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BOOK GIVEAWAY: “Underwear Fashion in Detail”

You could win Underwear Fashion in Detail by leaving a comment.

Underwear Fashion in Detail
by Eleri Lynn (V&A Publishing, 2010) is an amazing history of the development of women’s undergarments through the centuries. Over 200 pages are devoted to “private clothing,” that is, apparel not intended for public view. It describes how undergarments have evolved and how the definition of a fashionable woman’s figure has affected the undergarments worn. The definition of fashionable has changed dramatically over the years from such characteristics as slim, voluptuous, flat-chested, buxom, wasp-waisted to exaggerated buttocks, and so on. No matter what the “fashionable” goal has been, the look was most often achieved through the use of undergarments. The book was featured in Threads issue #156 (August/September 2011) in the “Notions” department.

Understanding underwear is fundamental to our appreciation of fashion history. Even during my lifetime there have been many changes. As a teen, girdles and garter belts held up your stockings until pantyhose were readily available. When I was a small child, my grandmother wore a fully boned corset every day. The laced closure pulled in her waist, and the under-bust boning provided uplift. I couldn’t imagine wearing it! 

If you enjoy learning about fashion history, you’ll want to read this book. It’s filled with gorgeous color photos and fascinating text. Women certainly have come a long way over the years! In another 50 years I wonder how historians will describe the underwear trends today? Tell us what you think for a chance to win this fabulous book. Simply leave a comment about the changes you’ve seen during your lifetime, or the changes you predict for the future. Leave your comment on this post before the deadline—11:59 pm, Wednesday, August 3—and you could win a copy of the book. The winner will be randomly selected on Thursday, August 4. 2011

Good luck! 



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  1. moonstaradri | | #1

    I think the biggest change I've seen in undergarments in my lifetime has been the increasing emphasis on cleavage (wonderbra, anyone?) and the interesting trend from the ultra-lowrise thong/g-string to the body shaper (ie, spanx).

  2. bcomolli | | #2

    Oh, this book looks terrific! I love it when someone takes a small aspect of design or fashion and explores it to the smallest detail. Count me in. I'd love to have this book.

  3. Nic_ee | | #3

    Just gorgeous! Good thing we can flaunt our corsets nowadays! :) Outer underwear?

  4. CassadyL | | #4

    I love the corseted looks! Underwear today is so skimpy. I almost never buy it, I always make mine. (Except my bras of course!) I'm a teen, and I wish that We could go back to the days where corsets and chemises and bloomers were around. It helps that I also like that fashion more than todays skimpy styles!

  5. Kate_13 | | #5
  6. Beauchette | | #6

    The details are beautiful.

  7. Kate_13 | | #7

    Undergarments seem to have gone from a crucial body shaping tool to barely there accessories (I'm think the boxers above the jeans look). I must say I like the functionality of years gone by and hope we see a return to this in the future.

  8. User avater
    maks | | #8

    It seems there is no shaping to any of the basic undergarments these days. While I am all for a more relaxed look, we may have gone too far over the edge! I think some of the fabrics in the corseted underclothing of years past may have been more breathable, and even comfortable, than much of the synthetic fabrics I find today. Another reason to sew your own!

  9. lou19 | | #9

    I have all the other "in detail" books and would love to add this to my library.
    I find the photos and skitches very interesting.

  10. MarthaO | | #10

    This looks simply gorgeous. I've made a few accurate period corsets when I worked at a university's costume shop, but nothing like this.

  11. butterbraids | | #11

    What a beautiful book.

  12. Ocrafty1 | | #12

    I would LOVE to have this book to add to my library! I am slowly getting the garments made for my Civil War Reenactment persona. So far the only garment I've had made by someone else is my corset. I've actually worn it a few times to help support my back when it was really acting up and I couldn't sit at my machine to sew. Aside from having to wear a chemise under it, it was very helpful. It is amazing at how differently 'our' clothing fits when wearing one. The women who wore them could really change the shape and amount of clevage just by fussing with how 'the girls' were arranged in the chemise! Their 'panties' were very functional. They wore 'split drawers.' Two seperate pant pieces overlapped in the crotch area and were not sewn together. When the ladies needed to use a chamber pot, the crotch split allowing them to hold all of the layers of petticoats and dress skirts out of the way without touching their drawers. Quite ingenious, but I'm not looking forward to the attempt.

  13. User avater
    WillaMcNeill | | #13

    Interesting comments in response to interesting question. A welcome change of subject from the mess in DC these days!

    I remember seeing one grandmother and a couple of aunts lace up corsets. My mom wore a girdle. As a young woman I often wore a panty girdle.........yuk!

    With the advent of panty hose, we mostly stopped wearing girdles etc.

    Now we seem to have come full circle with the skinny young things wearing Spanx.

    Now we have lots of good and not so good choices of fabric for effect or comfort.

    Who knows what is to come! It will be new and different and somehow the same old stuff.

  14. User avater
    Out_West | | #14

    I remember the girdle my mother would wear. I've worn different evolving versions of spanx. I've also worn a water bra to give me more volume on top to match the volume on bottom. More and more women are just having surgery to create the look they want. Maybe that is the trend and the future will look back at us trying to shape ourselves with exterior items and everyone will just surgically change themselves.

  15. User avater
    elizabeth001au | | #15

    I am wanting to go do a fashion design course next year and underwear, corsets and costume will be primarily the things I will concentrate on. This book would be a much valued resourse. Theres much we can learn from the structure of these garments.

  16. bekabug8 | | #16

    I see better shape wear ie. even better Spanx!

  17. ahearta | | #17

    What a wonderfully fun idea for a book. It's also wonderfully fun to think of where underwear might go in 50 years. Maybe we'll think back to these years of comfortable granny panties and barely-there thongs as a misguided revolution against the corset and frilly underthings of yore. Or, maybe we'll look fondly on our trends today and what they say about our embrace of the natural body.

  18. User avater
    slmendes | | #18

    I've always been facinated with historical fashion and the time, attention and amount of detail people put into their clothing, including in thier undergarments. I appreciate the comfort and ease that we have in modern dress, and I do not beleive that we will ever go back to the manner in which people dressed in the past, however, we can apprecaite and admire the beauty, workmanship, design and amount of detail that went into garments such as corsets.

  19. User avater
    Pilbeam | | #19

    I think the most interesting trend I've seen in underwear is the growing corset making community. Since the internet has taken off, it has become so much easier to share knowledge and get a hold of corset making supplies. It makes me wonder if the movement continues if we won't see corsets back in mainstream fashion in the future.

  20. Mytreasurebox | | #20

    What a lovely book - inspiring and beautiful

  21. realale | | #21

    Well, as a small child I laughed at my grandmother's all encompassing pink, boned all-in-one and remember well the girdles and roll-ons that were supposed to hold you all in. Now we seem to have gone full circle as 'magic pants' , thigh reducers etc are reappearing all designed to hold in and/or redistribute the bits you feel are excessive. I think we still use underwear to define our shape and I suppose in 50 years it will still be the same - just the names, fabrics and styles will be different.

  22. User avater
    rakijaa | | #22

    I've been building corsets for a long time, and really prefer to work with structure when making garments. I love corsets and vintage lingerie. But, I have never worn (or own) any of the new "girdles"-Spanx! There is such a range of dress currently, from the downright slovenly, to the costumed. I think, if we can progress in society to a point where everyone can dress they way they feel comfortable, without being offensive, that will be exciting. I know so many people who are so much more comfortable wearing their period clothing than jeans and tee-shirts. What fun would it be if we all just dressed to please ourselves, and give others a bit of a laugh, and some joy, through our self expression?

  23. cecine | | #23

    This book look fantastic since I never sew undergarment I'd be glad to win this book.

  24. raevenfea | | #24

    I’m honestly not sure if I’ve seen many changes in undergarments in the past 20-some years. The re-emergence of body shapers as a staple has been interesting, and I’m glad that the era of "show off your thong above your jeans" has finally seemed to come to an end.

    I’m very interested in the advancements we’ve made in synthetic textiles and general supportive architecture that allows me to buy pretty bras that are still supportive from (admittedly only a few) mainstream stores rather than having to get expensive, custom, 18-hour support-looking monstrosities for my larger-than-average bosom. They may seem skimpy, and they don’t shape any other part of the body, but they do control the chest quite well.

    The thing about corsets is that they were gorgeous, shaping, and supportive! Some days I wish I could wear one daily…

  25. lhartup | | #25

    I think the biggest change is that undergarments are not being hidden. they are being worn on the outside, or deliberately left peeking out of clothing (bra straps, underwear waistbands).

  26. apa076 | | #26

    Wow that book looks amazing. I just started sewing and love reading and learning new techniques. Would love to have this book to put in my collections of other sewing books.

  27. jennieMB | | #27

    wow aren`t the pics gorgeous? I`d wish that in the future trends would spin back around somewhat to corsets like these... you`d have to have such money to afford the detailed corsets and then the wardrobe to wear with them.

  28. StephanieB | | #28

    Undergarments are always evolving! From a child, I wore a full slip, or a 1/2 slip with a camisole. A good bra and pantyhose completed my preperation to dress! I still believe in a good bra, and feel naked if I don't have on a slip, BUT - I only wear hose for more formal affairs and church. A girdle - aaauuuggghhh! Bad, bad word! I have one, but rarely wear it. From what I can see (literally) - most ladies do not believe a slip is necessary any longer - some feel the same about the bra. It is my personal opinion that quality undergarments MAKE the outer garmet fit, feel and look better.

    Thanks for the give-a-way! I'm preparing to make a corset styled top for my daughters costume party in October - this would be a great research tool!

  29. myth | | #29

    I do alot of renaissance fairs,and where corsets. I just love them for the support and great curves they give.

  30. Morwenna | | #30

    I love the Fashion in Detail series so far. This looks like a fantastic book!

  31. guinn9 | | #31

    We also go to Renaissance fairs and love Halloween. This book would be of great help!

  32. boofsmom | | #32

    My mother wore girdles when I was younger - or at least she did under dresses. She has always worked at a hospital, so when scrubs came into vogue for women, she no longer had to wear them. She continues to wear pantyhose, however, although it may be more for vein issues as much as for 'fashion' now. Both my grandmothers lived on farms, and never wore corsets, they just weren't practical. I was always required to wear a slip when I was growing up, regardless of the weather, or even if my dress or skirt didn't need one. Pantyhose as well. That was just what females did to be 'proper' in our family. I was THRILLED when bare legs came into style and refuse to wear hose now except tights for fashion in the winter. I will once in a while wear a 'foundation garment' if I have a very special occasion and I want to look my absolute best. (like my 25th high school reunion this weekend!) But I love corsets-I am very interested in them and how they were made. I would love to win this book!

  33. Kylasm | | #33

    I love the structure of good underwear, it's something I admire but couldn't imagine having to make myself. Love the giveaway too!

  34. gailete | | #34

    This book looks fascinating and I wold love to own it.

    I think the changes I have seen the most were back in the late 60's and early 70's. Let's see, first you put on your bra and panties (mostly granny style, at least at our house), then either a girdle or garter belt to hold up the nylons, then some petti-pants (I have no idea WHY we wore these) and then a slip followed by your garment. We were pretty bundled up and this was in Southern California at the time. My sister, to get away with a mini skirt, would roll up her waistband but then her petti-pants would show so she took them off whereupon her boyfriend swiped them and hung them out the school bus windows. LOL! She was also a secret makeup wearer.

    Although they don't really fall under underwear, my worst memories was of nylons that were never long enough for my long legs nor were the pantyhose when they came out and the trouble of finding bras for a broad backed flat chested teen girl! Thanks for the memories!

  35. Seshat | | #35

    I've been doing costuming for years and there is nothing that tops how a corset make a look...the shaping, the support...the confidence it gives you. I'd love the opportunity to have this book!

  36. Lise_the_hobbit | | #36

    Every book from V&A I have ever seen has been absolutely gorgeous whether or not you you sew. This looks like it will have plenty of pictures to help costumers get the corset curves in the right fashionable shape for whatever period they are working on. This is the hardest area to get correct for period costumes - outerwear is much easier to get right.

  37. electricangel | | #37

    Lingerie so sets the stage for garments from every fashionable period! This book is essential for fashion history and costuming details

  38. electricangel | | #38

    Lingerie so sets the stage for garments from every fashionable period! This book is essential for fashion history and costuming details

  39. electricangel | | #39

    Lingerie so sets the stage for garments from every fashionable period! This book is essential for fashion history and costuming details

  40. beckyc4u | | #40

    My mother wore a girdle when I was very young with the clips that held up stockings. We have come a long way. I never even wear panty hose. Fiber technology has helped with support wear, like Spanx, which I only wear on very special occasions. Women today are much more concerned with breathing than in centuries past.
    I do costumes for our high school, and since we often do plays set in other eras, this would be an invaluable resource. The photos are gorgeous.

  41. rxxanne | | #41

    There is something about a corset.
    I admit if I wear stockings, I still wear a garter belt but it is getting harder to find one that functions. I have had tom make them myself. I guess I could use a corset with garters.

  42. Veronica_NZ | | #42

    Isn't this fabulous.
    I recall when getting fitted for a bra being told if your undergarments are right you can wear anything.

    As we are currently in the grip of winter and wearing multiple layers just to survive the wind chill it's a good way to remind ourselves that practical, functional and gorgeous can be represented in a single garment.

    This will definitely be an addition to my library.

  43. flygirl | | #43

    Some of the changes, I have observed from each generation is the watching and sometimes helping my grandmother get laced into her corset when I was very small. I cannot remember my mother ever wearing a corset or girdle, however in the early fifties, most women wore girdles, even the very skinny ones.
    Then came the "merry widow" strapless bras. From there it was the bikini swim suit to the thong. Most fashion seems to revolve and repeat itself with some minor change in color or name. I suppose we will see some variations of the past.

  44. User avater
    aislinnluv | | #44

    I love corsets! They are one of my favorite garments to make. I make a lot of costumes for Renaissance festival wear, and thinking up new fabric and trim combinations is so much fun! What I am curious about is men's undergarments from early times. We hardly ever hear or read about that.

  45. ivy_rose | | #45

    Would love to extend my skills in the corsetry department...this book looks amazing!!!

  46. WeeScotLass | | #46

    I make and sell period clothing at Scottish Highland games. These games are a chance to experience a different heritage, and have fun. When I construct the peasant dresses and corset style vests, I use the plastic stays rather than bone or steel. The advantage is that the body shaping and enhancements are there, but without the pain that those poor women must have gone through daily. I wonder what the fashions would have been like, if the men were required to be as trussed up as the women. The same holds true for the present. It can be a lot of fun to let go of your inhibitions and get into the part you are playing, even if it is just for the day.
    This book would be a boon for anyone in my line of work. Thank you Threads for making this possible for one lucky person.

