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DVD GIVEAWAY: Industry Insider Techniques with Louise Cutting Volumes 1-4

An expert sewer with a broad base of knowledge and experience, Louise Cutting will introduce you to a range of techniques to try out on your own.

Industry Insider Techniques, Vol. 1
In this first volume of Industry Insider Techniques, Louise Cutting will teach you how to use high-end fashion techniques in your own designs. You will explore topics such as a no-stitch, interfaced hem, balanced darts, perfect collars, mitered corners, and clean French seams. Master the art of fine detailing!

Industry Insider Techniques, Vol. 2
In Volume 2, Louise Cutting continues teaching skills that will help you fine-tune your sewing and produce professional quality garments. This DVD includes the topics of weightless pocket flaps, smooth, stable edges, classic lapels, and clean, pucker-free corners. You will be amazed at how Louise Cutting’s insider secrets lead you to quicker and better results. Create designer-quality fashions!

Industry Insider Techniques, Vol. 3
In the third volume, Louise addresses common problems and how to fix them efficiently. She further explains some insider techniques and provides information on some of the best tools to use to get her professional results. Some topics that Louise will address include essential tools, button placement, hidden button placket, removing a bust dart, adding a bust dart, moving a seam, adding hem width, changing a neckline, lowering a neckline, lengthening a facing, and four deconstructed edges. Refine Your Sewing Skills!

Industry Insider Techniques, Vol. 4
In Volume 4, the well-known sewing maven Louise Cutting shares closely held trade secrets related to fitting and finishing. Adjust any pattern for a better fit on top. The step-by-step sewing techniques demonstrated in Volume 4 show you how avoid common problems.

Look for Volume 5 of this series later this summer!

You could win this set of 4 DVDs!

Leave a comment on this post saying why you want to win this DVD bundle before 11:59 pm EST, July 24, 2012 and you could win the whole set! The winner will be randomly selected during the week of July 24 and will be notified by email.

Good luck!


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  1. cowgirl_bonnie | | #1

    Louise Cutting is simply "The Best!"

  2. moviedoll | | #2

    Having reference books is great, but having DVDs that actually SHOW you the different techniques would be amazing! That's why I would want to win this bundle DVD set. :)

  3. User avater
    carynification | | #3

    I love these videos, each time I start a project I go to the site to see if there are any tips I can incorporate.

  4. User avater
    SandyChavez | | #4

    I am so in awe of the sewing talent out there. Louise Cutting, is one the best and I would love to learn from her. This DVD bundle is the next best thing to being in a live class from her. Thank you for the give-away opportunity.

  5. User avater
    Thimblefingers | | #5

    I have sewn for years but there is always something new to learn. Would love to have this set of DVDs and discover more about sewing.

  6. olgainro | | #6

    Having this DVD set would be like having a private lesson with Louise Cutting! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

  7. user-1023732 | | #7

    Wow! What an amazing giveaway, I would love to add these o my techniques DVD collection.

  8. User avater
    SassyT | | #8

    I would love this DVD set to assist in my self teaching. It would be great to hone my skills and learn some sophisticated techniques. I will be doing a Dorothy and clicking my pink sparkly slippers this evening.

  9. marshacwp | | #9

    I would use these in my sewing room so I could follow along with Louise. I've seen some of her videos online and she's wonderful.

  10. Elaray | | #10

    I enjoy Louise Cuttings techniques. The DVDs would get lots of use in my sewing room.

  11. bj1400 | | #11

    I would love to win these dvd's as they would help me to improve my skills.

  12. User avater
    smfsprout | | #12

    This set of DVDs would be like getting years worth of sewing classes in one box. Being able to refer back to the DVDs would be helpful in those late midnight hours when I'm trying - for the umpteenth time - to get something 'just right', and I would love to win. Thanks.

  13. Quiltgran | | #13

    I would love to win these DVD's as learning by seeing is better than by reading. They would help immensely in my sewing.

  14. dpettersen | | #14

    It would be wonderful to have these at home! A great resource for anyone.

  15. IamLilyMunster | | #15

    I think visual learning is way better than books so I'd love to win these!

  16. ano | | #16

    Lessons from Louise? What could be better? She's a gifted teacher.

  17. User avater
    sewingdenise | | #17

    I'm interested in anything sewing, information to improve my work is always welcome.

  18. User avater
    WillaMcNeill | | #18

    Well, it has been a bit of a difficult year so far........winning would really be an encouragement to get back to sewing!

  19. Judi_W_06 | | #19

    This would be absolutely amazing to own and learn from!

  20. Judi_W_06 | | #20

    I think that would be an amazing set to own and learn from.

