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BOOK GIVEAWAY: “Couture Sewing Techniques” by Claire B. Shaeffer

Claire Shaeffer's Couture Sewing Techniques is a must-have for any sewer who would like to take her sewing to the next level.

Frequent Threads author, Claire Shaeffer has revised and updated her popular book Couture Sewing Techniques. The book examines the world of haute couture, including hand sewing, shaping garments, finishes, and more. In addition to factual information about these topics, Claire shares clear step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate the techniques in your personal or professional sewing.  The book was featured in Threads issue #157 (October/November 2011) in the “Notions” department and is available in our store, but if you’re lucky, you could win a copy!

If you love to sew and aspire to rev up your sewing another notch, this book is for you. The sewing techniques you learned in school will no doubt allow you to make a beautiful garment, but probably not one that could be classified as couture. Reading Claire’s detailed directons is like having a private couture instructor right in your sewing room!

Simply leave a comment telling us what couture sewing technique you’d most like to learn about and why. Leave your comment on this post before the deadline—11:59 pm, Tuesday, September 13—and you could win a copy of the book. The winner will be randomly selected on Thursday, September 15, 2011.

Good luck!


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  1. lou19 | | #1

    I always enjoy Claires article's in Threads.
    The recent one on Balenciaga was fantastic, I particularly noted the straps to top a wrap-back falling off shoulders.......a fitting problem I've had recently.

  2. samty | | #2

    I have never been able to master pad stitching. It is such a useful technique and I really do need to get better at it.

  3. Fabiana | | #3

    I really hope I win, I have the older version of this book and I've heard Claire added a lot of interesting new techniques...

  4. sewsewnerdy | | #4

    I'm always trying to improve my hand sewing skills, and Claire usually has really good instructions, drawings and photos of examples. to make everything "gel".

  5. jomac30 | | #5

    I'd like to learn more about finishing professional looking insides of garments. I need to concentrate on the interfacings, seams, etc. I want the clothes to look as good on the inside as on the outside. I never really gave this much thought years ago, but now it's very important to me. I hope I win!!!!

  6. PatsyS | | #6

    Absolutely beautiful techniques! It would be stellar to have this book in my sewing library!

  7. Suegsews | | #7

    I would like to perfect intricate seams, finishes and buttonholes. I love finding a challenging pattern and making something unique and beautiful. Claire always has good instructions and pictures to help with a project.

  8. User avater
    kayle9 | | #8

    I'd like to learn how to modify commercial patterns to hide closures.

  9. User avater
    WillaMcNeill | | #9

    Oh, my, this looks like a good handbook to add to any sewer's library. I love to see how it is done! Have not done much garment construction in a while but would enjoy getting back into it!

  10. Debby4 | | #10

    I would love to learn more about how to finish seams more smoothly and professionally, as well as more techniques for hand sewing and hand finishing a garment. I am also one of those who is interested in making clothes look as beautiful on the inside as they do on the outside.

  11. User avater
    kaitui_kiwi | | #11

    I really want to learn more about correctly lining a garment because at the moment my knowledge is limited and I tend to only line something if I have the lining pattern included. I have made a few basic linings but to learn more sophisticated techniques would be great.

  12. GemmaGrace | | #12

    Nothing compares to a beautiful finish :) I'd like to learn more about constructing / shaping a coat. Thank you for publishing Claire Shaeffer's book.

  13. cocogone | | #13

    Wow I would love to be able to look up Ralph Rucci's couture techniques in my own copy of this book and not in the public library copy.

  14. bekabug8 | | #14

    I would like to learn more decorative embellishments!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. michellekauf_ | | #15

    i want to learn everything-balenciaga.

  16. michellekauf_ | | #16

    i want to learn everything balenciaga

  17. Zeila | | #17

    I will happily read anything Claire writes. She is a delight.

  18. TStegmiller | | #18

    I've been eyeing this book for a while now and would love a chance to win it. I don't know exactly what I'd most like to learn as I'm a beginner and not sure what there is to learn.

  19. KSouza | | #19

    Hm-m-m! This is my first comment left on a blog. Usually I hide out and admire. What a joy to have this book!!

  20. BarbaraG97 | | #20

    I'd love to learn to fit patterns better to my body

  21. User avater
    elizabeth001au | | #21

    Id love to learn all the techniques and generally "Up my game" with sewing

  22. tinapickles | | #22

    I'd love to learn about finishing garments--linings, seams, and hemming to be specific.

  23. User avater
    Jen_NYC | | #23

    I'd like to learn hand-sewing techniques. I mean, I know the basics, but I'd like to learn how to do it well--in that way that makes a garment really special inside and out.

  24. quiltet1000 | | #24

    I love to see how Claire sews everything. She is so talented and I would love to create clothes to wear using her techniques. Couture Sewing Techniques would help me achieve my sewing goals.

  25. suze60 | | #25

    Claire Shaeffer is so classic. I consider her Vogue sewing patterns to be wonderful tutorials. What a terrific book to have in my library.

  26. ElaineElise | | #26

    I want to learn everything! I would love to learn about the construction of garments!

  27. PaigeG | | #27

    I would love to learn more about tailoring techniques like pad stitching.

  28. Darbyblue | | #28

    OHHHH!!!! this book is going on the top of my wish list!!!!!I sure hope he peeks at it soon!!!!!!

  29. Titania1 | | #29

    I would love this book, I love her articles in Threads, and I have also checked out the first couture book from the library.
    It certainly would take me to the next lvl.

  30. rebpalma | | #30

    I would love to learn more lining techniques for not-so-basic garments and also tricks to make perfect tailored pockets. Thank you for this opportunity!

  31. LoracC | | #31

    This book looks amazing. I would love to add it to my sewing library. I think I would love to learn more about hand finishes for different styles of clothing. Couture sewing just makes everything look wonderful.

  32. just jane | | #32

    A quote I recently read, 'it is the complexity of the subject that compels me'.
    I feel the need to read more, learn more, put into practice and develope more skills.

  33. lindarr | | #33

    I'm especially interested in shaping garments, i.e steaming wool and setting fabric. This is a reference book to always have on hand.

  34. User avater
    rakijaa | | #34

    I've always been terrified of button holes! So if I could learn a few tricks, it might ease my fears........I usually end up putting zippers in everything, and avoiding coat and jacket patterns. I want to make a new winter coat, so this could come in handy!

  35. mrshnkns | | #35

    I would classify myself and intermediate sewer. So this books would really help me take my sewing to the next level. I want to learn how to make my own patterns and build things to look more designer!

  36. jennieMB | | #36

    I love stitching by hand so I`d like a project/pattern that`s instructed from start to finish by hand.

  37. AmyGail | | #37

    Looks like a marvelous book--the cover dress is so beautiful!

  38. babaof2 | | #38

    When I sewed my daughter's wedding gown Claires's books were my guiding lights. I don't know what I would have done without her! I took her books out of the library because I couldn't afford to buy them. Having a copy in my library would be the ultimate prize!

  39. deChez | | #39

    Oh how I would love to have this book! Shaping is something of a challenge for me. Who wouldn't like to have "a private couture instructor right in your sewing room!"

  40. User avater
    pbeesley | | #40

    Oh, oh oh, I would love to have this book. My goal is to use Claire's techniques in my sewing.

  41. jjdance01 | | #41

    I would love to learn more about the interior construction methods like inter corset work and letting the facing do more than the initial intented job. I used some couture methods from my mother's collection of literature and my dress came out beautiful but having more visual aids would be fabulous!!!

  42. Lynda21 | | #42

    I would love to win this book as I have been constructing coats this season. I would welcome the help this book would give me with regards the construction and tailoring techniques. I love to make my garments as beautiful on the inside as they are on the out and this book would be an asset to my collection.

  43. dawnbel | | #43

    Just having this book would be inspiration enough.

  44. slowe55 | | #44

    I don't know enough about couture techniques to know what I want to learn more about, which is why I would love to own the book!

  45. sewerdownunder | | #45

    I would love to learn more about linings and tailoring so that my confidence would be bolstered to not be fearful to tackle challenging techniques.

  46. Neisy | | #46

    I would love to learn more about linings....among many other things! What a great give-away! (crossing fingers and toes)

  47. User avater
    LLaMona | | #47

    I know very little about couture techniques. This book would most definitely would add to my knowledge about various techniques. I do have an interest in pad stitching and bound buttonholes particularly. I have numerous Claire Schaeffer books and this would be a much desired addition.

  48. lcdrbetty | | #48

    Though I have been sewing for many years, I seem to frequently find myself in need of new or different techniques to improve and inhance my skills. This book would b just the ticket!

  49. vabney | | #49

    I love to add to my skill set using her techniques!

  50. betsyb2 | | #50

    This book has been on my wish list!

  51. SaraDinVA | | #51

    I already have this book as well - but an updated version would be great! My most valuable lessons from the first - proper welt pockets, shaped waistbands, and buttonholes. Good luck to everyone.

  52. LizInVa | | #52

    I love both her techniques and her skill in explaining them. This book is a gem. I've skimmed through it, but would sure love to have my own copy.

  53. Leesy | | #53

    I wish my seams and seam finishes were more fine-tuned.

  54. faerieann | | #54

    This book would help put the polish on the basic knowledge that I have of doing couture sewing. I would be able to have professional looking clothes instead of mums handmade look and also would be able to make better clothes for some of my friends that could not be able to afford those top end clothes.

  55. PeskyCatDesigns | | #55

    What a wonderful giveaway! I make handbags exclusively and I'm looking to start creating clothes. This book would be so useful for both my new venture and for ideas that I can apply to my bag design.

  56. TheSewingFool | | #56

    A Fabulous book! I would LOVE to own it.

  57. Brandyfroufrou | | #57

    I would like to learn it all because I'm tired of sewing pillow cases! :D

  58. Carly_Sue | | #58

    I would like to make my garments look more elegant, couture looking. This is just the book I need. Claire is such an inspiration to me. I hope I win!

  59. Horse4Hmom | | #59

    Not only would this be a fabulous addition to my own sewing library, but I would share this copy with my local 4-H county extension office as part of their lending library for all those 4-H youth who want to take their sewing to the next level.

  60. User avater
    sewmuchknittting | | #60

    Great give-away! This would be a nice addition to my sewing library.

  61. User avater
    LebecEgirl | | #61

    Claire's contributions to quality sewing have always intrigued me. Winning a copy of her new book would be amazing!

  62. User avater
    LebecEgirl | | #62

    Claire's contributions to quality sewing have always intrigued me. Winning a copy of her new book would be amazing!

  63. User avater
    dgray | | #63

    I have about worn out the first issue of Claire's, and really look forward to reading this one! Thank you for the opportunity!

  64. DarlaKDavis | | #64

    I would love to learn a skill that makes the seams and finishing look couture, rather than homemade.

  65. dem402001 | | #65

    I would love to learn more about creating great linings. Also, seam finishing techniques. Oh, the list goes on and on!

  66. MariaKie | | #66

    Would love to be more professional in my finishing.

  67. BeckyGockel | | #67

    The new and updated version would be a very welcome addition to my sewing room. I have always wanted the old version and look for it at used book stores. But I suppose if I don't win it, I can get it used on line for $4.50 :-)

  68. User avater
    Lavendar64 | | #68

    I would love to own this book, Claire's articles are always so useful & it would be so much nicer to just peek into her book whenever the need arises.
    Running my own lingerie business means I get little time to sew other articles, but when I do I want them to be ultra special & with Claire's techniques I would achieve that! :o)

  69. ceschbach | | #69

    I would love to learn more about lining garments and was just looking at this book in the bookstore a few weekends ago!

