You could be one of two lucky winners of Embroidery Companion: Classic Designs for Modern Living
In Embroidery Companion: Classic Designs for Modern Living Alicia Paulson shares 30 of her dream embroidery projects that can be used to embellish both garments and home decor items. Many of the projects are functional, a few are purely decorative, but all of them can be adapted as desired. The book is organized into three sections—decorative embroidery, counted cross-stitch, and crewelwork—and the projects in each section are accompanied by photos of finished items, stitch charts, templates, pattern pieces, and instructions for finishing. An illustrated stitch dictionary and general sewing section walks you through every stitch and sewing technique used in the book. A list of resources—from historical references to contemporary needlework shops—will help you find further information and sources for all of the supplies you’ll need. Whether you’re a beginning embroiderer or an accomplished needleworker, this book has something for you. The book is a follow-up to Alicia Paulson’s previous embroidery book, Stitched in Time.
Tell us what type of embroidery you love the most—either embroidery you enjoy stitching or embroidery you admire for its detail, design, etc. Simply leave your comment on this post before the deadline—11:59 pm, Sunday, March 6—and you could be one of two lucky winners to receive a copy of the book. The winners will be randomly-selected on Tuesday, March 8.
Good luck!
I love decorative embroidery for it's ability to turn something ordinary into something special and unique. A friend embroidered a simple jeans tote with trailing vines, vibrant flowers and beautiful pretty! In addition I like the way it feels when you trace a finger across the design.
I've recently started to learn about Mountmellick embroidery, which like all whitework, fascinates me. But I don't think I have ever met any embroidery technique that I haven't admired and wanted to try my hand at!
I love to see the younger generation adding the free flowing designs to their recycled clothes. When I was in my teens, we designed stitching pattens for our bell bottom jeans by having our friends sign their name, we would then add flowers and design pattens around their names along with using various stitching techniques.
I've been changing since the 80's. First: flowers, vines, letters. Then in the 90's crosstitch, and now more freehand, more relaxed, cero counting.
I like to embroider words and food, mostly vegetables! :)
Embroidery stitches by hand that wend their way over the surface of a garment - wearable art. I love using metallic, rayon, cotton, and have used hair and wire too.
i love plain ol' freestyle hande embroidery - i think the texture you get from it (satin stitches, french knots, chain stitches, feather stitches, etc) is gorgeous and really adds a nice touch to handmade anything.
I love all types of needlework. Exploring and Researching the history and country of origin of different types is of great interest to me. The "Jacobean" embroidery designs and what they were used on and for are particulary facinating. Learning about the symbolism and "Hidden" meanings in needlework is also a of interest, like the Marion Hanging at Oxburgh Hall in Norfork England made by Mary Queen of Scots. I like finding crewel embroidery kits which have been started and not finished; on eBay and at garage sales.
I use to embroider a lot in the past. Now I am teaching myself how to do it again. I looked am always looking for a great stitch book with clear instructions and new stitches.
I like hand embroidery on baby & children's heirloom clothes, including smocking & shadow embroidery.
I love embrodery on pillowcases.
The historical embroidery I admire most is the Bayeux tapestry - amazing detail and no patterns. What amazingly imaginitive minds and nimble fingers produced the tapestry. I also admire Jacobean embroidery with a modern twist and have tried some stumpwork. My everyday embroidery is the stitcheries for quilts and children's garments.
i would like to get back into embroidery, i have'nt done it in year's.
I learned crewel by finishing off a pillow my grandmother started, and I've been in love since. I'll play at other kind of embroideries, but nothing holds my interest like crewel, especially classic motifs.
I love Mexican style embroidery, like the type seen on the gauzy tent dresses. I have a deep love for the rich colors, flowers, birds and other common designs. Whenever I wear one of my dresses from Mexico, my grandma gets so happy as it reminds her of her forever home.
Embroidery is so relaxing, but looking at the beautiful work others do is amazing!
I like to do simple surface embroidery like redwork. I make tablecloths and house linens. I admire Chines silk embroidery. It way outside my field of expertise and it is really lovely to touch.
I just recently picked up a needle and started playing with it... I am trying to embroider with ribbons... I can do the basics ok but love all the more elaborate work that I have seen and aspired to get there!!
Machine Embroidery is my passion, specifically working with artists such as Louise Bourgeois, Angelo Filomeno, Elaine Reichek, Kent Henricksen, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Jean Shin and presently R.M. Fischer to name a few. Translating their fine art ideas into creative interpretations in stitching and occasionally combining with printing has yielded a new and challenging art form.
I learned to embroider over 50 yrs.ago-making dresser runners and pillow cases. I hand-embroidered the clothes I made for my children, including "chicken scratch" curtains and bedding for their rooms(I still have a "chicken scratch" apron) I've also done crewel embroidery, candlewicking and a lot of cross stitch. My favourite piece is a cross stitch of a vintage Santa Claus in a pale pink robe that hangs in our living room every Christmas.
I love old embroidery techniques that been used in modern ways. It keeps the old traditions fresh and makes them relevant for new fans. Like the smocking treatment around the waist of a dress that won one of the challenges for Project Runway. Or tone-on-tone machine embroidery to add interest to the basic white blouse. Or ribbon embroidery adding a surprise detail to a linen lampshade. Or crewel flowers entwined with Grecian key borders along the skirt edge of a suit. Or cross stitch patterns with modern themes or completed in non traditional scale and materials. Wish I had more time. And still drooling over an embroidery machine......
Although I've had little time to try any embroidery lately, I've been admiring a small rug I recently purchased in India. It is literally embroidered with wired threads (bullion) and semi-precious stones. Unfortunately I can't take the backing off to see how the stitches are finished on the back side. I've done machine embroidery -- got one of the very first home machines to do embroidery many, many years ago. I have a few antique pieces that were done by my grandmother when she was younger. I'm trying to figure out the best way to display these pieces without damaging them. I've taught hand sewing in the past and while I find hand stitching relaxing, I keep getting drawn to the sections of the book I use for decorative stitching. One day. . . there will be enough time for all the things I would love to be able to do.
I started out doing embroidery on linen to have something to frame and put up on the walls for our fist fixer-upper! I graduated to counted cross stitch and crewel pillows, and am getting back to embroidery, but this time on clothes (hopefully children's, as my mom did on ours!). It's so relaxing, and definitely a way of getting instant gratification!
