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Project Runway All Stars: Return to the Runway

Rami takes home the win this week.

This week, Project Runway returned with thirteen former contestants competing for another chance at victory. This all-new Project Runway spin-off may have some familiar faces in our thirteen designers, but a few faces you won’t see this season are Heidi, Tim, and our usual panel of judges. Standing in for Tim Gunn as mentor is Marie Claire editor-in-chief Joanna Coles. Angela Lindvall hosts, with Isaac Mizrahi and Georgina Chapman taking over judging duties. Will you miss Heidi, Tim, and the others, or do you think that judges without preconceptions will be better equipped to render a verdict on our designers?

The competition this week challenged the designers to create a garment using materials from the 99-cent store. Mops, bathmats, loofahs, and safety pins were just some of the items our designers chose to work with, and in the end, it was Elisa heading home, and Rami taking the first win. The bad news this group of all-star designers…there is no immunity this season. What did you think of the designs this week? Who do you think will take advantage of this second chance, and win this season?







Elisa: (out)





















Rami: (winner)


Sweet P:


The All Stars (* = eliminated)
Anthony Williams
April Johnston
Austin Scarlett
Elisa Jimenez*
Gordana Gehlhausen
Jerell Scott
Kara Janx
Kenley Collins
Michael Costello
Mila Hermanovski
Mondo Guerra
Rami Kashou
Sweet P 


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  1. User avater
    Djonee | | #1

    i'm not thrill that heidi and the gang not appearing on the show but ill watch cuz i do like some of the designers

  2. User avater
    Kate_W | | #2

    Since I feel like I know what to expect of the designers, I was pleasantly surprised that I _liked_ the change up in host and judges. I'm thinking this forces a change in editing -- the designers have been there, done that before, and the host and judges are new elements -- perhaps there will be less drama and more style than previous seasons, no?

    I will continue to watch. Although most of the designers seem more polished this time around, I'm going to go with Mondo to win (my personal fav), Rami, and April ...

  3. sews4fun | | #3

    I was very happy to see the "old gang" back and to see a few designers who I KNOW have talent. I didn't care for the church as a fashion show area, it made it seem like they just had no where else to go and I don't want to see that being done in a church, it feels very wrong to me.
    I liked that the judges were not snarky and did not belittle the contestants. They even tried to give a positive review to Elisa who is not from this planet, I don't know which planet exactly it is that she comes from but it sure isn't earth.
    Mondo is my guy but I had to agree that Rami should have won. I liked both mop dresses and quite a few others actually. It's going to be fun to watch a P.R. with talented designers who I just KNOW are going to wow us all!
    I wont miss the drama that the show tries to foster OR Michael Kors but I will miss Tim Gunn HORRIBLY!

  4. User avater
    Kukana | | #4

    I was so excited to see the all PR Allstars! I absolutely love this show, no matter what. I think I will miss Tim Gunn the most, I do love his fun spirit and matter-of-factness. I do think it's great that they have new judges, so no preconceived notions about who can do what there....makes the playing field more fair. I always loved Mondo and thought April did really well. Let's face it, most of these designers were in the top 5 or higher, so we have a great group. Don't bet on not seeing a bunch of drama - the designers are still designers after all.....and some of the most dramatic. Wonder why Wendy Pepper isn't there.....Ha! glad she's not!!!

  5. agatha44 | | #5

    I love this show! Everything is starting out great. I don't mind the changes, it gives me the chance to find out about more people in the fashion industry. Mondo has always been one of my favorites.

  6. skckag | | #6

    I'm really excited about the All Star version of PR!! I miss the show when it's not on. I enjoy Tim Gunn and Heidi. Actually I liked all the judges but as was already said, I don't like it when they put them down. I like Mondo and his really different creations but I also like Anthony and Michael.

  7. KayGV | | #7

    I know that more than one of these designers should have won their FIRST round of challenges, so I am happy to see them have a new opportunity for rewards.

  8. bmck97004 | | #8

    Enjoy the all-star format, but REALLY miss Tim. He is the shining star of the entire series. Rami deserved the win last week - his creation was SO NOT Dollar Store!

  9. terricita | | #9

    I was wondering how they picked which designers to have back and I was especially wondering why Korto wasn't back.

  10. User avater
    FelicityH | | #10

    Loved it. Thought the judges were dead on. It was a toss up between Mondo & Rami. And ... I'm sorry, if your design needs a lengthy explaination of what it is "supposed" to represent you're design is just not speaking to anyone. Elisa might have stood a better chance if she had kept her mouth shut. That said, I felt Sweet P's was a bit weak.

  11. tennknitter | | #11

    While I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, I am wondering how they decided who to invite back - and wondering if some designers declined. Several of my favorites are back and several are missing. I like the new judges but like so many others, I really miss Tim.