  70. apronann | | #70

    I would like to know more about seam finishes, buttonholes and pockets.

  71. coolmommy | | #71

    I would love to know more about shaping and structure.

  72. User avater
    pamstitches | | #72

    Claire Schaeffer has always been a favorite of mine. Closures and facing finishes are my focus right now.

  73. User avater
    racu | | #73

    I would love to learn more about seams finishes and zippers!

  74. Sondraleigh | | #74

    Oh, I long to take the couture plunge! I'm especially interested in bound buttonholes and welt pockets! Great give away! Thanks!

  75. Crslyn | | #75

    What a treat it would be to have. I love to add to my skills. Thank you for the offer.

  76. User avater
    Spin2Knit | | #76

    ... can't wait to add this book to my library of Threads publications! Thank you for covering this topic!

  77. torilynn | | #77

    My High School (all years ever) reunion just came and went. I made the dress and sure could have used some help/suggestions on the bias ruffles I added to 'raise' the neckline, and on finishing the seams.

  78. User avater
    Knitnut | | #78

    Both books AND sewing are my passion! What a double treat to win a book on sewing! Threads, you know me so well! I'm hooked on you! Because of Threads, I'm taking my sewing to the next level in terms of quality sewing and creativity. This book is on my wish list.......pick me, pick me!

  79. User avater
    gueneveremcmahon | | #79

    This book is definitely on my wish list!

  80. SewingDaisy | | #80

    Love Claire's books.

  81. wawawoman | | #81

    If I have to choose one technique to learn more about, I would most like to perfect the fitting of a muslin. (pickmepickmepickme!!!)

  82. sjune | | #82

    Just to be more confident in my self to have a more professional looking garment. A go-to source for assurance. Thanks.

  83. bleakhouse | | #83

    Definitely shaping and hand sewing.
    I am new to sewing and my instructor informed us that Threads is the only company whose books and magazines she recommends, due to your ease of instruction and excellent techniques.

  84. ClaireSews | | #84

    It would be fabulous to know the secrets of couture construction!

  85. threadsquare | | #85

    I would love to learn tailoring techniques for shaping, and also perfect hand hem finishing.

  86. buddcker | | #86

    Bound buttonholes are a worthy goal! I'd love to win.

  87. strasfamily | | #87

    I would love to learn more about adding linings to garments.

  88. User avater
    CottageWhimsey | | #88

    loved the techniques in the former edition...would lve to see what's new

  89. Krissco | | #89

    I would love to learn more about tailoring techniques and shaping.

  90. Cisa | | #90

    I would love to have a copy of this! My dog ate my original when he was a puppy and so I've been missing several chapters for the last few years.

  91. Ensnee | | #91

    I would definitely love to learn more about shaping & handfinishing!

  92. User avater
    JoaniesJosh | | #92

    I would LOVE to have a copy of Claire Shaeffer's new book Couture Sewing Techniques. I always read her articles as soon as my Threads magazine arrives in the mail. Since I am detail-oriented, I find techniques fasinating, especially those from Claire. I am starting to get my sewing articles, books, etc. organized in order to help others get interested in sewing -- for instance my daughter-in-law and nieces. Thank you.

  93. DESPINAGR | | #93

    I want this book!!!

  94. wrpnwft | | #94

    I would like to be able to improve upon my 46 years of sewing experience to create garments that look as wonderful on the inside as they do on the outside. Seam finishing is, for me, the true indicator of a seamstress's skills. I am detailed oriented. Even if I will be the only person who will ever see the work, it matters to me that it be precise.

  95. BarbaraMcD | | #95

    I love love to learn how to get a better fit in garments. ladywhosews.blogspot.com

    Thank You

  96. sewwot | | #96

    I am starting my daughters wedding dress and would love any tips or techniques on making the perfect fitted bodice from the inside out.

  97. sewingonthefarm | | #97

    This would be a perfect addition to my collection of sewing books, a great next step sort of thing.

  98. Christine_Haynes | | #98

    what a great giveaway! i was considering buying this book and wining it would be amazing. the techniques i'd most like to see are all the various hand finishings. i'm sure it is loaded with good tips!

  99. Susan545 | | #99

    Drooling! I would love to have this! I'd, also wish Threads had an online digital version of their magazine.

  100. Sewballet | | #100

    I would love to have a copy of this book!

  101. neaton | | #101

    I am so tired of my sewing looking "homemade". I want it to look like it came out of a high end store. Claire's techniques in Threads are doable!

  102. User avater
    Vmpyrchik | | #102

    I've generally been a fan of hand-sewing for years, intentionally or not! :) Basically, whenever I start out sewing something on a machine, it always seems to lack a certain 'something' unless I finish it by hand.
    I would like to one day have a custom clothing store, a store that would be able to tailor a garment directly to the customers needs and desires. The section on 'Jackets' seems to be a dream come true: I've found it difficult to locate a book that can walk me through tailoring the perfect jacket (and I'm in school for fashion design! You'd think I'd find something THERE, but no dice). And, of course, the chapter on shaping the garment is right up my alley. To be able to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece that will make a customer leave with a smile...those are my reasons as to why I'd love this book.

  103. daglag | | #103

    I have always wanted to make a tailored pant suit, but shy away from trying for fear of not knowing how to finish the interior. I'd love to learn about sleeve headings, pad stitching, making a perfect lapel, bound buttonholes, and of course fitting the whole thing to an anything-but-model-tall-and-thin-with-few-curves body.
    As a side note, I'd love to see the Project Runway designers fit a 5'3" 150+ lbs with DD cup woman! LOL! They wouldn't know where to begin!

  104. alisoncat | | #104

    I would like to learn about fitting finesse. The curved darts and details that make a couture garment stand out from usual ready-to-wear. I'd also like to learn more about how well made garments are finished on the inside since that can make such a huge difference in the over all look of a garment.

  105. Hurricaneelaine | | #105

    This book looks so interesting, definitely something to help me increase my sewing abilities!

  106. User avater
    kvenkat | | #106

    Oh, I could learn something from each chapter in this book. I really would like to make my sewing look more polished and professional.

  107. emilynd06 | | #107

    I've been wanting this book for quite some time! I'd really love to up my sewing game.

  108. Nett1970 | | #108

    I'm getting back into sewing after years of absence and my goal is to soak up as much information as possible. I was a pretty darn good seamstress in high school and since high school I have become that 5'3" 150 lb curvy girl with a DD bust that nothing fits. I'm tired of not being able to wear shirts with buttons so I've decided that I'm going to make them myself. Thus, I need any information I can get my hands on regarding fitting and alterations and I want the end result to look professional. Claire Shaeffer comes HIGHLY recommended by a friend of mine who has sewn for years and owns one of her previous books.

  109. Diowyn | | #109

    I am have made a serious goal for 2011 to learn at least 12 new sewing techniques - 1 per month and this books will help me accomplish that goal! What a great addition to a perfect reference sewing library.

  110. mo_luv2sew | | #110

    Ohhh, I love Claire Schaeffer's books - pick me, pick me!! :-)


  111. User avater
    GinnieI | | #111

    I'm finding a real lack in the availability of books and resources out there for those of us who want to have a really professional look to the clothing we make. I've been making wedding dresses for years, but feel the information provided in this book could make them have a more finished look.

  112. User avater
    SansSouci572 | | #112

    I would like to learn boning. I want my skirts and "corset" type tops to stay polished looking, instead of being crumpled!

  113. puntopunti | | #113

    It's been a few years that I put this book on my wish list for Christmas. I hope winning it for my birthday this month.
    Good luck to everyone!

  114. lmbarber | | #114

    I would love to learn about couture sewing techniques. This would be a fantastic way to do so.

  115. dawmie | | #115

    Having just finished making a wedding dress, I sure could have used this book!

  116. LivingLRG | | #116

    I love Claire Schaffer - I have her DVD's and her original Couture Sewing Techniques. She's been an inspiration for me and I would love to win her revised book. I don't have the opportunity to sew couture like I used to so I use her book and DVD's as my primer to ensure I'm reminded of what I need to do to create drop-dead custom couture looks no-one else has. Thanks Claire!

  117. User avater
    grdanecrazy | | #117

    My friends ask me all the time why do you sew when clothes are so cheap? Because I want a great fit, clothes that last, and in colors that look good on me! I look at the best labels all the time, and wonder how did they get that look. I am sure that this book would answer my questions about technique.

  118. User avater
    Kukana | | #118

    I haven't done this type of sewing in many years, but I took a class in college from Catherine Stephenson and LOVED it! I have a couple of Claire's books and have been to one of her 1/2 day seminars and she is fabulous! Anyone would be proud to own this book! Keep up the great work Threads! Love, love love your magazine - look forward to it the most of all my subscriptions.

  119. dksmith | | #119

    I love to use the couture finishing touches to garments to give the the extra special look and feel!

  120. cecine | | #120

    I'm trying to perfect my technique at sewing and winning this book will help me to achieve my goal.

  121. fabricstitcher | | #121

    This would be a wonderful resource

  122. jajtoworld | | #122

    I would love to learn more about building a foundation into a garment. As the years go by, the body needs all the help it can get to make the clothes look great!

  123. SewCindy | | #123

    I would like to learn couture techniques for hand sewing.

  124. User avater
    kkegeland | | #124

    I am always looking for new techniques that help make the inside of my garments look as clean as the outside.
    This book would be great to add to my collection!!

  125. SewCindy | | #125

    I want to learn couture hand sewing techniques. In general, I would just like to improve my sewing on all levels.

  126. daffs | | #126

    What a great resource!

  127. User avater
    suesewing | | #127

    I would like to perfect my bodices, especially those that are strapless and need boning.

  128. GreyBird | | #128

    I would love to improve my hand sewing skills and this book looks like a great resource. I also love reading about couture. I want to win!

  129. meganeliza | | #129

    How fabulous- more techniques to take sewing to the next level!

  130. User avater
    Laura_Mae | | #130

    Ooh, what a fabulous book to add to the library!

  131. purcul | | #131

    would love to own this amazing book!!! sure it would improve my dressmaking x

  132. pelicanmom | | #132


  133. User avater
    Rogues_of_Thread | | #133

    I've been looking at this book for a while now; it's definitely on my to buy list so I hope I win! I would like to learn more about advanced seaming and darting to give a garment structure and shape.

  134. jsnoble | | #134

    Looking forward to seeing this book. Would be lovely to win it!

  135. Foxtrot401 | | #135

    I'd like to get into more fine, high-end sewing but need some confidence in fitting and shaping. Can't risk the cost of good fabrics and more elaborate designs when I can't get a clean, consistent fit.

  136. dpete | | #136

    I would love to have this book. I would like to improve my fitting skills especially.

  137. User avater
    JensWare | | #137

    I'd like to learn more about incorporating bras into evening gowns and costume bodices. And I'm not talking about just slapping a triangle piece of foam in place and calling it a day.

  138. Zippylady | | #138

    I need to know more about the hidden construction of garments and you have to know that to truely sew a couture worthy garment.

  139. Dexez | | #139

    love Claire and her books. When I first started sewing a fellow designer had the first edition. Didn't had time to make a copy, this is my chance :D
    I would love to find out more about couture techinques of finishing the inside garment.

  140. User avater
    TessaBear | | #140

    Clair's books are wonderful!

  141. User avater
    jsews | | #141

    Claire's atricles are always so informative and so is her original book. I would love to learn to make professional looking garments on the inside as well as the outside. Also, hidden closures would be nice.