I still love doing pillowcases & dishtowels for Wedding presents....It is relaxing & something to do in the winter months...or when having to wait at an appointment...Like doing table linens & napkins, also, aprons & hankies...
Even after 60 years, now am teaching my granddaughters to embroidery their first set of towels...
It is a gift from the heart & we don't see enough of those any more.
I do a little machine embroidery, mainly monograming (you know how Southerners are about monogramming), but what I love is the hand stitched embroidery. I am so fortunate to have many pieces my Mother made. For a long time, I carefully stored them away, only to get them out occasionally to admire. Finally, I decided that I wanted to admire them regularly. I made a display which I rotate seasonally in a small table top trunk in my guest room. Often, as I pass the room, I go in and look at the fine stitching on one or another of the pieces. I also have a pillowcase on my backrest pillow that I use to prop myself up in bed to read. Each time I draw that pillow up, I think of her and the hours she must have spent happily stitching. She taught me some of the hand embroidery stitches, but I did not keep up with them and never mastered the craft as she did.
I still have my grandmother's hand enbroidered baby quilt she made for me 60 years ago. I have an embroidery machine, but much prefer hand embroidery. So many of the lost arts of fabric design have been lost. Hand embroidery is more personal and lovely. I love the simpler designs.
I love so many kinds of embroidery....I'm just doing regular outline stitch right now with some French knots on a tea towel. But I've been dying for this book so this giveaway is just perfect....especially if I win it. I'm so excited, love Alicia's blog and all her designs!
I absolutely love crewel embroidery. Years and years ago, I used to watch public TV to see Erica Wilson. I also had all of her books. My favorite things to embroider were pictures for special people in my life. I also enjoy embroidering on sweaters. It makes the item look so special! I would love to own this book. I have my fingers crossed!!!
I do couching on some of my art dolls and I enjoy embellishing with both hand and machine stitching, but I'd certainly like to learn more techniques. I'm a neophyte.
My favorite embroidery is the hand embroidery my sister-in-law did on a paif of jeans for me when I was in high school. The jeans are years old and many sizes too small now, but I will never part with them. The TLC that went into making them is what embroidery is all about.
I especially like simple, classic embroidery like tone on tone. I also enjoy handwork, particularly the old fashioned designs.
I've done many styles/varieties of hand embroidery, but I've never attempted any Asian styles. I'd like to, but it's done with silk, which is too pricey for me at the moment. Something to look forward to some day!
Smocking is a wonderful way to embroider. I have some antique quilt squares embroidered by my grandmother and some of her hand monogramed dinner napkins, they are all gorgeous.
I love all kinds of embroidery! Especially hand embroidery. I am not a fan of complicated embroidery designs for clothing (i.e., the whole cloth is embroidered). I think that sort of work looks better on something small, like a purse. I think less is more when it comes to embroidery on clothing and when done right it can really make a garment something unique and special.
I do machine embroidery and counted cross stitch ... both limited by the time I have. I embellish household items (linens, towels, etc) to clothing using machine embroidery. It adds demension and gives the item its own style. For Christmas I make a small sock the size of a Christmas ornament using a counted cross stitch pattern. I make one for each of my grandchildren,and great nieces and nephews .. 17 in all. All the kids look forward to seeing what the new design will be and hanging them up on the tree.
I have been learning crazy quilting and using embroidery to embellish my projects. Having fun and learning something new!
I have been doing embroidery since I could hold a needle. I fell in love with my first red strawberry outline and the little french knots on the inside of the design. Soon followed samplers, tablecloths, jean embellishments, and crazy quilt stitching.
I usually do counted cross stitch, but for embellishing I have done crewel and silk ribbon embroidery.
I come from a long line of hand needle workers and each generation has taken from the newer techniques, materials, tools, etc. and added to the work that has already been done. I purchased an embroidery machine about 3 years ago,
when I saw what they could do, and have been in love with machine embroidery ever since.
I love the Victorian and old classic designs as they remind me of the women in my family. I love to make something for someone and use these patterns. Hopefully someone will like what I make well enough to appreciate the work and enjoy the item. Being told, "It's a keeper", makes me feel very good.
I can't think of a better time to be a needle worker than the present. We have so much available to us to do whatever we want to do. My grandmothers would not believe the things that I have bought to help in my work. I hope I do them proud.
I am getting really interested in ribbon embroidery. I have done crewel work and cross stitch and, more recently, machine embroidery. I like doing shaded, realistic designs.
As for my favorite embroidery I lean towards Asian designs. I like Asian designs for their simplicity, grace, and color. I also am heavily into anything Tinkerbelle, as I have a grandaughter (my only granddaughter) who will be 11 years old in 14 days!
As of late I am into heirloom sewing and am seeing new funcionality of using any light, airy designs in white for white on white work with white batiste. Also in ecru on a white garment that has ecru topstitching and ecru lace insertion. Once you get started with embroidery, you see it's usefullness everywhere!
I love to embroider doll clothes. Florals are always wonderful, and I admire whitework very much. I also love to experiment with other tone on tone embroideries. I'm particularly fond of all variations of bullion stitch and buttonhole stitch, as well as the texture that French knots can give.
My favorite embroidery continues to be that which appears to be elusively elegant. I like cutting out the centers of extravagant embroidered circles and filling them in with shimmery chiffon. The designs appear to be floating!
love to embroyder clothes and dish towels.. makes them so cute!! machine embrordery is pretty cool too..
The most interesting embroidery that I have found to do is crewel, which is almost impossible to find anymore. I like the texture and the dimension that it gives a picture. It has been a while since I embroidered with regular floss, but I like adding little touches to everyday items, especially children clothing.
As a child I learned embroidery from my Mom. It would keep me busy by the hour. Now, I enjoy embroidery by my machine and I'm learning how to digitize my own designs so that I can make what I have in my head a reality!
I love to cross stitch. I love applique embroidery. I have been making burp cloths. I enjoy sewing. I would love to have this book.
love to embroider the collars of denim jackets and pillow cases especially with Jacobean designs
I love shadow embroidery! It is my favorite type of embroidery because there is so much gratification after you have finished. The colors that show through the back side of the fabric are amazing! I usually use it on children's clothing.
