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‘Project Accessory’ Begins Casting Soon

This Elle Nicole bag by Danielle DiFerdinando won an International Handbag Design Award last year for Best Overall Design. I can't wait to see what comes from the competition on "Project Accessory."

I always thought there was something missing from “Project Runway” – and it’s not drama, style, or passion! More accessories, I say! Aside from Tim Gunn’s advice to “Please use the Macy’s Accessory Wall thoughtfully,” I wanted to see more shoes, belts, hats, and handbags.

Well, it looks like my wish will come true. In addition to the 8-episode “Project Runway All-Stars” show, The Weinstein Company has greenlighted another spinoff – “Project Accessory.”

According to a press release about the show, aspiring accessory designers (think hats, shoes, handbags, jewelry, etc) will compete for a cash prize and national recognition. If you love to sew accessories, there will be casting calls at several sites nationwide. If you live in New York, Chicago, Miami, or Los Angeles, get your portfolio and samples ready. The production company is Goodbye Pictures, and the casting schedule is as follows:

  • New York City: June 18 and 19
  • Miami: June 21
  • Chicago: June 23
  • Los Angeles: June 25 and 26

Locations are to be posted this week, the first week in June.

For the open calls Goodbye Pictures requests the following:

Close-up picture and full body picture (these will NOT be returned)
3-5 samples of your work for the judges to see
Press kit or any pictures of your work in magazines etc.
A filled-out online questionnaire or download a PDF questionnaire and fax it to to them at (310)405-7986.

You can download a full application at http://www.goodbyepictures.com/casting.html.

The application process for “Project Accessory” isn’t nearly as arduous as it is for “Project Runway” (an official start date for Season 9 on Lifetime is still TBA, Summer 2011). All of the casting calls for “Project Accessory” are open to the public, unlike “Project Runway,” which has several invitation-only calls.

The airdate for “Project Accessory” hasn’t been announced yet, but it will probably be on the air this fall.

So what do you think? Will you watch? Will you compete? Will Tim be telling designers to pick out garments from the Macy’s Clothing Wall? I’m looking forward to this “Project Runway” spinoff.


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  1. User avater
    bushbunny | | #1

    It's magic - "ask and thou shall receive" - I just, literally in the last few minutes, filled out a survey asking for more depth in accessory related project articles from our wonderful people at Threads and this 'popped-up'. Amazing ;-) No wonder 25 years later I'm still a subscriber!

  2. peej2 | | #2

    Same thing happened with mr sewingmonk
    I've been getting more and more into accessories and I'm psyched. I get so many great ideas from Project Runway, and to get more inspiration on accessories will be wonderful.

  3. peej2 | | #3

    That should be Same thing happened to ME sewingmonk.

  4. User avater
    ustabahippie | | #4

    I can't wait, that is, for both shows' inspiration and just plain enjoyment.

  5. sewcietymaven | | #5

    I think that anything that showcases creativity is inspiring! I can't wait!

  6. Sew4Drama | | #6

    Love accessories - the cherry on top of the sundae, the perfect final touch! And such fun to make, design, create - so this should be a fun show. So glad to see more sewing shows...wish there were more!

  7. User avater
    Mrs4Him | | #7

    Yes--so looking forward to season 9 on PR!! I actually went to Lifetime's web site yesterday to find out what the start date was for the new season. It's not been posted yet, but I did see where they were going to have this new Project Accessory show. Very exciting! Also, if you remember last season, right before the first show, they had the all-stars competition between some former PR challengers. This year, as I learned on their site, they will have 8-one hour episodes of the all-star challenges. If you go to the PR blog on Lifetime, you can vote for what former PR competitors you would most like to see compete against each other and see who others voted for! :-)

  8. Piecemaker | | #8

    I hate to be the wet sponge, but I don't watch Project Runway and I won't be watching PR Accessory either. I know that some of the growth among the young sewists is attributable to PR and for that I am thankful. "Reality" shows are simply not for me. They defy reality in any sense of the word. But to all of you who love them...enjoy! To each his own....

  9. Moonbeams | | #9

    I tried to watch Project Runway and I was turned off by the attitudes of the designers. I especially disliked the pairing of people and then having them snip at each other and actually get ugly in their comments. And that's just my take.

    Everyone who is part of this show is aware that there are differences in opinion, etc. They should jump in and go with it. If you don't like your partner designer, get along this time and look forward to the next time.