  21. Lovi | | #21

    Wow, an entire set of industry technique! Every sewer would certainly benefit from this give-away and the valuable information.

  22. user-1151631 | | #22

    Having just taken up sewing again after a long break, these would be extremely useful.

  23. PreeSM | | #23

    This four DVD are the treasure to enchance my sweing skills . Its a blessing to possess them

  24. beejeegay | | #24

    I am fully dependent on Thread's Magazine for instructions for sewing as there are no resources in my area that I know of to learn sewing skills; so winning this series would be a tremendous help.

  25. meri_designs | | #25

    OMG that's exactly what I'll ever need a sewing dvds since I find sewing overwhelming specially when the instruction are written and the results are always insatisfaying
    I think these dvds well be a huge help like having a private tutor

  26. rsattazahn | | #26

    Met Ms. Cutting at the Orlando Sewing Market....so excited to use her patterns and techniques! Will LOVE winning these DVDs so I can have her expertise with me in my sewing room while I learn the process! <3 <3 <3

  27. muse2me2 | | #27

    What a wonderful resource! I've started teaching my teenage daughter to sew, and these DVD's would be a great way to help explain techniques as well as refresh my own skills.

  28. blessis | | #28

    The reason I love sewing some much is that i love to create beautiful things. I enjoy making something new, innovative and creative. my hands were made to create and design it is my God given natural ability,it is fun and alive. With my hands and my ability I can create anything.

  29. User avater
    user-120387 | | #29

    I would love to win this prize. There are nothing like this in Sweden, where I live. I have learnt almost everything I know about sewing from Threads. It is true!

  30. TalyQu | | #30

    That seems like a wealth of information! I would love to have that. I am also in Europe and don't have easy access to sewing resources.

  31. User avater
    Ashford | | #31

    The finishing details are where so many of my sewing projects fail to please or fail to ever get finished. Knowledge equals skill; skill equals quality; quality equals self confidence; self confidence equals a good day.

  32. user-1151754 | | #32

    I am always trying to improve my sewing skills and the addition of this collection would be beneficial in this endeavor.

  33. User avater
    user-1129450 | | #33

    I would love to have these DVDs to help me improve my sewing. :-)

  34. user-828279 | | #34

    She is an excellent teacher, very clear and precise, but also at a pace that is easy to follow and understand. Great for the beginner to the advanced. Well desired DVDs:). Makes it like she is standing right next to you along the way!

  35. User avater
    elizabeth001au | | #35

    The finishing and fitting techniques ar particularly
    what I would like to learn more. I saw part 1 in this series and loved it.

  36. mosew | | #36

    Love, love, love Louise! She challenges me to add wonderful, classy details. But makes it easy!

  37. leahl | | #37

    I would love this set of DVD's. Not only is Louise a wonderful teacher, but Threads keeps on top of the sewing world by offering these DVD's and lessons in the magazine. They would be a great help to me as I am showing my sewing students how to approach sewing steps in a different way than the pattern instructions show

  38. Onyx147 | | #38

    When I think of Ms. Louise Cutting, I think of sewing poetic genius. This young lady makes even the most difficult reasoning of sewing anything and I mean anything from wool to silk and everything in between using techniques that I wouldn't put together. It's been ten years since I've sewn anything and I know Ms. Cutting's help would be greatly needed and appreciated by myself.

    I've had the distinct pleasure of snooping (using one of her phrases) her first DVD. Slow down, I've watched her presentations here on the Threads website. I happen to truly love Threads Magazine and I've joined "Threads Insider." Now, that's where I found Louise and her wisdom and knowledge. I would feel very blessed to receive Ms. Cutting's wonderful DVDs. She has a great way of looking at garments from the inside first.

  39. cecine | | #39

    It will be a amazing bundle to win. Louise Cutting is my favorite teacher. It's simple to understand. I hope I'll win.

  40. SusanInBoston | | #40

    I'm returning to sewing and improving my skills so that I can teach girls how to empower themselves without having to buy (literally and metaphorically) someone else's idea of who they are. The videos in this series that I've seen on the site are great, and I'm always eager to learn more.

  41. [email protected] | | #41

    I have attended a Louise Cutting demonstration/trunk show at my Sewing Guild and would enjoy having her DVDs.

  42. Boosews | | #42

    I love all of Louise Cuttings videos. She is very good at explaining sewing techniques that is very understandable.
    I would love to have a set of her DVD's
    Ruth B.

  43. Llilleeloosmama | | #43

    What an awesome giveaway from my favorite instructor! She gives me insight everytime I see one of the clips posted here.

  44. barbc | | #44

    I would love to have Louise's videos. I think she has astounding energy and I have always been impressed with the information she puts out there to help sew-ers.