I love hand embroidery! I can be so creative to take a blank fabric and just go for it! It can be folksy or elaborate.. I love it all.
I love to do hand embroidery and don't think that any machine work can compare. However, I do have a wonderful embroidery machine and there is a place for this on so many projects from my grandkids clothes to lovely table linens for a special event or gifts. I enjoy both for sure!
I love to embroider on my Grandaughters clothes, pillowcases and most anything I think will look pretty. I also like to make scrap purses and embroider life experiences on them. I would love to win this book.
I love to do hand embroidery. I've been doing it since my Grandmother taught me when I was 7(I'm now 58!). I still have that first piece I did. NOTHING can recreate the beauty and variation of stitches done by a skilled hand emdroiderer.
Embroidery has opened many windows for me! 3 main pics I search for:
1) rough collies (Lassie). I create jackets that promote collies - we have a Theodore (a collie) at home that I adore!
2) poppies - to commemorate Remembrance Day and the veterans. I collect poppy fabric and poppy designs. This is for a Victory in Europe quilt that I am designing. My father served in WWII and walked through Holland 66 years ago this year. We embarked on a Victory trip last year to commemorate this event.
3) vw volkswagen. We own a 71 VW beetle and enjoy riding in our 'love bug' wearing our jackets with the VW emblem!
Although I do embroidery by machine now, my favorite piece was a cross stitch picture of Cinderella dressed for the ball. The embroidery hoop was a plastic frame ready to hang when the embroidery was finished. I made it when I was 6 years old in 1953. Mother taught me how to make the x's. I realize now that this was the very first piece of sewing I did. I wish I still had it because that piece started my lifelong passion with sewing.
I love embroidery, hand or machine as a story telling device...
I love counted cross stitch, it is wonderful to start with a blank fabric and just add the colors and watch a picture appear!
I like to do hand embroidery. I'm still learning the ins and outs but enjoy it a lot.
I love many different styles of embroidery. It
is hard to choose just one style. I like to embroider onto baby items, clothing, purses, home decor and much more. Lately, I have been learning to do cutwork and learning how to put it into a quilt. I would love to receive this book on embroidery designs and how it embellish my projects even more.
I love embroidered samplers - and in particular the one my daughter who is now 16 did for me for my birthday ... when she was 8 years old. I was a single Mum then and a very dear friend who looked after her afterschool whilst I worked, sat with her and taught her simple stitches to do this very special piece and then framed it for her. This hangs on the wall of my sewing carriage and it always reminds me of this wonderful friend, her talents, her thoughtful ways and her loving heart, all so willingly shared with my daughter and myself.
I would have to say machine embroidery- it's what I've done the most of. Funny, I bought my first Bernina machiine in 2005 & was asked if I wanted the embroidery module for the discounted price, my first thought was no, wouldn't use it much. But, have come to really enjoy doing this type work. Designing in software is lots of fun. This book would be a great help in furthering my craft.
My favorite embroidery style is Chinese satin stitch on silk garments. The second would be Brazilian embroidery where the images look almost 3-D. IF my eyesight was better, I would use either to decorate my clothing. Nehmah-who thinks much was lost when we quit handwork.
I love machine embroidery on everything.
I still remember my mom teaching me and my brother to do hand embroidery. We chose a simple design out of a coloring book and she showed us how to do the basic outline stitch. It took some doing to figure out French Knots. When I was a teenager, my grandfather was in and out of the hospital and nursing home. I bought some dishtowels and hand my grandmother embroider them for me. This was one way to help keep her hands occupied. I still have those towels and treasure them.
I have done a couple of counted cross stitch. I really admire some that my sisters-in-law have done and decorate their homes with.
Now I love to do machine embroidery. I put designs on dishtowels to give for weddings, birthdays, and Christmas. Most people love them.
I like counted cross stitch to best, although have done other types...
I LOVE needlework.
What kind do I do? I've tried all kinds. Crewl, counted cross stitch, cross stitch, candlewicking, even hardanger.
I could never pick a favorite. I knit and crochet and couldn't choose either of them as a favorite.
I love and enjoy all the types of embroidery, from classic candle wicking of unbleached thread on muslin to the pastels of a babies garment or blanket, to cross stitching, crewel, counted cross stitching and silk thread or ribbon on evening clothes or clutches. The fascination for me is with the rainbow of colors and the textures you can create; the varying degree of the stitch from the simplest to the complicated. My most favorite would be the simplest looking, candle wicking.
I love old-fashioned redwork, whether done by hand, or by machine. It has broad appeal, and I never get tired of seeing examples -- vintage or new.
I love heirloom embroidery. Used to do a lot by hand for my daughters but now enjoy making machine heirloom embroideries for my granddaughters.
I like a traditional Norwegian embroidery called Hardanger. It's done on 22 count Aida cloth using a counted stitch pattern. It's beautiful!
When I first started embroidering back when I was a kid, I loved making flowers with stem stitches, satin stitches, French knots, etc. I even had made two sets of pillowcases for my hope chest. Then I started doing counted cross stitch until somewhere along the way I ended up with bifocals and had trouble focusing in on the holes. Now I'm back to the 'old-fashioned' stitches and love trying out the new threads especially those that are space dyed or variagated.
I like to do hand embroidery, especially Celtic designs. I'm still in the learning process but I love finding old, hand-embroidered handkerchiefs at museums and the flea market.
Hand work, suck as embroidery, make sewing so enjoyable. There is something about the needle darting in and out of the fabric that is calming. Perhaps it is slowing down the hectic pace of our lives while adding these beautiful details through our colored threads.
I love, love, love counted cross-stitch! I also enjoy doing free-hand decorative embroidery, and have done some machine embroidery with the various stitches on my machine (which is 30 years old.) I dream of someday having a new machine with the digital embroidering capabilities, to enhance the garments and accessories I sew.
I started embroidering when I was 5 - my grandmother Nana was very patient teaching me one or two times a month when we visited. I learned the old fashioned stitches of her childhood - stem stitch, lazy daisy, French knots. My favorite item I ever embroidered was the Vogue christening gown that I made for my godson, and consequently worn by his brother and sister and then their babies. Each child's name and Christening date is embroidered on the under dress. It was made with handkerchief linen and took me almost 4 months to complete. I also love doing counted cross stitch on 32 count linen, very large and complex pictures - my favorite designer distributes her designs through Lavender and Lace and I loved completing the four seasons and Celtic Christmas.