  142. User avater
    TessaBear | | #142

    I also have the older version of Clair's book. The additional techniques from the review in Threads sound interesting.

  143. kapl45 | | #143

    I would like to learn more about shaping garments and how to create a proper lining for a garment.

  144. KatieCrabCakes | | #144

    Claire is so great with her instructions and her content. I enjoy everything she sends our way!

  145. User avater
    frostedthreads | | #145

    I would love this book to add to my sewing collection. I would love to learn some of these couture techniques to pass down to my duaghters.

  146. greenbp | | #146

    I love to read books on sewing. I am sure it is filled with lots of information of things I can learn.

  147. User avater
    NHale | | #147

    I looked through a friend's copy of the last edition; it was wonderful. I'd love to have my own copy of the new edition.

  148. KVoisey | | #148

    I would love to take my sewing to the next level with this book!

  149. User avater
    DustyBunny | | #149

    I would be thrilled to win this book! I think it would be amazing to learn how to create stunning details that really allow a garment to look chic. I am most interested in learning more about how to create a finished look on the interior of a piece, as well as embellishments and collars.

  150. Colargolet | | #150

    Wow! I'd really like to win this book!!!
    Thanks for the chance!

  151. User avater
    Finally_Time | | #151

    Going to retire soon and have more time to sew! Need tips on how to properly fit garments to my own shape. Much easier doing it on another person.

  152. showdog1719 | | #152

    I reviewed Claire's book in the store and know it will be a great addition to my library. Easy to read and understandable directions for those fine touches. I may not be able to wait for the 'giveaway' end to pick it up.

  153. AlicePoppet | | #153

    I am a teenager and have been sewing ever since I can remember. I love to sew by hand but know very few couture techniques at all. It would be great to learn some that I could use on my sewing projects.

  154. lvstosew | | #154

    I've been sewing for a little over 3 yrs self taught I would love to win this book because I think it would help me master the techniques to better fitting garments i have so much trouble making my garments fit perfect to my shape i would love to make one that fits great and be proud to wear

  155. lhuggins | | #155

    I LOVE Details... and this book is full of how i can create stunning things with lots of them. I would LOVE to have this book.

  156. lhuggins | | #156

    I LOVE Details... and this book is full of how i can create stunning things with lots of them. I would LOVE to have this book.

  157. User avater
    SewReel | | #157

    Wow! I have had my eye on this book for some time! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  158. niici | | #158

    I have been looking at this book and wishing I had it in my sewing room. I would be awesome to win it. niici

  159. Bluizeblu | | #159

    This would be a great book to add to my library, and just in time for holiday sewing!

  160. rshively | | #160

    Couture sewing is becoming more special because it has become so rare. I would particularly enjoy learning how to finish seams in a way that is not only secure, but decorative - so much better than the standard zig-zag to do nothing other than prevent raveling, but looks puckered from the outside. These details turn "home-made" into "custom-made". Besides, if you're going to spend $$ on fabric and precious time to make something, shouldn't it be extra special?

  161. ahearta | | #161

    There's so many couture sewing techniques that I would like to learn that I don't know where to start. I'm a relatively new seamstress, and I'm doing my best to take my time and learn to sew well. This book would be a great addition to my library and really help me to achieve my goal of learning how to sew well. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  162. User avater
    CosmicCaro | | #162

    Thank you for the giveaway! This book is definitively on my wish list! I hope to learn the hand sewing stitches...

  163. Sarah3811 | | #163

    I think i would be most interested in the fitting aspect and the closures as those are areas that I feel that i could improve the most at the moment (there will always be something to improve on really ) This book would be beneficial for that :)

  164. User avater
    LuvThreadsMagazine | | #164

    Claire is an excellent writer and student of design.
    I would like to learn more about couture hand sewing stitches and techniques.

  165. User avater
    kelli_d | | #165

    I love to sew but I am limited by my instruction. This book would help me to improve my finishing and closures to make my pieces look more like the works of art I feel that they are.

  166. iluv2sew | | #166

    Can't wait to spend hours mastering all the techniques....
    My dream job is to work for a couture house in Paris

  167. Vicky15 | | #167

    I am interested in learning more about fitting clothing and some unique sewing techniques. I have taught myself to sew but would love to have someone else share their expertise.

  168. alaskapsych | | #168

    I have recently returned to sewing. I would love to have this book to improve my very rusty skills!

  169. LunaMortus | | #169

    I would really enjoy & put this book to great use! I have been sewing for years, but my end product lacks that certain professional touch. I would be absolutely ecstatic to have such an amazing book! Sewing is my life, my refuge, my art & creative outlet.

  170. thatsmyreen | | #170

    would LOVE to have this book!

  171. kslaughter | | #171

    I would love to learn more about fitting and shaping. Also love the idea of having a garment as beautiful on the inside as outside with the seam techniques. Thanks so much for a super giveaway!

  172. lambiee | | #172

    I'd like to learn how to do machine bound button holes as well as the extended collar and facing.

  173. Rozzybb | | #173

    This book look awesome!!! It would be great to make evening wear without it looking 'homemade', especially using more textured and beaded fabric.

  174. User avater
    CarolW | | #174

    Would love to have this book to learn more finishing and hand stitching techniques.

  175. kylakae | | #175

    Looks like a great book!

  176. KathleenCCC | | #176

    I always do my best to add couture techniques to my garments when at all possible! It makes such a difference!

  177. KathleenCCC | | #177

    I forgot to add - that I just like hand stitching in general. Hand beading, hand stitched hems, pad stitching......you cant get certain looks any other way.

  178. User avater
    yourwildestseams | | #178

    I would love to improve my handsewing techniques now that I have the patience to appreciate it. I have had no luck finding any reading material on the subject of handwork and could so use this book!

  179. Jennoelle | | #179

    I would love to learn more about draping a muslin and about different techniques for finishing seams.

  180. sewfly86 | | #180

    I love to sew and I think this book is awesome! I want to try all of the techniques.....but especially design details with garments of all kinds. I am so excited!!!

  181. fortieschic | | #181

    I've been sewing for years and years and am still very interested in all the best techniques for incorporating small embellishments such as fine piping, well-placed seams, and pockets (but not patch pockets!). I love Adrian and Armani. I am now more interested in attractive silhouettes for the more mature figure that has little waistline and even some tummy without looking like the mother-of-the-bride. Thanks for a great magazine!

  182. sradoll | | #182

    Anything from Claire would be a much welcome addition to my sewing library!

  183. pitmankl | | #183

    am currently taking up sewing again for my granddaughter, who is now 15 and severely handicapped. Trying to get garments to fit correctly taking into account braces, height, etc. is difficulty - this would be a wonderful addition to my sewing room with tips on fitting, etc. Here's hopingA!

  184. vwren99 | | #184

    Fine finishing is my passion,and while I have a lot of experience with fine sewing for babies/children, I have a lot to learn about sewing for adults. I would really love to win this book! I am just starting to delve into making clothes for myself, which I haven't really attempted since several less-than-stellar school projects many (many!) years ago.

  185. sewdelicious | | #185

    This book would be such a tremendous help to me. I have just gotten back into sewing and need professional assistance fitting garments, especially where the armhole meets the shoulders. I don't know how to measure that area or where the seam should lie. I always have to adjust my patterns at the shoulders. Adding special embellishments and making the design your own, is what I am trying to graduate to. I have heard only supreme comments about Claire Shaeffer's Couture Sewing Techniques book. This would be a treasure to have.

  186. LaceyClaire | | #186

    If "Couture Sewing Techniques" by Claire B. Shaeffer
    measures up to the book I have by Claire Shaeffer, it is a work of excellence (... has a red jacket with grasshopper buttons on the cover...)

    I am interested in everything C.S. teaches, but am most of all 'hand sewing' techniques to finish off a garment of quality. In my younger days, I fantasized about being a minion to a professional in a New York couturier house had anyone been willing. Alas, time has passed me by, but I plan to maximize time left.

  187. User avater
    bunnyflower | | #187

    I'd love to learn about those gorgeous buttonholes!!

  188. User avater
    nanagloria | | #188

    I would love to add this book to my collection! I want to learn everything I can about all aspects of sewing!

  189. User avater
    krawz | | #189

    I would love Claire Schaeffer's new book! I am especially interested in welt pockets and bound buttonholes, but I love learning about all couture techniques. I've been sewing about 15 years now and I am constantly trying to learn and challenge myself. Claire's techniques can certainly be challenging - and they are always worth learning!

  190. Ranchera | | #190

    Claire Shaeffer's COUTURE SEWING book will be a fantastic book to own and get educated by.

  191. User avater
    2tango | | #191

    I love Claire Shaffer and have followed her wonderful advice for years from books and in Threads magazine. This book would be a welcome addition to my collection.

  192. 3feathers | | #192

    Oh my! So many tailoring facets that I'd love to learn. Bound buttonholes, professional underlining, pick stitched zippers, fitting and altering, and the list goes on! I do hope I win a copy!

  193. sewcietymaven | | #193

    I will be sewing my daughter's wedding gown for this upcoming year, and I am feeling a bit intimidated. I believe this book would relieve a bit of stress!!!

  194. smonakey | | #194

    Claire's such a knowledgeable & talented crafter that I'm always impressed with her books & articles. I expect this updated edition to be another winner.

  195. tomsmama2 | | #195

    Would love to learn how to do a finely turned lapel. No matter how I try mine always seem to be a bit awkward. Perhaps its the materials or maybe something I'm doing wrong in the hand-stitching but it's just not right.

  196. NikkiD | | #196

    I would love to extend my knowledge by reading and practicing the techniques in this wonderful book.

  197. User avater
    jpadden53 | | #197

    I would love to learn how to profesinally finish my daughter's wedding gowns when it comes time. I can do anything with a needle and thread, it's just a matter of knowing what to do. Thanks for this opportunity.

  198. StitchFree | | #198

    I would love to learn how to put in beautiful jacket linings. Mine always end up hanging too low or pulling.

  199. User avater
    MessyVirgo | | #199

    I like having the insides of my garments and other projects look as good as the outsides, even if no one ever sees them. Learning Claire Schaeffer's techniques would really help.

  200. gerde | | #200

    I would love to learn more about shaping- bustiers

  201. Jaderaven | | #201

    What an excellent prize! I'm personally interested in learning how to professionally finish my garments, techniques to improve what skills I do have currently and Claire's book would be perfect for this. Thanks for a great opportunity for everyone!

  202. SewTall_Michele | | #202

    Claire Schaffer is da bomb! Working on a jacket now from her patterns.

  203. User avater
    kkemper | | #203

    I would love to read this book and get inspired.

  204. SueBee256 | | #204

    I would love to upgrade my sewing skills. I could really use this to help me.

  205. eve1224 | | #205

    If I were to win this terrific book I would share it with my aunt who I was named after but also who shared her love of sewing to a great extent! My aunt would start her career at Maidenform as a seamstress and learn mass techniques.

    Later, we both had separate custom bridal dress businesses although she out-sewed me most times! I learned some menswear tailoring techniques a while ago and enjoyed the results. Couture and custom applications always contribute to great looking clothes.

    I would love to read about all the tried-and-true as well as the latest couture techniques and approaches. I would email her and visit her to share what I learned and complete the circle as she started the circle about 30 years ago with me!

  206. b_sirius | | #206

    Hand embellishment is my next skill to conquer! The simple elegance that well placed french knots or a running stitch can add to a garment enchants me.

  207. kimstu | | #207

    Finishing seam allowances! particularly "French finishing". I have a secondhand French book "Guide de Coupe et de Couture" but a lot of it's over my head---would love to read descriptions of these techniques geared to the English-speaking sewer.

