Fashionable and easy to make, a cardi-wrap is just a rectangle with inserted sleeves. In this article, Anna Mazur shows you how to cut and construct one in less than an hour. Then, depending on the weight of the fabric, you can wear the garment in several artsy ways. Each configuration gives this stylish alternative to a sweater or jacket an entirely different look and feel: Tie it, belt it, wrap it, or try a unique combination of these for a look that’s all your own.
From Threads #130
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I am new to this website, signed up tonight. I cannot get it to accept me, I've given my email and password a dozen times in order to get some of the instructions. I am not a happy subscriber! Please let me know what to do.
Nice, but sure wish you'd show the back with both ends flipped over the shoulder. I'm lacking in spatial skills.