Recently I have begun embellishing my granddaughter's everyday clothes, she absolutely loves BLING - so metallics are our friend right now. Although I have the equipment for machine embroidery, I really love hand work and creating something that my daughter's generation looks at and says WOW!
I love to work with a needle, started at a very young age with stamped cross-stitch. Needlepoint, counted cross, stamped and free-hand embroidery, you name it - I have at least tried it. My absolute favorite is crewel work, particularly Jacobean. And I do it in floss rather than wool. Much more delicate. The only embroidery I have not been able to to master is stump work, It has me, well, stumped.
What a beautiful book ! I've been sewing and doing handwork for a very long time. It is a hobby that has served me well over the years. When I retired several years ago and moved to be closer to my boys and their families, I found the much needed adult female companionship at a wonderful little needlework shop. The talented staff, who have become wonderful friends, could not only reinforce the work I had been doing for years, but afforded me the opportunity to learn some new skills. Three years ago I learned to smock and in the last year, I have been incorporating fine embroidery in my smocking projects. It helps that I have three (soon to be 4) beautiful granddaughters to sew, smock and embroider for. It is my new favorite thing to do. It is truly a delight to create heirlooms for my girls. I would love to win the book.
I love simple hand stitching and redwork.
I have done counted cross stitch in the past and have done embroidered embellishments on a crazy quilt, but as i am doing more sewing of clothing these days i would love to learn more about embroidery to embellish special outfits or just add a bit for a custom touch.
I really enjoy cutwork, simple yet elegant. I am trying to learn how to create it.
I love Whitework embroidery. It is found on antique clothing that is usually made of fine white cotton fabrics; usually on women's and baby garments. It is so elegant and beautifully embellished with French lace. It took forever to embroider a fancy dress or ladies blouse. Many examples can be found in antique clothing books by such authors as Martha Pullen and Sue Hausemann.
C Drury
I love the looks of silk ribbon embroidery and would love to learn how to stitch it. There's something soo special about hand stitched design work.
I've always enjoyed hand embrodering flowers and other motifs using cotton emboidering floss on items for household use, such as dresser scarves, tablecloths, pillowcases, or wall hangings for my own use ot as presents for friends. I'm excited now by the thought of using contemporary designs of my own and others on clothes I've sewn - a truly creative experience where I can thotoughly enjoy my handiwork on these 'one of a kinds'.
I find embroidery a relaxing and satisfying activity, and a delight to enjoy myself and spread the enjoyment to others.
My mother taught me to sew, but it was grandmothers Ida and Georgia who were in charge of embroidery. As my cousin commented about grandma Georgia, “Grandma’s embroidery is reversible.” It was true. Her standards seemed impossible. I loved to read from an early age, and spent a lot of time at the library, where I often would look at art books where beautiful tapestries were described as being embroidered with “polychrome thread.” I would think, “Gee, if only I could get some of that polychrome thread, maybe I’d be able to embroider as well as Grandma.” It wasn’t until I was about eleven that I realized I already had some – it just meant multi-colored. Polychrome embroidery(I’m afraid mine is not reversible)challenges and delights me to this day.
P.S. I accidentally posted this on Sarah McFarland's article about machine embroidery, and couldn't figure out how to delete it.
i love all types of hand embroidery. i've done counted cross stitch & some simple embroidery stitches, & i'd love to learn to do more involved work. i'm not very good at french knots- i sew beads on instead ;P
I love hand embroidery. But I am still learning. Thats why I would love this book!
There is such richness to embroidery. I like machine embroidery these days because I can digitize my own designs.
My favorite designs are the white on white victorian embroidery on silk or fine linen. I love the look and feel of a lovely embroidered nightgown. They are elegant, soft wearable, practical and oh so personal.
I wouldn't be able to tell you! I love the look of delicately embroidered vintage clothing and would love to learn how to embellish my own projects.
Still in love with hand embroidery even though I have machines that are capable. In the last 6 months I've made a couple of medallion style wedding quilts with the centers hand embroidered with their names and the date. Lots of daisies and wedding bells too!
I love hand embroidery, though I too have machines that do a wonderful job, there's something about the process of doing it by hand that can't be explained. It can become almost a spritual thing, instead of the noise of a machine one has time with their thoughts quietly, almost a meditation, as they stitch. I often wonder when I see this handiwork in antique stores about the people who created it. What was going on in their lives, who were they, what were they thinking about as they worked? I'm greatful that it's available again for another generation to learn and love.
I love crewel embroidery, red work, cross sittch... almost any kind of embroidery :)
I love do do embroidery, by hand or machine. I love to be creative and to appreciate beautiful designs. I do flea market on Saturdays and like to get ideas that I can use to create projects. I think this book will be of great value for anybody who loves creativeness. It will be a great honour to have this book on my shelve and to use it regularly.
I love do do embroidery, by hand or machine. I love to be creative and to appreciate beautiful designs. I do flea market on Saturdays and like to get ideas that I can use to create projects. I think this book will be of great value for anybody who loves creativeness. It will be a great honour to have this book on my shelve and to use it regularly.
I love do do embroidery, by hand or machine. I love to be creative and to appreciate beautiful designs. I do flea market on Saturdays and like to get ideas that I can use to create projects. I think this book will be of great value for anybody who loves creativeness. It will be a great honour to have this book on my shelve and to use it regularly.
I love do do embroidery, by hand or machine. I love to be creative and to appreciate beautiful designs. Like to get ideas that I can use to create projects. This book will be of great value for anybody who loves creativeness. It will be a great honour to have this book on my shelve and to use it regularly.
I like ribbon work - so danity and girly. I've done a lot more hand work in the past, but recently have been getting back into it. Great for long car rides.... if your not driving!
There is nothing quite as beautiful as a hand embroidered item. Each one I see and touch makes me smile and ooh and ahh. Sometimes when I see an intricate piece I marvel at the patience and love that went into creating the item. And while I do embroider I don't find myself doing it as often as I could. But this book is an inspiration. A treasure trove of new ideas that shows just how embroidery can make an ordinary item extra-ordinary.
I enjoy embossed designs. But do a lot of embellishment. Make it your own.
