that we could have a shorter shirt version of his polka-dot dress. And girl! if anybody can wear that polka-dot dress, they should - it did nothing but flatter that model's beautiful body. Mondo's techniques & skill was fantastic & made us all want to get up & touch & look closely @ the details, as did Andy's clothes. Too bad Andy did the bikini look - it didn't help his collection & was a mistake in judgement. But over-all it showed he did have a 'range' in his ability to produce desirable/wearable clothes. I know if I saw Mondo's & Andy's clothes anywhere, they would inspire me to look closely @ them & try them on. I already have been inspired to use the polka-dot dress as an idea for a shirt ('in the day' I might have been able to wear that dress).
    I have to admit that I have religiously w/ rapture watched all of PR's episodes, each season & miss the original focus on design, skill, techniques, & challenges. I dream of being let loose in a hardware store, a party store & have to make a 'look' out of what I find. Grocery shopping has never been the same for me after the Grocery-store challenge! I think the bad soap-opera-like behavior or theatrics should be edited-out & the focus changed to the production of garments, struggles, ideas, support, friendships, etc. that were made. The friendships made, the support & help given, the forgiveness of a teammate (as Michael C. did forgive Gretchen so graciously @ the end of the show). The negative behavior did cause me to be emotional, but they were negative emotions & not what I prefer my choice of entertainment would do for me. LOVE!!! Tim Gunn! He's the best part of the show, for sure. Without him & without Heidi, the show would never be the same.

  49. arjee63 | | #50

    I was very disappointed with the final. The judges told everyone to bring something new, to surprise them. Andy went a completely new direction and showed something accessible to women of all ages, yet very elegant, and a little edgy. I would wear his clothes in a heartbeat - there were pieces there I could wear to a dinner, to a professional gathering, to a client site. I could see his styles on women half my age - and have seen that kind of aesthetic on countless Hollywood runways. Okay, so I wouldn't have worn the headpieces...but as far as I was concerned, he stole the show. His collection took my breath away. I hope he'll be much in demand.

    Mondo's style rocked! I can totally see women my daughters' ages - 20-something - wearing his amazing designs. He brought freshness and vitality to the runway.

    Gretchen? Ugh...I waited all season to see her leave the show. The drama, the hysteria, and the self-absorption were all way, way too much. I didn't care for her bohemian style. Every piece she makes is made for her to wear. No one who's not tall and rail-thin could pull off any of those looks without looking frumpy. Those panty things - are you kidding me? Tacky. Awful.

    As far as the season goes...I'm tired of Michael Kors' mean-spirited comments, I'm tired of Heidi Klum pretending to be a trendsetter (even HER body doesn't look good in many of her outfits) and I'm disappointed with most of the "guest judges" they bring in. Jessica Simpson? Seriously? Oh, please. Michael's obviously annoyed with some of his possible competition. Heidi is busy strutting around in ridiculous getups and trying to be a diva. The guest judges are usually clueless. Nina Garcia seems to be the only person with some fashion sense. This season was not about style and design. It was about drama and twists - way too close to "reality TV." As much as I've loved watching the designers bring their creations to life, I'm not sure I'll watch another.

  50. arjee63 | | #51

    TIM! Save this show! You have a loyal following for a very under-served group of people. Boot out these silly, inconsistent, drama-seeking judges and turn this back into a show about style, fashion, and design! We want our runway back!

  51. jraphi1 | | #52

    It was a sad commentary on the judges' taste. It almost seems as if Michael and Nina, who seem to dislike Jessica, voted for Gretchen because Jessica and Heidi championed Mondo.The more that J and H pushed for Mondo the more ridged and mulish M and N became.

  52. sewluv2quilt | | #53

    PR has been my favorite show since it started. This year I was disgusted with the judging. How can Gretchen possibly be the best of the group? I may not be back next year; the results made me sad.
    Mondo and Andy we loved you and you deserved to come out on top; but in the long run you will. It will be your clothes we buy, not Gretchen's.

  53. knittingirl | | #54

    Wow! lots of comments. I have to wonder if there was something about Gretchen's designs that just didn't translate to the TV screen. Otherwise, I have to assume that Michael and Nina are just crazy, or at the best inconsistent in their judging. I actually missed the runway on the first broadcast. I only saw the clothes as the designer talked with the judges. After watching the rebroadcast, I did see something in Gretchen's presentation that was more appealing then I expected. However, her long dress was in style when I was a teen, forty years ago. Not something I would consider wearing today. In my mind, Andy and Mondo presented beautiful designs that were superior in styling. Throughout PR, designers were cautioned to make the distinction between clothes and fashion. What happened? Tim - I'm confused. Are you?