    The other thing that bothered me was when they destroyed bedrooms to make outfits. What a waste.

    So -- those who love it -- enjoy and embrace! I'll stick with Jeopardy!!

  10. User avater
    Yumjo | | #10

    I'm very interested and excited for up-coming "Project Accessory" as well as "Project Runway's" new season. I've been watching re-runs of "Project Runway" the past several months on the "Style Network" from past seasons which I had missed. I never get tired of it. I love to sit and sketch my designs for the challenges as I watch the show. I've come up with some wonderful designs and I've been surprised at my creativity. I've been sewing accessories for many years for myself and my daughters so I'll be designing and sketching right along with the "Project Accessory" show.

    During the re-runs, I finally saw Austin Scarlet and Santino Rice during their competitions on different previous seasons...along with all the other great designers. I've enjoyed their off-shoot show "Austin & Santino" on the "Lifetime Network" as they design for deserving, giving and incredible American women around the country.

    So, needless to say, I love anything to do with fashion and whatever accompanies and supports fashion.

  11. 416 | | #11

    I'll be watching Project Runway this season as always. That is one show I look forward to seeing because the creativity is new and the inspiration is what keeps me sewing and designing new garments for myself. I am glad the show will have a spinoff of accessories. Some times I think will that belt or purse go with that style of dress? I'll be watching for the new show.

  12. gennevi | | #12

    I will watch any design show.

  13. gennevi | | #13

    I appreciate the negative comments. I too am not interested in a the drama queen nonsense that is dished up. So, who cares is this person does not like that. If that is what I wanted, I would watch soaps. Generally I busy myself near the TV and come running for the runway. Wouldn't it be so perfect if they filled the hour with more construction, design, styling instruction and critique. They say things like "This does not look like a collection." I would love to hear them elaborate on why and what they think would be a collection. There is just so much more that could be done with these programs. Some of the home decorating programs are very useful. Programmers, Listen up! We are the people who watch and the comments are sounding quite unanimous.

  14. kimsidlehands | | #14

    I do not watch Project Runnway due to all the drama.
    If they would show just the process and final results, I probably would, but then it wouldn't make for good TV, would it?

  15. PointPatou | | #15

    I have zero interest. I started watching Project Runway in Season Two. My interest peaked the season that Christian Siriano won. I watch fewer and fewer episodes with each coming season.

    PR has never been about fashion design, but rather about meeting challenges under artificially created pressure and dealing with difficult personalities.

    Although I'm not in love with it, a somewhat, emphasis on "somewhat," more realistic show in terms of the fashion design industry is "All On The Line," on The Sundance Channel.

  16. PointPatou | | #16


    (To the tune of "Defying Gravity")

    "It's time to try defying reality."

    I dislike reality programming for the same reason. As with sausage and politics, I don't particularly want to see how $500 bags are made.

  17. JDNow | | #17

    I'll be watching Project Accessory because I love anything that showcases creativity ( it's the missing link in current school education ). I agree the editing on PR could go a little less on human interaction and more on technique explanations but, no one can design, produce and sell without human interaction.
    And the next design contest format I'm hoping for is one on jewelry. It's got great possibilities...

  18. Tereese | | #18

    Accessories, yes! What took them so long to come up with this idea? What can make or break a look than the appropriate accessorie? This is the concept which pulls an outfit together. Having a spinoff focusing on this element of design would be fabulous!

    Afterall, how many great designers are out there, which ac-
    cessorising is their main forte? This spinoff venue could open so many doors for "scads" of up and coming designers.

    Kenneth King comes to mind as a great illustration for this subject. Didn't he get his start in accessories?

    Go, go, go for it! I can't wait to see more; zeroing in on this category. This will draw a huge amount of viewers.

    You made my day!


  19. Ronnie1960 | | #19

    I can't wait for the new Project Accessory show to begin. I'm a novice (and I really mean novice) jewelry designer and I'm looking forward to watching the real pros create their designs and seeing what's out there. I'm a huge Runway fan as well. I do agree with many of the comments about the drama in the sewing room though. I think the emphasis should be placed on the designing technique rather than the personality aspects of the show although I do realize that it does make for a wider viewing audience. I'll definitely keep watching Runway and will become addicted to the Accessory program. Thank you Lifetime!

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