I love all kinds of embroidery but the one I love at this moment is a counted cross-stitched guardian angel that I completed for my mother for Christmas. Who knows which kind I'll love tomorrow! Thanks for the giveaway.
I used to love cross-stitch embroidery. I still do, but I'm ready to learn other skills too!
My sewing career started with my mother teaching my sister and me how to do cross stitch and decorative embroideries. Now I have "Big Bertha," my sewing/embroidery machine. Inspired by Anna Mazur's observation that it's fun to put a surprise inside a jacket or coat, I now use various small machine embroidery patterns to embellish the top and waist of the wearing pleat in jacket and coat linings. My ASG sewing friends know to look for these little surprises when I share a new garment.
Although I enjoy most forms I've tried, blackwork (not necessarily black on white!) is a favourite.
Hand embroidery is absolutely fascinating. When I see how a plain piece of cloth is transformed into a work of art, I am filled with awe. Although I appreciate machine embroidery, I personally prefer the uniqueness that hand work offers.
Recently, I discovered counted cross stitching and it has become one of my favorite things to do. One of its most appealing features is its portability. I can take my work with me anywhere I go be it waiting in some office, accompanying a special person who is bedridden, sitting with my husband as we share our day's adventures or getting together with friends.
Hand embroidery does not isolate. I can listen and take part in conversations and continue sewing what I hope will be a masterpiece. Even more,I have found that people are captivated by this activity, at times, making the embroidery I am currently working on into a conversation piece.
I fear that this art may be slowly disappearing in a technologically advanced society that is constantly moving toward the expedient. As such, my most fervent desire is that hand embroidery will never become obsolete, outre, or forgotten.
My grandmother taught me to embroider pillow cases when I was quite young. I love to embroider by hand and have enjoyed crewel the most because it has so much texture. I am going to try ribbon embroidery, as seen in my new Threads. It looks like fun! Thanks!
My first experience with embroidery was when I was around 11-12 and wanted to embellish my jeans. I copied images of Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore - I'm sure they were very primitive, but I wish I had kept those jeans!
My knowledge of embroidery helped me with my job in later years! I now digitize designs for machine embroidery, and while knowing hand embroidery is not a pre-requisite, I find it helps me to visualize my finished product.
I don't do a lot of embroidery these days, though it's handy when I want to add a little embellishment to a creation.
French knots are my favorite...they are such fun to make and a great accent in embroidery.
I did my first needlework when I was about 8 years old and it was an embroidery piece done on a piece of feedsack material. I did a picture of a rabbit in outline stitch. This led me to doing other hand embroidery over the years and later with the fancy machines I learned to do heirloom stitchery.
My favorite project though, was preserving old torn embroidery work of my great grandmother and great aunts. When their estates were being disposed of, my mother and I got a call saying if there was anything we wanted we were to come get it or it was going into a fire. When we arrived the burn barrel behind the farm house was blazing. The box of old linens that were left were filled with holes, and I took them all. I found the embroidery portions were intact. I made small dresser pillows from many of them and one design that reminded me of poinsettias I made into Christmas stockings I hang by our fire place each Christmas season.
I am reminded each time I see them of those wonderful women who put hours into their needlework.
If it's needlework, I love it. Embroidery is a passion of mine and I never travel without it. I always have several projects of differing sizes and types going at once. That way, I can grab a suitable project on my way out the door. If I'm going to be in a lower light situation, I go for a needlepoint. If it's going to be a long plane ride, I might take a 1/1 counted cross stitch. I love all types of embroidery including stumpwork, silk ribbon embroidery, cross stitch, and needlepoint. And for about the last ten years I've been digitizing my own machine embroidery for use on bags, garments, and quilts I make.
Love it all- hand embroidery, machine embroidery, counted work, ribbon work, punch needle Russian embroidery.
I love any kind of embroidery. I love hand embroidery and machine embroidery. I love to try anything in the hand stitching line. I still remember embroidering pillowcases at my Grandma's house when I was little. That's probably why I love it so much. Everything was alway so much more fun with Grandma. I also remember embroidering on my jeans when I was a teenager so I guess I've been embroidering all my life! There are just some things that you can't get enough of. I also love the fact that hand embroidery isn't flat. It gives just a touch of dimension. It's just all good!
Crewel work is my favorite as I have more freedom to create. I also love cross stitch especially those complicated ones. It soothes me to stitch a bit while watching TV. I would love to have a copy of this book. Thank you.
I love all embroidery but have been especially fascinated with silk shading and goldwork lately. I really enjoy embroidery used as an art form, in some creative, unusual way. Taking something so traditional, giving it a twist and a creative bounce, to see what you can end with.
I have loved hand embroidery since my childhood, encouraged by my grandmother it gave me the alone time I needed in a very busy household. In later years I migrated to machine embroidery which is brilliant, however I still go back to embroidering pillowcases with beautiful flowers and vines whenever I need that quiet time.
I love love love to see embroidery on clothing...especially anything with just a little bit of gold worked in. Flourishes are my personal are a close second!
Embroidery with beads is my favorite. The sparkle of glass and the added texture just has its own character. It doesn't take much embroidery to really elevate an otherwise simple object.
Currently my favorite embroidery is the first beautiful, awkward stitches of my daughter.
I love that touch of embroidery on simple pieces that really take it to the next level.
I have enjoyed embroidery for almost 40 years. My, how time flies! My current favorite project is a redwork Santa quilt I made for Christmas 2010. I was going through treatment for breast cancer and I was able to finish the quilt inspite of surgery and chemo. It turned out great and was something that was a happy subject to be working on during a stressful time.
I have been doing embroidery all my life. To me there is nothing more personal or more special than a piece of work, whatever it might be, that has some type of hand embroidery. It is a part of who I am and what I am leaving behind. I never have tried machine embroidery because I feel that it is too commercial and not personal enough. I sure hope to win this book!! Thanks for the chance!
I love free hand embroidery. For example, I made a bag for my library book with a design of a boy sitting on a pile of books that I copied from a drawing I once saw and I made a clothespin bag with a clothesline full of clothes embroidered on it. I think this is the best way of personnalizing your work.
Thank you from Montreal, Canada
Turkey work! I love the simple graphic quality of using one color thread to tell a story.