  208. minuit1 | | #208

    I would love to know how to create the internal support structure of formnal garments - boning, fitting, finishing

  209. maxibelle | | #209

    This would be a win-win for me...a new sewing book,
    which I never grow tried of reading over & over
    again, picking up new tips that last time I read
    didn't register, but this time would make my
    good, acceptable sewing garments...Awesome.

  210. QuinteShores | | #210

    I am interested in how to create the structure in couture garments as well as hand embellisment. I am also interested in draping techniques.

  211. User avater
    tusche | | #211

    A refined approach to construction and finish. Couture work is always a work in progress and congratulations to Claire.

  212. bbrockhoff | | #212

    Thanks for making this book available as a "prize." I hope I'm the lucky recipient!

  213. Phylli | | #213

    I would love to improve my skills in fine finishing garments, particularly hemming of silk chiffon.

  214. 4lornhope | | #214

    I would love to be able to reconstruct the great clothes I find in second hand stores. They are so lovely, but just don't fit. This book would be so helpful in doing that.

  215. carlina | | #215

    I'd love to learn about interlining garments, this book would be a wealth of information, I'm sure!

  216. AlyceJ | | #216

    I've looked at this book - it is extremely detailed!
    I would love to own a copy! :-)

  217. minerva454 | | #217

    I would love to learn more about hand sewing techniques. I find that sewing is my escape these days - I don't make a lot of things, but I want them to be exquisite and I want them to be around for a LONG time. Learning more about hand sewing would help me take the steps from craft to art...I'm very excited that this book has been updated and reprinted; I'm still very much a book person, thanks!

  218. sewing_teacher | | #218

    My friend just introduced me to a new store with beautiful fabrics for Couture sewing this book would be a great reference guide to get us started on a new project.

  219. Myluco | | #219

    I would love to learn more about "costumes" (read old-style" dresses a-la Scarlet O'Hara. Thanks for this chance.

  220. beachdoll | | #220

    I love, love, love Haute Couture and my goal in life is go to Claire's workshop someday. I was able to attend one when she was in Michigan years ago and I count it as my top seminar of all the sewing ones I have attended. She is an amazing font of couture knowledge and I need this book to use with her last one! Louise

  221. Rainbowheart | | #221

    I have recently started a custom made design business and the techniques in this book would be wonderful to learn and master.

  222. SusannahRodana | | #222

    I want to take my sewing to the next level with Couture Techniques. I love Clare's patterns also!

  223. UnaHagen | | #223

    The technique I would most love to learn is how to incorporate interlinings into womens' jackets. I will be sewing most of my daughter's professional clothing and jackets will be the key component in building her wardrobe.

  224. User avater
    robynmcintyre | | #224

    Everyone has such good reasons for wanting this book, I'm glad that the winner will be a random selection.

    I started hand sewing in HS because I couldn't afford a machine and have continued because I love the process. I learned how to create basic patterns but would love to know more about shaping a garment, since it is the fit as well as the details that defines haute couture.

  225. 5jeanne | | #225

    Been away from sewing for a few years, but now with my new Viking Designer Diamond machine I'm raring to go and am also desperately in need of a new wardrobe. Would love to learn all those wonderful couture techniques. Thanks

  226. Linkbeth | | #226

    ohhh I just can never have enough 'good' books...and this one takes it a step beyond to make your hand sewn items really complete...thanks much for the opportunity...Elizabeth

  227. Susanamy | | #227

    I'd like to learn the proper use and execution of padding stitches to assure the shape of a tailored garment.

  228. ptothefourth | | #228

    I also have an older version of this book! I'd love to have the newest edition. There's always room to improve my skills.

  229. User avater
    talondrago | | #229

    I would like to learn hand sewing better.

  230. User avater
    liansawires | | #230

    Most interested in patternmaking. I make my own cloth and I'm just starting to make garments, so this would really be helpful.

  231. gypsysue | | #231

    As a newbie to fashion sewing, this books would be a real bonanza. Thank you Threads for a great magazine and blog. Sue M in Minn

  232. klrocks | | #232

    I love clever minds. What a wonderful way to make a corset.

  233. User avater
    showmequilter | | #233

    Would love to win this book. Would like to learn the finer art of finishing garments.

  234. juliem | | #234

    I just returned the book to my public library, 2 weeks was not long enough to take in all the information. I would love to own a copy.

  235. elsew | | #235


  236. evego | | #236

    We used an older version of this book as a text in a couture sewing class in fashion school. It was really helpful. Can't help but want the newest edition!

  237. CaroVienna | | #237

    I would love to have a copy of this book, I have always made clothes and this would let me learn how to do the really fine fashion details.

  238. 39sewgal | | #238

    I love all of the articles and sewing tips that Claire gives to the sewing world. Adding this new book to my library would be a wonderful treat. I'd like to know more about how to control slinky/slippery fabrics.

  239. NewYorker | | #239

    I would be thrilled to win this book. Everyone seems to have an excellent comment, but I'm a newbie to sewing. They tried to teach me in HS, but I had no interest in making aprons and other items that no one cares for. This book would really set the high-water mark to strive for in sewing.

  240. Colwaiting | | #240

    What a beautiful cover! What a joy to own this book. That you for entering my name.

  241. Colwaiting | | #241

    What a beautiful cover! What a joy to own this book. That you for entering my name.

  242. bernie4me | | #242

    With the help of one wedding dress designer's informational article in Threads years ago, I was able to make my daughter's wedding dress, complete with corset top with built in bra. She now has teenage children and I have every issue of Threads ever printed. I can't tell you how often I have used the couture sewing techniques in the magazines and would absolutely treasure Claire Shaeffer's book. My granddaughters are now following in my sewing footsteps and we have so many prom and homecoming dresses, and countless other garments to construct before they are sewing for their children.

  243. sewcool | | #243

    I love Claire Shaeffer, would like to add this book to my sewing library.

  244. Elsabae | | #244

    I would like to understand more about the under-structure of garments for a better fit. Didn't matter so much when I was 20, but 30 years later...seems to be more pertinent!

  245. tohonol | | #245

    would love to make these kinda dresses on the cover, would love to win this book

  246. FoundOz | | #246

    Need a new wardrobe for a new job and want it to look designer. I think this book would help me achieve that goal. Would love to win it. Thanks!

  247. nanacosta | | #247

    I love to learn!!! and being Claire one of the top teachers in this field of sewing, I would love to have a copy of her book!!!

  248. User avater
    cassie69emt | | #248

    any help from anyone right now is appreciated because I have some little guy tuxes to make for our daughters wedding coming up

  249. moogie | | #249

    I'm surrounded by quilters!! I need some inspiration. Sewing clothing well is still my favorite.

  250. audsbiz | | #250

    I would love to learn how to do more tailoring!

  251. eak1 | | #251

    This would be an excellent book to inspire me further in my sewing! Would love to build on the handful of couture techniques I know.

  252. jocaba | | #252

    Anything about making things fit better would be a great help. I also just enjoy reading books about beautiful sewing. I'm sure the pictures are great. Looks like a good reference book.

  253. msfroggy | | #253

    I would love to learn more about fitting and various alterations. I have been admiring this book and would love to win it.

  254. Mizmash | | #254

    Would it be too much to ask, to want to learn it ALL?!!! :)
    Might take a lifetime...and some...since I started rather late...I'll be content with a little bit whenever I can make the time!

  255. User avater
    kershawgirl | | #255

    I'm sure this book could really make some one a much better sewer in no time! I would like to be that one, so I'm entering with my fingers crossed for the best.

  256. Corkid | | #256

    since I began sewing in late in life (my senior years)....would love to add Claire's new book to my library along with the Claire Shaeffer Fabric Sewing Guide which I also own....am trying to perfect hand sewing.

  257. Ion_Vulture | | #257

    Personally, I'd be thrilled at the opportunity to get to learn any of the various Couture sewing techniques. I haven't really done any of them, but I have every confidence they'd give my work that extra something that separates merely acceptable garments from extraordinary ones. I guess if I had to choose one, I'd want to learn more about beading fabric.

  258. Corkid | | #258

    since I began sewing late in life (my senior years)....would love to add Claire's new book to my library along with the Claire Shaeffer Fabric Sewing Guide which I also own....am trying to perfect hand sewing.

  259. User avater
    MorningRose | | #259

    I am doing much more hand sewing of unique items that this would be a great addition to my library.

  260. rxxanne | | #260

    I have wanted the old one and now I want the new one.

  261. SC_Catherine | | #261

    I loved her first Couture book. I need to improve my hand sewing techniques.

  262. User avater
    smfsprout | | #262

    This book would be an absolute treasure to add to my library. Thanks.

  263. User avater
    lauriepie | | #263

    oooohhh! Just what I need for my sewing library. I have EVERY issue of THREADS and this would certainly round it out. Hy hairdresser is new to sewing and really appreciates my "lending library". We're already planning to barter for sewing lessons/haircuts! A very nice tradeoff!

  264. User avater
    Nettie14 | | #264

    I would love to win a copy of this book!!!

  265. User avater
    Kwicks | | #265

    I have been sewing for 44 yrs., now and have been improving my skills and techniques since just by reading books and copying what I see. I want to learn each and every couture technique there is. Mostly I want to perfect my hand stitching skills as used in zipper applications. I get very tickled at the techniques used to hide closures and would love to learn them too.

  266. 2newfies | | #266

    I've been circling this book like a hungry lion-ess. I would love to learn new techniques! Not a book you could check out of the library for a week or two, but a true reference book!

  267. User avater
    Ribbqah08 | | #267

    Looks like the book has plenty of pictures (for those of us who are visual learners) with understandable explanations. This type of construction, with precision handsewing keeps garments from looking "homemade". Would love a copy to keep in my sewing desk ready to use when needed or when I need to take a break from the machines.

  268. User avater
    Ribbqah08 | | #268

    Looks like the book has plenty of pictures (for those of us who are visual learners) with understandable explanations. This type of construction, with precision handsewing keeps garments from looking "homemade". Would love a copy to keep in my sewing desk ready to use when needed or when I need to take a break from the machines.

  269. klp1831 | | #269

    I would love to learn more about techniques such as pintucking, double needle, etc. This book would be a great first book.

  270. User avater
    anttibear | | #270

    This book would be a fantastic resource to have, whether or not a person plans to sew haute couture. There is much to learn that can be applied to one's sewing projects. It would make a wonderful addition to my sewing library.

  271. gallowglas | | #271

    I am not sure what Couture technique I would like to learn. Possibly this is above my current skill set, but you never know.

  272. nanasue | | #272

    I am interested in all things couture and would love to have Claire Shaeffer's latest book. I have several of her books in my library and have thoroughly enjoyed them.

  273. WYsewist | | #273

    Claire's work both in books and patterns encourages my passion for hand sewing. I don't own this book and would love to win a copy especially because of the chapters on seam and edge finishing and closures.

  274. jupe77 | | #274

    I would like to learn more about linings and underlinings and hand stitching.

  275. Leolemon | | #275

    This may be the book that re-starts my creative juices!

  276. vic2025 | | #276

    I would love to learn all Claire's techniques. What a wonderful book. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I love Threads.

  277. Nelle05 | | #277

    I have tried mny different bound buttonhole methods. Would like to know how the couture method is accommplished.

  278. kayr | | #278

    Aside from home ec. in jr. high school, I am a self taught sewer and I have learned a lot from reading Threads. I would love to learn anything I can about any and all couture techniques to improve my sewing.