  54. User avater
    swanpeg1 | | #55

    I agree with the majority of comments. I have enjoyed this show to see how different designers/sewists rise to a variety of challenges. This year was too much drama and not enough about clothing and fashion. Mondo clearly showed outstanding patterning skills from the start and seemed to be penalized in the final for going against MK's recommendation that he lose the bubble dress. Bearing in mind previous winners and the encouragement the designers receive to "be true to their aesthetic", I don't understand how a collection with three looks that include panties won the big prize this year. Very inconsistent and confusing judging overall.
    I'm very happy to hear that Iman will be co-hosting on Bravo and will be happy to try a different show about fashion. If only Tim Gunn could be convinced to go back to Bravo. I, too, am done with PR.
    Luckily, I didn't say I'd eat my sewing machine if Gretchen won! I'll keep on sewing and enjoying Threads.

  55. hbletko | | #56

    Gretchen should have been out a long time ago. That first group challenge where she did all the work and it was blaaaaa.

  56. hbletko | | #57

    Gretchen should have been out a long time ago. The first group challenge where she did all the work and the collection was blaa. She took the responsiblility and should have been out then. I'm disapointed that she made it this far and thought that Mondo sewed circles around her all season. I would never buy her clothes!

  57. Mimille | | #58

    Unbelievable!!! I have not missed a single episode of Project Runway since Season 1 - I truly love that show - but - this year - Nina and Michael were waaaaaay off the mark. What were they thinking? It's obvious they weren't thinking at all. The only thing memorable about Gretched's collection is brown panties. And what was that horrible outfit she was wearing! Andy and Mondo both had fashions that women of any age can wear. Gretched went back to the 70's UGGGGHHH! Talk about monochromatic!!

    I am very disappointed that Heidi backed down and let Kors and Garcia have their say. . . . ..they were dead wrong this time! Gretched should have been eliminated at least by week 3 or 4.

    Mondo and Andy will work circles around G and be much more successful regardless of the fact they didn't have $100,000 up front!

  58. User avater
    Maryp65 | | #59

    Stunned, shocked, and appalled all at the same time that Gretchen has won. Her designs ALL SEASON did not even come close to Mondo’s, Andy’s, Michael’s AND others. Where are the judges’ heads! I am so angry that this woman’s designs won over the talents of Mondo and Andy! I think her clothes are frumpy to say the least. THE PANTIES.......OH SURE I can see almost any woman I know wearing them.....NOT! Best part of the show GUNN...LOV YA!

  59. pageadditions | | #60

    Mondo was the clear winner, when they tried to sell the clothes from the show....Mondo's sold out very quickly and Gretchens didn't need I say more?

  60. MsGeneral | | #61

    You could see that this was a tough season. They had some really good designers, as always. But Gretchen was the last person I thought would win. I hated most of the things she designed. I'm not sure who would wear her Bohemian ready to wear clothing. Though I am not a fan of Heidi, I have to say this time she was right. Mondo's designs and color combinations are me. If Mondo could not have one because of personal dislikes by Nina and Michael, then Andy should have won, because his collection was 100 times better than Gretchen's. But I guess that's why they make the big bucks. YUCK!!!! to Gretchen.

  61. Sparklebelly | | #62

    Mondo is in, Michael Kors and Nina Garcia are out! Auf Wiedersehn, Project Runway.

  62. triciab1212 | | #63

    Victoria North. You NAILED the unseen. I'm impressed! I really like the angle you have in this article.

    as for my opinion, the show is a farce now. It's all about the drama and no longer about true technique, out-of-the-box thinking, and fair & real-critique judging. ALL of the regular judges are mean, too opinionated, hipocritical, out of touch, unprofessional and full of themselves. I thought Bravo was the drama-pushing station. I didn't think Lifetime would be as bad. Oh well.

    I would have loved to see all of Michael C's collection (I was in awe of his color/fabric choices. It would have made a fabulous "one color" runway collection).

    Why did Gretchen make it past the 3rd show? ??? I respect her as a person and as a designer, but, yuck. I was routing for Mondo but his collection wasn't all I was hoping it would be. It was very nice, though, for sure. Andy's was awesome. I would wear all his stuff (and Mondo's if I could get away with it. Probaby too young for me).