  45. smockinglynn | | #45

    DVDs are the next best thing to taking a class. Louise Cutting has some wonderful techniques and it would be great to win this set.

  46. SewWhatLilly | | #46

    I have watched a few of the DVDs from Threads and they are great. I always enjoy learning from the Masters. It's one thing to read about a technique, but much better when you see it done. Kind of like the concept "A picture is worth a thousand words. . ." Thanks for this Give Away opportunity.

  47. user-1148488 | | #47

    I've gotten back to sewing after several years. I would love to own Louise's DVDs. They would take my garments from 'So-So' to 'Sew Fabulous!'
    Thanks, Ann

  48. KMOM1993 | | #48

    I would like to win to update my sewing skills.

  49. hpsauce | | #49

    These are far better viewing than televisions programming... And what a great way to keep the art of sewing alive today...by having the best teach her techniques to others.

  50. sonshinesewciable | | #50

    Sewing is a pleasure again when I use Louise's straightforward techniques!

  51. beth5646 | | #51

    I would love to win these DVDs. I have always loved Louise Cutting patterns and it would be wonderful to have instruction from the best right in my own home!

  52. User avater
    gwensews | | #52

    I enjoy Louise Cutting's tips and techniques. Her patterns are wonderfully illustrated, and she has unique sewing instructions not found in other patterns. I would love to win these DVDs because I know there is a wealth of information in them.

  53. AdaSharon | | #53

    Love these DVD's. I have watched them a number of times as an Insider member.

  54. NewRenaissanceWoman | | #54

    Since I train seamstresses, these DVDs would save some of my time teaching new techniques as well as a resource for new techniques to use in my designs

  55. susan718 | | #55

    I have been sewing for many years, but haven't had any classes since high school in the 60's (have taken quilting classes, but much different than garment making). I know that my skills could use some modernization. Thanks for the giveaway.

    [email protected]

  56. user-1144885 | | #56

    I have watched these dvds and think they are great. I stopped sewing for about ten years for some reason unknown to me now. I now realize how much I missed it. I had to teach myself to sew. My mom was a wonderful seamstress but I wasn't interested in my teens when she tried to teach me. I thought I would always be able to learn from her later but I lost her when I was only 25 years old. I went to work in a bank when I was 26 and they wanted me to dress nice but the pay wasn't enough to do that so I taught myself to sew. I am now 66 years old and still have so much to learn.

    I would so love to have these dvds to refer to for the answers to my many questions. I am now retired and my sewing has become so much a part of my life. I want to learn to do it the best that I can.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my comment.

  57. duiker22 | | #57

    As a novice, these would help me a lot!

  58. Lynne_B | | #58

    I'm a knitter who is learning to sew. I would like to combine the two crafts into interesting garments, and think this set would greatly help me improve my sewing.

  59. Simsal | | #59

    Chei!!! I will cry blood if I miss this opportunity! I made up my mind to be a sewer and in less two weeks when I was giving the privilege as an Insider to watch all of these videos, then, I sew like a pro. I have watched "teach to sew" season 1&2. All these giveaway videos. In fact, I didn't regret it at all. Am a Nigeria graduate of Geography who have great passion for sewing but don't know where to start. But threads magazine has helped to bring out the dream in me in less two weeks as an Insider. Am not teasing but am just saying I know the value of these DVDs. Imagine what it will be like to have all of these in my library! Indeed, I would be delighted if I have them. Otherwise, P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C if I don't have them.

  60. sewmydreams | | #60

    I am always trying to expand my stitching abilities and learn new methods. This is why I subscribe to Threads...it's just like a textbook of sewing techniques. This series of DVDs looks great and would be like having the professor right in my sewing room giving me personal instruction. I have seen her patterns and work at her internet site http://www.thesewingplace.com
    She's inspirational!

  61. User avater
    goin_sewin | | #61

    Threads plus Louise Cutting adds up to a must have DVD collection!
    These would be kept within easy reach in my sewing space to be used often as a great resource to get beautiful creative results and keep me motivated to try new techniques.

  62. User avater
    mcshanta | | #62

    Always eager to brush up on my tecniques and learn new ones.

  63. WendyLady1015 | | #63

    Would love to be able to pause and skip back so I could practice in real time.

  64. wisconsinsewist | | #64

    I'd love to win all the hints on DVD so I can refer to them when I'm sewing at odd hours of the evening and night. It would really improve my techniques. Thanks for the opportunity!

  65. SewGirl86 | | #65

    I have taught myself about fashion design and how to sew mainly from borrowing or renting textbooks and DVDs—even my sewing supplies, fabric, and sewing machine was given to me by my generous mom.