  47. dkfrst1 | | #47

    Some of the changes I have seen are not having to wear nylons, and very skimpy underware. I love to make doll sized corsets and am makeing a beaded one now. This looks like a wonderful book!

  48. Klaudia | | #48

    This would be a great addition to my couture sewing library. Designing and sewing a decent bra would be a great asset to the wardrobe.

  49. sherih | | #49

    I love seeing and knowing how people dressed in the past. It's very hard to find books on this subject. Watching period series on PBS makes me curious about whether the costumes are correct for the period being portrayed. This book would be such fun and extremely interesting! I just saw a chastity belt on Antiques Roadshow last night! I'm also grateful that we have come as far as we have and that our underwear is as comfortable as it is.

  50. Maryn | | #50

    The book cover is so enticing. This is a book I could spend hours with and would inspire me to create. It appears what is old is now new again and we are transitioning from the freedom of the restriction of garments to the enhancement of the human body through shaping and beautiful materials.

  51. User avater
    Sewingirl2000 | | #51

    Wow this book looks fascinating! I must admit that although I have sewing for 30 years I have not made many undergarments. Lately, however, I have been making tennis panties and shorts for under tennis skirts. This interest has drawn me to learn more about girdles and “Spanx” . With the big marketing move toward tummy tucking and hip reducing via the undergarment, I would love to learn how to Tuck it all in! Those products are expensive.

  52. JBeanne | | #52

    I want this book! It looks great and I've looked into this book and think it has so much historically to tell about what we wear "under" it all!

  53. abit2011 | | #53

    As a recent FIT graduate, I have taken two corsetry classes and am still amazed by the intricate details of a historical corset. The right undergarments make the clothes!!

  54. User avater
    Karne | | #54

    Would love to win this book! I'm SO glad we don't have to wear those boned corsets anymore, although I'm very thankful for the shapewear we have available to us :) Much more comfortable. But I do love fashion history, so this would be an awesome book to add to my library! thanks for offering it.

  55. woolywoman | | #55

    I'm learning to make period clothing. this book would greatly help me with my fun endeavor!!

  56. _Adrienne_ | | #56

    I devoured Cunnington's "History of Underclothes"; how exciting to have a book with such great images! I think that the biggest change in undergarments I've witnessed is the moving of them from the inside to the outside, slipping from fetishistic to everyday.

    For instance, I think twenty-five years ago, wearing old-style cone bras and industrial-strength garters was reserved for a certain generation...until Madonna popularized its fetish appeal. Now, at least where I am, corsets (without a chemise!) are standard evening apparel, and pink-haired teens are using heavy-duty garters to hold up their long striped socks. Incidentally, for people trying to source mid-20th-century undergarments, Sock Dreams in Portland, OR has a good collection of garter belts that actually function, and "retro" clothiers generally have undergarment sections for creating correct silhouettes.

  57. fozie | | #57

    Definitely the ubiquitousness of the thong and actually the evolution of bras--sports bra styling/technology applied to more comfortable everyday bras. This books looks fascinating--thanks for the chance to win.

  58. ErinRoseDesign | | #58

    I almost wish the corset were still en vogue. It does tend to offer a great deal of support. :)

  59. User avater
    3dogMom | | #59

    On my cousin's wedding day, I laughed as she wiggled, squenched, hopped, and danced into the same type of girdle that my mother wore! That was when there was one choice for girdle (panty) and two color choices for undergarments: white and black. "Proper" women only wore black undergarments if they were married. At least that's what I was told.

    Thank goodness times and fashions have changed! Now, if I can just convince my mother they have.

  60. tilda2 | | #60

    Love this book, as for the changes I've seen, the thong & spanz are what comes to mind.

  61. MsWhimsey | | #61

    I have always thought about the secret life of underwear. It is the private side of being, isn't it? Underwear is what we do for ourselves: it is private clothing in its most intimate sense. While the trend over my lifetime has been to liberate the body from all those trappings, I suspect that beautiful underwear will still have a place in every woman's life because it is a luxury to feel good all under, and it is a private pleasure. I am quite interested in the finishing details of these corsets. I suspect that they are carefully constructed where the fabric meets the skin and that they have some style for their reflections in a mirror. Certainly the corset on the cover of the book bears out that theory.

  62. kcautela | | #62

    I have memories of being a little girl and my mother dressing me in "petty pant's " under my dresses so I could play on the playground at school. I was the only little girl that wore them, no one else ever even heard of them.
    I honestly think that it would be a good fashion come back for little girls.
    I love to study fashion history.
    Katie Cautela

  63. barbwire1970 | | #63

    And you know there is always a need for this type of sewing perhaps in a local theater group or just for fooling around with some stuff, I do not know how most of the people feel here, but I have never found a bra that fit me properly. I am rather large chested, so much so, it hurts my back. But then add in a unflattering, non-fitting bra equals a torture chamber. I have been looking at a way to revolutionize the bra industry that is frankly overrun with men who do not know the first thing about supporting a pair of tits like I get, let me tell you. I need a boulder holder over the shoulder boulder carrier...maybe this book will help me on my journey...


  64. Dressmakers_dummy | | #64

    I am just old enough to remember the girdle my grandmother used to make me wear. But I remember standing up straight and feeling very pulled together, Ha!
    I am getting into costume making so this book would be a prefect addition to my library.

  65. katiemkrafcik | | #65

    I am very excited about this book! I can't wait to see it!

  66. anonymousperson | | #66

    I believe that culture alternates between periods of puritanism and indulgence. In the late nineteenth century strict gender boundaries and constriction were all the rage: Victorian period favored whale bone bodices that emphasized female curves. Androgyny was suppressed. Strict clothing and monochromatic fabrics spoke of propriety, hierarchy, and decent taste. Policemen in the London streets made a habit of questioning women who wore bright colors or makeup, as those were the trappings of "ladies of the night." There was style among the Victorians but little room for fun or experimentation. Compare these tastes to the flapper dresses of the 1920s, sleeveless and loose at the waist, and the dainty young women who shockingly cut their hair and took up smoking in the wake of the right to vote. The modern female was again reborn in the bikinis and miniskirts of the 1960s, recalling androgynous figures such as Twiggy and Hepburn. We went from girdles to polka dots, and we haven't looked back since.

    Lingerie has since alternated between strict and frilly, perfunctory and romantic. The market has capitalized on undergarments in every guise. Modern engineers have created lingerie from unique materials like chain mail, diamonds, pvc, gun sights, human hair and LEDs, often overstepping the boundaries of common taste in the process.

    For most of us, lingerie consists of whatever the mass market wishes to sell. Clothing is homogenized and impersonal. In these frugal times most of us view undergarments as a necessity and little else. In the major stores we cling to simple tricot or cotton bras and panties made in a factory across the globe and distributed to outlets in multiple countries. Simple zigzag stitching, minimal detail and screen printing are typical of these styles. You may find some vintage cuts and patterns but they are most likely poor imitations to the original art of yesteryear. Then you have your upper price outlets such as VS where lingerie is a fetish, but there is a reverence for the current fashion.

    But here at Threads we can do more than just accept our fate and live in boring, monotonous lingerie. I believe that the last few connoisseurs of taste are the home sewers, the people who see virtue in the hand crafted garment and in creating things that are unique and valued, not just assembled on a line. Our trade as sewers no longer has a commercial value but a psychological one. With careful research one can recreate virtually any historical style and do so authentically. As the notion of couture becomes ever more useless in the recession, the hand made garment emerges not only a superior garment but a protest against the volatility of the market. It is a celebration of both thrift and ingenuity.

    As for puritanism vs. hedonism, I believe that the Recession is driving us away from luxury. One one hand we rely on the necessities and dispense with the superfluous. On the other, the public craves escapism, so they embrace old world styles of lingerie. Expect a deluge of simple, economical garments coupled with nostalgic period pieces that mime, rather than recreate the beauty of vintage lingerie. Fortunately for you and I, the home sewers have many options.

  67. NeuroticNeedles | | #67

    I SO wish corsets would come back!!

  68. User avater
    sewsilly4ads | | #68

    This looks like an absolutely fascinating book!

  69. User avater
    Miira | | #69

    It's amazing to think of the changes that have occurred just in my lifetime. We're lucky- we get to be comfortable. How women used to breathe in those corsets or how they didn't get sick, I'll never know. No wonder the Victorians got "the vapors."

  70. izodiea | | #70

    I think right now we are in a very relaxed "natural" silhouette, based on the healthy physically fit body. I honestly think plastic surgery and exercise may slowly replace undergarments entirely. History has shown people are not above extreme measured to achieve the desired shape of the era.

  71. zlbgypsy | | #71

    This looks like a great book! I love costumes, and am working on some corset dresses, so this would come in handy!

  72. LaSylvie | | #72

    This would be a great addition to my garment design and fashion books.

  73. Pallumus | | #73

    I've always wondered why we women put up with the discomfort... Are guys undergarments uncomfortable and restricting? Not usually. Just thinking...

  74. rrjane011749 | | #74

    Sounds like an utterly fascinating book. I have to admit, I'm glad we're not wearing corsets anymore--they look really uncomfortable.

  75. AuVion | | #75

    The pretty lace and gorgeously finished details belie the torture underneath. We may change our underwear to achieve the sexiest, the curviest, the flatest, the most coveted but the price of our vanity is still the same ... torture or ridicule and don't we love it!!!!!

  76. altamira | | #76

    I've often wondered what women such as Anne Boleyn or Marie Antoinette wore under their dresses. Most books on the history of fashions don't talk much about underwear.

  77. Kathyquilts | | #77

    I'm loving the mix of traditional (corsets and petticoats at least still used in bridal wear!) with the more user friendly undergarments of today...except I'm old enough that I'll never understand how a thong could be comfortable! I hope the future brings really comfortable and supportive bras for every age and figure type!

  78. jrvtailor | | #78

    I am curious as to whether the book addresses the difference between "training corsets" and "costume corsets". My girlfriend (now fiancee) bought a relatively expensive costume corset from a popular merchandiser, but then tried to use it as a training corset and basically destroyed it in two uses. She was in tears over the lost money on the cheap construction of the item, and after some creative sewing on my part, I was able to repair the corset, but as a costume item only. I have been looking for a very detailed corsetry book; history, materials, sources for materials, hints on construction, etc. Hopefully the bookstore will carry a copy of this title, so I can find out if it's worth the investment.

  79. PJ_Arquette | | #79

    There has indeed been many changes in undergarments. My grandmother wore so many undergarments that her doctor told her she wore to many.

    I remember garter belts, my younger sister wanted to be a big girl so she came down stairs ready to go to school wearing one of my garter belts hooked to her knee socks. At the time that was funny,little did I ever imagine that I would see other peoples underwear as a fashion statement. Underwear is no longer private clothing.

  80. o2bkatie | | #80

    this is a most fascinating book rom the cover. I would like to win this to learn more about this style sewing!

  81. loti | | #81

    I would love to win this book!!

  82. mcarr719 | | #82

    I've got the other "in detail" books and they are all fabulous. This book is particularly interesting in that there are very few books on the market that cover so many facets of underwear. I have a smallish book on the history of underwear that is absolutely fascinating. What is fun is to show young sewists/costumers a garment -- whether it is underwear or something of bleeding edge fashion -- and show them something from the past that is almost identical. I love working with beautiful fabrics and have the pleasure of managing a large costume collection for a theatre company. Some of the corsets we have are spectacular. This is a book I will need to get to add to my collection.

  83. NJV57 | | #83

    What a fabulous looking book! If I don't win I'm buying it!

  84. MaterialThing | | #84

    I've just finished building the foundation for my daughter's wedding gown and I can easily say that this book would have been inspirational in the process!

  85. User avater
    cathlynr | | #85

    This looks wonderful! I build costumes as a hobby and I always wanted an undergarment/foundations reference.



  86. User avater
    sewdizzy | | #86

    Looks fascinating - can't wait to get a better look at it!

  87. HeavenlyPrincess | | #87

    Being only 19, I haven't seen much change during my lifetime. However, I am a historical reenactor, and have experienced very different undies while recreating history!

  88. MargieW | | #88

    I could so use this book!! If I don't win it I guess I'll be forced to buy it....:)

  89. User avater
    SundayGirl | | #89

    I would really love to win this book! I have been making little undergarments for myself for sometime and could use some help for sure.

  90. Juliaq | | #90

    Can clearly remember three girls and one momma searching madly on Sunday mornings trying to find one more of those little garter things to attach to our panty girdles to hold up our stockings. It was a big deal to go from socks to "nylons" back in the good old days. Mid sixties. One of the ladies at church said she use to wear a Platex girdles made out of rubber. She would wash it dry and then use baby powder so she could shimmy into it. Funny to see shape wear so popular. Just purchased a beautiful bra fitted to me .$$. The girls look great and my figure ten years younger. It is fun to see what these delicate ladies wore and still managed to rule house holds and countries all the while with the tiniest of waist and litle fingers up. Yours Julia

  91. User avater
    SundayGirl | | #91

    I also want to add that my biggest issue is with fitting the garments correctly. Undergarments can be so bothersome if they are ill-fitting.

  92. DiznDat | | #92

    I remember pettipants!

    My daughter always has her five and seven year old daughters wear bike shorts under their skirts and dresses.

  93. User avater
    fashionista29 | | #93

    It is undeniable that the hourglass shape is most pleasing to the eye...certainly more attractive than the muffin top of today. I've worn corsets on occasion and find them to be quite comfortable if fitted correctly and the back support is wonderful. Nothing wrong with walking and sitting a little straighter in today's slouchy society.

  94. usbornegal | | #94

    I love to collect books on costuming and fashion from bygone eras, but there is often little information on the underpinnings. This book looks like a fabulous addition to the current information out there.

  95. dianapc | | #95

    I have seen so many changes in underfashions including those between different "social classes". I think one of the areas reflecting a major change was what Catholic nuns (my aunt) wore in under and over fashions. For years my siblings and I thought she weighed about 250lbs with all the layers she wore. In reality she probably weighed about 100 lbs!

  96. cathwhy | | #96

    I remember wearing garter belts and girdles. It amazes me today that women (not just young girls) walk around with their bras showing and wear dresses without slips under them. My grandmother always told me when my slip was showing that you never showed your underwear because men would see it and you didn't want them to know that you wore anything under your dress!!