  63. joycerenee | | #64

    When they chose Gretchen over Michael C., they lost me, especially considering that their central complaint about Michael C. was his use of the same color tones. They then proceed to award the title to Gretchen, whose clothes not only used the same color tones but also used the same designs over and over again. Gretchen showed nothing that could not be found at Macy's on an average shopping trip.

    But, my greatest problem with the show is Nina Garcia's association with Marie Claire magazine, a magazine that has openly declared in an editorial that larger women are disgusting:


    Until this attitude has been addressed by the magazine with a full cover apology, I and many others are boycotting the magazine, its advertisers, and Project Runway.

    Have we not heard Michael Kors on many occasions chastise design contestants for failing to be able to design for the average woman? And yet, Nina Garcia sits next to him, unapologetic for the editorical content at Marie Claire.

    Read the article and see just what Marie Claire's editors really think.

  64. wagsnwoos | | #65

    I was out of town for the final show and just watched it today.
    What a travesty! Mondo has more creativity in his little finger than Gretchen and Andy has more style and technique than she could ever hope for. I think it's time for a change of judges. They're all too crass and jaded. The show needs a fresh look. Surely some other designers would like to take a crack at intimidating young talent. Show us some skills instead of the rags Gretchen sent down the runway. thank God I'm not in the market for any new designer clothes!

  65. Aspydelia | | #66

    Mondo was robbed.

    Anyone besides me think that little stunt was a rather juvenile attempt on the part of Kors to poke Karl Lagerfeld in the eye, so to speak? Obviously he and Garcia are not pleased at having to eat fashion forward crow over the diaper issue. Upon mulling over all the possibilities, that scenario seems the most likely IMHO.

  66. User avater
    grnthumb30 | | #67

    I pretty much agree with the general consensus that has been posted so far. However, let me add this: Let's keep Project Runway about the SKILLS and the TALENT. This was the first runway season I about quit watching. Why? DRAMA -- unnecessary drama that is. Did we really need to see Ivy taken to the hospital for dehydration/fatigue? Did we really need to see everyone hounding on Michael all season? Let's focus on the skills, fashion and the process. If I wanted to see a bunch of bickering adults, I would watch Survivor. (Do they still do Survivor?) If the next Project Runway is more about personal drama than fashion, I may just have to leave the TV in the sewing room off that evening!

  67. sewful | | #68

    I've read most of the comments and I watched the entire season of PR. I agree with the comments - I guess they picked Gretchen because they felt sorry for her, because it couldn't have been for the foolishness she created. And she was way to self-absorbed during the show, but quick to lay blame on others when it benefitted her. I didn't mind a little bit of the drama between the designers b/c it is a competition but I agree that should not have been the focus. I think it's time for some new judges. These folks blasted Michael for the same color and Gretchen's clothes were a bland mess of the same. Sad, they got rid of the best designers. Let's see what she produces that is so hot that it jumps off the shelves...

  68. Ceeayche | | #69

    Finally, I see folk who agree with me. I lament the fact that Gretchen was rewarded for her churlish, petty behavior. I often found myself wondering what old pattern she was using when looking at her designs-- one in particular I remember as being from Vogue. Throughout the show she was not imaginative. She should not have beat out Michael. I'm disappointed we won't get to see his collection.

    Andy really stepped up and offered something fresh from his normal black warrior woman stuff. I think he'll do some great things. I found it ironic he chose the same green that the red headed lady from a couple of shows back used to break up HER black and white pallate.

    Mondo was the most consistently creative. And he showed himself to have high integrity when he openly apologized to Michael.

    I don't understand why these shows give these folk the opportunity of a lifetime and then reward the ones who squander the opportunity with petty bickering and school yard behavior. Suck it up kids this is your life, and you should treat this opportunity with more professionalism.

    If the designs sing, the drama is sooooo unnecessary!

  69. maggiebell | | #70

    I thought Gretchen was being kept on Project Runway to rev up the drama by her superior, critical, demeaning manner. I truly thought she would be eliminated at the last minute so the judges and show would regain some credibility. I was stunned that she was selected winner with her succession of boring, earth-muffin stab at Western style. Tacky, poorly executed, marketable perhaps at the hippy commune of yore. Have the judges lost sight of their mission on Project Runway or maybe I am very confused.