I love sashiko, Japanese stitching. But I'm learning embroidery. I'd love this book
I was 5 when my Mom taught me to embroider, and my favorite Christmas present was an embroidery kit with 3 stamped embroideries. I love redwork, crewel, and pretty well all embroidery. I own an embroidery machine and prefer the hand embroidery to it. It is so relaxing to just pick up a project and sit and work away, and small projects are great travelling companions. It is so great to see the younger generations picking this historic past time up again.
I just enjoy embroidery completely with quilting. My next project will be an elegant Crazy Quilt. Can't wait to pick out designs to be embroidered in each square. I want each square to tell a story. I think that will show an array of embroidery that wlll enhance the elegance of the quilt. Instead of 1 embroidery per square, I can embroider many delicate and interesting designs. Along with lace and seam decorating. I would like to find some inderesting desgins to embroider on the seams instead of just using the designs that come with my machine. I like "painting" pictures with the embroidery designs. I just embroidered 2 T-Shirts for gifts.
I love all types of embroidery, needle work, counted cross stitch...they are my passion!!
The embroidery that I love most is machine embroidery. I have been sewing many years, and machine embroidery revitalized my love of sewing. I make mostly garments, and a touch of embroidery certainly makes it beautiful and exciting. I admire hand embroidery, but doing anything by hand does not appeal to me--hand is a four-letter word in my sewing vocabulary!
Like most women of earlier eras, my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all did beautiful handwork. I tried to learn, but was much more interested in learning to sew garments, which my mother taught me many years ago. About ten years ago, my eldest daughter taught herself to knit, and she in turn has taught her younger sisters how. I can't tell you how proud of them I am of the lovely things they are making! My mother said their work rivals that of her grandmother! And it is true - they are doing beautiful handwork.
I have taken up counted cross-stitch and find it very rewarding. I have borrowed books from the library and learned to embroider simple things on the bodices of the dresses I make for my little granddaughters. I hope someday I can do as well as my children, and I hope to make my mother proud.
I,too, love to machine embroider. I have cross stitched also. My favorite embroidery, though is a set of pillowcases that my mother painstakingly hand embroidered with my initials. She died this December. I can't hug her anymore, but these pillowcases have had their share of tears & hugs
L love all hand embroidery but find the most pleasure in any counted technique. Counted Cross Stitch, Hardanger, Blackwork and Pattern darning are my Favorites with samplers being my favorite format.
I have been a fan of Alicia Paulson's for a while now... she has some great idea's.
But I would say that one of my very favorite types of embroidery is that done on Crazy Quilts and pillow case work.
My great Aunt was a wonder with the needle, she would take sample pieces from a tailor shop (the outdated book samples) and sew them together and then make a quilt with beautiful embroidery... I would love to learn this "art".
Her work was so beautiful on the pillow cases that she made that she found that quests would not use them for fear of ruining them... so she stopped making them! Such a shame, I had been promised some of her work before she passed away but somewhere along the way it was forgotten. Hopefully someone somewhere is enjoying her marvelous beautiful hand work.
I really love to do hand embroidery. I do have a embroidery machine and use it but I love to hand sew. It is very relaxing and enjoyable when the family is sitting in the evening and I am hand embroiding. I have done embroidery on all kinds of projects, pillow cases, table cloths, and even quilt blocks. I really like to do the old fashioned pictures and have collected a lot of iron on out of the sewing magazines that use to have a section with the pages of iron on embroidery.
I am currently working on a baby quilt and a table cloth and can't wait to see them completed.
i love to make jewelry (cuffs, bib necklaces) using beadwork embroidery by hand. i love the dresses and tops that incorporate this technique around the neckline.
I love all hand embroidery. I've been embroidering since I was a child and have done clothing, pictures to frame, and pillowcases. I especially like vintage embroidery and like to think of the person who might have worked on a particular piece years ago.
I really enjoy counted cross stitch. It's easy to do and the results are beautiful. I like nature designs like birds and leaves.
We live in a very historical southern town which has a huge volunteer base engaged in presenting Historic Tableaux as evening entertainment 3 times a week for 4-5 weeks for visiting tourists every spring. Included in the Tableaux are several dance exhibition presentations which require historically correct costuming. Some years ago I had the great thrill to embellish my daughters costume with elaborate ribbon embroidery at the bodice and around the extensive hem. This took approximately 2 months due to also working outside the home full-time. But it turned out beautifull & was so worth every stitch! Needless to say, ribbon embroidery is my favorite.
I love finding interesting ways to add it to clothing. The back of a denim jacket, jazzing up jeans, cuffs on shirts, running embroidery down the front of a skirt - you name it. I never would have believed how much I would love and work with it when I got my first embroidery capable machine.
Any kind of embroidery is great. Some of my favorites are shadow embroidery, hardanger and crewel. I like the variety of stitches in crewel. Shadow embroidery is subtle and gives understated beauty wherever it's applied. Hardanger has many stitches and the cut threads can make some interesting designs. The modern embroidery machines are very nice, but hand embroidery is so much more special because it's a labor of love. Surface embellishments of any kind are wonderful and get everyone's complete attention. Embroidery makes any wearable unique. It changes the mundane, practical items into eye candy. It gives art dimension and interest like nothing else can. Embroidery is useful, beautiful and shows extra loving and creative care and effort.
I grew up with embroidery being a part of home decorations--pillowcases, bedspreads, dresser scarves, etc. My first project was a pillowcase with a cat and dog done by the stamped cross stitch when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I have done all sorts of embroidery since then.
My favorite is counted cross stitch because the blank fabric just comes alive. I have really enjoyed doing samplers. I hope that hand embroidery will not become a lost art. It is really relaxing and just a good excuse to sit sometimes!
My favorite form of embroidery is traditional surface embroidery techniques applied to crazy quilts. But, I haven't met a technique yet that I wasn't willing to try my hand at and usually ended up enjoying.
oh, for the love of embroidery! My first attempt at 10 was a colar and cuff set for the County fair. My painstaking efforts turned out neatly printed data for my 4-H uniform.My efforts were successful as I received a blue ribbon! I continued embroidering purses, clothing articles well beyond the 4-H years and even showed my granddaughter's the art ! Eleven years ago I got my first embroidery machine but still, there's nothing as satisfying as the art and love of hand embroidering!