  97. User avater
    Loesje | | #97

    I am so fascinated by this topic, and what a compelling book!

  98. gallagator | | #98

    If I had this book I could stop wearing granny underwear.

  99. birch4leaf | | #99

    This may be just what I need to tip me over the edge toward constructing my own...

  100. User avater
    LadyofShalott | | #100

    Always been interested in vintage garments, and own several antique petticoats. I think it's wonderful to devote a whole book just on undergarments!

  101. CaramelChi | | #101

    I've only just gotten into sewing, and I'm doing my first big on-my-own project right now. One of the main motivations for me to learn was that someday I'd be able to make beautiful unique clothing in styles that you don't see around very often these days. At least, not without a lot of hunting around and a good stash of money. And while I don't have anywhere near the skill now, creating my own corset is a major goal for me in the future. They're just so beautiful! Me and my mother, who teaches me, have tried once before to make one, but it didn't really work out. My 'corset' came out more like an ill fitting vest with no support than anything even resembling a corset! I really want to win this book so that some day, having learned from it, (and probably with a few more mess ups along the way) I can make a stunning corset, that actually fits!

  102. SCADmother1 | | #102

    I would love to have this book to give my daughter who loves to make lingerie.
    I am really dating myself but I have seen a half century of undergarment changes. As teenagers my friends and I squeezed our skinny little bodies into girdles that
    smoothed nary and bump and were so unnecessary. Our little 32 A or B breasts were prisoners in artillery magazines with points. Natural shapes were unheard of. Then came the sixties and everyone started to let it all hang out, literally, but bras and panties were still not very attractive.
    Over the years undergarments have become more feminine and lovely, but designers could take a lesson from the past and not make them quite as skimpy as they are.

  103. zobie122 | | #103

    A Most Intriguing Book. The book synopsis' appeals to me as a very useful resource book not only for reproduction sewing but also well-constructed costume sewing and even todays state of the art high fashions. How timely, it seems lately, I get frequent requests for corsets too. The close-up photos, an underestimated asset to any book, clearly show the construction of the garments and will be most helpful to reinforce the direction of the text. Well done V&A Publishing. The sewing industry had a need and UNDERWEAR FASHION IN DETAIL has filled it. Bravo, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!!

  104. kdcatshill | | #104

    I've subscribed to Threads for several years now even though I'm a knitter, not a sewer- and not too much of a knitter at that. I'm mostly knitting socks currently, and love the histories of the patterns and the people who orginated them. In Threads, I always turn to the back cover to see what elegant dress will turn up for the month. As others have said, if I'm not the lucky person to win Underware Fashion in Detail, I'll just have to buy it.

  105. Juli1961 | | #105

    I have seen underwear fashions change from "never-to-be-seen" to "let it all hang out" or "underwear? what's that?" I have personally have found that underwear has gotten more and more uncomfortable--especially bras. As my husband, the old shoe salesman, used to tell women who came in to be fitted for shoes, "There are 2 things a woman wears that must fit properly, her shoes and her brassiere."

  106. lizzyg | | #106

    When I was 10 or 11 years old and first learning to sew on my mother's sewing machine, as we worked she used to tell me about when she was around my age and quit school at the age of 12. She was born in 1908, was one of nine children and needed to help with family expenses. Her first job was in the corset factory in Shelton, Connecticut, folding the thin strips of fabric that covered the corset "stays". She said her fingers were raw from smoothing under the edges of the fabric. She died 11 or 12 years ago at the age of 90, and I inherited her sewing machine. In digging through the drawers I found some very delicate little dorset buttons that she said were used on the corsets. I also found a couple of yards of the thin gauze-like fabric that was used over the stays. So much has changed in women's undergarments since that time. And yet the old is now new again. Fashion is just an endless cycle! I would love to win this book and learn more about the undergarment fashions of her day.

    So mu

  107. twenchwoman | | #107

    This book is right up my alley! I am very interested in costuming, especially in the 16th and 17th century. I used to work for a lingerie company and am very interested in lingerie through the ages.

  108. User avater
    anttibear | | #108

    Everything has changed from the 50's when I became old enough to be concerned about under garments. Learning to put on a garter belt or girdle, then putting on nylon stockings, working to make the seams straight, and not poking a hole in the hose, was a formidable challenge.

  109. RoniBarr | | #109

    I have been pining for this book for so long! I love the fasions of yester-year, especially the lingerie and corsets. In my short life, there hasn't been any grand changes in lingerie, although I am currently starting my lingerie design studies and hope that one day I'll be able to impact our lingerie, making sure every woman has a proper fitting brassier giving her the suppor she needs! :)

  110. jayne64 | | #110

    What a beautiful book! Definitely a must have for costume enthusiasts!

  111. User avater
    kdlorente | | #111

    I was always fascinated by the history of undergarments as I am interested in Feminine Equality.

    My grandmother taught me and I teach my granddaughters, that the history of women's undergarments is the history of women's struggle for equality. From as recent as the New York radical Women dropping bras in barrels, (they didn't actually set them on fire,)as far back as vaudeville actresses removing their corsets on stage to show men the grooves in their ribs, there is a direct correlation from women's undergarments and their equality to men.

    I think every woman should learn the history of women's undergarment as it is an important part of all of our heritages.

  112. User avater
    suereal | | #112

    What I think is funny is I have made a few medieval corsets, which I found very comfortable, and excellent back support. And when I mention that to some modern women they gasp in disbelief..."It couldn't POSSIBLY be comfortable!". But some how they think Spanks are comfortable?, I would be interested in seeing the differences in North American corsets and mediaeval corsets. I also love the transition in the 20's from restriction to flapper style, so I hope that would be covered too.

  113. Eyelyon | | #113

    Love it. Want it!

  114. Oamaru | | #114

    I have often wished that I was able to design underwear, Sometimes I feel that bras' are designed by men, a bit like the way cooking ranges are! the sheer frustration of having to get on to your hands and knees to clean the uncleanable!
    I believe that historically underwear was fastened at the back because then we had maid servants to pull up the laces. (and later willing husbands?)
    So I question, - why are we still wearing undergarments that are difficult to put on, pinch and squeeze and we have to manipulate our arms yoga fashion around our backs, or swivel the hooks and eyes around our waists to do up and then back again to fit on the breast.
    This book might just be able to help me design the perfect bra!

  115. aindava | | #115

    One of the biggest changes I've seen in my lifetime, personally, was the day I wore my Wonderbra out to dinner. My boyfriend blurted out "Where'd THOSE come from?" I would love to win this book. C'mon random chance...

  116. hsenkler | | #116

    I like underwear that is made for my shape, and not some arbitrary shape. I would love to see this book and dig into it.

  117. ilovedobermans | | #117

    i think the thing that has changed the most is the disappearing modesty. I tried to find something for nightwear, and WOW. Um, that really isn't nightwear. And this is for the PLUS SIZE!

  118. CatSews | | #118

    What a flood of memories this triggered! My grandmother went to work everyday with a rubber girdle that went from upper thigh to bust (no panty) with garters attached to hold her stockings. My mother who was very thin never left the house without a panty girdle (again those garters to hold up the stockings with seams down the back)and a bra with cone shaped cups. My first "grown up" undergarments were a panty girdle with garters to hold up the stockings, but the modern ones without seams. My bras were also cone shaped. Years moved along and the bra cups got more "natural" and I progressed to a more comfortable garter belt rather than the panty girdle (or the occasional girdle that wasn't a panty one). I went to college in Paris and was delighted to find stockings that went over the hips at the sides and buttoned at the waist in the front and back - kind of a forerunner to panty hose. My mother told me these weren't "modern" but were called "Opera Hose or Tights" when she was young. Have never heard of that except from her. At any rate since these "over the hip" stockings were on the market at the same time as mini-skirts it solved the problem of worrying about stocking tops showing. The other interesting change was the availability of bras that had no cups, just the underwire support section. This provided support but a no-bra look. Of course, then came pantyhose, hip hugger panties, soft cup bras and all of today's variations.

    Makes you wonder what the future will hold!

  119. User avater
    cindy_sews | | #119

    Wow! What an education! That article was very informative. I can't wait to read the book. The changes that I have noticed are the bras. We used to wear no bras or very flimsy ones. Now bras are padded with under wires. There are even bras sewn into camisoles. I like this change. I think it is a good thing to show it off in a beautiful way!

  120. beachdoll | | #120

    I love details and books showing the serious details used on couture and vintage clothing. I do doll clothing for vintage dolls and am working on a wardrobe for a French fashion doll and these underpinnings would be wonderful in miniature! Louise

  121. sewcietymaven | | #121

    What a fabulous book!

  122. GrantIowa | | #122

    I truly love the 0lder undergarment. I remember lacing up my Mother's corset. I had to use my knee to get it tight enough. It would be wonderful to learn more about under fashion.

  123. Snikwas | | #123

    The fascination is how what goes underneath changes the whole appearance of what is on top! To understand this is the basis of the history of fashion evolution.

    Did it evolve from a desire to please men - or from women wanting to change their appearance for themselves?

    I have my great Aunt's trousseau which she hand-made herself - but sadly never wore, but the work is a wonderful testament of what might have been.

  124. SuInAZ | | #124

    Lovely looking book! It seems we have seen it all (in some cases way too much) with underwear as outerwear or just on display over the past 20 years or so. Maybe the pendulum will swing back towards covering up for a while.

  125. sewclassic | | #125

    Just tonight I was in the fine 'undergarments' department of a clothing store looking for a pretty non under wire bra. There were three bras to choose from. One had enough padding to keep your bossom warm in a chinook wind and the other was cut as though I needed the underwire for the necessary support (I wear a 34 B); the bra was cut for ample bossoms. The third bra had an unflattering color--baby poop brown. Well I sew and with the pitiful selection of non wired bras I think sewing lovely comforting under garments would be a worthy challenge. I would even consider wearing a light corset over those foam filled boob cages. But flapper styled undies will probably be my best choice. I would love to have this book in my library. Thanks for the chance of owning this book and I've enjoyed reading the comments.

  126. RStaff49 | | #126

    Bras have not changed much in my Baby Boomer time. But, girdles and hosiery have. It amazes me that as a girl, I had to wear a garter belt to hold up my hose for dressy functions.I thought pantyhose was a marvelous invention! Now my daughters do not wear nylon hose. Some of their friends have never heard of pantyhose! Girdles have come back in a fashion with all the shape wear. Corsets are back with costumes, historical en actors and some who play with them. This book looks very interesting for all of the information on how and what women wore under the fashions of our history!

  127. lenalotte | | #127

    Wow, I didn't know this book came out! WANT!

  128. annuirmeli | | #128

    Old corsets and crinolines are the best I know.

  129. ayp | | #129

    Boy, I remember many changes... bras before lycra that always popped a strap if you reached too far-psst! Who's got a safety pin? Anyone remember the first leotards/pantyhose that you could wear up to your armpits? That is until they made the one-size-fits-all that didn't fit anyone. Once my sister stepped of the bus to feel a nylon stocking slide down her leg as the garter clips had broken off her girdle. Strange I only remeber the funny things about my past underwear!

  130. SarazWork | | #130

    How the world turns! This lovely book about undergarments is right up my alley. Underwear Fashion In Detail by Ereli Lynn, V&A Publishing. What a treasure...!

    In my youth, I hated to wear a girdle. But I wanted that perfect figure.

    I celebrated the invention of pantyhose. I prayed for pantyhose that didn't come up to my neck or felt like a rubber band ever tightening around my thighs.

    At some point, my figure started running for it's life and I started wishing for some support. Then SPANKS were invented. I loved them, but eventually, oh my gosh. The older I got the more I prayed for a girdle.

    Now, I am beginning to appreciate the finer points of a corset.

  131. SarazWork | | #131

    How the world turns! This lovely book about undergarments is right up my alley. Underwear Fashion In Detail by Ereli Lynn, V&A Publishing. What a treasure...!

    In my youth, I hated to wear a girdle. But I wanted that perfect figure.

    I celebrated the invention of pantyhose. I prayed for pantyhose that didn't come up to my neck or felt like a rubber band ever tightening around my thighs.

    At some point, my figure started running for it's life and I started wishing for some support. Then SPANKS were invented. I loved them, but eventually, oh my gosh. The older I got the more I prayed for a girdle.

    Now, I am beginning to appreciate the finer points of a corset.

  132. Madly | | #132

    This book has been in my wish list for ages! I've also noticed the trend for cleavage (top and bottom!) but also that more women are wearing bras that fit properly! There is something to be said for proper foundation garments, instead of crash diets...

  133. chrissys | | #133

    Hi, I can vividly remember my grandmother offering me her peachy pink large girdles and bra's when I was a young teenager! She thought I would catch my death just wearing little panties and my push up bra. It is great to see how easy we all have it today, even with the advent of shapewear which is still easy to wear and relatively comfortable.

  134. Jenerator | | #134

    Would love to see a copy of this book and have time and leisure to look through it in detail. My favourite memory of underwear was the first time I wore a garter belt with stockings (I grew up with pantyhose) - and trying to figure out how to go to the bathroom wearing it. How to get my panties down without getting them tangled in the stockings? My mother had to explain to me that it was ok to wear the panties ON TOP OF the garter belt! (Somehow that simply never occurred to me...)

  135. zaftig1 | | #135

    I have enjoyed reading all the comments, some have brought back memories I might have preferred to let stay forgotten but at least I can laugh now. Love the book and would enjoy owning it.

  136. MargieP | | #136

    I can vividly remember, when I was a kid (about 13) going to summer school that was run by nuns in my home town of Montrose, B.C. I thought I was very grown up when my mom allowed me to wear a garter belt and nylons to a day of lessons. We were out on the basebal field, playing baseball and I was up to bat. My garter belt somehow came apart and my nylons fell down. Oh my GOSH !!! You can imagine how embarassed I was.

  137. mlk1953 | | #137

    I come from the era of bra burning and I haven't found a comfortable bra since! I do remember garter belts in my early high school years.

  138. mlk1953 | | #138

    I come from the era of bra burning and I haven't found a comfortable bra since! I do remember garter belts in my early high school years.

  139. Bunnyrosenator | | #139

    I love corsets and the way they hold my big boobs up - one invention I also love is elastic instead of buttons for the waist band. My grandparents met at a community dance for soldiers when a soldier went to where the bandstand was and announced he had found a pair of bloomers on the dance floor. Of course my granny put her hand up and announced "they're mine, I kicked them off when they fell down" - my mom and I have often joked we are only hear because of the bad sewing on of a button.