  279. Trailrprc | | #279

    I would love to learn more about everything.. this would be a great book to start my library. New to sewing garments so anything learned would be great. :)

  280. en_gee | | #280

    I would love to learn about creating and attaching linings and underlinings.

  281. CarlaF | | #281

    I love Claire Shaeffer's books and articles in Threads. Please keep them coming :)

  282. User avater
    at_clearing | | #282

    I'm still long and lean, though not as lanky as I used to be. Nonetheless, I'd love to learn Claire's methods on creating and adjusting perfect fits for slacks and pants, as well as diminishing that bit of a tummy bump way past being a baby one.

  283. izzie | | #283

    I would love to win a copy of this book!

  284. frilly | | #284

    Although I have been sewing for almost 50 years, I would really like to learn more about lining garments. Based on how often I refer to the author's books on fabric (which is every time I start a new project!), I know Couture Sewing Techniques would be well utlized. I LOVE the dress/gown on the cover and hope to see and read about all the construction details!

  285. Sunnyday72 | | #285

    I NEED this book. I have seen the first edition and I am very interested in the updated photos and info in this new edition.

  286. Henfeathers | | #286

    Both pad stitching and doing really good linings are my challenges. By the time I've altered the garment shell to fit, I'm befuddled about how large an area to pad and how to make all the changes in the linings. Kenneth King has been my inspiration but lack of time to practice has been my downfall so far..

  287. User avater
    mscgal | | #287

    I haven't had a chance to read the book yet, but am always inspired by Claire's expertise and knowledge, there is always something new to learn. I have been indulging in some vintage patterns lately, and realize how little I know of couture techniques, although sewing all my life. In particular, I would like to know more about underlining and structure (boning and stabilizing shapes). Carolyn

  288. wolfkit | | #288

    I have [mostly] made a coat of black crystal organza in a 'Matrix' style but am at odds on how to finish it. Any help would be appreciated and I have a feeling I could find that help in this book.

  289. sewshable1 | | #289

    I've left comments many times to win- what are the odds?

  290. mamafrog | | #290

    I love to learn new techniques even after 40 years of sewing, especially when I discover ways to refine what I do already!

  291. User avater
    cindy_sews | | #291

    I would love to win this book. I am very interested in bound pockets and button holes. I love all the embellishing techniques that were displayed in the sample pictures of the book.I would also love to learn how to properly fit a pattern to my own shape around the waist/hip area and the bust.

  292. RevMary | | #292

    I'm very excited about the book we could win. I've resonantly been diagnosed
    as disabled. That means a lot more sitting time to do the things I love,
    which of course is sewing. I know I would use this book often as I develop
    my beginners skills
    Thanks for this chance to win.

  293. thana | | #293

    Yes! I would love to have this book to learn more about professional couture finishings.

  294. Jemnoshoul | | #294

    Claire Schaefer's books and articles have gotten me out of many messy situations. this book would be a great help in expanding my sewing skills.

  295. User avater
    glendasews | | #295

    I love tailoring. I recently did one a Claire Shaeffer's jacket patterns a found her technique for putting in a lapel collar using the fel stitch resulted in a wonderful collar. I still us many hand stitches when I make tailored clothing.

    I have had a chance to look at her and it would be a wonderful addition to everyone's sewing library.

  296. User avater
    bakereliz | | #296

    I would love to learn about steaming fabric on the dress form to take up excess, for example, when tailoring wool jackets.

  297. LaSylvie | | #297

    Cover is beautiful and if the info inside is as great, I really must have this book!

  298. fozie | | #298

    Lovely! I'd love to know about finishing techniques to make my own garments look a little less "home ec." Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it would be nice for me personally to step it up a bit. Thanks!

  299. tairyland | | #299

    I can never get enough of reading about sewing, especially about costume creation and construction. This book looks like it would be a costume makers bible....WISH "I" had one!

  300. Punkin8 | | #300

    Would love to win the book; always looking for ways to make my projects look as good on the inside as they do on the outside.

  301. momadd | | #301

    I have been sewing for 30+ years and I'm mostly self taught from great books and magazines. I love trying new techniques(or new to me) and incorporating inspiration from couture.

  302. modalab | | #302

    Yes!!!!!! I just put this book on my wishlist on Amazon a few days ago...serendipity maybe?? I'm a fashion designer and have had serious issues with some clients regarding haute finishings. There are jut certain techniques that are not taught in school and unless you work for a Haute Couturier, which I have not had the opportunity to do as of yet, there is no chance to learn or practice. Ill keep my fingers and leggs crossed :) Hope its me!! and if not...congrats to the person who does!

  303. fiberthyme | | #303

    Too Wonderful To Be True! That is if I am so lucky to receive the Couture book. What an amazing way to step it up a notch for my sewing.

    Thank You for the opportunity.

  304. Lizothelake | | #304

    I have NO WINTER COAT or Jacket, but I do have three or four lengths of fabric stashed away ready to make myself a couple of new ones. Since it is 20 years since I last made a properly stitched one I am going to have to brush up on my skills. Especially as the one length is a fine Camel Hair, another is a length of Linton Mills Tweed that has lurked since 1989, and another is a much cheaper Wool Tweed that looks like a more sensible everyday wear garment.
    So pick me as the winner and I will triple the use of the prize by making three coats! ;-) Liz

  305. User avater
    fiona9 | | #305

    what wouldn't i love to learn?? ;) i'd say to make my underlinings look more professional, and to add beautiful finishing touches to seams & hems

  306. MelanieLK | | #306

    I would like to learn hand sewing techniques for making projects of high quality.

  307. 416 | | #307

    I am truly a Claire Shaeffer fan. I have two of her books: "High-Fashion Sewing Secrets" and "Couture Sewing Techniques." I find her step-by-step instructions helpful and my garments always turn out great. I would like to have the updated book of "Couture Sewing Techniques". I am sure I will find a new way to make buttonholes and pockets or learn to apply a new couture technique for making pants and skirts that fit.

  308. sewlikechanel | | #308

    I love this book! i keep borrowing it from the library. iwould love to see it on my bookshelf.

  309. User avater
    eviej | | #309

    I have always dreamed of making a black bustier, complete with lace, ribbons, boning, you name it! A really sexy little couture number!

  310. User avater
    LadyofShalott | | #310

    The couture technique I would like most to learn about is Bias Draping. Never having been professionally trained, this would be a real plus to my existing skills.

  311. rrjane011749 | | #311

    I would love to win this fabulos book!

  312. TheBubbe | | #312

    My favorite garment of all time was a suit. Slim skirt. Shaped Jacket. I haven't been able to find one to buy so I must make it myself and I need instructions to do that.

  313. sksalus | | #313

    I would love to be able to benefit from the advice in this book.

  314. sewandgolf | | #314

    I have an old Vogue sewing book (probably late 50's edition well used. I would love to win an up-to-date sewing guide as I get back into some garment sewing.

  315. denisekerner | | #315

    It would be a delight to win a copy of this book! I'm interested in improving all of my sewing skills, but I've always been fascinated by the couture technique of using hidden hand stitches to shape a garment.

  316. sodreamer | | #316

    I always need help in sorting out how to fit various types of garments to the quite different shapes of our family members. No two of us are alike at all, and we all defy the "standard" patterns. More tricks to adapt clothes quickly and finish them so as to hang better would be a godsend.

  317. sodreamer | | #317

    I always need help in sorting out how to fit various types of garments to the quite different shapes of our family members. No two of us are alike at all, and we all defy the "standard" patterns. More tricks to adapt clothes quickly and finish them so as to hang better would be a godsend.

  318. Lil_Tourniquet | | #318

    I would love to learn anything and everything about couture sewing!!

  319. Ingiepops | | #319

    I would love to learn any new couture techniques, but I think especially how to get perfect linings. I love hand stitching techniques as well.

  320. Animama | | #320

    I would love to learn how to line different garments. I would love to add this wonderful book to my collection.

  321. LusciousLouie | | #321

    I would just love to win this book. It has been on my wishlist for ever so long. And it might actually give my sewing a boost. Cross fingers.

  322. kasprzn | | #322

    I consider sewing a very relaxing and creative activity. I also enjoy having to wear that is 'very special' and unique,which is also of a finer quality than those garments available in the shops. I feel great sense of satisfaction in having made garments for myself. I would love to own this book, because it would assist me in learning new techniques and perfecting the ones I have. Access to such books is limited in Australia, and I would feel privileged to win this.

  323. merrimba | | #323

    I'd love to learn some new fitting tips and tricks - it would make me a better designer!

  324. designsbyjanetp | | #324

    The dress on the front of the cover of the book is the most gorgeous dress. I would love to own this dress as well. This is the type of sewing that I want to accomplish. I have been sewing for many years, and I want to be able to embellish and add details that take your breath away like the dress on the cover. I want to add details like beads and threads, and tucks, and other couture details and learn from the best. I would love to win this wonderful book and want to thank Claire and Threads for the giveaway.

  325. grami | | #325

    would love to win as it hasbeen twenty years since I've made prom or wedding gowns for my family and now another generation is coming up and I would love to learn the latest techniques and short cuts to use when sewing for them.

  326. User avater
    azbarbara | | #326

    I took a Couture sewing class at the community college and loved the techniques and love to learn more.

  327. northtxranchers | | #327

    I'd love to learn the techniques that will help me create a wonderfully fitted and flattering jacket for showing our horses. With the right information, I could do a bang-up job on the jackets that the custom sewers are charging over $3,000 for! That's not in my budget so I'd love to be able to get the same result myself for much less -- plus I'd be so proud to tell folks I did that myself!

  328. wahiawagrl | | #328

    I would love to learn how to put in the perfect dart and the perfect collar.

  329. dianajanssen | | #329

    I'd love to learn more about designing with fabric.

  330. Anewmorning | | #330

    I just love the way Couture clothing looks and I would like to make it for myself. Since most of their clothing is out of my size, now I would be able to make that style of clothing for myself.

  331. shirley97128 | | #331

    I love to read details and see what Pops to make your garment more personal and perfect for your wearing pleasure.

  332. User avater
    wrapaquack | | #332

    There are really two kinds of couture sewing I would love to learn they are tailoring and evening dresses, especially embellished and boned evening dress. I just love the idea of making something beautiful that is perfectly tailored/fitted to the wearer. If I had to choose the most important one, i would have to go for the evening wear, though. It seems so much more intricate and rewarding.

  333. Bazarle | | #333

    I'm trying to improve my sewing qualities and I really hope to win this lovely book!

  334. toobusy | | #334

    I need all the help I can get.
    Always enjoy Claire's articles.

  335. gilshallos | | #335

    I have been sewing for many years and I am completely self-taught, although I have had the benefit of some wonderful books and of course, Threads! I realize there are many, many things I have yet to learn, particularly in the realm of finer sewing such as couture. The clothing produced by the great Couture Houses has always fascinated me and I would love to be able to emulate their work even if it is in a small way and I believe this book will help enable me to do so. Also, I am teaching my husband to sew, partly for his own interest and partly to help me in such areas in fittings. However, he is still terrified to even look at my garments-in-progress without thorough step-by-step instructions laid out in front of him. I'm hoping that the addition of a book of this caliber would ease his fears and teach him valuable skills which would help both of us.

  336. DefiletDebobine | | #336

    I am so bad at hand stiching, this book would be really usefull!

  337. Alexus1325 | | #337

    I'd love to learn how to properly implement hand-stitched finishes, like in hems and linings. Sure, I've seen pictures in tutorials, but the stitches look so neat and perfect, it's intimidating! I feel like my hand stitching would look awful, or bunch up, or I'd have to do it three times to get it right. There's currently VERY little I do by hand.