    Winning the Louise Cutting DVD package would be great because it would be the first sewing learning tool I did not have to rent or borrow.

  66. SewGirl86 | | #66

    I have taught myself about fashion design and how to sew mainly from borrowing or renting textbooks and DVDs—even my sewing supplies, fabric, and sewing machine was given to me by my generous mom.

    Winning the Louise Cutting DVD package would be great because it would be the first sewing learning tool I did not have to rent or borrow.

  67. roxkirk | | #67

    I have been sewing a long time and in spite of that, reading books or watching videos on how to improve my sewing skills is always very welcome. I would love to see these and would greatly enjoy having them in my reference library!

  68. Kyrielle | | #68

    I'm always looking to increase my sewing knowledge base and since I'm definitely a visual learner this set would be wonderful to have.

  69. MsWhimsey | | #69

    What a fantastic set! Every home sewer would love to have this collection of expert sewing suggestions, and I count myself among them. I hope I am the lucky winner this time!

  70. user-1084521 | | #70

    What a great addition to my sewing library this would be! I am always trying to broaden my knowledge of sewing, especially tailoring outfit! Would love this collection.

  71. ogarc | | #71

    I have been relearning how to sew for the last couple of years. In the process I bought a new sewing machine and a new serger and gave my old, still perfectly useable, machines to my daughter. She lives 3000 miles away from me. I visit her several times a year and she always has questions about sewing. I also help her long distance.
    Now my new daughter-in-law is asking for my daughter and me to teach her how to sew. They both live within driving distance of Stone Mountain and Daughter and I have paid for sewing lessons for them.
    These DVD's would be a huge asset in furthering my skills and theirs!

  72. user-1122811639 | | #72

    Ihave returned to sewing after an absence of too many years. I want and need to update my skills and sew for the body I have no instead of the one I had when I was in my 20s. I have watched a few clips of these videos and they are marvelous! What a wonderful resource!!!

  73. Ada_B | | #73

    this set of DVD's with Louise would be fabulous to have..... her instructions are clear and the knowledge she shares is wonderful. As I'm now sewing more for myself instead of crafts, this set would be such a boost to my skills.

  74. user-1144701 | | #74

    I'm ready to take my sewing to the next level! This is just the kind and quality of information I need to do that. Thanks for being such a great resource.

  75. arefaces | | #75

    I am a beginner Fashion and Merchandising Major in Washington, DC. I have feel in love with sewing, but my school only offers it as an intro class as clothing construction 1 and 2. This course is on the retail side and I see it is so much move to learn. I feel as if I am on my own. I have been using youtube, searching on the web to find anything that will start with me from basics to a point were I can speak the language of sewers and utilize my baby lock sewing machine (Melody) which I earned by winning a scholarship in school. I am 46 and this is my first degree in college and most of my friends say sewing is a waist, but its soothing and enjoyable to me... I mess up a lot of fabric learning on my own, but I know if I win the DVD GIVEAWAY: Industry Insider Techniques with Louise Cutting Volumes 1-4, I will be well on my way to a exciting and rewarding career.

  76. dolinbliss | | #76

    I love Threads and would love to learn all the tips and techniques that Louise Cutting DVD's could show me. I learn a lot from books and online, but it would be wonderful to see videos and the techniques in action.

  77. user-289835 | | #77

    Living in a small town makes DVD's a must to learn sewing techniques.

  78. StitchFree | | #78

    I could use these techniques. My mother taught me to sew, but she HATED sewing. She only sewed out of necessity. As a result, most of my sewing skills have been learned from workshops and being shown. It would be great to pick up some skills from someone who really knows how to sew.

  79. restlesslegs | | #79

    I subscribe to your magazine for ideas in sewing and winning The Louise Cutting DVDs bundle would assist me with better ways of sewing. My daughter just bought me a DVD player so I am prepared to win this wonderful gift. Not only will I use the DVDs but my grand daughter wants to learn to sew and we can share the great ideas from the DVDs.

  80. jzzl | | #80

    What a marvelous collection. I teach sewing to 7th & 8th graders and am always looking for new tips to pass on.

  81. debrajwebb | | #81

    Wonderful giveaway!
    I would love to win!
    Debra J Webb

  82. JeanSp | | #82

    I'm returning to sewing after 40 years of making almost no clothing, though for 20 of those years I was making quilts. But quilts are flat, don't have facings, and only have darts when I forget to use my walking foot and something puckers.

    Now that I'm getting my feet wet with garment sewing again, I'd like to learn all the tricks, tips, and tools that have developed over the past 40 years.