  140. MrsC11 | | #140

    Alas, I am too young to remember wearing items such as girdles, though I dare say my mother wore them at the time I was a child. I say alas, but from the accounts of others, it would seem all those underwear 'contraptions' were the bane of a woman's life. But, I have watched the odd film in which the women wore nylons and girdles, as well as historical period costumery, and it really does show how trends have changed. From the days pre Marie Antoinette where the ladies were covered from chin to ankle, from Marie Antoinettes day to current, where bosoms are displayed and so much more. I believe that underwear will return full circle, just as fashion does in general. We've relived the decades past, 80s, 50s, 60s, 80s again, 70s, some more 80s. I think underwear will also follow a trend, where it becomes fashionable to wear close fitting but complete underwear garments, allowing the male (or female) admirer just a hint of the curves that lie beneath the outerwear, where there is just a hint of a stocking and suspender catch when the wearer wants the admirer to notice. I think the admirer will return to being more fascinated by what a woman is covering up than what she has on display. And hopefully, in the event of a return to this fashion trend, the newly devised 'contraptions' will be made from lightweight and ecologically kind materials. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking.....dreaming in a romanticised way. Perhaps I should win this wonderful book, to give me inspiration to make my own garments and contraptions!

  141. User avater
    alittlebirdsaid | | #141

    Wow, I adore past fashions and love to look at old garments. Corsets have such a sexy appeal and everyone loves to look at them and try them on. I have designed a few and they are such fun to wear. The workmanship that went into theses Victorian/edwardian corsets is simply amazing. I could look at theses images all night!

  142. tcweikel | | #142

    I love well made, useful undergarments. I have only dabbled in the creation of such and welcome the opportunity to do more. I am often baffled by my infatuation with underthings. I have watched and read every bit of information on this subject I could find. I enjoy going to shops that specialize in undergarments and seeing the shapes, colors and degrees of coverage. Thank you for the chance to win this book and the opportunity to learn more about such a fascinating subject.

  143. mmerry | | #143

    This book looks gorgeous!

  144. NurseNancy | | #144

    I would LOVE to read this book! I've been fascinated with how womens underwear has changed over the years - once we used it to create the fashionable shape, and now we are expected to 'be' the fashionable shape without help from underwear (perhaps through silicone instead?) It seems that for centuries women haven't been happy with what nature gave them? Fascinating topic.

  145. NikkiD | | #145

    This book looks amazing. I have the privilege of owning another V&A book which is also gorgeous, so to own a copy of this would be a wonderful addition. I've always had an interest in the history of fashion, and being a bridal-wear designer/dressmaker have had several opportunities to make corsets for inner and outer wear. I am a stickler for detail and love to make things in the authentic way.

  146. sewlikechanel | | #146

    I love this book. I continue to borrow it from our local library. It has taken on a new meaning and excitement for me because I have just discovered building a corset into a garment so a bra isn't required. It is a revelation and I feel liberated. I think I could spend the rest of my sewing life making variations on corsets. This book as an absolute treasure full of inspiration.

  147. fitch | | #147

    one thing I find fascinating is that undergarments keep migrating to the outside. Slip dress, camisole, etc.

  148. User avater
    elowenn | | #148

    I remember my Mum insisting that I started to wear panty girdles when I started senior school. My Mum never went out of the house without hers and we would spend hours and hours in underwear departments matching the colours of bra, petticoat and panty girdle as they all had to match. Wearing one was awful and I soon gave them up although my Mum thoroughly disapproved.

    Tights were a big problem for me though the legs were never long enough but the body part was huge. I remember buying hold ups and although that solved the too short legs problem, the rubberised band to hold them up dug into my legs like crazy. I have to admit now though I've given up and just wear socks and long boots and longer skirts to avoid the whole problem.

    A few weeks ago I did buy some slimming pants and as soon as I put them on all the old panty girdle memories [and discomfort] came flooding back, so they have been consigned to the back of the drawer. Seems like technological advances in undies still can't provide something that makes you look good as well as being practical and comfortable to wear - sigh!

  149. User avater
    elowenn | | #149

    I remember my Mum insisting that I started to wear panty girdles when I started senior school. My Mum never went out of the house without hers and we would spend hours and hours in underwear departments matching the colours of bra, petticoat and panty girdle as they all had to match. Wearing one was awful and I soon gave them up although my Mum thoroughly disapproved.

    Tights were a big problem for me though the legs were never long enough but the body part was huge. I remember buying hold ups and although that solved the too short legs problem, the rubberised band to hold them up dug into my legs like crazy. I have to admit now though I've given up and just wear socks and long boots and longer skirts to avoid the whole problem.

    A few weeks ago I did buy some slimming pants and as soon as I put them on all the old panty girdle memories [and discomfort] came flooding back, so they have been consigned to the back of the drawer. Seems like technological advances in undies still can't provide something that makes you look good as well as being practical and comfortable to wear - sigh!

  150. gwtw1936 | | #150

    What a neat looking book. I do 1860's museum quality reproduction costumes for some friends of " Gone With the Wind" costumes and they'd love the ideas here.
    Have to chek out this book.

  151. SewStylish | | #151

    For me, the changes I've seen are in what is required or not... My mom used to wear a slip and pantyhose every day to work. Now the workplace hardly ever "sees" these. Not to mention, we probably see a bit more now with push up bras and "whale tails" showing at the top of ladies pants.

    I also feel like there is much more offered to larger styles including very pretty items instead of utilitarian options.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  152. doreenlinehan | | #152

    My mother always wore a girdle when I was younger but not anymore.
    I've seen a few articles about adding boning to camisoles so it seems we have all the old options plus newer ones.Also there is a term going commando so I guess none at all is an option also. Not for me but I guess some. Bra and panty options are so varied you can spend hours just selecting under garments.

  153. SewingSteph | | #153

    It seems to me that panties have gotten smaller and bras larger and fancier. We have gone from beifs to bikinis to barely there thongs while bras now regularly come with padding, something that would have been shameful in my youth. Also pantyhose have gone from the latest and greatest invention to being out in fashion.

  154. lilypadrose | | #154

    Beautiful book! I would love to own it and use it. The subject of corsets is totally fascinating. Thankfully, there are many of us who love them and study them and create them - many who still wear them. Hope I win this book!

  155. Jane_Doe | | #155

    As a member of a local historical costume group, my interests have literally moved from the outer garments to the corsets and underthings that give dresses their distinctive shapes. I have discovered that the busty look of the early 1800s, the tiny waists of the 1860s and the pouty pigeon breast of the turn of the century (the last century, that is) cannot be achieved without an understanding of the undergarments. From corsets to horsehair crinolines to hoop skirts and bustles, it is the underwear that makes the dress. Having made a corset from scratch, I can attest to the enormous amount of work and skill at hand sewing and embroidery that is required to turn out a lovely garment.
    I remember wearing a girdle and then the garter belt as a teenager. Even though a corset that is well-made and fits you properly is comfortable and provides good support for the back and shoulders, I wouldn't want to go back wearing one all the time. We are so luckly to live in the era we are in today, where comfort and freedom are taken for granted.

  156. marg | | #156

    I remember cotton panties,and they were NOT knit! When I first dated I wore stockings with a girdle to hold them up,and a slip over the whole schabang! Bras came in white and ivory/tan. Next best invension the bra/slip.
    Quickly that changed, the 60's got in full swing.
    Around 1970 I purchased blue jeans with a low waist and bell bottoms, my panties came up to my waist, above my jeans! I bought a pair of bikini panties just to wear with them.
    Underwear has changes; women haven't; we still wear our undergarments to make us look better.

    Thanks for the memories, uggg

  157. weezeecrash | | #157

    When I was young I had to hook my grandmother's corset up. She wore one every day. Maybe that's how women remained slim way back when....there wasn't much room to breathe, let alone eat.

  158. Moonbeams | | #158

    I remember wearing cotton bras with the stitching around the cups and a pointed tip. I never "filled" the pointed tip.

    Then there were the cotton panties in white, of course. I wasn't allowed to buy color panties until I left home. And not to make light of panties, all undies were hung on an outside clothes line with other clothes -- but all were snugged inside the sheets, etc. Heaven forbid people knew we wore undies.

    Although I never wore a corset, mom did try to put me in a girdle to wear stockings with my dresses. I was so tiny that it didn't matter and I finally got a garter belt. A staple of any girl's wardrobe then -- sexy and exotic today!

    I like today, even at my age. I like choices of styles and colors.

    P.S. Don't tell anyone but I still don't hang my undies where people can see them!

  159. User avater
    jennyduds | | #159

    As a historical re-enactor, I portray a local woman, Leona Foerster Linker, a trained seamstress, inventor, company rep and business owner of the early 1900's. She holds a patent (1905) for an undergarment called the "Leona", an all-in-one chemise/pantalet/petticoat and am very lucky to own several of these garments as well as her patent samples. When dressed as her or any other historical figure (I also go Civil War thru 1900 re-enactments), we try to as period correct as possible. This includes a chemise, pantalets, fully boned corset, petticoat(s), corst cover (to keep your corset clean) and then you can get dressed! We often are out on the hottest days of the year (last week end was really warm and humid). You learn to appreciate what our parents, grandparents, et al went through to be "in fashion". Thank you for putting it all together in a book...it would be a great tool for those of us who want to show people what it was like before our time!

  160. theresa5of8 | | #160

    I've discovered I have a certain fascination with undergarments...particularly, corsets...and seem to be passing that fascination down to my daughter. For her grade 8 graduation, I took a course on making corsets, and created a dress for her grad that was a gathered ribbon-hemmed organza over crinoline skirt with a strapless corset for the top - from her design. The experience gave me a whole new appreciation for what a work of art a corset can be!

  161. dbond | | #161

    All I know is that "nice" girls don't leave the house without them! They are pretty these days, although many items are still quite uncomfortable.

    One of my fondest memories from childhood was to go shopping for under garments. My mom took my sister and I on an all day outing once a year to buy them. We always went to the same store owned by a lady named Libby Kreider. It was one of the best memories ever. I remember what it looked like and even the smell of the store. Pleasant, sweet, clean!

  162. nanacosta | | #162

    Actually, the changes that I have seen during my life time, have been: from bras with seams....to: no seams cups, and wonder bra..and from bikini underpants, to the thong-string ones. Also there is the new underwear line special for people who do sports that support the bust. I would love to have this book!!!

  163. User avater
    sewold | | #163

    This would be a fun book to read - surely don't intend to make any of the garments! I remember panty girdles and hose. Haven't given in to the Spanx yet - just let it all hang out!

  164. snowowl | | #164

    I would love this book! Since I could remember, my mom always wore a girdle. She would stretch it over a chair back to loosen it up. In her late 70's, we had to take them away because of heart and circulation problems. Was she MAD!
    I remember girdles and garter belts to hold up stockings -even those with the seams (Thank God those went away!) Wore them with the tight skirts in the 60's and always had the bump show from the garter. Now in my mid-sixties and am still looking for a well fitting bra that is comfortable. My size has definitely gone up a lot. I look at all those pretty bras and panties and dream. But I NEVER want to go back to girdles!!

  165. batteaus | | #165

    The 17/18th century water craft called batteaux were long narrow boats that ran the James River in Virginia as well as many more. I was a part of the group that began reinactments of that era yearly. In 1989 I captained the first all female crew after crewing for years on another boat from my county. We dressed in period clothes and had the camp gear as well. Being a single mother of 5 at that time it was a feat to dress them as well but they all seemed to enjoy it. We had quite a rich life re-living those times every summer. When re-married our wedding was filled with boatmen and we were all in period clothing. I used some Folkwear patterns and a lot more old time from Vinegar & Pickle Works. I never had any under garment patterns except the lingerie ones from Folkwear and they are definitely not form fitting. I would love the chance to make some of these under garments!! And still after 20 years we dress just for fun or to go to boat gatherings. My crew could be "quite beautiful"!!
    Thanks for the chance! Love the book!!

  166. LadyG529 | | #166

    I know under garments have come a long way over the years, but I am still fascinated by the old fashioned corsets, bindings, etc. There's something sexy about them that our new fashions don't have. That being said, we now have comfort and functionality that I do appreciate.

  167. User avater
    racu | | #167

    from cotton bras to nylon, lycra and modern material bras. I remember also my grandmas' girdle with big fat rubber buttons to hold stockings. I loved to touch those buttons. Also they used half slips all the time. The book is gorgeous, I'll look for it in my local bookstore...uppps there is no local bookstore anymore.... Oh well I hope I win!

  168. User avater
    LizOH | | #168

    The main evolution that I've seen in my lifetime has been from seamed bras to molded cups, underwire bras and the thong! As a young girl I would never consider wearing a dress without a slip, but many women today don't even own one. Oh, and the undies range from shaper garments to thongs; I guess what you wear depends upon how much or how little you want to *let it all hang out*!

    This looks like a fascinating book!

  169. adagiolane | | #169

    What a wonderful book! I love undergarments too, and am collecting books on how corsets are made, to refine my skills. Every sewer and designer has their own tricks of the trade, so one can find all kinds of interesting techniques by looking at how different corsets were made. Having a bag of tricks like that helps a great deal when addressing so many different body shapes.
    MaryGwyneth of MaryGwyneth Fine Wearable Art

  170. GRPisut | | #170

    I have looked inside this book and it is amazing. The photographs are gorgeous and it gives great detail on undergarments in general. It is a must purchase for anyone who appreciates fashion!

  171. MarthaR55 | | #171

    I'm a non-traditional student going back to get a fashion design degree. I already had this book on my wish-list at Amazon because I recognize how much it could help me in my new career. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  172. moogie | | #172

    I have always been fascinated by the parts of clothing we can't see from the outside, including undergarments. I have seen pantie hose come and now go. I miss them! My daughter doesn't even own a slip because I line all her dresses. It is nice we now try to enhance our figures the way we are and not try to fit into what is "fashionable".

  173. sandrambrown | | #173

    Wow! There are so many terrific posts on this fascinating book. I, too, have been interested in the history of underwear. Have you ever wondered what they wore under those togas? I can relate to those who recalled being introduced to girdles as young teenage girls. Hated it! Imagine a size 2 body "needing" to wear a girdle. Please! Garter belts were another misery that were required in order to wear stockings, but they beat out girdles for convenience and comfort. The only problem occurred when one of those garters broke. The loss of only one would allow a stocking to sag. If you lost two on the same side, you'd be wearing the stocking around your ankle. Glad I made it to the 21st Century.