  12. txdrling | | #12

    Love the new show, so glad they "fixed it". We will start watching again.

  13. User avater
    aislinnluv | | #13

    I anticipated the debut of this show with excitement; the chance to see some of my favourite non-winners was delightful. I have to confess, however, I couldn't say I really remembered more than the names of some of the contestants. Others whom I remembered and liked were a big disappointment in the first challenge: Austin, really? Your dress looked like it was made from doggie pee pads! And Kenley - where was your signature tailoring? It appeared you had pasted sheets of posterboard to your model! I did appreciate Rami's creation, though I question who would wear something like that. Anthony's dress, Michael C.'s and Mondo's were all pleasing to the eye as well as something someone would want to own (well, in Anthony's case, made of something besides tissue paper). I can't wait to see what happens next, and although I can see why Elisa was eliminated, I will miss her out-there-ness.

  14. User avater
    triangles | | #14

    So very glad to see some of my favorite designers back on PR. Hoping that the producers see that its the design process that sells the show and not the low-rent drama so many reality shows need to survive. One of my favorite underdogs is Jerell. He has some great ideas that often have been overlooked. I believe Michael and Kenley have a lot of talent. They have chosen a great group of all stars. To answer your question, yes, I love that there are new judges - just what PR needs. I too, miss Tim Gunn.

  15. indigo1111 | | #15

    I've been waiting for this to start and I wasn't disappointed. I am blown away by the things they created out of "junk". I could tell that they are starting out at a higher level of expertise than the regular show. The only one I miss from the usual line up is Tim. He is the kindest man (without being a sap) in this industry for sure!

  16. User avater
    ghis | | #16

    Rami deserves the win,how extraordinary his work looks,so well done nd couturelike.Fantasticé

  17. misspretty | | #17

    Can't wait for the next program of project runway, I look forward to Thursday nights.

  18. Kitrtymom | | #18

    I miss you Tim and Heidi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Bouqqia | | #19

    Fially, they've separated the "wheat" from the "chaff" in terms of good designers!

    Personally, I think it should have been between Rami and Michael. Rami's dress looked very "haute couture" but the draping on Michael's "mop" dress was fantastic and even managed to highlight the model's curves. I think Michael's dress would actually by wearable, whereas I'm sure the stiffness of Rami's would have been unbearable in the wearing!

    I'm also delighted they've chosen a different set of judges, who are more "into" construction techniques rather than what photographs well. I will miss Tim Gunn, though. Lovely guy.

    The only other thing is I would like to see more time spent showing and reviewing in detail, the dresses they liked but didn't win. They run through them too quickly, and off they go never to be seen again!

  20. fabricgal68 | | #20

    After suffering thru last season's 'poor-excuse-for-contestants-worthy-of-project-runway-claim', it was nice to see the real talent back in action. I am sorry that some of the better designers were too busy to take place in this year's all star season. It was nice to see in the first 2 weeks 2 of the weaker participants out. However, I hope to see the top 3 be a run off among Romi, Austin, and Mondo. I think they have demonstrated clearly in the past that they have a more sophisticated ability and a wider range of execution. Please don't disappoint us again Project Runway with a poor season.

  21. Ceeayche | | #21

    I like most that the designers appear focused on the task at hand and that they are treating this like an incredible professional opportunity. The Skanky backstabbing and other misbehavior is best left in seasons past. This show lets the talent shine and that is refreshing. I'm looking forward to the twists and turns. I do miss Tim Gunn and Heidi was more engaging, but I'm now watching the whole show again. I had gotten into the habit of tuning in to see the challenge then turning back for the show. I even skipped the judging because it appeared to be less about good design and more about other issues. Changing the judges is good.

  22. User avater
    FineTexan | | #22

    I love Project Runway and wish it was a weekly show (although it almost is!). I watch the shows reruns over and over because I always notice something I missed the first time around.
    I miss Heidi, Nina, Tom and the other regulars but I think we needed new judges for a different viewpoint. I like Sweet Pea and Elisa and I think they were invited back for their personalities.
    I would like to see at least three episodes where no one is eliminated. How about a point system awarded so that the ones with the least points are eliminated. That way we could enjoy at least three episodes of the lower rated designers that we may have liked.
    Don't forget that some of the designers that were not asked to be on All Stars have businesses and families like Laura who I notice does some other fashion shows. Or Wendy Pepper who has a business in Virginia. I am sure people had to go back to jobs; not all were free lancers or unemployed. Anthony is so cool and his designs are very good. He is too classic and classy as is Rami who has an edge and talent too.
    I hate some of the 'junk' that wins at times. Don't forget these clothes are not for the average person in the form they are shown.

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