    I'm also intrigued by the "proper" way to make a blazer's hem and front facing meet. I saw it on Fashion Incubator, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. In fact, I have a hard time wrapping my head around a lot of stuff on Fashion Incubator :P

  338. User avater
    KatyMac | | #338

    Mine would be creating perfect bustiers and corsets. I have yet to master shaping the bust area and constructing the understructure support.

  339. olifant | | #339

    I would love to win this book by Claire Schaeffer. I would like my sewing projects to take on a professional polished look. I believe the information in this book would be a great help. I have made several lined suits but they just do not have that crisp couture look.

  340. mypasttime | | #340

    I just finished making my daughter's wedding dress and am always looking for ways to improve my skills for the next time they are needed. This book sounds like it would take me to the next level and provide the instruction for those techniques that I don't often use.

  341. Sarah_KG | | #341

    I would like to begin the journey of couture techniques with hand-stitched buttonholes. This would elevate any garment and be not only functional but also extend its life.

  342. __J | | #342

    I want to learn about garment shaping!

  343. firstsnow | | #343

    I would like to learn to sew jackets the couture way and
    Claire 's book would be perfect for helping me to learn how. Her articles in Threads have been very helpful and her book would teach me a lot of techniques in the correct way.

  344. stitches66 | | #344

    Great Book, would love to add it to my collection.

  345. raevenfea | | #345

    This has been on my wishlist for a while now. I would love to win it! I really want to learn more about constructing permanent foundation and shaping inside garments, but I need help with everything from a(ltering) to z(ippers)…

  346. CelticaDea | | #346

    The first/primary couture technique I want to learn is seam finishing. Currently I just use my serger but there are so many other beautiful techniques. At this point I am trying to learn the right way and not the shortcuts. Shortcuts often look sloppy to me. I'd also like to get better with garment shaping. Who wouldn't? This book has been on my wishlist for some time now.

  347. RemnantsOfLife | | #347

    I am getting into millinery work and I would like techniques that show alternatives tools (read cheaper) and how to use them instead of the head blocks and other expensive tools that are out of reach price wise for beginners but still give the Couture look and style.

  348. bbieri | | #348

    I would like to learn how to make a boned lining for formal wear.

  349. moniedust | | #349

    Always love to learn new techniques to perfect whatever I'm sewing - and to be able to fit all body types would be great!

  350. angellady | | #350

    I love fine hand sewing and couture methods. It would be lovely to add this book to my library.

  351. JMR1986 | | #351

    I would love to learn techniques that would allow me to construct a garment that is unique and perfectly finished. The satisfaction that would give me would be tremendous.

  352. nankay1 | | #352

    I am learning to sew more detailed and formal wear. Clare gives such easy to follow instructions and her techniques are great. i would love to have this book.

  353. beige_cannelle | | #353

    Je suis toujours à la recherche de techniques nouvelles pour perfectionner ma couture. J'apprécierais notamment d'apprendre quelques "trucs" pour ajuster des vêtements quand on n'a pas la taille mannequin ...

  354. User avater
    tamed | | #354

    I love Claire Schaeffer's instructions. They are easy to follow but never patronizing. This book is going on my Christmas wish list. Unless, of course, I win it. :)

  355. Adventitiously | | #355

    It would be a wonderful way to improve my sewing skills. Claire Schaeffer always has something to teach me.

  356. User avater
    tamed | | #356

    Forgot to say what sewing technique I am anxious to improve: welt pockets. As many times as I have made them, I still do not have a consistently successful technique. I'd really like to have another technique up my sleeve.

  357. mfendley | | #357

    I continually strive to learn and improve my sewing. Mom taught me, but I have read many books over the years. This is a book I could really use and would love to have. Always wanted to know how to sew couture style.
    Pick me please.

  358. coutureweaving | | #358

    Claire, I'm a weaver who loves to combine my handwoven fabrics with the finest finishing details possible. This book looks like it will be a source of constant inspiration and exploration.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  359. jfddrsn | | #359

    Love learning about hand sewing techniques and shaping garments, the often lost details that can really make the difference.

  360. sewohio | | #360

    I would like to learn how to combine patterns -- use the collar from one pattern, the sleeve from another -- to get the garment I really want.

  361. RiaAndTiggy | | #361

    I've recently purchased a vintage pattern for a pea coat. This is more advanced than I am capable of right now so I would like to learn more about lining and finishing a coat or jacket. Then I can take this project on.

  362. sweetserenity | | #362

    I'm interested in learning to embellish garments.

  363. pdevore | | #363

    What a wonderful book! Fitting garments to a person for that professional look has always been a challenge for me. Now that I have 7 granddaughters (and 2 grandsons), sewing for them is a joy, but I would love to have the confidence that what I make will fit them perfectly.

  364. Isabelsdaughter | | #364

    As someone who learned to sew by watching my mother, I have been trying to learn couture techniques ever since. Mom lovingly made many garments and curtains but lacked the training to move to the next level. That's my goal, increasing my knowledge and perfecting my techniques.

  365. immc | | #365

    I live in a resort area where the libraries haven't had new books on sewing garments since the early 80's. I find books occasionally in thrift stores. I've been the only person in my family who has a job for several years, and am working to build self employment so that if or when my job disappears, I have a fledgling business to fall back on.

  366. Sunny75771 | | #366

    I have been creating 11th thru 17th century garments for quite some time now, but want to take my fitting of garments to another level and expand my sewing knowledge base to being able to create and properly professional finish all types of garments. This book would be an invaluable tool in taking my skill level up! What a wonderful addition to my ever growing library this would be.

  367. Pinnie | | #367

    For me any information on hand sewing is always appreciated, but also learning other methods about shaping garments are always helpful.

  368. User avater
    Ilene60 | | #368

    Working as a theater Costume Designer in a private High School, I often bemoan the fact that we have to use some shortcuts when under extreme deadlines. The costumes we build are strong and lasting, but some fine techniques suffer. I work with students, and try and teach them proper techniques while putting out the work needed. A text like this would enable me to pinpoint the techniques I want them to learn once the production is up and running. In my high school, (I graduated in 1968), we were able to take classes from Advanced Sewing to Advanced Tailoring!If my teacher could only hear her words come out of my mouth today, she would be quite pleased.Thanks for your great articles and inspiration.

  369. CarolaLin | | #369

    I have sewed for more years than I would like to admit. My mom had me make my first dress for school at 8 years old. Most of my learning since then has been self-taught. Next week I get to see a dream come true - I start teaching young girls to sew. Hopefully I can pass on to them not only the joy of sewing but a desire to always be trying to excell at creating something beautiful, doing their best no matter how small.

  370. Nanann | | #370
  371. saschapup | | #371

    I am getting back into garment sewing, and would love to learn more about shaping garments, as well as finishing techniques.

  372. Kayak32 | | #372

    I had not found time to sew in years. Then when my daughter was born 2 years ago I got back into sewing. I have always lover to learn new techniques and would love to learn about couture sewing.

  373. Nanann | | #373

    Always striving to create a better finish to my garments, and Claire Shaeffer's articles are so clear and informative. I would really appreciate a copy of this book.

  374. soundsofthecity | | #374

    I have been eyeing this book for a while now. Would love to win but if not, I will be buying it.

  375. seemless | | #375

    I got quite a bit of info on the difference between lining and interlining, and the uses interlining can be helpful for. Looking forward to more good, useful info!

  376. User avater
    welted | | #376

    I so enjoy the detail in the finished look. I know I tend toward perfectionism but oh glory what a thrill to pull off a grand seam! I read cover to cover anything about couture sewing! Thanks so much for all the ideas, and hints that I can refer to again and again!

  377. murmeme | | #377

    I'm always looking for another book to improve my sewing skills.

  378. dbirish40 | | #378

    I would like to learn about lace edges and overlapping lace. I have a small business sewing Irish dance costumes and this effect would help my business greatly!

  379. sewit2 | | #379

    I would love to learn about shaping. Anything that helps me make something that doesn't end up looking like a sack is a great idea.

  380. Weaverbec | | #380

    I'd like to learn more about using the correct interfacing in different garments. I want to improve the look of my garments.

  381. Kyrielle | | #381

    Anything tips for hand finishing techniques is always welcome.

  382. Ayofemi | | #382

    I would love to improve my hand stitiching techniques. I have her fabric guide and use it regularly.

  383. tujibuji | | #383

    This looks like a great book! More advanced than the usual sewing-guide, exactly what I need!

  384. eclecticity | | #384

    i love threads magazine. i have to adjust patterns to work with my bust size. it is always wonderful to learn techniques so that clothes fit and look better.

  385. Dwana58 | | #385

    This looks like a wonderful book. Where I live there are no teachers for sewing and no stores for material. This would be great to learn new techniques

  386. dolcam | | #386

    I read everything I can find from Claire Shaeffer and always enjoy learning something new. I would love to learn more about finishing inside the garment. I was told years ago that the inside should be as pretty as the outside and I am still striving toward that goal.

    Thank you,

  387. User avater
    Sturbridge | | #387

    Always a pleasure to read one of her books.

  388. notenoughdivas | | #388

    Learning this techniques would be additional skill set that I would enjoy. I look forward to one day owning this book.

  389. sewdemon | | #389

    I loved her previous edition of Couture Sewing Techniques and have notes from that book. I would love to master sewing on sleeves by hand (which I am currently trying out on several jackets)and lining pants. I hope I win!!!

  390. JoleenKnits | | #390

    This would be a GREAT book for my library!! Thanks for offering it.

  391. KatrinaAriana | | #391

    Claire Schaeffer is one of my favorite seamstresses, and this looks like a terrific book.

  392. User avater
    island_girl | | #392

    I think it's time to step up my sewing skills and this looks like a good start to learn how.

  393. aljmcc | | #393

    This looks like an awesome book! I would like to learn how to use drapery weights and bias cuts for better draping of fabric.

  394. modestoash | | #394

    I continue to be fascinated by how to manipulate fabric successfully for tailored looks using techniques such as pin tucking and pleating. I devoured her first book and would love to own her revised version!

  395. marys_yarn | | #395

    Hi, I have been sewing and crafting since an early age and it always amazes me how much I don't know and learn every day. I have seen this book, but have never owned one and hope to one day. I can only imagine the information contained in the pages that I can use to learn new techniques, hugs, Mary

  396. tisharris | | #396

    I've started making costumes for a youth group. The tips and techniques in this book would be a great help!

  397. corelbelle | | #397

    love all of the wonderful articles you send out. I wonder if Claire has ever made a zip tie corset!

  398. kathykat | | #398

    I love to sew. I purchase every book that I can afford on sewing. I love the couture sewing and how the couture garments look so professional. This book would open up a whole new world of sewing for me. I try various styles and techniques of sewing, and would simply love the knowledge that Claire Shaeffer shares in her book. I can't afford the schools, so I obtain my knowlege from books an YouTube. I pray that I win this book.

  399. User avater
    spaniello007 | | #399

    the instant i saw the title of this book i knew that i need to get a copy. being able to design and sew my own couture is what draws me to sewing! there are so many times that i see an outfit that i think "i could make that", but in reality, i really can't b/c i have not yet learned how to shape couture garments, or even how to make pretty and efficient hand stitches! i would love it if i could win this book.

  400. whoneedlesthis | | #400

    I love Claires work, and I would love to learn more about finishing the inside of things, or anything to do with using bias, or fitting issues such as a full bust adjustment to unusual styles. This book would make me one happy little camper!!!