  83. SewDarlene | | #83

    Many home sewing techniques seem overly intricate and time consuming. I'm getting back to sewing after about fifteen years, and I'd like to learn more efficient methods.

  84. User avater
    cherylsews | | #84

    I enjoy Louise Cutting's teaching technique, and I need to update my sewing skills, and to be able to actually see how things are done on DVD would be great. I would love to win these DVD's.

    Thank you

  85. celticswan | | #85

    This would be a great addition that will help me:
    1. teach my students
    2. create costumes for the plays I direct
    3. create my wardrobe & gifts

  86. guen | | #86

    I would love to have this set!

  87. joy_n | | #87

    started sewing again during a few months of unemployment. I have used the articles in Threads to take me from an advanced beginner to more intermediate. Keep up the good work.

  88. sewseitz | | #88

    I love Louise Cutting. She has such good ideas. Occasionally she is on a TV show. She hasn't been in my area of IN lately.
    Love to have the bundle.

  89. C_M_S | | #89

    I've been sewing a lot of years, but would love to learn new techniques -- especially if they are industry insider techniques. Being unemployed at the moment, I won't be able to buy this for awhile so I would love to win this set...

  90. user-1104388 | | #90

    Tese would be a great addition to my sewing reference library!

  91. User avater
    jroach | | #91

    I love to learn and I love sewing. What a joy it would be to win these tools.

  92. zzz123 | | #92

    I love Louise Cutting and her techniques. I am getting back into garment sewing and these DVDs would be so helpful to me!

  93. user-1115344 | | #93

    I would love to create a garment that I could be proud of all the details. This dvd collection would be a dream come true.

  94. judystitcher | | #94

    I'm trying to get up to speed after no making garments for years...this would be the perfect boost.

  95. user-1049498 | | #95

    This collection would be awesome to have. I have viewed Louise Cuttings videos on the Threads site and I am blown away by how much you learn from her. These dvd's would help me get the urge to try to better my sewing skills. Since my family members don't have an interest in sewing, Louise would be great teacher! I hope you will consider me.

  96. user-1151635 | | #96

    It has been some time since I sewed garments. I need clear, easy to follow solutions to fitting garments. I like what I have seen of Louise Cutting's instructions. Wonderfully easy to follow! I especially am interested in alterations since my body is no longer the same as it was 30 years ago !?!

  97. COstyle | | #97

    I have great respect for Ms. Cutting and Threads. Together, they must be awesome!

  98. User avater
    jillmandy | | #98

    I would like to win because I am interested in pursuing a career in fashion but unfortunately cannot go to school for it. This would be a great way to learn the tricks of the trade and build my portfolio up...:)

  99. Weena | | #99

    As a self-taught sewer, I'm always looking for information on how to sew correctly and efficiently. I think these DVD's would be an excellent resource, and being able to actually see how things are done would be a huge plus!
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  100. User avater
    user-1109297 | | #100

    I would love to win these because I learn much better by watching a video than reading things out of books.

  101. lindanan | | #101

    I would winning this collection.

  102. Rdietz | | #102

    What a wonderful resource that would be great to have!

  103. Liz505 | | #103

    There are so many things to learn I don't even know where to start! A list of the skills and techniques I need, complete with when and where guidance *and* step-by-step instructions I can actually see (over and over if necessary) is the perfect solution. I would get some serious mileage out of this DVD set.

  104. dbtomczak | | #104

    Pictures in a book or magazine, no matter how detailed, don't always show me clearly enough how to do it "just so." I have learned something new from each of the excerpts of the DVDs that I have seen so far. It would be wonderful to have them to view whenever I want.

  105. fabtester | | #105

    Would love to win this DVD set to improve my skills.

  106. edeloof | | #106

    As a self-taught sewing enthusiast, this set would be invaluable to me in honing my sewing skills. Louise Cutting is one of the best teachers out there and having the DVD set would be like being able to attend her classes whenever I want. Thanks for the opportunity!

  107. niener | | #107

    I would love to own this set of Louise Cutting's DVDs! I love her approach to sewing and her ability to teach tips and tricks that work. Now that my grandchildren are growing up and I'm not sewing nearly as much for them, I would love to begin sewing for myself again.

  108. User avater
    MistressTailor | | #108

    What an amazing opportunity! I would love to win these dvd's. I'm always looking for new sewing techniques and have many books on the topic, but no dvd's.

  109. terrysews | | #109

    I watched the first in this series years ago with a friend and I still uses some of the techniques. I would LOVE to own the whole set!

  110. Terianz | | #110

    Although a long-time home sewer, I believe that there is always something new I can learn about this craft. Winning this set would certainly help me perfect my skills!