  174. sandrambrown | | #174

    Wow! There are so many terrific posts on this fascinating book. I, too, have been interested in the history of underwear. Have you ever wondered what they wore under those togas? I can relate to those who recalled being introduced to girdles as young teenage girls. Hated it! Imagine a size 2 body "needing" to wear a girdle. Please! Garter belts were another misery that were required in order to wear stockings, but they beat out girdles for convenience and comfort. The only problem occurred when one of those garters broke. The loss of only one would allow a stocking to sag. If you lost two on the same side, you'd be wearing the stocking around your ankles. Glad I made it to the 21st Century.

  175. DeLancey | | #175

    As an 18c reenactor, I was surprised to discover a pair of stays (corset), if properly fitted to the wearer, will actually be quite comfortable, just like a great bra. The word stays is plural as centuries back the garment was originally two halves, laced together. Ditto breeches, trousers, pants. And, we put on our "pair" of "panties" every morning...

  176. User avater
    kiwisue | | #176

    The corsets and lace are beautiful, no wonder they have evolved from "under" wear to outer fashion! I have never worn or even tried on a corset but, as several of the posts have mentioned, Spanx are not comfortable and will probably never evolved into outer fashion, but who knows!!??

    I am still developing my sewing skills and plan to add corsets to my skill set as I improve.

    I enjoyed reading the posts recalling grandma's girdles and stocking garters.

  177. User avater
    Igraine | | #177

    It is wonderful to find a book that brings together the history of the underfashions. As a corsetiere and bramaker I drive the local librarians crazy asking for books on the history of womens' fashion with this critical part of the stylings included in them. I saw the review in my current issue of Threads magazine and got excited. It will be an valued part of my library if I win.

  178. lroll | | #178

    This book looks very interesting. I would definitely be able to use the techniques in creating the undergarments necessary for period plays.

  179. dancejamboree | | #179

    Wow, this book is one for the history buffs. How amazing how far we women have come with our "under garments" to "outer garments". Would love to have this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  180. CETravels | | #180

    This book looks beautiful!

  181. jacquelineomarra | | #181

    As a fashion design student I would love to use this book as a reference for the corset class I'm taking in the winter semester this year. I'm entering my third year in Ryerson University's four year degree program.

  182. ClioPhineas | | #182

    It looks beautiful! Please count me in!

  183. BethAnderson | | #183

    This book looks very interesting, especially now that a lot of outerwear looks a lot like underwear.

  184. ElaineElise | | #184

    WOW! this looks like a really cool book!I would love to learn more about all the little details of garments

  185. lorrif | | #185

    In my 68 yr. I too have seen a vast change in undergarments and how they are worn and 'viewed'. How freeing todays garments are. This book would be a treasure! Lorri F

  186. lorrif | | #186

    In my 68 yr. I too have seen a vast change in undergarments and how they are worn and 'viewed'. How freeing todays garments are. This book would be a treasure! Lorri F

  187. LauriR | | #187

    I agree that the focus has been on the bustline. From surgery to the uplift bra; a full, uplifted bust seems the be the biggest trend currently. Unrestrained buttocks that swing and sway are also a huge trend on the movie screen which shapes the public consciousness of what fashion should look like.

  188. msfroggy | | #188

    Looks like a great addition to a costumers library! My daughter does historical costuming and it would be great for her. She makes corsets from the various time periods and finds them very comfortable to wear. I'd enjoy the book myself! Thanks for the opportunity.

  189. Wilsonwilson | | #189

    I have journeyed from cotton bras with seamed cups, padded bras, push-up bras, no bra, molded bra, sports bra, garter belt w/stockings, pantyhose, no hose, Buster-Brown white cotton panties, bikini panties, modest thong, string thong. My prediction for the future?...there is not much left to take-off - guess future generations will have to start putting stuff back on.

  190. December27 | | #190

    I'm STILL wishing for a comfortable bra that supports properly.

  191. sewsweet818 | | #191

    I've been a sewer since the age of 6. I have recently begun to sew clothing. Being self taught, I have read many books, but have never seen this one. This book is exactly what I have been looking for. I want to start making corsets and this would be ideal for me. I would love, love, love this book!

  192. User avater
    HStorm | | #192

    OOOOMMMMMMM, I predict that in the future, women and men will once rely on heavy corsetry to mould their bodies to meet fashion's ideal. It always comes back around doesn't it?

  193. TheContessa | | #193

    As a Fashion Design Student, I ilke to study beautiful lingerie and undergarments of the past....so beautiiful...It would be sad if we were to loose all the lovely styles once worn, if they are not again popularized....Thanks for this!


  194. Northwoodsbirder | | #194

    My mother sewed professionally and had the privilege of altering several designer originals including a Balenciaga, a couple of Jeffery Beenes as well as others. We studied the beautiful construction carefully and we were amazed at the support built into each garment. This book would address some of the questions I've had about undergarments and their construction as part of the support system for a beautiful garment as well as garments which are now worn acceptably as beautiful in and of themselves. I'd love to have it and share it with my mom.

  195. buttrfly | | #195

    I was looking at Spanx the other day and thinking they seemed an awful lot like a return to the ubiquitous girdle of the 50s. This book sounds like a fascinating reference!

  196. SHAWN32 | | #196

    I enjoy reading about fashion and the history of fashion. It is sometime hard to appreciate something we use everyday unless you know the the history and background where is was first developed. I would enjoy reading this book from cover to cover!

  197. karen805 | | #197

    I would love to win this book. I would be a great addition to my small but growing sewing library. Thank you, Karen

  198. jaylene | | #198

    This book sounds great I woud love to win this book. I have never tried to sew undergarmets but would love to try. It sounds very interesting. Thank You

  199. User avater
    imsewbusy | | #199

    I am in my early 50s and I, too, am amazed at all the changes in undergarments I've seen. As much as I abhor anything snug around my body these days, I'll still wear uncomfortable undergarments on special occasions. I love the look of a dress with proper undergarments, especially a wedding dress. My younger sisters used to laugh that I still wore slips with my dreses and skirts. (Remember the famous shot of Princess Diana before she married Prince Charles? 'Nuff said.) I work in downtown Chicago so (during the summers only) I get to see a wide variety of people getting their undergarments right and many of them getting them wrong. I love that young women flaunt their pretty bra straps, though I would feel very self-conscious doing the same. It was a major faux pas for us as young women and that tends to stick with us later in life. Or maybe it's because as we age those cute little bras just don't do the trick. And ladies, thongs are NOT for everyone. Please get a second opinion!

  200. cathj | | #200

    I wonder how many of us are old enough to remember the days of the broken bra strap? Underwear has jumped leaps and bounds since those good ole days. I'd like to add this book to my collection.

  201. reginaanne | | #201

    My first encounter with "big girl" undergarments was the "training" bra which my friends and I couldn't wait to get whether we needed it or not (we did not).

    Shortly after that, bra burning became all the rage and we were ready to support our sisters by tossing our once precious undergarments onto the funeral pyre. Our mothers felt otherwise...you know who won that argument.

    In subsequent years undergarments came and went, changed shape and color, and finally became outerwear. Camisoles, cone bras and corsets were deemed too beautiful to be hidden beneath outerwear. They are now gloriously displayed on their own or incorporated into other designs.

    At a time when couture sewing is declining in the ateliers of the fashion world, this book serves as a divine inspiration for those of us who are doing their best to keep
    it alive in our little corners of the world. I know it will in mine.

  202. LSC | | #202

    I am a Civil War reenactor and have made a number of corsets for myself, my daughter and friends. I find them quite comfortable. I will be very interested in reading more about this subject.

  203. jaquesk | | #203

    Interesting that the book mentions the shift from molding the body with structured undergarments to diet and exercise. And yet spanx still exists...

  204. sewinggoddess007 | | #204

    I remember the girdle with the hooks for nylons, then the bikini briefs, g-strings, thongs, and now all of the beautiful ddesigns and colors in bras and panties. My degree is in fashion design and I have been costuming plays recently so my attention has been drawn to authenticity of period garments. I have been researching the construction of undergarments, in particular, corsets. The details are amazing and I tip my hat to the ladies who labored endlessly to produce these "unmentionables".
    I, for one, am eternally grateful for the invention of the sewing machine!!

  205. User avater
    kookoo6 | | #205

    I have a corset and the few times I have worn it I wonder how women did it back then. Running after kids, managing a home & wearing the clothing they did. I am glad I can do it for fun but there was a time when it was all serious, you wouldn't go out of the house unless you had all you victorian undergarments and outer garments on. So glad that manufacturers of underwear strive for comfort more than anything else these days for the most part.

  206. alaskannancy | | #206

    I have seen undergarment fashions go from girdles to beakers to spanx. With so many overweight and/or aging people, I see more spanx in the future.

  207. phyllisincanada | | #207

    Wow! I well remember my grandmother's pink corset which was worn for special occasions as well as my own lingerie through the years. And it looks like at least some of it has returned in modified form of course.
    Phyllis in Canada

  208. jdetrick | | #208

    Someone had a great idea to make a book about underwear! Can't wait to read/see what women have had to endure to appear more ideally configured than they really are. As my mother used to say, "You have to suffer to be beautiful."

  209. desm | | #209

    I have a feeling that underwear (particularly bras) are going to be manufactured to be more and more easily hidden beneath low cut dresses, halter cuts, racer backs, and so on. Even though a lot of people are comfortable showing their straps, keeping them hidden is still a must for most formal wear.
    And as for corsets, I think they might easily become more and more commonly seen on top of the clothes for fashion wear. I would love this, since they're beautiful and actually comfortable to wear when they fit, unless you want to torture yourself with tightlacing.

  210. abifae | | #210

    I find it fascinating that underwear has emerged as something to just wear out. Tshirts used to be underwear and you could not wear it without a button up shirt. Now camisoles and corsets are worn outside. And pants are worn low enough to show off your boxers/underwear as well. It's a very interesting trend.

  211. mamadane | | #211

    I love the classic look of corsets in the historical movies and have begun to wear them myself. i would love to make my own!

  212. sewing_teacher | | #212

    Thank God for panty hose! I remember the garter belt nightmares and although some seem to think the a sexy I will never wear one again.

  213. gennevi | | #213

    My daughter makes corsets for and I would love to present her with this book after I pour over it myself of courset.

  214. DaisyM | | #214

    I would love to read this book. I am really interested in making undergarments and I think this book would really give me an insight into what it takes to make a fun and interesting garment.

  215. DaisyM | | #215

    I would love to read this book. I am really interested in making undergarments and I think this book would really give me an insight into what it takes to make a fun and interesting garment.

  216. Martch_hare | | #216

    This book looks amazing! the most recent change I've seen is underwear with a lot of padding on the backside. Happy to see that curvy women are in style now! I do like Spanx to help hold in my tummy though... it just helps make store bought clothes fit better!

  217. sgbarnes | | #217

    I made a doll dressed in Rennaissance underwear for my History of Costume project. The corset was a challenge, as was the farthingale. Corsets of that time completely flattened the bust. Think Queen Elizabeth I. I was able to scale the items to the doll and correspondingly to the width of the fabric used at the time. My teacher was so thrilled with it that I gave it to him. This looks like a wonderful book for any history of costume buff because the corsets changed the shape of the wearer's body to conform to the fashion standard of the time.

  218. whoneedlesthis | | #218

    I have definitely seen changes in my own lifetime, from the de riguer bullet bras and girdles with stockings of my teen years, to the panty hose and softer bras of today's looks, and the current trend to let the bra straps hang out with everything one wears.
    We have, indeed, come a long way from the simple, underbreast, linen band used by Greek matrons in the Golden Age of Greece, to the fashions of current years!!
    I would love to have this book, as I adore all things sewing, including making my own bras, and I love to read! It would make a super addition to my bookshelf.
    Jean Morgan, aka whoneedlesthis

  219. DrivesSewMachBest | | #219

    Let your choice be me... I'd love to be able to say that MY undergarments and specialties were MADE IN AMERICA!

  220. klovell7 | | #220

    Can't wait to learn all about undergarments!

  221. Plaid_Rose | | #221

    This book looks fantastic!

    I remember when I was first started doing historic re-enactment with my mom of about the 1800's and wear pantaloons and then going home to the tiny underwear we have now! all fashion in excess long to shot, tons of fabric to no fabric.... amazing

  222. MikoStennis | | #222

    I would like to have this book because I have actually been interested in making custom undergarments. I have several friends/clients that have me make clothes for them from casual to formal because every woman has a unique shape and curves. So it would be a blessing to increase my knowledge and skill set to include undergarments.

  223. unwrittenmelody | | #223

    I love historical patterns as well as everything that you have to put into them! This book would be quite helpful in this area. :)

  224. User avater
    aunty_em | | #224

    I've been wanting to give corset making a go. I have a few corset patterns, I haven't cut into them yet. The best part of "costume" movies is the fashion. Being retired I have more time to design and sew. I have a neice that models and is learning to sew, she would also like this book.

  225. anastasi | | #225

    I love making corsets! I just have to remember to make the rest of the ensemble to wear it all in public.

  226. grumpytulips | | #226

    I love all the history in garments. It is interesting to see how they ahve evolved. Undergarmets have undergone a significant change in materials and fit. I expect that will keep going, new fabrics will be developed, and fitting challenges for the larger busted will be better addressed.

  227. Elcomer | | #227

    LOL Bra Straps, I think the biggest change in undergarments is a woman not hiding her bra straps and even wearing clothing so they are right out there in your face. I know it's meant to be light but bra designers need to start thinking about pretty but functional Bra Straps. :)

  228. Anoel53 | | #228

    I think all of the different materials, and styles that have evolved and been duplicated through the decades are evident that women have grown an appreciation of the uniqueness of each of us. Spanx and other 'reducing' materials are going to be around because each of us wants to be viewed and accepted as an individual, not understanding that there is 'nothing new under the sun'. I would love to learn how to incorporate this method into my sewing style. I cannot not imagine the possibilites, but then again, I won't have to, those different women will tell me what they are thinking and desiring.

  229. Elcomer | | #229

    The change I've seen in undergarments is the bra strap being visible on purpose. It's still strange to me to not hide the strap. It wouldn't be so unusual if the straps were special but any old bra strap is out in public now. :)

  230. Kylie1152 | | #230

    With outer garments you can see how our global connectivity has drastically speeded up the fashion industry. Rather than a cohesive style that last 2-3 years with variations within that period each year or even season sees new looks without a overall theme to bring them together. On the other hand undergarments are being forgotten by designers and the masses either wear something like spanx for comfort or thongs to hide lines under fashionable clothes.