  70. sdecunni | | #71

    I was annoyed to say the least at the results of Project Runway. Gretchen's designs lacked any real design. For Nina and Michael Kors to say they are designs the average woman would want to wear is absolutely crazy. I am 54 years of age and would not wear anything Gretchen designed. I have lost total respect for Project Runway. I am not sure I will watch it ever again. I thought Heidi and Jessica Simpson would stick to their guns but I see they did not and I lost a great deal of respect for Heidi. I agree with many of the other comments that new judges are needed. I am so sick of Nina, who in my opinion always looks bland and then has the nerve to make the comments she does. I think they should also stick to the designs and leave the drama for one of the Real Housewives of Whoever. If I wanted to watch people bicker back and forth over nothing, I would watch the Real Housewives.

  71. cdesigns | | #72

    I loved watching Project Runway until this season. Gretchen truly should have been off the show for her lack of design and color long before getting half way into the showing. All the drama was rediculious it was more like a reality show with people talking jiberish!! Mondo,Andy and Michael were the best designers and all that putting Michael under the bus was terrible if this is really how designers act so be it, but I just want to see the designs. I am watching this show to upgrade my designs and learn about competition can't say I learned alot this season. Nina was rude to ask Mondo where his thoughts were on his design and he felt obligated to tell her his HIV problem. Remember looking at Nina and Michael the clothes they wore were drab and they know fashion! Heidi get some new judges that have different views and know more about fashion!!!

  72. CarolAB | | #73

    Mondo should have won. And, I think he would have if Tim hadn't told him to scrap the little black dress. Interesting that Michael Kors said all Mondo needed was a little black dress. Yes, Gretchen's dresses are more wearable except for that terrible short short outfit. Where would you wear that? But, I can design wearable stuff. It is the wonderful imagination that Mondo has that should be encouraged in the fashion world. Look at the designer ? Darn, I can't remember his name. He just died and his clothes were outre and wearable. That is the way I see it. CarolAB

  73. Skymom | | #74

    I've been meaning to ask--and I hope someone can help me out with this: I am unable to understand the Gretchen granny-panty trend. Apparently she got away with showing those awful briefs because they're "current" and "now," but I have never seen a pair on a person or in a store or in a magazine. Who would wear them, and where are they intended to be worn? I saw Rihanna wearing short shorts on SNL, but even they weren't as short and shlumpy as Gretchen's. I can't fathom any scenario appropriate to such a garment, even if these bloomers were remotely flattering. I'm confused!

  74. NikkiLyra | | #75

    I agree with most of the comments about the designers and suggest changes. I have watched PR since the first episode but will not without major changes. This season was a farce for those of us who THOUGHT Project Runway was about fashion and designs. After comparing Project Runway when it was at Bravo I suggest changes: 1. New producers; 2. New judges including Tim Gunn as a judge: 4. Maybe replace Heidi altogether (she doesn’t add anything and after this season she sure is unable to produce and she is rather rude to the designers). There are lots of has been models out there who would be great as the “model.” As a producer she is an utter failure. As a producer she failed to emphasize Jessica’s opinion. Why have a guest judge if the opinion of the judge is ignored? Heidi could have selected Mondo or Andy as the winner in her role as producer because the producer has two votes so the final score would have been 3 (Jessica 1 + Heidi’s 2 votes) to the 2, one each from Kors and Garcia. Heidi MUST accept the responsibility for her mistake in permitting Kors and Garcia’s monstrous decision in choosing Gretchen. Gauging all the comments posted previously, it looks like winner Gretchen may have just ruined Project Runway. Maybe Heidi as a model is too accustomed to listening to designers instead of doing her producer job and taking charge. I do not see how this show will return next year unless Heidi and Producers are replaced.

    Like a previous responder, I never wore clothes like those of Gretchen in the 70s. In the 60s I used to copy styles and make them for myself and girlfriend from the magazines: “Elle” and “Harper’s Bazaar”, and “Vogue” . Although I am retired now, I still would wear some of Mondo’s clothes just as they are. Andy’s clothes would need changes for me especially in the length. I would never wear that horrible STUFF that won this show. In case you younger people have not noticed many of us older women still wear attractive clothes that are current tasteful fashion. Gretchen did not even have good hippy clothes. Hippy clothes might have been dirty but they were colorful.