  401. sewuk | | #401

    Pad stitching for collar and lapels in mens tailoring...neat and functional bound buttonholes....pattern grading that actually works...but most of all the time and space to indulge in limitless sewing, using my ever growing stash!!

  402. Kathy120 | | #402

    I love Claire's writing. I'm most interested in couture shaping of garments and how to do that.

  403. ggsews | | #403

    hi, i would love to learn more about underlining for lace and sheer fabrics. This book would teach me so much i loved the first one. Oh i also would love to learn more about seam insertion or sloted seams.

  404. ggsews | | #404

    HI, i would love to win this book.I would like to learn about slotted seams and underlining. Loved the fist book, hope to win the update!!!

  405. ggsews | | #405

    HI, i would love to learn about sloted seams and underlining for lace fabrics. Loved the first book, and would love to win the update.

  406. ggsews | | #406

    HI, i would love to learn about sloted seams and underlining for lace fabrics. Loved the first book, and would love to win the update.

  407. Gibbslap | | #407

    I am a tough guy and I like to sew,therefore I should win.

  408. MaddyND | | #408

    I LOVE all those 'secret' finishing details and would love to see what Claire shows in this book.

  409. KathyBr | | #409

    I would love to learn how better to line and shape garments made from lace and other fine fabrics. I believe this book will greatly enhance my sewing skills.

  410. LuminousBeing78 | | #410

    I looooove creating costumes of all types, genres, and time periods. It would be interesting to see how this book would aid me in my creations!

  411. stitch_it | | #411

    What a great book, I'd love to win it for our school library. The year 11 & 12 students would make great use of it for their product design inspirations.

  412. SewGurl | | #412

    I have to take the summer off from sewing every year, but come fall I am ready to get going again. Since I haven't sewn in awhile, I need to brush up on all my techniques.

  413. User avater
    auschick | | #413

    probably jacket tailoring

  414. MLefholz | | #414

    I would love to learn about tailoring a jacket; pad stitching; shaping, etc.

  415. DeeSeal | | #415

    I love to sew and I would love to master the art of really fancy dresses. I need help in fitting and making the garments look really designer.

  416. wlstarn | | #416

    I'd like to learn more about shaping & customizing garments. There's always more to learn!

  417. wlstarn | | #417

    I would love to learn more about shaping and custom fitting. There's always more to learn!

  418. myracat | | #418

    would love to get this book...always something new to learn.

  419. thimbleberry | | #419

    I would love to take my construction to the next level. Couture Sewing is just the ticket. Thanks for the opportunity.

  420. btailoring | | #420

    I have been looking at this book on Amazon! I have a small sewing business in my home and have altered and made a few bridal gowns, etc. really could use the methods in this book to step it up a notch!

  421. PhyllisAR | | #421

    I have been sewing all my life...I sewed my entire 7th grade wardrobe!! My Grandma taught me to sew on her Singer treadle machine and she was very particular and meticulous in her techniques. I never want to stop learning!!

  422. pattilynn | | #422

    i would love to learn more about bridal and fancy dresses and also to tailor a coat.

  423. KayGV | | #423

    I love luxurious linings that make coats and jackets slip on and off with ease. They increase the perceived and real value of any garment for me. This is the technique I would most like to concentrate on if I am fortunate to receive a great new updated version of Claire's writing. She is clear and concise--never leaving out a step that leaves you wondering what small miracle is supposed to happen in between!

    Thanks for this great offer!

  424. webolton | | #424

    Thank you for the offer of the book giveaway. Any couture sewing technique would be valuable. Education is priceless.

  425. User avater
    mpgizmo2 | | #425

    I love to learn more. This book could teach me alot

  426. tjlh54 | | #426

    Claire is a wealth of knowledge and all her books and articles bring that wealth to us! Thanks for your love of research and your excellent way of sharing that knowledge.

  427. LadyCathe | | #427

    Looking forward to learning much more.

  428. Marpiz | | #428

    i'm a dressmaker and live abroad it would be nice to have in my library claire's couture sewing techniques book so as to widen my knowledge and use her techniques in my sewing

  429. jleaberry | | #429

    I've been sewing for a few years now but still consider myself a beginner, I would really love this book to become a more experienced sewer!

  430. divateacher | | #430

    Claire is an elegant teacher. To spend an afternoon being inspired by the difficult becoming possible is a delightful dream. I hope I will be the lucky recipient of this newest edition of her wonderful book.

  431. BlueHeartBear | | #431

    I would like to add deconstruction techniques to my repetoire. Hope the revised version includes this info. Would love to win as I am disabled and alone, so income is tiny, but being mostly housebound, creativity is important to my sanity. Thanks.

  432. isewtoo | | #432

    I always enjoy learning new skills. this is a book I would love to add to my library.

  433. susandenise | | #433

    I hope to gather yards of sewing books, wearing them out to increase my sewing skills. This book is on my list!

  434. RoniBarr | | #434

    I live abroad and as it's a small country, it's really hard to find a good sewing book, besides from ordering from abroad. I've heard wonderful things about Claire's books and would be delighted to be able to add it to my collection. :)
    I am just a beginner and I have so much to learn from her...

  435. TBeckwith | | #435

    I looked at this book last week online and am eager to get my hands on it! As soon as I've saved up.. I hope to add it to the collection.

  436. User avater
    blbirdsong | | #436

    I've been looking forward to Claire Schaeffer's new book. I would love to learn the couture way of putting in a jacket lining.

  437. SallyL | | #437

    Being allergic to synthetics, I would like to learn couture techniques for closures that do not use zippers.

  438. fourcats | | #438

    I'm fascinated with couture techniques and would love to use this book.

  439. Seamstress_wannabe | | #439

    I'm an amateur seamstress eager to upgrade my skills. I'm want to learn the first steps in couture sewing from Claire's book.

  440. skiss | | #440

    I am ready to learn the proper way to hand finish. I had lessons many years ago but it is time to take things to a higher standard.

  441. Pchipman | | #441

    I would love to learn more tailoring techniques

  442. girlygirlsews916 | | #442

    I am an aspiring designer and would love to learn more about shaping a garment, and hand finishes. I've seen articles online and tried to follow them, but I believe that this book would help me tremendously.

  443. wendymmeb | | #443

    I am a civil war reenactor and all my garments are mostly hand sewn. It would be great to learn all the couture hand sewing techniques for seams and applying trim. My machine use is very limited so I need some fancy handwork to add the "touch" to my garments.

  444. merrier | | #444

    I'm a new sewer, so working on fitting and tailoring would be wonderful.

  445. JohnsonMarilyn | | #445

    I would love to emulate Claire's techniques.

  446. User avater
    sootfoot5 | | #446

    I want to perfect lining and gathers.

  447. Roxnsilver925 | | #447

    I saw an older copy of this book and found the chapters all facinating but I would really like to learn the couture secrets of interfacings, hems, and bound buttonholes. This one is definitely on my wishlist.

  448. smarchette | | #448

    Oh to be able to learn how to take my sewing to the next level. his book looks so gooooood!

  449. Barbouille | | #449

    I would like to learn about making perfect buttonholes!

  450. SuzSews | | #450

    Love the double cuffs...what a beautiful book!

  451. Robertasugar | | #451

    I am interested in making elegant linings, especially when there is no lining included in the pattern. I also would like help with getting that French fit.

  452. CvilleLiz | | #452

    I would love to learn to line a jacket. I'll bet there are a lot more couture techniques I would like to learn, but I don't know what they are yet!

  453. SilksWithAttitude | | #453

    A refresher on interlining and underlining would be useful. I love Claire's articles, her patterns and I love hand/couture sewing -- I must be getting old because as a 4-Her I was always inventing ways to minimize the amount of hand sewing I had to do. And I was pretty good at creative alternatives -- with a box of purple ribbons to show for my ingenuity!

  454. mrnglry | | #454

    I am always exploring ways to improve my sewing techniques, and am starting retro clothing soon, so am collecting patterns and books to help me along the way.
    I would love to be included in the drawing. Thanks!

  455. OrahLee | | #455

    I want to learn how to make my garments fit PERFECTLY, and to construct them so they shine the way I see them in my imagination! Claire makes lessons effective for me.
    I'm glad it is a book, and not a dvd.

    (Please, let me win, let me win, let me win!)

  456. User avater
    3dogMom | | #456

    I recently retired and have picked up sewing again. Being tall I have always had trouble with fitting pants. I'm sure "Couture Sewing Techniques" could not only help me with fitting pants and further develop my current sewing skills, but so much more. I've read articles from Claire and would love to have her book so I can progress in my sewing and learn new techniques! What a valuable resource!

  457. mrj2 | | #457

    I would love to win this fabulous book! This is another book by Claire Shaeffer, which I would love to add to my library, I hope I will be the lucky recipient.

    I have been sewing for myself and family all my life, and recently started custom sewing & alterations business, from my home. I design, make patterns and sew western & eastern style garments. Claire Shaeffer’s “Sew any Fabric” has been very useful in identifying fabrics when interacting with various clients, who have different terminology for fabrics. A true reference book!

    I have been eyeing this book "Couture Sewing Techniques" for a while now. The techniques in this book would be wonderful to learn and master and incorporate them in my personal and professional sewing. I'd like to learn more about incorporating bras into evening gowns and costume bodices; create bustiers and corsets; learn how to make a boned lining for formal wear structure; and I would like to know more about underlining and use of correct interfacing in different garments, and additional tailoring COUTURE techniques.

    Who wouldn't like to have "a private couture instructor” right in their sewing room? What a great resource!

  458. Sterline | | #458

    I have been a subscriber for years and pass on my Thread copies to my daughter who presently runs an alterations business out of her home. We would both benefit from owning a book as complete as this one. I'm 80 years old and still learning. I have purchsed 2 embroidery machines and software to make my own designs. Most recently, I have set up a "Sewing Room" at our local ministry for assisting the homeless and unemployed find jobs. Our area is always looking for more alterations people, and we are teaching them to sew. As a graduate of Paris Academy School of Fashion in London in the 70's, I can assist in altering patterns to fit! Sometimes we just recycle/mend/alter the donations and other times we assist in making a new outfit for that interview!

    As I stated above, I'm always learning and discovered many times that the sewing world changes with new products available. My Couture Book: The Biship Method, from college in the 50's is a bit outdated...but still good.

  459. User avater
    allsewedup | | #459

    What I would like to learn is how to create a garment using the draping method. Sometimes I just want to get out of the box.

  460. Irinochka | | #460

    I would love to have this book because if there is only one thing that I have learned about sewing is that there is always a new technique to discover. I get thrilled and excited when I discover those new techniques to create better designs. That is why I would love to win this book.

  461. User avater
    lauz | | #461

    I love to receive this book so I can create old world styles with today's flair and fashion. I am a self taught sewer that learns fast and loves to create my own style. I know this book will give me the incentive to do more!

  462. jaylene | | #462

    I am sure the book would help my sewing a great deal. I would really enjoy it. I hope to win thank you

  463. WindyMD | | #463

    I would like to learn about finishing the inside of the garment. Nice clothes are finished so nicely inside and look as good as the outside. My garments are just pressed seams and look handmade on the inside. Patterns don't really tell you how to embellish the inside. When I see a garment, I always look at the inside and if it is beautifully done, I try to figure out how it was done. My grandma had an old Singer machine with a big wheel and a treadle that she used her feet to make it go. Every Christmas, all the cousins (well, Girl cousins!) got a brand new flannel nightgown that she sewed. A lot of it was by hand, and the inside looked just like the outside. I always thought that was so cool. I always got the hand-me-down clothes from my cousins, but every Christmas I got my own brand new flannel gown. I know flannel gowns aren't couture, but my Grandma sewed them like they were. It was a very special gift, and I always looked on the inside to see how beautiful she made it.