    I hope that as a society we have reached the end of the pendulum swinging towards less and less when it comes to clothes (e.i. upper thigh as a hem length norm)and will swing back towards more structured clothes and undergarments. In a society focused on perfection is would be much easier for the masses to display perfection with long hemlines and structured undergarments like corsets rather than with plastic surgery and rampant eating disorders.

  231. LDL | | #231

    What used to be under is out...
    What was out is in...
    Following fashion is not for the faint of heart.

  232. seemless | | #232

    Yeah, I remember girdles, garter belts and stockings - and how pantyhose was such an innovation....Yeah, I'm old. And no, I *don't* want to see other people's underwear, or primary or secondary sex characteristics.

    Seeing- and understanding- how the shape was constructed, however, is fascinating, at least from the engineering perspective.

  233. User avater
    Yumjo | | #233

    I was born in the early 50's. I grew up with my mother well corseted and girdled every day of her life. When she went out, the corseting, girdling and gartering increased. As a teen, girdles and garters were standard with brassieres being very structured and in some cases even stiff. Then the 60's hit. All that structure and stiffness for the female body was sent packing....literally. No girdles, no garters and few or no bras. Then, along came Victoria's Secret. Bras and garters became sexy. There has been a big comeback and recently "Spanx" have appeared...just a softer version of the old girdle. Well, I'm guessing that things will come full circle and in the near future, we will probably see the newest thing for a woman's body/shape being corsets and boning. I guess the old saying is still true..."History repeats itself."

  234. celphilviv | | #234

    When I was young, we wear our under garment under our clothes. We have these retainers sew on inside sleeveless tops so that our straps do not show. We wear crossover bras (back side) so that our straps do not show. We hide the frills and whatever decoration that's on our private garments. Nowadays, things are different. I see undershirts wore outside regular clothings, by themselves, slinky and public. We used to have constructions such as push up devices, front closure booster. Now they are worn au naturale, see through and are no longer used as support garment. I remember the disgust and shocked feelings that I have had for a while when these come into fashion. Now I'm numbed!

  235. MerryBaron | | #235

    This book is definitely interesting and has lots of variety, undergarments have changed as much as the outward ones have. I hope to read this book. I have tried making built in corsets a couple times but have definitely had my share of trial and error before attaining the look and fit I was after.

  236. AllyHop | | #236

    Oh gee, I might even cough up the plastic to buy this if I don't win it! The posted photos are lovely - I am in awe of the seamstresses, and fascinated by the construction! Definitely looking forward to looking through this book.

  237. macj | | #237

    Yes, undergarments have changed to support or not support the outer garments. Today, most fashions, especially those for the younger generations are allmost totally unstructured. When I grew up in the 50's we still had girdles and garters or garter belts(no pantyhose. Everyeffort was made to be sure the undergarments (or what was under them)did not show. Now every line of the undergarment & even part of it obvious--even one's nipples and navels are highlighted! Ugh!

    My daughter & I both love fashion and would greatly enjoy the book!

  238. User avater
    ReginaLV | | #238

    Sport bras! Best idea ever for casual wear.

  239. User avater
    showmequilter | | #239

    This book would be so interesting.

    I have been reading some historical novels and they refer to all the different kinds of underclothing women had to have.

  240. LynneKM | | #240

    I remember being fascinated with the Gucci tights that came out in 1964. Patterned and all one piece - I thought about them every time I had put on a garter belt and stockings (which invariably had one run).

    And the more I learned about sewing and fashion the more I understood that the undergarments made more of a difference than almost anything else.

    This book would be a wonderful resource to learn more.

  241. Tippydcan | | #241

    I would love to get my hands on this book for a closer look, I love all the details in older sewing.

  242. lexi88 | | #242

    Short and sweet comment. Came from the time of girdles and Long line bras which I used to wear to work everday. It was so uncomfortable. Garter belts when in high school. Now we have pantyhose and thigh high stockings. Book looks so very interesting and the photos are great. Would love to win it.

  243. esthercosta | | #243

    Looks like a great book! I wonder if it is available in Holland... I hope to win, but don't know if I make any chance sinde I live in Holland.

  244. User avater
    SewReel | | #244

    "Happiness is the sublime moment when you get out of your corsets at night." Joyce Grenfell (actress, comedienne, singer, 1910 - 1979)

    Happiness would be winning this book! Looks amazing and with the popularity of corsets and corset-type style, would be a great resource.

    Thanks for the great website. So nice to read everyone's comments!

  245. User avater
    paulac | | #245

    What a great idea for a book. I love the history of fashion! We've come a long way as far a comfort is concerned. Is there anything better out there we haven't discovered yet -- I"m sure there is!

  246. chp2160 | | #246

    Wow! I love historic clothing! I've noticed a lot more supportive bras lately and less support for the lower half, like spanx products. The bras are stiffer now and seems like most of them have the bones underneath. When I started buying them, they were thin fabric with thin elastic. What a difference!! I've purchased a few corsets over the years that were beautifully done like the the ones shown above. I also have made a few period costumes that I have worn for halloween and hopefully some day, a historical reenactment.

  247. Fyrebird | | #247

    I, too, would love to look at the pictures in this book, as I've been getting into historical recreation myself. Period-accurate undergarments are not necessarily easy to recreate! I've been able to create a lower-class persona from the 1810's time frame ("church charity" leather corset pattern), but I'd love to be able to make a boned cloth version for a higher-class persona...seeing how they looked would be a big help!

  248. MCTcostumequeen | | #248

    This book looks great. The more sewing I do, the more interested I am in having the right undergarments as a good foundation. I make costumes for our community theater as well as sew for myself. I am really eager to see this book and hope to win it.

  249. Gibbslap | | #249

    I have been studying how to go about designing my own bras for some time now, this book would add to my knowledge base. Plus it looks great.

  250. User avater
    SilkyGirl | | #250

    Ihave been reproducing historical clothing for over 25 years. One of my favorite books to use as a reference is another V & A book, Fashion in Detail. I am a firm believer that to get the correct look on the outside, one needs to start with everything that is close to the skin. Corseting goes back hundreds of years and is once again becoming a fashionable thing for people to do. Having "in detail" books like this one helps me to get the best look for myself and my clients.
    Jackie Wakeling-Jacobs
    Past Reflections

  251. sewinginseattle | | #251

    Beautiful book. I am interested in creating corsets. This book looks like it is informative, historically accurate and has wonderful pictures.

  252. sensorydeb | | #252

    I just finished sewing my first bustier. It was a lot of trial and error to get the fit right. I could have used some historical perspective. This book looks like just the thing to read and see how to get great look. I plan on trying another soon.

  253. Mariesainte | | #253

    I started college in 1966 with a girdle and stockings in my wardrobe, as well as several underwire bras. I wore them, too! As I have a full bust, I discovered when I experimented that going braless, as the fashion was becoming, was less comfortable than wearing my beautiful bras. But the girdle was never a favorite, and fashions took it away, along with high heels. As a young working woman, I wore heels and stockings to work, and rejoiced when trousers for women became widely accepted. It does seem like the elegance of clothing changes with the style of underwear, and I am working on learning to make my own bras with perfect fit. This book would be helpful and also an inspiration! We put up with a lot of discomfort in every generation for the purpose of fashion, and sometimes the undies help us to move and live more comfortably. Somewhere, I read that many 18th century corsets for working women actually supported the back and confined the breasts for the physical work of the house and farm--heavy lifting! I am interested in the historical uses and materials of underwear as well as their appearance.

  254. skilley | | #254

    I am a fashion studies teacher in a high school and recently took a course on creating corsets, now all my girls are obsessed with corsetry - I would love this book to add to my collection and enhance the learning experience of all my girls!

  255. noodle1967 | | #255

    Yes, this book would be fascinating. Many of the changes come about because of the materials readily available at a particular time. ( ie whale bone) Today I think changes are brought about by new fabrics and their various properties for new and different concepts that may not have even been a consideration years ago. (ie stretch, wicking, comfort next to skin an etc.)

  256. cathyr19355 | | #256

    All of the "Fashion in Detail" books are beautiful and informative; I'd love to have the one on undergarments.

    I've seen a number of subtle changes in undergarments since I was a child, including these:

    1) The elimination of belts and special underpants to hold sanitary napkins/pads;
    2) The elimination of long-line bras from most wardrobes (older women wore them when I was a child; now almost no one does);
    3) The elimination of girdles (modern high-spandex shapers don't include hooks to hold nylons as girdles did, and unlike girdles they are not crotchless);
    4) The relegation of nylons other than panty hose to special dress-up occasions (such as sexual play, or historical reenactment);
    5) The great decrease in the wearing of slips with dresses (it used to be deemed a requirement; now it's at best optional if the dress is sufficiently opaque).

    That's all I can think of offhand, and I've tried to stick to items that would affect most women (and not, for example, faddish things like stick-on "invisible" bras).

  257. QuiltinBarb | | #257

    Wow! I've never really given "old fashioned" underwear much thought-other than those horrible corsets that cut off a girl's air supply! (no wonder women fainted back in the day!) This would be an interesting read!

  258. marieliz1 | | #258

    I could use a book like this to teach in Fashion class since at the high school level anything is blocked that is remotely to do with underwear!!

  259. BeerGoddess | | #259

    I think that undergarments such as Spanx are pretty neat. When I was ten my mom got me a girdle. I tried it on once and stuffed into the bottom of my bottom drawer and never touched it again. But they were supposed to hold up your stockings and hold you in. I was a skinny child - holding in wasn't my problem!

  260. hojobj | | #260

    I remember my mother wearing girdles and cone bras. We always had to wear slips with skirts and dresses and underpants were not pretty and there were only a couple styles.

    I had a medieval wedding and made a corset to specs from a book that showed you how to make them as they were made in the 1500's. It was fascinating and sparked my interest in clothing construction of the various periods.

  261. Annette_AK | | #261

    I remember the girdle of the 1950s that my mother wore and the panty girdle that I wore in high school and all of the changes since then. Some were helpful and others were down right uncomfortable. Not sure if I want to go backwards on everything but some are worth trying out with today's fabrics and of course fitting them to my body rather than the ideal either then or now.
    Yes I would like to have this book. I already have made one bra for myself that fits much better than what I can find in Juneau Alaska.

  262. cathyr19355 | | #262

    I did forget to mention--I grew up during the 1960s, and graduated from college in 1981.

    By the way, the woman who mentioned sports bras was right--that's another recent innovation. Though it's an interesting question to what extent sports bras are "underwear" since they are often worn as an external/only layer.

  263. AbigailB | | #263

    Hmmmm, since I am on the younger side, and a child of the 1990s, it is a little harder for me to think of drastic underwear changes, but one I can think of is the total abandonment of hosiery. I remember my mother and all the ladies in the 90s wore pantyhose, and never went to church or out of the house without them. Nowdays, it rare to see them at even the most formal events. Why don't people wear stockings anymore? I for one, love the feel of nylon stockings, and as a vintage enthusiast try to wear garter belts and real fully fashioned seamed stockings as much as I can, not just for the glamour of it, but for the connection you feel to ladies of the past. It really does take practice to put garters on!
    This book looks great though, and is one I have been wanting for a long time!

  264. siblingstew | | #264

    I would so love to win this... the history of fashion amazes me!

  265. tutubi | | #265

    I'm in my 30's. I recently told a friend that I usually wear a slip with dresses. She asked me if I was my mother. I reminded her that slips today aren't what they used to be when we were kids. Slips fell out of fashion totally for awhile which was a shame. Many women just don't know how to wear undergarments to produce a smooth look to their outer garments. But the slips today are body shapers in comfortable stretchy materials. I wear them all the time and I think more women are embracing them. They even sell body shaper under shirts for men. I guess that would be a big change too!

  266. materialmoose | | #266

    For those of us who wear historically correct corsets and other undergarments to achieve the proper look of our respective time periods, this book will be a Godsend! I would be more than thrilled to win this book, and its pages would soon be dog-eared from use! (not to mention warped from drooling over the gorgeous photos) Thank you for showing that corsets can be a thing of beauty as well as a vital foundation garment.

  267. theresa5of8 | | #267

    Wow...I wonder just how many comments will be posted before August 4th! Will be interesting to see :)

    I think the future of undergarments will swing right back to vintage styles (at least for a short time). The styles will be vintage, but the materials will be all new, with many of the newer stretch fabrics allowing for more movement where movement would be most useful (for instance, in allowing the wearer to actually breath!).

    I'm also wondering if there might be something developed to include some sort of disposable panty/pantyliner into pants to eliminate the need for undies (and lines) under pants...the thongs today couldn't possibly get any smaller! (could they?! Scary thought!)

  268. auntyphobia | | #268

    I've seen the boyshort become popular in the last decade. I predict that the trend in lingerie in future will be to use hi-tech fabrics that are softer, breathable and second skin. Please enter me into your draw!

  269. artclothconsiglieri | | #269

    The Victoria and Albert "In Detail" books are well researched and beautifully photographed -- the next best thing to a "live" examination. This book is a wonderful addition to the series. Underpinnings not only shaped externally visible garments, they defined and reflected social "shape" expectations and restrictions as well. The construction and design of corsets, bustles, and panniers were marvelous feats of engineering. Seeing this topic explored in a V&A "In Detail" book will be terrific!

  270. whitebow | | #270

    Undergarments now seem designed to shape the body invisibly, because clothing is so much lighter, thinner, and sheerer, and offers less coverage. I see women wearing clothes to the office that you wouldn't have dared to wear in public 30 years ago. If you are wearing just a thin jersey dress, you need sleek lingerie that doesn't show through. Now bras and panties are seamless, with "no show" edges and everything is elasticized.

  271. shirley97128 | | #271

    Fashion History is facinating for me. How happy I am to live in this time where what ever you choose as your underwear is accepted. For fun you can dress up and go to medival or rennasaince faire. You research and make or buy the correct attire. This new book is a great resource.

  272. Marion110 | | #272

    I am fascinated by different underware through the ages. Much of it is very attractive. Some of it must have been very uncomfortable

  273. KyraSands | | #273

    The V&A does gorgeous work. I'd love a copy of this.

  274. KyraSands | | #274

    I've seen a lot of changes that are based on the materials available. Lycra has changed everything. I miss fine lace and bias cut silks.

  275. dmevansin | | #275

    underwear is also getting to be overwear or really it has been worn as clothes I have worn pjs tops as a cover up jacket over a sun dress what I like is to be modestly dress and be called a lady in what I wear. My husband sees me in his eyes only what is his. It is fun to dress up and wear something for him, under, to give him a present to open.