  111. idasew | | #111

    I've sewn for years, but am mostly self taught. I'd love to learn the right way to do things and perfect my techniques.

  112. SusannaT | | #112

    It would be great to advance my moderate sewing skills with the help of Louise Cutting and her exquisite insider techniques!

  113. Rockinbobbin | | #113

    I have been sewing most of my 50+ years and would like to learn from the professionals how it's done!

  114. sjsinky | | #114

    I am the leader of an American Sewing Guild fitting group and have really enjoyed sharing all the wonderful tips and tricks that Louise Cutting shares with us all. This series would be very valuable to help our group to increase their skills level. To win this series of DVD's would be wonderful!

  115. marydinkel | | #115

    I could certainly use these dvd's. I'm always looking for ideas, tips, and tools to improve my sewing


  116. user-1120353 | | #116

    I would love to win these! I'm working on developing my sewing skills and these DVDs would be a great learning tool!

  117. user-848881 | | #117

    How exciting to have the opportunity to learn from such an expert as Louise Cutting, and to have not only her written explanations, but the visual demonstration of these expert sewing techniques! I would love to have to opportunity to improve my skills!

  118. sewfan47 | | #118

    What a great learning tool this would be for me. Would love to win this DVD set.

  119. sewdoc | | #119

    I am always eager to learn better fitting and construction techniques, especially as I have several fitting challenges. The articles I have seen from Louise Cutting are always clear and helpful,and having this set of information so readily available would make my sewing much more rewarding.

  120. user-1109823 | | #120

    Knowledge is power and the Insider Techniques DVDs provide a wealth of knowledge. They are simply the best. One can never know too much.

  121. Coelle | | #121

    It helps immensely to have visual accompaniment to oral instruction. It's the next best thing to personal tutoring! I'm always looking to improve my sewing game,& love to share my knowledge with my many friends who also sew.

  122. user-1109481 | | #122

    I would be over joyed to win Louise's DVD's because I have learnt alot of great ideas from her at different seminars and shows that she has been on. Louise explains things so well even this old brain can grasp it.
    Here's hoping.

  123. Camielle | | #123

    Louise Cutting is the best teacher I've seen in a long time. She explains each and every detail, showing you step by step how to do what she is talking about. Simply the best of the best! Camielle

  124. User avater
    redlady62 | | #124

    I always like to have current information available for sewi g queries

  125. sewinggeek | | #125

    I love Louise Cutting's videos. I have watched quite a few of them through the Insider, but having the videos would be fantastic. If I don't win them, someday I will buy them, but I just can't do that right now.

    Also, Louise's patterns and especially their instructions are very good.

  126. user-616742 | | #126

    Being a Threads Insider member enhances my sewing repertoire, but to receive this DVD set would take it to another level. Thank you for coming up with the idea of this DVD give-away!

  127. User avater
    PoorPurl | | #127

    Who wouldn't want these dvd's by Louise Cutting? They surely have a wealth of information, and she's an expert and an excellent teacher.

  128. auntbea46 | | #128

    My sewing room is getting set up after a couple year remodeling experience. I've sewn for over 50 years and the knowledge is still there ... getting my hands to follow the head will take a bit of doing. Have most of Louise's patterns and can't wait to get started. Reading directions is one thing, but SEEING the directions brings the technique alive. I've sewn for my kids, my grandkids and church. This time the sewing focus will be on me and my husband. There are new fabrics out there, new products like the interfacings & adhesives. There are new techniques designed for these new fabrics - I need to learn them all again. I'd love a set of Louise's videos to help me do that. Pops doesn't know it yet, but there's also a new sewing machine in my near future too!!!

  129. sewsam | | #129

    Although I consider myself an advanced sewer, reading or watching anything to do with sewing will always improve improve my skills. Since these DVDs are by Louise Cutting, well, that just doubles the fun.

  130. violet_from_miami | | #130

    From what I have seen of the videos on theads insider, they are fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway.

  131. Ingiepops | | #131

    I would love to win this set as I am a visual learner. These DVDs would certainly improve and enhance my set of sewing skills!

  132. User avater
    wicked_stitcher | | #132

    i teach neighborhood pre-teens who bring their machines to my front porch. being able to reinforce what i'm helping them learn w/something slick & visual would be entirely helpful!

  133. sewingstamper | | #133

    It is a great set of DVD's to have. Would love them!!

  134. BeckyHS | | #134

    My friends are certified Louise Cutting instructors. Am just becoming acquainted with her patterns. Looking forward to learning more.

