Learn to Create Fashionable Quilted Garments
Clothing was originally quilted centuries ago for padding under armor and, of course, for warmth. Quilting is still a common way to attach warm insulation to fabric for outerwear, which is why we think of quilted garments as lofty and bulky. Mary Ray shares techniques to create soft, supple, lightweight, and shapely garments in which the quilting lines serve as embellishment and detail.
Although it takes a little extra time, quilting is a great way to add body to delicate fabrics that otherwise might be unsuitable for certain garment styles. And you don’t need to construct a separate lining. I’ve made lots of quilted jackets, vests, and coats, and find that the process is actually quicker than you might expect, relaxing to do, and gives me the opportunity to create unique surface designs to enhance my garment style lines.
Mary explains how to choose fabrics for the outside and inside of your garment, and which battings work best. Most importantly, she’ll share simple construction and pressing techniques that will ensure a successful garment-whatever its style.
From Threads #103
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