  276. vincentsmomma | | #276

    I think the current trends for underwear are to either make them light and virtually invisible under clothing or to make them beautiful enough to wear as outerwear. I have a few corsets that could easily be worn as tops with little jackets or cardigans (for a bit of modesty). Many of the bras and panties being sold in retail shops are seamless. There's also a rise in shapewear, since the corset has gone out of style as being truly functional. As for the future, who knows? Undergarments may eventually become a thing of the past as the world warms and people need to shed outer layers to keep cool.

  277. ladylacer | | #277

    What used to be under is now outer OR nothing under. I would like to see the under, under again.

  278. jpusel | | #278

    I've taken to wearing sports bras as everyday bras, much more comfortable and they come in wonderful colors.

  279. gibbylet | | #279

    Really just think when I was younger people owned underwear that covered (and showed)but not underwear is virtually non-existent in its skimpiness!

  280. Ginab6 | | #280

    I love reading about clothing from the past, how it was made, what it was used for, how they cleverly made adjustments for usage. Today, simpler is better and I prefer to just jump in my clothes and go but it's still fun to read and imagine another era and how it felt.

  281. witchknitter | | #281

    What a cool book! Please enter me.

  282. Munchie66 | | #282

    I would love to win this book.Fashion history is so interesting.Fifty years from now? maybe air conditioned undies for dealing with the heatwaves like we are having now!!

  283. Munchie66 | | #283

    I would love to win this book.Fashion history is so interesting.Fifty years from now? maybe air conditioned undies for dealing with the heatwaves like we are having now!!

  284. jennipher | | #284

    This book is yet another excellent example of why I love this publisher so much. Clear precise photo of what garment artists love and need to see!

  285. User avater
    tusche | | #285

    Inside became outside. Perhaps both will be intrinsic and combined as one unit in the future wilh "software" added to ascertain the lift and heft of the fit.

  286. JaniceK | | #286

    as soon as I saw this book in the recent issue of Threads I decided it had to go on my Christmas list. I went to FIT where I specialized in loungewear and undergarments and although I make my living designing quilts now, I still can't get enough of undergarments past and present. Some of the structures they wore look like torture devices. Thank God for spanx! I'm hoping that Santa can make an early visit with this book in hand.

  287. bijou900 | | #287

    I grew up wearing what would be called today training pants (white of course) until I was old enough to buy my own list of adventures down pantie lane, the seven days of the week colored, bikini, french cut, thong, now I'm heading back up the pantie chain today it a combination of briefs and bikini . As for the bra it started with training training bra, to no bra, to nursing bra, to sports bra, to I wished I could find a great bra, my next sewing challenge is going to be perfect and make my own bra. I've never really thought much about where I've been when it comes to undergarments, but it has had more changes that anything else in my wardrobe. I think this is an interesting subject and would love to read this book.

  288. User avater
    smfsprout | | #288

    How awesome is this. Makes me long for the days when temptation was part of the seduction. I think I could do some major damage with projects from this book.

  289. sewpro | | #289

    While these undergarments are fun for dress up and "play time" I am glad that I am free to wear bras that are much more comfortable today!!

  290. knise | | #290

    One of the greatest pleasures I have had in recent years has been working in Peter Soronen's studio. He is a master of the corset and it was incredible getting to work with him. He makes a woman look more womanly. Miss those days a bit.

  291. bahama_girl | | #291

    I would love to win this book! As a public high school teacher in the Bahamas, I would be able to pass on the obtained to my Clothing Construction students.

  292. SewistStLouis | | #292

    Wonderful look into history. Thanks.

  293. skysprite | | #293

    This book looks incredible, and not available at my library... I checked!

  294. Gibbslap | | #294

    The more I look over this book the better it becomes, a great tool.

  295. Gibbslap | | #295

    The more I look over this book the better it becomes, a great tool.

  296. User avater
    madwhimsy | | #296

    Oh my WORD, those corsets are stunning! I think many people aren't aware of just how much undergarments shape fashion trends. Oh, get it? "Undergarments" shape? I'm so funny.

  297. User avater
    NoSmallThing | | #297

    I remember the "Merry Widow" from the 50s and how uncomfortable they were, however, what a waist shaper! Fashion is reinventing itself again, 60s and 70s are the new 2012!
    With new fabrics that stretch and breath I'm sure you could wear a comfortable corset on those specials occasions or even under your business suit!
    I'd certainly give it a try if I could find one that fit!

  298. CactusBlossom | | #298

    I remember those girdles we wore back in the 60's. I sure hope they never come back in style because they made me itch so bad! But the corsets look interesting, and I wish that underslips would make a comeback because it's hard to find one in stores these days. My daughters would probably swipe the book if I had one!

  299. Soucieville | | #299

    Interesting, I just bought a pattern for a corset/vest. I am thinking of making one for my neice for Christmas. I remember my Grandmother wearing a big, boned, one-piece corset. When it was new, she had her sister lace up the back. Then all Nana had to do was hook up or un-hook the front. There were lacings up the sides also, it reminds me of the police vests of today. God, it was so heavy. Nana hand washed it and hung it in the bathroom shower to dry. My sisters and I had many, uh, comments lets say, as we took our bath each night, as the corset dried, dripped onto us. I can't imagine wearing that kind of underwear everyday. This from a girl who wore a panty girdle and stockings to high school everyday. Remember when girls were not allowed to wear pants, jeans, shorts to school ?

  300. janesolo | | #300

    That would be a nice book to have. My opinion of store-bought underclothing is that there has been a huge decline in value over the last few decades. Many of the aspects of clothing construction that contribute to good fit don't exist any more, for the most part. And the fabrics are generally SO poor, and often just plain uncomfortable. If I were to make my own underclothing, I'd look to the past for ideas on design and construction and look to the BEST of modern textile technology for materials.

  301. montpelier | | #301

    This book took me right back to 1950. I was given the most beautiful corset just like the one on the cover of the book. A cousin gave it to me as it did not fit her and she thought I would like it to wear under evening dresses. It was very pale pink, a work of art and still brand new. I had a rather painful back so I thought this would be helpful, so I wore it to the office thinking no one will see it. Wrong!. One young man during a bit of horseplay grabbed my midriff and got quite a shock. I just had to explain why I was dressed like someone from an Edwardian movie! I still love to sew and love my Threads. I have kept them all since 1994 and often refer to them. They are a mine of information and ideas.

  302. WhiteSable | | #302

    I have always been interested in garments of the past and future. Since I do make corsets, always wanting to improve, I have seen a surge in corset wear. People don't realize that it improves your posture and helps with back problems. History usually repeats itself and I believe the corset is coming back.

  303. hairshaper1 | | #303

    I have sewn my own and my childrens clothes as well. but never confident enough to try making a corset. Ive marvelled at the idea of wearing something that would not only help my posture but boost my confidence. The women of the past didnt seem to mind wearing these delicate corsets. sturdy enough to last a lifetime and able to make anyone feel more lady like than did the beautiful hats of decades past. I know young ladies who have asked me if i could make them one but i would not even know where to begin. But im dieing for the chance too try this. The book would be an amazing teacher. And in a day when you can kindle anything. This I would cherish to flip through the pages over and over.

  304. User avater
    Soli | | #304

    Aside from the fabrics changing (not so sure that spandex is a good thing when it comes to bras), one item that seems to have disappeared is the old-fashioned sanitary belt. I don't think thee are a lot of American women who wear garter belts on a day to day basis anymore, let alone slips. I'm glad the rubber girdles are gone, although I don't think Spanx are that much more comfortable. Funny how we had teeny bikinis in my generation, leading to thongs, but the younger girls prefer boy cut shorts now. To tell the truth, there are times I've considered wearing my costume corsets for the sake of back support on my worst days...

  305. user-5510556 | | #305

    We've come a long way baby!!

  306. User avater
    Genie48 | | #306

    Love this series,
    yes I have seen underwear change in my liftetime, girdles, garterbelts & stockings, to pantyhose, to thongs. Bra's to braless, to Victorias's Secret.

  307. User avater
    Genie48 | | #307

    Regerding comments on making corsets; there are a number of patterns available and books on constructing corsets available today. Simplicity currently has two or three available, also Butterick/Vogue. Look at Laughing Moon and Recontructing History for recreations. Check it out and have fun.

  308. User avater
    phix92 | | #308

    This book looks great...it looks like a wonderful resource for researching into the historical factors and how underwear has changed and developed over the years. Can you image how difficult to wear, and uncomfortable underwear was before stretch fabrics!

  309. Ms_Douglass | | #309

    As a fan of history, this looks like a must have!

  310. CommitmentIsrael | | #310

    As I am only 22 I haven't seen a great deal of change in undergarments through my years. The changes that I have seen I can only attribute to being old enough to perus the ladies section. However, I have a very large appriciation for history and the details of lifetimes past and would love to read this book from cover to cover!

  311. jcw0110 | | #311

    The biggest change that I have seen is comfort being the driving force, rather than shaping to an artificial ideal. But... in the past couple years we have been going backward! Witness the new body shapers, spanx, etc. A girdle is a girdle is a girdle!!

  312. sewingfanforever | | #312

    Fashion History has always fascinated me. It would be very interesting to see the undergarments that helped shape and support the styles of the past, as well as to see how far women have come from the days of corsets and hoop skirts.

  313. Stitchintheditch | | #313

    What a gorgeous book!

    I remember wearing panties with ruffles on them in kindergarten. So cute.

  314. User avater
    Cheriezel | | #314

    Oh I LOVE underpinning books! I would love to add this one to my shelf!

  315. januarypaula | | #315

    When I was young bras made one look like she had two cones on her chest. And, oh, those girdles we wore to hold up our stockings and firm up our rear ends! I'm so glad fashion has relaxed over the years to today's more comfortable way of dressing.

  316. AnitaNomad | | #316

    I recently watched "Someone Like You," a 2001 romantic comedy. There's a scene in which Ashley Judd does a cheerleader routine in her underwear, and only ten years later, I was struck by how enormous this movie star's bikini panties looked by today's standards! In the new century, women's waistlines have gotten lower, and thongs and g-strings more popular. Even though outer waistlines have started to creep up again, panties have remained tiny.

  317. sewmydreams | | #317

    I love historical costume and one can learn so much about the people and customs of earlier time periods from studying what they wore. I read the review of this book in Threads and said I have to have it for my library....I have two other books by V & B publishing and they are excellent. Right now I am learning about corset building and this book looks as it would be a great learning aid and resource....

  318. User avater
    slfinnell | | #318

    So Cool! This would be a lovely addition to my collection.

  319. QueenAnneOfSherwood | | #319

    I still remember the first time I wore stockings. It was 1966 and I was 13 years old; I think pantyhose were yet to be invented. I walked downstairs in my garter belt and stockings, greeted by the knowing smiles of my mother and grandmother at this milestone in my young life. I was thinking how odd the stockings felt... they were slippery and moved around on my legs as I walked. What a fun, sexy secret! I then sat down on the couch next to my grandmother. Grandma wore dresses, she literally didn't own a pair of pants, and her "foundation" which she ALWAYS wore, felt like cast iron whenever I sat next to her or hugged her. I think to her it was comfortable, having grown up wearing corsets at the turn of the last century. She told me she had a 13-in waist in those days!

  320. katden | | #320

    We were talking about timelines in class and I used my own to point out changes taking place over the years. It never occurred to me to use changes in Undergarments as the focus! What a great idea!
    I grew up at a time when we women were burning their bras and my mother was embarrassed that I would often not wear one. A few years ago I took a class on how to construct a corset. It was enlightening! This book would be a real treasure for my continued education...

  321. Sewmanatee1 | | #321

    I love these Victoria and Albert Museum books. The details are enlightening and amazing.

  322. Purrcysmom | | #322

    I was born in 1953, and vividly remember being allowed to wear a garter belt and stockings in 7th grade, at Easter. I quickly discovered that they were hot and uncomfortable! Playing dress-up with an aunt's Merry Widow came next - I felt so glamorous, even though there was a huge gap in my body and the expected cleavage. I've seen the disappearance of the sanitary belts (yay!) and gone braless (not these days lol). These days my quest is for a comfortable bra with support. I agree that the current underwear fashions are deplorable, especially bra straps showing everywhere! I made all my daughter's underwear until she went to college and discovered Victoria's Secret. Most of the stuff you buy is cut off-grain, and pulls to one side or the other. Most uncomfortable! So I make my own these days.
    This book would thrill me to pieces. I'm trying to get it on inter-library loan, but they don't have much hope of getting it in the next year or so. And I know it will be one I will want to keep and read over and over again.
    Thank you for the chance!

  323. mamafrog | | #323

    I love books about underwear and it's construction through the ages.

  324. Nat1964 | | #324

    Growing up in the sixties and seventies undergarments were much more freeing. I am surprised by the return to all the shapewears to now mould the body again.

  325. dloewe | | #325

    I'm almost 70 and can remember my mother's rubber playtex girdle. How she ever got it on is a mystery. Bullet shaped cups on bras in the 50's; braless in the 60's; then underwires; and now back to padded. What's next?

  326. Betina | | #326

    I remember fascinating my daughters with tales of the changes I've seen over my lifetime. And that was over 10 years ago! I remember bras being made of white cotton, with no stretch anywhere, and those awful seams that went horizontally across each breast that would start to pucker when the bra got old. Straps with no give that cut in to your shoulders, and my mother tugging and yanking on my first bra to adjust the fit, while I stood there in complete humiliation.

    My first stockings were stockings with a garter belt, but I only wore them once because it was a special occasion, and by the time I was allowed to wear them regularly, pantyhose had come along. No spandex/lycra yet though, so they bagged at the knees and wrinkled at the front of the ankle. Then came L'eggs with memory yarn! Tucked inside a little white plastic egg, they came out in a scrunched up bunch instead of smoothly wrapped around cardboard, and looked completely shapeless.

    They sure felt better, clinging but not binding. L'eggs revoluntionized pantyhose, at least in my small world.

    I remember my older sister wanting to wear bikini panties in her teens (hipsters by today's standards) and my mother stating that she would be "darned" if her daughter was going to traipse around in a garment so shameless. I think this would have been about 1970. My mother was scandalized by the thought of panties not covering one's belly button.

    How times have changed!

    Thanks for the opportunity for this book. I'm now approaching grandmotherhood, and have developed a fascination for corsetry and the like. This book would make a valuable contribution to my collection. Once I've devoured it once or twice, of course. And no, my library doesn't have it either, and it's not on their order list, in spite of my request.