  135. msfroggy | | #135

    Although I've sewn for years, I am now learning real fitting techniques and how to make the clothing I stitch look really professional. I'd love to hae this set to refer to and get a good grasp on the proper ways to do things. Thanks for making it available.

  136. Spiritpeh | | #136

    This is the perfect set of DVDs for teaching new and more experienced sewers.

    This would really help me in my sewing classes. My classes are free, and my students are younger than most, and fairly inexperienced

    These DVDs will get them well on their way with good habits, and tricks to make their creations better.

    Hope I win!

  137. Sewcrazy1520 | | #137

    Having visual instruction (especially at midnight) is so helpful when you are working on that special sewing project! It's especially helpful when you are getting instruction from "the best." These DVD's would be an asset to any sewing library!!

  138. User avater
    slmendes | | #138

    I always seek to improve my sewing techniques, and what a welcome addition this set would be to my sewing library of books and DVD's.

  139. Rhona_Feeney | | #139

    Always great to see different ways of doing things, I like Louise's style,and would love to have my own copy of these DVD's

  140. rhoni478 | | #140

    I am a US citizen living in Hong Kong. Good sewing teachers that speak English are as rare as hen's teeth! It would be so much easier if I had her DVD series in my library!

  141. User avater
    krawz | | #141

    I would love to be able to take a course from Louise Cutting! I'm something like an advanced beginner I think - I'm always trying to improve my sewing skills. I don't really travel anymore so the DVD set would be the only way for me to learn take a course with Louise Cutting. That would be amazing!

  142. User avater
    JoaniesJosh | | #142

    What a great series to have in my home. I wish I could win this. I'll be teaching my granddaughters to sew, and this would make it a breeze!

  143. khd | | #143

    I would love to be able to improve my skills by learning from one of the best!

  144. JoleenKnits | | #144

    Learning these techniques would take my sewing to a more sophisticated level!

  145. HilaryDT | | #145

    I have always loved sewing, but always aim to achieve more professional results. I feel that the Louise Cutting DVD could help me to reach the standard that I aspire to.The design and couture tips will lift the quality of my work.

  146. yuut | | #146

    Thanks for another great giveaway!

  147. mabowles | | #147

    I always enjoy each of Louise Cutting's lessons. I enjoy trying her techniques, as they always work!! mabowles

  148. LynnWA | | #148

    Louise Cutting's style of teaching is wonderful - she goes in depth, but is not overwhelming. I would love to have this series!

  149. januarypaula | | #149

    This would certainly appeal to the perfectionist in me!! And Louise Cutting is quite simply "the best." To actually SEE how to do the different techniques would be so very very helpful and so much better than trying to learn from a book. All good reasons for desiring to have this set of DVDs.

  150. User avater
    bit88 | | #150

    I'm a long time sewist but feel i'm stuck and could use the DVD set to improve my skills

  151. Fyrebird | | #151

    I would love to have this reference set! As a tall, multi-sized (tops are 2-3 sizes smaller than bottoms) home sewer, I do my best to make custom-fit clothing or tailor ready-made, but what I know is only simple things. Learning new techniques can only make my efforts better! Videos explain so much more than books with pictures can, and this set has so many things I have been wanting to learn.

  152. user-680803 | | #152

    I have returned to garment sewing after a several year hiatus. My daughters are now grown women with fitting issues that I didn't have to address when they were little girls and I was making their dresses. "Threads" magazine has been a great help so far, as well as the "Threads Fitting DVD Series" and some other resources I've gotten from you, or at your recommendation. I think this "Industry Insider Techniques with Louise Cutting DVD series" will be the next step to help me fashion lovely clothes for my lovely daughters in their professional lives. Thank you! Teresa Ward jrward3 (at) citynet.net

  153. User avater
    BLoves2Sew | | #153

    I saw some of the videos on the Insider web page and loved them!! I liked the way Louise Cutting explained everything - not over my head or below my level, just right!! Would love to have these DVD's :)

  154. bettyv | | #154

    I am a Charter subscriber to Threads Magazine and would love to have this series. I have 6 granddaughters and am doing more sewing that ever. I also belong to a sewing group at my church and sew clothes for underprivileged children. This would be a wonderful reference for me to use.

  155. User avater
    lindaddy | | #155

    I meet each Monday with my fiber art friends. We have decided procreate wearable art. The vast amont of information in these DVDs would be more help for us and encourage the other seven members to make the investment for themselves.


  156. User avater
    lindaddy | | #156

    Oops! That's create wearable art, not procreate.No funny stuff for us.


  157. CheriDowd | | #157

    I appreciate Louise's ability to make things that are complicated seem so easy. Her directions are always precise. Having these videos would give me access to so many of her clever ideas and I could share them with the beginning sewests in my American Sewing Guild.

