Peek Inside Three Vintage Gowns
Judith Neukam stepped inside the inner sanctum of Western Costume Company for a close encounter of the best kind. Spending time alone with the collection, she was allowed to touch, explore, measure, and absorb oh-so-many details. Here are three garments with amazing architectural qualities: they use fabric drape to create the design without needing more complicated construction techniques to hold the shape. She’ll take you on a trip inside each to see how they’re constructed.
From Threads #132
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I am amazed at the amount of very intersting items you have for me to indulge myself with, so pleased I joined best wishes Marieteresa from the UK
Really interesting -- love all the "inside" info!
Help please . . . I must be missing something basic! I logged in, selected the picture of the vintage dress - and nothing! No video, no sound track.
I am new to Insider, but I watched videos from Teach Yourself to Sew Season 2 earlier and just tried again, and that works. I even restarted my computer. I'd be grateful for any help.
Janette [in UK]
I do not believe this particular feature has a video, it is a PDF file. Notice the blue box at the bottom right of the picture. This is the information for the dress.
Unfortunately I cannot download this PDF????
I really enjoy these articles on how pieces like this are made. Apart from seeing lovely articles of clothing it's great to see the different ways they are put together. Thanks