  327. C_S_R | | #327

    I must agree with Betina, I remember buying nylons at a special store that kept them on display in boxes behind the glass counter. Being the youngest of 5 girls, it was a special trip with Mother to get my first pair of nylons for my 8th grade graduation. : ) I was so thankful when the pantyhose came out. Much more comfortable, I felt more secure that they would stay up, and the garters would not show while wearin the shorter skirts. No slacks to school in those days!

  328. User avater
    terry56 | | #328

    My Grandmother actually wore that full body bra and girdle contraption well into the 60's. I remember seeing her all laced up and could barely move. So glad times changed and foundations are softer. But she had great posture.

  329. StitcherRennie | | #329

    It's funny that I hardly notice the changes that have taken place during my lifetime, but rather the changes that have taken place over the past 500 years. I guess modern things have always bored me. I have been participating in and sewing for historical re-enactments ranging from Medieval to Edwardian for the past 25 years. It's interesting to see how what we wear is effected by what is going on in the world at the time. The farther back you look the more you see how old trends become new again and again just with new twists.

  330. aek03002 | | #330

    I'm in my 20s so I haven't seen much change, but the most notable is body shapers. Spanx became popular when I was a teenager and has made body shapers chic. Just look at the amount of celebrities out there that openly admit their flawless red carpet looks come from Spanx. It has since carried over to other brands and it is not unusual to see bras promising to eliminate "back fat". There's also a greater emphasis now on larger bras. I am starting to see many more styles start at 36C. Sizes like 32B are beginning to become difficult to buy.

  331. User avater
    paddym | | #331

    I'm 67 and I sometimes went with my great aunt when she measured men and women for corsets! I lived through "everybody wore a girdle" and then "braless" was the rage. Sports bras have spoiled some ladies, because the illusion of wearing a bra is there, but the support and the pain of a tight bra are gone. Ladies have become soooo buxom that something new needs to be developed. They all suffer from shoulder pains and poor posture because of it.

  332. schmitt100 | | #332

    I do historic costuming, so while I have not really paid much attention to modern undergarments and their changes, I do have fun comparing and contrasting garments from the past with today, or garments from various eras to each other - how the corset changed from it's inception in the 15th century, through the Victorian and Edwardian era, to the girdle and bra of the 20th century...what fun!

  333. meganeo | | #333

    In so many ways I wish we went back to those days of wearing these wonderful and beautiful garments. they are truly pieces of art.

  334. amberleeatfbs | | #334

    I too had the nylons with garters as my first pair of grown up hose. I remember I was so proud that my grandfather actually noticed I had on hose and said they looked nice. It wasn't too long afterwards that pantyhose became the "in" thing. I have squeezed into a girdle, but have vowed "never again!" I remember the all cotton, sewn in concentric circles, pointed cups bras, that made you look like something from outer-space! And to think Madonna actually made them stylish again (sort of!)

  335. User avater
    victlady | | #335

    I have the extreme privilege of having been born as the last generation that actually know women who worn a corset. When it was the proper thing to do! My grandmother would not go out of the house properly dressed. My mother took to have my budding 12 year old body fitted for one of those horrible rubber girdles because it was the proper thing to do. I left the fitting with modesty barely intact clutching a "training bra, girdle, garter belt and stockings, not quite sure if I was really ready to become a woman. Panty hose,underwires, padded,and pushup bras, breathable girdles, panty girdles, spanx, knee highs and thigh highs were to follow decades later, always in the name of being proper. Finally braless and girdle free I realize it is the inside person that makes a woman properly dressed. With the passing of my generation all these memories, changes and perceptions of womanhood will be gone to live only in books such as this one.

  336. Eli_16 | | #336

    As a girl who's still in her teens, the only undergarment change I've seen has been from a training bra into an actual bra with cups (and occasionally pantyhose or a slip, for when I really want to be fancy). However, I've had a love of fashion, and it's extensive history, for quite some time. I find the change in corsets, garters, girdles, hose, and the like to be incredibly interesting! I design and sew my own clothes, and I've always enjoyed how underwear and whatnot really does play a big part in what your outerwear then looks like, even if it's just the difference between a pushup, regular, or strapless bra.
    That book sounds amazing! I would love to read about the history of undergarments, and maybe it would help me to design my own someday!

  337. esews2 | | #337

    I have always been facinated by what women have had to wear or not wear to make fasion look eorrect. Over my years the fabric content in my panties have actually changed the most...from the all over cotton briefs to the new microfiber which is cool on the body yet allows the outer garments to slide over easily. Mass production I believe has pushed women in to a lot of the garments we wear. But we are all still trying to look like Twiggy in our minds at least.

  338. DrLinda | | #338

    I would love to see more support built into garments. So much of what I see on the rack is so cheaply made that it sags and droops in all the places I can't afford it to sag and droop.

  339. fpenchant | | #339

    I was born in 1970, and I think underwear has gotten more unstructured since then. Even though the corset is gaining popularity among some women who are interested in retro fashions, I think underwear will continue to be more and more unstructured.

  340. pvej | | #340

    when i was in high school i worked in a store that sold undergarments. We wore garter belts with individual hose for each leg and the more adult women wore rubber foundation with garters, we sold talcum powder to assist with getting them on and off, they were rolled for ease of putting them on, some had zippers on the side that went part way down from the top.

  341. donamendo | | #341

    I can remember my mother getting ready for work every day and struggling into her girdle and telling me that someday I would be wearing one. Thank goodness I grew up in the sixties and seventies when even a bra became optional at times. And my mother? She laughs at the thought of putting one of those torture devices on now.

  342. ladybug787 | | #342

    i love the cover

  343. User avater
    yourwildestseams | | #343

    I would soooo love to own this lovely book! I have a habit of 'building' undergarments into some of my very heavy, elaborate dresses as a means of eliminating the extra bulky layers. thanks, Debbie Florez of 'Your Wildest Seams'

  344. Mamato8 | | #344

    I remember my Grandma wearing her girdle and longline bra. I wore my first pair of panty hose for sixth grade graduation. They were scratchy. I used the sanitary belts for my feminine napkins. I actually miss those! They seemed to keep the pads in the right place better. I remember bikini underwear. In fact, when I got married, that's all I had and my panty line showed through to my wedding dress. I ended up borrowing a pair of briefs from Mommy.

    I made a corset from my daughter-in-law when she married my son. That was fun! Now I have friends that would love for me to make them custom bras for their heavily endowed busts. One is for a tiny thing. She can't find her size and afford to buy it, a 28D.

    I remember when we were not allowed to wear pants to school. I wear dresses and skirts. I make my own slips. The slip I wear the most is a culotte. In the summer, it keeps my thighs from slipping and sticking. I use batiste or muslin usually.

  345. Roberta_Pitts | | #345

    What a great looking book! I had the pleasure of meeting Kenneth King a few years ago when the Tulsa chapter of PACC (professional association of custom clothiers) hosted the national conference. He was our key note speaker. What a treasure of information and anecdotes! I learned a lot about "engineering" corsets by listening to him.
    This book appears to dive further into the art of under garments. I would LOVE to add this to my sewing library!

  346. Caitlin_Elizabeth | | #346

    I would love to learn more about undergarments and the history of this amazing topic. I know fashionistas like Thread followers appreciate the art of a garment. Even though today's art of fashion has changed, we will still treasure the art of historic fashion pieces, including undergarments and millinery. I believe today's undergarments are constructed to allow us be who we want to be. Just like the clothes we wear, we all have our own style, color, fabric preference, and fit of our undergarments.

  347. tell_ann | | #347

    This looks like a fabulous book! Fashion history is supported by and shaped by the undergarments worn through the ages. This is as much an understanding of fashion design, durability & stability of garments, and flattering fit. I have a few old books that have fashion designs through the ages. I remember the undergarments of my mother & grandmother - three generations of sewers & three generations of different body types and fashion needs. Living near a famous historical museum, The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan, and being a crazed history nut and sewing nut both, I can't wait to see this book. It looks like a great read and a great study. Hooray for your insight and thank you for your research and effort in putting together a useful and thoughtful book on the foundations of fashion!

  348. gmdance | | #348

    Looks like a great book!! I am involved in a renaissance group, so I do wear corsets on occasion. Would love to see the progression!

  349. Grandmagwen | | #349

    We have a 1929 Mercedes Roadster and we dress for the era. I make a lot of retro clothing and the book featured here would be worth a lot to help me really get it right. Thank you for the chance to own it.

  350. User avater
    mandymarie20 | | #350

    What a fantastic book! I saw this in notions, and I'm so excited that there is a giveaway for it.

    I think that in 50 years our undergarments will be seen as cheap, colorful and utilitarian. For something that hugs the body, the quality is sadly lacking. Most people choose color, graphics, funny sayings, and the lower the price the better. Undergarments today do not seem to focus on fit or quality, as much as they focus on the appearance and low price. I hope in 50 years quality, fit, and beauty will again be in style.

  351. Sewingmaniac | | #351

    My passion/fantasy is historical costume; such a wonderful era for fashion. So feminine and beautiful, in most cases.

    I love that Threads usually has an item of past fashion featured on the back of each magazine. Threads is the one magazine I won't give up, thank goodness for subscriptions.

  352. K_Nel | | #352

    I would love to win this for my mom. It would be a great addition to her collection... which I will inherit one day ;) And those photographs are gorgeous!

  353. User avater
    fiona9 | | #353

    I was SO EXCITED when i seen this book, I added it to my must have list as I want to be a Fashion Designer, and specialize in lingerie. Would be a great read =) Thanks Threads magazine

  354. Keren_D | | #354

    After sewing my second dress with boning, and purchasing spiral steel boning from overseas, I've become interested in making dresses with boning, and in corsetry in general. This book covers a topic that is fascinating for me and I would love to win a copy!

  355. User avater
    yimlas | | #355

    Am having a heck of a time finding any bra that fits and feels comfortable maybe this book could help me make my own!Anyway I'd love to try it.

  356. User avater
    kkemper | | #356

    I think we should go back to wearing corsets. I think they flattered the figure and gave great posture. We are missing that elegance today.

  357. sewboy | | #357

    Wow Just up my alley!I love books about costume history.
    I have several books from the V & A.
    And this is one I want.
    Whenever a new fashion history book comes out.
    My blood starts to race.lol
    The beautifual fabrics and workmanship.
    Are nt something you see everday.

  358. theresa5of8 | | #358

    Oh goodness gracious! Was there a winner?

  359. KatieNelson | | #359

    In college I learning in my history of fashion class how foundation garments really affected how garments fit and how a person could move. I have also seen and experienced in my own 40 years of life many changes in the types, fabrics and styles of those items. Some changes I have embraced and others not. Wonder what will come in the future?

  360. circesmom | | #360

    From my personal experience, the "fussier" a woman's undergarments, the more concerned she is about maintaining a handsome figure. How did I allow myself to get to cotton briefs and double chocolate biscotti! Those little silk chemise's (sic) used to feel so nice!!!

  361. LEETCHAN | | #361

    I have been interested in undergarments nearly all my life. The movies and the costumes the ladies wore. (Films like Gone With The Wind)
    In my lifetime, I have seen cotton bras with stitching in circles, (cone bras). I have seen the Merry-widow long-line bras, the garter belts and girdles, plus the stockings women did not leave home without wearing. Older women would use garters, my Mother and others her age wore garter belts and girdles to hold up their stockings. I remember when the "pantyhose" came out and were called Opera stockings by my Mother.
    I would love to have a book like this describing the various undergarments of old especially if it included the various bustles that were in fashion in the 1800's and even before.

  362. plussizesewer | | #362

    If more women and men realized that proper fitting undergarments would make you look slimmer, yes, plus size people also, I think more would begin to start wearing them. I love to sew and look at all kinds of styles, fabrics, and color that undergarments come in. Well fitting garments make you feel better about yourself, I KNOW this because I WAS one of those people that didn't care. Y.

  363. User avater
    andysmom | | #363

    This book sounds divine. I could see this being very helpful and insightful. I would he honored to win this book.

  364. User avater
    Lainysews | | #364

    I wonder how the female body is changing as a result of the drastic change in "support" ... however, I don't miss panty girdles or "merry widows" once bit.

  365. sharkos | | #365

    thanks for your effort

  366. sasikala | | #366

    Having 2 children and a strong desire to complete a project and start small, I decided undergarments would be a good start. I was thinking panties and camisole sets. This has led me to deeper fascination into the beauty of undergarments. I would like to learn more methods to create fine undergarments.

  367. lovemysinger | | #367

    I would value this book, tremendously, for special reasons. I am a breast cancer survivor. My double mastectomy was two years ago, ahd I have run the gamut on the special bras and weighted prosthetics, as well as the fiber-filled version. Because I also experience a moderate degree of the lymphedema often appearing after mastectomy, and often wear special compression sleeves (that don't stay arranged well, and even the gauntlets (compression gloves with fingertips exposed).

    I am grateful for my continued reprieve from cancer, but I mourn the loss of joy I once felt in being well-dressed. I can learn to accept the always-long-sleeve in my fashions during episodes of lymphedema, but, as the wearing of a banded bra often exacerbates the condition, I often must go "flat-chested" and necklines must be much higher than what has often been quite fashionable.

    As I am an experienced dressmaker, I am inspired to take the tiger by the tail. It is my intention to come up with some innovative solutions to solve the ill-fit of commercial compression garments, and make my own, which will have a proper fit, correct compression, and will "by golly, stay in place and be comfortable!" Much experimenting. and searching for medically-industrial fabrics and findings are in store for me. Any suggestions would be most welcomed.

    Also, as I often am unable to tolerate compression, I will design some flat-chested clothing, which will adorn and feminize an otherwise manly figure. My efforts may spread to cater to other "sisters-in-altered status." Your beautiful book could play a big part in my success, I'm sure!

  368. textilewizard | | #368

    My passion is to teach others the joy of creating their own garments. And I have recently branched out into simple undergarments. This book would take me so much further than my own meagre knowledge allows, and then would allow me to pass this on to my students. So ........... one book to bring pleasure to Swansea students .......... Yes, Please.

  369. user-2067674 | | #369

    Ithink it would be a lot of fun to make my own under garments. Then I could be sure to get the feel and type that I like.

  370. macchasina | | #370

    Now this looks very interesting :-)

  371. User avater
    desujaalbert | | #371

    thanks for your effort

  372. Lucasmartin | | #372

    thanks for your effort

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