  464. golf_gal | | #464

    I would love to own this book as the first in my collection of "NEW" sewing books. My other books are now 20 years old and some of the techniques are totally outdated. With my new Bernina it would be a joy to try some of the couture techniques as they relate to a modern sewing machine and the new fabrics. What a great reference book to help me out at home after the sewing classes are finished.

  465. WandaJ | | #465

    Winning this wonderful book would be a special treat. With owning the first copy I decided to check the new edition out from the local library. Believe me it's on my list of new couture sewing books to buy, or put on my BD List for a gift. But, winning it would be so much fun and make it even a more treasured book. It is written with so much clarity, so yes one can go to the 'next level' of sewing using this book as a guide.

    Claire Shaeffer's work can be relied upon. I have learned so much over the years using her books, and Threads Magazine Articles.

    The winner of this book will be delighted, I'm sure.

  466. WandaJ | | #466

    Winning this wonderful book would be a special treat. With owning the first copy I decided to check the new edition out from the local library. Believe me it's on my list of new couture sewing books to buy, or put on my BD List for a gift. But, winning it would be so much fun and make it even a more treasured book. It is written with so much clarity, so yes one can go to the 'next level' of sewing using this book as a guide.

    Claire Shaeffer's work can be relied upon. I have learned so much over the years using her books, and Threads Magazine Articles.

    The winner of this book will be delighted, I'm sure.

  467. WandaJ | | #467

    Winning this book would be a special treat. I have the 1st Edition and have read this one, in part, as a result of a library loan. I really felt a tinge of loss when it was time to return it. I am very much interested in Couture Techniques, especially embellishments and interior garment finishing. Looking forward to being selected as 'the winner!'

  468. WandaJ | | #468

    Winning this book would be a special treat. I have the 1st Edition and have read this one, in part, as a result of a library loan. I really felt a tinge of loss when it was time to return it. I am very much interested in Couture Techniques, especially embellishments and interior garment finishing. Looking forward to being selected as 'the winner!'

  469. ms_c21 | | #469

    I would love to win this book. I've always wanted to create a Dior-style jacket.

  470. minnieme | | #470

    I would love to win this book and add to my knowledge of sewing. The last time I took a sewing class was in high school where I learned some tailoring techniques.

  471. momster399 | | #471

    Winning this book would be awesome. I would like to "up" my game when it comes to sewing. I am self taught, like many, and really miss knowing some of the finer techniques. Please pick me! Thanks.

  472. manigoldgirl | | #472

    I enjoy all the articles very much. I'm 73 and learned to sew on a treadle Singer. I've made 3 wedding dresses for my family and expect to do more as I have 15 grandchildren and 15 1/2 great-grand children. Would sure like to know alot more about fine couture finishing. This book sounds and looks delicious!

  473. hautestuff | | #473

    Sewing is a renewed passion of mine and Claire Shaeffer, through her books and articles, has helped spark my interest in couture techniques. I would love to master seam finishes, bound buttonholes and picked zippers, among a million other techniques!

  474. DeirdreCollins | | #474

    I would love to win this fabulous book. I made a mans overcoat years ago with concealed front buttoning...very french. I would love to learn more couture techniques.
    Please put my name in the hat. Thanks

  475. Fripperie | | #475

    I love to get ideas for surprising little details - an unusual fastening, a hidden splash of color, the perfect alternative to making a conventional seam...

  476. myomy1959 | | #476

    I loved the first book and I hear this one has expanded sections and better organized sections. I hope to win one for my and my daughter's sewing library. ;)

  477. elektra | | #477

    Would love to learn more about ruching to shape a garment. Actually I'd like to learn more about a lot of techniques . . . .

  478. misshavs | | #478

    Wow, this is an awesome giveaway. I´d like to be considered for it. That way if I get the chance to win it, I´ll get the chance to learn new techniques and develop fantastic designs. IF I don´t win, I´m sure that the lucky winner will learn a lot of cool things about the prize, and maybe a couple of interesting secrets to do better projects.
    Just love it, thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone

  479. BelleRiver | | #479

    I paricularly enjoy any articles that are available that provide techniques that are helpful. I would love to win this book.

  480. SewerSue | | #480

    I would love the opportunity to win this book! I'm a self taught sewer, sewing since I was 11 - learning from reading and watching tv programs. This book would be a great addition to my library and teach me more! I'm always looking to learn. Thanks Ms. Shaeffer!

  481. Creative60 | | #481

    This book would be a fantastic addition to my library of sewing books. I am beginning to sew more outfits for my small granddaughter and I have another one on the way. I spend a lot of time reading through your eLetters and seeing if I can create elegant garments as presented here. I also tailor all my husband's shirts. This means I have to disassemble a store bought shirt that fits his neck size, cut it down in the sleeve length, shoulder length, and sometimes the total length of the shirt and I have to take in the sides of these shirts. I do this because my husband's neck size does not equate to the rest of his body structure. It is a very time consuming process and I sometimes have trouble re-creating the flat-fell seam. I have been asked by my older granddaughter to help her create a medieval style dress with boning. When I was much younger I created some pretty dresses for my daughter to wear to dances that contained boning, but it really did not look too professional. I know the techniques in this book would assist me greatly. I want to be ready to make dance dresses for my youngest granddaughters when they reach that age and possibly prom dresses. I love to sew and create beautiful things. I would thoroughly enjoy having this new book.

  482. jeanw10 | | #482

    I'd love to win this book. I'm self-taught and seek to improve my sewing skills to create new looks for my family, friends and myself.

  483. Barba2 | | #483

    I'm self taught and have worked my way through basic construction and fit. I'd love to begin branching out with the elegant details shown in Claire Shaeffer's book.

  484. maryjomo | | #484

    Would love to win the book to put in our ASG library.
    Our group would love it.
    As we do your magazine.

  485. User avater
    sewhappybjm | | #485

    I'm sure I can learn many things from this book. There are several things that I don't understand even though I have been sewing for many years.

  486. macadele | | #486

    It would be fantastic to have this book, sewing was a sometime hobby that has become a passion. So now I am dying to make a Channel jacket and this is just the right book to bring about that dream...besides taking a class...Mu

  487. berauschend | | #487

    It would be wonderful to take my sewing to the next level, most of what I have available as far a instruction is my machine dealer who is awesome and books/magazines! It also gives me the opportunity to dream.

  488. snowm | | #488

    This would be a great addition to my collection of sewing book. I did a little bit of coutour sewing in college, but have gotten away from it. Would love to brush up on those skills again.

  489. CarriefromTN | | #489

    I would love to learn more about shaping garments. Style lines and details add so much to a garment! For me, it is what draws my eye.

  490. StephanieJ | | #490

    I know that I need to learn more about working with silks in draping and pin tucks. I know there's a secret I'm not getting somehow.

  491. Kealoha | | #491

    I would love to learn how to properly work with silk organza and lace appliqués. But all couture techniques are beautiful and worthwhile to me.

  492. GrandmaMary | | #492

    Learning is a lifelong journey and I would love to be able to step into the journey of couture sewing. With 4 daughters and 1 son to sew for, I have created many things along the way but mostly from "winging it". It would be wonderful to actually know what I need to do as my 18 grandchildren are now on the "make one for me" list.

  493. selenevf | | #493

    I would like to create fine details on my garments by the help of this book. Thank you for the opportunity.

  494. vmj1 | | #494

    The devil is in the details and this book could provide the help I need to conquer those devils. I would love to own a copy.

  495. User avater
    JoaniesJosh | | #495

    I hope I'm lucky enough to get a copy of Claire's new book on techniques. I find her explanations in Threads Magazine to be so easy to follow, I would love a whole book of her techniques. I know I could follow her comments.

  496. ASGSEWS | | #496

    I'm ready to launch on a couture project and need to know where to start. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on and know Claire's book will set me in the right direction. I've done tailoring, but it's been many years and I need an updated perspective.

  497. Quatts | | #497

    I would LOVE to win this book. I would use this book to learn how to take an ordinary dress pattern and turn it into something fabulous using hand sewing skills that are considered couture. After that the skies the limit, perhaps a coat for my daughter or a special top for my mother.

  498. Pateho | | #498

    I LOVE the cover of this book! I was drawn immediately to it and then to this site! I didn't think to look at "Threads" online to see what they have to offer! I actually was searching for 'couture' stitching techniques and found this site and have now signed on! I LOVE everything about sewing, threads and fibers! Couture sewing is the next evolution to my craft and I want to learn everything there is to know!

  499. valeb | | #499

    color, texture and construction combine to create a beautiful piece of art as well as clothing, this book looks supportive and inspirational

  500. SEWNYA | | #500

    I have relied on Claire's techniques for years and find them where and when I can. Should be a great book.

  501. maryjillanderson | | #501

    I have had four individual students this semester ask me about this topic, and I find that fact alone interesting. I so welcome the new interest in timeless techniques, that is rare to find students interested in time consuming technical sewing, So I have been out hunting at second hand book stores trying to find books for them with no luck. Then I turn on the computer and look what is here. I'd love to own this book and I will gladly share it's contents with all my students, Knowledge is a wonderful thing, and every technique it is easy if you know how to do it! Here is to good information and sharing it with those who want to learn.

  502. eneedle | | #502

    The caption for the Marc Bohan evening gown is repeated under the 4th image of the skirt and blouse at the top of this blog.
    And as for the book - I have 2 others by Claudia and meeting her is on my bucket list. I'd like to learn more about designing for fabric - most of us design then find a fabric to work with the design. It would be helpful to know more about looking at a fabric then creating a look that optimises its inherent qualities.

  503. User avater
    debbie_turney | | #503

    sew....who won???

  504. User avater
    stevndi | | #504

    I am in the middle of making a dress, this book would certainly be an enormous asset. This is my first dress!
    The waist line is giving me problems, hoping to win and get the help I need to work on the dress. I love Threads way of teaching, by print and pictures.

  505. lcdrbetty | | #505

    I have been sewing clothing for myself for 50 years. I have learned so much since I discovered both Threads magazine and Marcy Tilton! I,m ready to take my skills up to the next level, and Claire Shaeffer's Couture Sewing would be just the ticket!

  506. LindaG7 | | #506

    I have enjoyed the addition of Claire's columns to Threads magazine. I'd love to learn more about creating inner support and shaping in garments and custom fitting to camouflage figure flaws. I worked in bridal and formalwear years ago and have kept sewing for myself, so i can have well-fitted, personalized garments.

  507. ChristineHP | | #507

    I love learning new ways to make my garments look and fit great. Right now I'd like to learn more about different interfacings and underlinings, what the differences are in the various products available, how to choose one and what effect it has on the finished garment.

  508. sew4th | | #508

    I want to learn more about sewing with sheers: creating flawless seams, increasing opacity with interfacing/lining while retaining a soft hand and nice drape. Claire Shaeffer's books are always inspiring!

  509. ebell | | #509

    I am a retired teacher and life-longer sewer, with a passion for fabric and embroidery. My goal is to improve the quality of my sewing. To this end, I am working my way through Claire Shaeffer's videos. I've recently made a dress form for myself, so that I can fit my clothes properly. I took an O and A level in Needlework in the UK many years ago, so I am building on that knowledge. I am excited and passionate about sewing. It is a daily activity for me. It's like breathing.

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