My favorite embroidery is the pattern on my Grandmothers wedding blouse. The short sleeves have the most intricate border . She was from Russia and was married there, somewhere around the late 1800's. She was taught to embroider by the women in what was known as the tribe. She had to repeat the stitching seven times before it was approved. The blouse of course is white and the embroidery is in red. I have woven the pattern in yarn and it is quite striking. I am going to frame the blouse.
I love to do ribbon embroidery and stumpwork. Recently I finished a project and had the piece framed. Everyone who sees it wants to take it home. It had flowers and little bugs and other types of objects on it. I worked on it a very long time, but it turned out great.
My favorite embroidery actually is a "time"....time with
my granddaughter doing embroidery. We hardly speak at all.
We are just "in the moment", enjoying each others company.
We are not experts but it's not necessary to be one. A
59 year old woman-myself, and an 8 year old young lady....
we make a great embroidery team.
I love doing counted cross-stitch, but also enjoy the look of regular embroidery with satin stich, daisy, French knots, stem stitch, et al. I've also done black work and cut work embroidery, needle point, plastic canvas, crewel work and candlewicking. I'm always looking for new, interesting patterns. There's so much that can be done with the designs, texturs and colors with any type of needle work. That goes for the knitting I do, the crochet and quilting I dabble in, and the sewing I do as well.
I have been hand embroidering everything for years from jeans and jeans skirts as a kid to home decor and Christmas stockings. I am buying my first embroidery machine, a late model 60E Babylock to learn on. I am really excited about it. Once I learn I am going to save up for one of the fancier machines. Maybe even the really big Babylock!
I love it all! I have embroidered since about the age of 10. One of my favorite pieces I designed myself. It was a Christmas ornament with the music and words of my favorite carol, O Come All Ye Faithful. My mother got me started embroidering--I realize now what a gift of time and self and love she gave me.
I started embroidering when I was a Brownie Scout. I remember cross-stitching my tablecloth to my uniform! I've gone on to master crewel, needlepoint, and counted cross-stitch. I bought a sewing machine with embroidery capability, but I've yet to try it out. As a schoolgirl I became fascinated with the Bayeux Tapestry (I think a teacher read a story about it to us), and found a copy of the National Geographic featuring a story on it just so I could save those pages. I still have them. I studied the stitches and marveled at the women telling their story through yards and yards and yards of hand-woven fabric and hand-spun and hand-dyed thread. Over the years (I'm almost 60) I've embroidered so many things - my children's clothes, household linens, Christmas ornaments, wall hangings, charity items - it's a great portable item to take with you when you have to wait at the doctor's office, or on the train to visit my daughter.
I still have fond memories of making a western style shirt for my boyfriend back in the 70's, with Asian motifs embroidered on the yoke. The shirt was royal blue and I embroidered Asian style flowers and fans on it in bright jewel tones and I have to say it looked spectacular. I wonder what happened to it?
I must be the only sewer out here that doesn't embroider so much. Help! I would love to win these books.
I have not done that much hand embroidery and would like to learn as I think it might be a good travel project. I am a fan of simple but interesting embroidery designs - I like sophisticated.
I love doing all types of embroidery and needlecraft, but my favorite project was a gift I received. For my wedding shower - way back in 1971 - I received a pair of hand embroidered pillowcases from one of the older ladies from my husband's church. I knew then that I was going to be accepted as a new family member. I still have them - they bring back such wonderful memories.
My grandmother taught me to love sewing of any kind - I learned to make aprons & doll clothes on her treadle machine at the age of 6 & that same year, she taught me to do hand embroidery & later counted cross-stitching. Because I was short, I made many of my clothes during high school & into my adult years and did dressmaking & alterations while moving around with hubby in the Air Force. We're both retired now & I've begun to quilt, but I LOVE machine embroidery! I got my first embroidery machine almost 12 years ago & the craft has changed a lot! My favorite project is fairly recent -- I tested a couple of old-fashioned Dutch Quilting designs on some pre-quilted white cotton stitched out in traditional dark blue thread & it turned out so pretty I decided to turn it into a tote bag. I added my initials to the center of one square & then applied dark blue fabric for the lining, pockets, handles, bottom & trim. I recently made a pair of scrolled embroidered toss pillow covers for DIL in chocolate brown moire w/ 3-D cream flowers & they turned out so nice, too! I'd say I mainly enjoy experimenting with the more traditional designs in new ways - clothing & home decor. I would LOVE to add this book to my bookshelf!
If I must choose a favorite it would probably be needlepoint only because it was the only thing my mother ever taught me and it was something we could enjoy together. But I also love "regular" embroidery and I enjoy embroidering motifs and words on cards and unusual designs on linens to give as gifts. I just like handwork of all kinds. I try to carry an embroidered handkerchief all the time - I'm hoping that if people (I suppose it would mostly women) see my little hankies it will encourage more folks to embroider pretty things. I find it very relaxing and the bonus is you have a gift to give a friend!
I have to say that I love Crewel Embroidery the best. My grandmother loved many different artistic endeavors; she could paint and sew as well as she could embroider. However, I am privileged to have 3 of her crewel worked embroidery pieces and they are so beautiful in their color and richness of texture. So count me in for Crewel!
y favorite is cross-stitch on waste canvas, I have yet to try it on my sewing machine. I really enjoy stitching by hand, my favorite piece was a gecko on a tree branch.
I embroidered a picture (I drew) onto a child's jacket, then I pull away the waste canvas with the design left behind. I like to blend the colours as if I am painting a picture.
The end result is most satisfying, the person I sold the jacket to enjoyed it as well.
please excuse my typo. the first word in the sentence should be 'My' not 'y'.
Oh Gosh, I am a new convert to the world of embroidery! I have been teaching myself as all the stitches that catch my fancy, and am currently starting a sampler, to practice them. I am really excited about the possibilities for using all the beautiful stitches for embellishing the garments I make, but also I am so excited about finally finding a way to incorporate my sewing with the ideas I have had for awhile, for small fabric pictures. I love birds, and have finally found a way to weave them together. I am not talking about big tapestry projects ( maybe the future holds a tapestry or two!), but on a smaller scale, and so far, have some smaller, pretty pieces of silks and other "scraps" that will be exciting to finally use! I knew they would come in handy one day!