    This show has deteriorated to a focus on fighting and criticism among the designers. Like the rest of you I want to see tasteful fashion not underwear masquerading as shorts. I subscribe to Threads and expect Threads as a member of Project Runway to make changes. I WILL not watch another season like this one. I long for Project Runway as it was at Bravo. It seems when PR moved to Lifetime Heidi and the producers lost their minds. Replace them producers and Heidi.

    I want a show where TIM GUNN is incharge. He knows style and makes thoughtful and tactful criticism of the designers. NOT NASTY like Kors, Garcia, and Heidi.

    I doubt if the new “Fashion Show” on Bravo on Tues 9 November can be this bad.

  75. fabriclover007 | | #76

    New show on Bravo, with Iman and Isaac M. Perhaps the magic will be recaptured there. I'm pretty disgusted with Project Runway this season. The drama was just too much.

  76. Sharon_Carbine | | #77

    Mondo Guerra won Project Runway 2010 in the hearts of viewers. Fire Michael Kors and Nina Garcia. They proved to viewers that their judge roles are NOT acceptable anymore.

    I love Mondo's ingenuity and bright, happy clothes. Furthermore, Mondo inspires me. I hope a well-heeled fashion experts funds him. Mondo will be a big fashion name that everyone will recognize. Yeah, Mondo!!!

    At Fashion Week, Gretchen showed a couple of models wearing colored UNDERWEAR on the runway. Please!!! What idiot would wear such nonsense in public! Plus, I was incredulous that Gretchen had the nerve to wear a shear skirt that emphasized her black underwear on stage. She appears to be a exhibitionist.

    I am so disappointed that Michael Kors and Nina Garcia bulldozed over Heidi Klum and Jessica Simpson that I will NOT invest my time watching Project Runway ever again unless they are replaced and specific objectives are given to the contestants and the new judges honor those objectives. Of course, I still like Tim Gunn. He is a keeper.

    Furthermore, forget those ridiculous shows where the contestants are required to use party supplies and hardware to make clothes. Plus, give the contestants more time at Mood. Why torture them! Designing and creating fashion should NOT be treated like boot camp. I want to see quality work – not highly pressured contestants and fast work.

  77. Skymom | | #78

    NikkiLyra, I don't understand what you mean about Threads being a "member" of Project Runway. There is no such thing as membership in Project Runway, and Threads has (as far as I know) no affiliation whatsoever with the program. They merely host this discussion, because so many Threads readers watch the show and like to share their opinions about it. Threads therefore can't make changes to the program, so even if you're unhappy with the show, please don't hold it against Threads.

  78. User avater
    ustabahippie | | #79

    I, too, was disappointed that Mondo didn't win. I thought his were the most exciting designs, and that's what a fashion SHOW is all about.
    Gretchen's fabrics and styles for her blouses, skirts and dresses were very pretty, although her color choices were so limited. But those short shorts were awful, they remind me of old fashioned men's swimwear! Only children under 12 could wear shorts that short in public! What is she thinking? Would she wear shorts like that?...she designs what she wants to wear, according to her statement. Couldn't imagine her daring to put those on, unless they're her underpants...sexy!

  79. User avater
    island_girl | | #80

    It seems that I am not alone on thinking that it was such a travesty to see Gretchen win. Mondo should have won hands down! It was his designs that made me want to watch the show each week. He has that something that made you want to see what he would creat next.

    It seem too sad that the judges would eliminate Andy for not keeping to his "warrior woman" designs which were not so wearable, yet they pick Gretchen to win because they thought her designs were more wearable? I don't think I would venture in a part of a store if I had glanced over and saw her collection merely because the drabness would not beckon me. Where as Mondo's design and color would draw me in.

    I was so happy to have a program about fashion when PR started since all the other 'how to' shows were all gone. But the show has gotten sooo bad with all the trash talk and back stabbing. They need to realize that sewers are a different breed. We're not inspired to watch because of the drama. We watch because we crave and are inspired by creativity and beautiful FASHION whether it's wearable or not!

    Project Runway should take note of all these comments. You may have had alot of viewer but like many others, I too won't be watching if you continue the show the way it's been.

  80. sewgramms | | #81

    From someone who believes the last great designer was Levi Strauss, I have to say I love watching Project Runway.
    From the Oh My Gosh- how did they do that?! to the train wrecks. It is amazing to me to see the engenuity and creativity of the designers in such a short time. The judging is a mystery to me but who am I? It's a competition, a reality show and a soap opera. As long as I can appreciate it for what it is, I'll keep on watching.

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