I have been doing hand embroidery since I was 3 years old. I love to do it. There is something very special about putting your marks on the fabric. The array of embroidery fibers today is amazing. I have never done and learned gold work, but I've done just about everything else.
I like machine embroidery of all types. I love wearing clothes that have an embroidery around the neckline. I also like embroidery on purses, checkbook covers, etc.
Shadow work embroidery is my favorite. You normally see it on antique clothing, and since I also love smocking and French heirloom sewing, it's a natural embellishment for those items. I have to thank the needlework guild that I belonged to for teaching me the technique. Go Ladyslippers!
I just love embroidery - the feel of the needle and thread in my hands brings me peace and transports me to a place where worries melt away. I spent a lot of time doing Japanese Embroidery as I love the discipline, the techniques, which are just amazing, and I am sure it has made me a better person. I do gravitate towards embroidery that is fine, such as stumpwork and Elizabethan embroidery - projects that seem to take a long time to do but which are so rewarding. I also love white work, knotted lace and anything with bouillon stitch. As I started - I just love embroidery.
I love all types of embroidery, but my recent interest is in Silk Ribbon Embroidery, which I haven't had a chance to try yet. My grandmother used to do beautiful needlework, which got me interested in embroidery as a teen.
I love the look of tone-on-tone embroidery.
It gives a very rich and luscious look to garments, table linens, and just about any home project.
I use my Pfaff 7570, often for smaller projects and monograms.
A useful idea is adding machine embroidery to purchased tops or blouses.
Suggestion: sometimes you may get a stain on a blouse front, especially after eating spaghetti ;-) .....Add some strategically placed embroidery elements and you can cover the spot on a blouse or sweater. It doesn't work out for every catastrophe, but I have saved some expensive shell tops. And they look better than new.
If I had to pick a favorite I would say that it is shadow embroidery and smocking. Just being able to create something beautiful with a needle and thread is pure joy.
I will never forget the Christmas we arrived at my sister-in-law’s home for our annual holiday family gathering. We walked into the house and I thought my sister-in-law’s eyes were going to pop out of her head upon seeing my three year old daughter. “That dress is one of the most stunning little girl dresses I have ever seen.” she said with a glint of envy in her eye. My sister-in-law spent more on her daughter’s cloths in a single season than I had to dress my three boys and my daughter combined in an entire year. I made my daughter’s dress out of soft gray moray taffeta with a hot pink cummerbund, I scalloped the hem and the round collar with a hot pink satin stitch and hand embroidered pink rosebuds on the color and skirt. As my sister-in-law said; it was a stunning little dress, and it was the embroidery that put it over the edge from beautiful to stunning.
Like so many of you I started embroidering when I was a child. I wanted to learn how to sew and was in love with fabric and what could be done with a needle and thread. However I had no one to teach me garment construction so I taught myself how to embroider and fell in love. As to my favorite? It is a very hard choice; smocking has my heart as I love doing heirloom children’s clothing, shadow work is so delicate and beautiful, stump work is bold and so fun to do and of course the basic dish towel work that taught us all how to do the fundamentals still warms my heart. If I must pick just one I guess maybe it is shadow work but it is all so beautiful and fun to do picking just one doesn’t seem fair.
Dear April, What a generous gesture you've made! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of what looks to be a truly inspiring embroidery book with a modern twist! One of my earliest encounters with embroidery is a pair of pillowcases that were handed down from my grandmother to her youngest of thirteen children, my Mom. These pillowcases were embroidered with a vine of morning glories, a design of my grandmother's own. So at a primal level, the designs depicted in this book appeal to me. I purely love the various old-world Chinese and Japanese embroidery confections, but when I need grounding, I return to this 'Americana' embroidery style for meditative and comforting handwork. Thanks also must to to Alicia for endeavoring to create such a heart-warming book to feast upon. I'm crossing my fingers and toes in Astoria...
All types of embroidery are impressive, but what I like best is cross stitch. The precise stitches and carefully chosen colors fit together to form an impressionistic piece of needlework. Whether a simple sampler or an intricate picture, the piece created has artistic merit. Especially treasured are small pieces for special occasions, such as wedding and birth records, that will, hopefully, be kept for a lifetime. A cross stitch piece symbolizes the significant time, and thought, and carefulness that was required to create an intricate and beautiful piece of needlework.
My favorite kind of embroidery is blackwork, because of the intricate geometric patterns. But I also love quirky naive figures, abstract knotwork, and those ladylike cross-stitch borders that remind me of my grandmother.
I also love the way that embroidery has been considered both proper and risque, a symbol of restraint in one context and sinful luxury in another. The embroidresses of London were considered light women, at the same time that American Puritan girls were stitching those laborious samplers encouraging them to "be good, sweet maids, and let who will be clever" . . . In a way that division is still with us. Modern popular embroidery veers between the valentine-sweet and the tattoo-like.
I'd love to learn to do the work myself.
I am drawn to Drawn embroidery which I just read is also known as Venetian embroidery! The reason I like it is because something plain and is made beautiful. Worthy of a second look, and accessible to anyone who likes to hand stitch. I love to see it in clothes and of course, tea towels, hand towels etc. Aesthetics in everyday life is so uplifting.
I think we love it all. Every type has it's allure. We love the type we recive praise for. We love to look at types we could never replicate. Simple as it might be, Once the image or pattern starts to come together, counted cross stich has given me the most relaxing hours.
I love all different kinds of embroidery. I enjoy doing machine embroidery on my embroidery/sewing machine. It is amazing how many people love my embroidery work on pillowcases, burp cloths, dishtowels and regular bath towels. My most favorite are monograms. I do the lettering in my embroidery software and input onto a card and put it into my embroidery machine to stitch out. I have never had a problem with my machine embroidery nor my embroidery machine. I love taking the time to stitch out my embroidery either for other people or myself. Fleur de lis is very popular here in New Orleans, Louisiana and many people including myself embroider fleur de lis designs.
I learned embroidery from my grandma. She used to embroider quilt blocks copied from coloring book pages. I LOVED the baby quilts she used to make for all the grands and great-grands. I was her step-grand and never got one of those baby quilts and she passed away before I had children of my own. I have taken up the tradition she started with my sibling and therefore, I must say, I adore traditional embroidery. It brings back memories of quiet times stitching with Gramma Leila.