  158. User avater
    JKsews | | #158

    The series sounds great. I always like to learn something new.

  159. lodian | | #159

    I would love these DVD's. I am always amazed when I watch Louise demonstrate her skills on TV. She is great!

  160. Donna_R | | #160

    I would want to win this just for the insider info alone. Then to top it off it's with Louise Cutting. Can't get much better.

  161. SEGnesa | | #161

    I want to WIN; I am a grandma raising a granddaughter and I would love to have this aid to my sewing better and to her beginning sewing when she is seven or so (she is 4 now). Thanks for offering this.

  162. CherylTebo | | #162

    I have seen Louise Cutting at Nancy's Notions Sewing Weekend this year and I would love to have her DVD's to aid me in my garment sewing. She is a delightful lady and has wonderful techniques for making garments look professional. The DVD's would be a great addition to my sewing library.
    Thanks for allowing me to be in the drawing.

  163. AudieSue | | #163

    I absolute love the clear manner in which Louise Cutting teaches. I especially love having the instruction on DVDs where you can play it over and over until you fully understand. Many years ago I taught myself to sew; when my children were close to graduation, I went to work for 15 years. Now my sewing skills are in constant need of learning how to do things all over again. Thanks for being such an excellent teacher Louise.

  164. user-1126415 | | #164

    I have been sewing for sometime and I found Louise's techniques really easy to do and what a difference it makes when sewing. Would love to win the DVD's
    Thanks for having them for us to see.

  165. sco38 | | #165

    I learn much better from watching how a technique is accomplished. These videos would be helpful for me. Thank you.

  166. doreenlinehan | | #166

    I would love to win this set. I really need guidance with sewing garments.

  167. doglove | | #167

    I have been sewing clothes since my teens, but my skills could use this set of DVDs to become more efficient and professional-looking. I love THREADS!

  168. user-1132635 | | #168

    I love to sew and learn anything new about sewing and fitting. In fact a friend and I help others with their patterns. I like that Louise Cutting makes it so easy to understand.

  169. User avater
    SpookCat | | #169

    I have been sewing for many years but have only learned what the patterns teach, these videos look like they would enable me to take my sewing skills up a notch or two.

  170. claireamanda | | #170

    I think these DVD's would be helpful to most anyone who can sew. I have seen Lois Cutting at a sewing event and she is really a great teacher. Also, most sewers are visual learners and a learning video is perfect!

  171. User avater
    user-1118704 | | #171

    I would do nearly anything to win this! Gah! I LOVE Louise Cutting and I love this Industry Insider series. Louise has a fabulous way of making what seems like such a hard technique, easy! Pick me! Pick me!

  172. SEWNYA | | #172

    I admire Louise Cuttings techniques so much. They always make so much sense, but are easy to understand.

  173. 7172005 | | #173

    I think this set of DVDs would be a very useful learning tool.

  174. e_v | | #174

    This would be a Wonderful way sharpen my sewing skills!

  175. irenaeus | | #175

    Really like Louise's work! Have used her tips on fit before and they were successful and very helpful to a returning sew-er needing confidence and practical assistance and advice.

  176. nitsel | | #176

    I would learn so much from these DVDs-it would really improve my sewing skills!

  177. user-285272 | | #177

    I would so Love to have a video library that wold help smooth my skills. I have sewn since I was 10, but it was a matter of hit and miss and what my mother knew or didn't know how to show me.

    Having someone like Louise Cutting so generously Show me how to smoothly and patiently work through all the steps to a gorgeous result would be an amazing experience and a real gift.

    Thanks for the opportunity:)

    Casey F.

  178. sclonz | | #178

    I have learned so much watching Louise Cutting's series - through my subscription to Threads insider. Please keep it up! Would love to have the DVD set!

  179. EmSewCrazy | | #179

    I have been sewing for myself for several years. I am now starting to sew more for others and want to take the time to make professional looking stuff for us all!

  180. User avater
    Tootle | | #180

    I could use this sew much and view it sew many times!

  181. Lhen | | #181

    I would love to win these videos. I find Louise Cutting's methods and instructions supremely clear and inspiring.

  182. LAKBerry | | #182

    I would study the videos and keep building my skills. I wish I could know 10% of Louise knows and my sewing would be so much better!

  183. user-1112133 | | #183

    Awesome! I would love to know how to do it like the fashion schools! I am one of those that if I see how it is done with pictures I can grasp it faster. This could really teach me some neat techniques!

  184. User avater
    Stitcher75 | | #184

    I could definitely benefit from these!

  185. User avater
    barbconn | | #185

    I would love to have this set. I have been watching the previews of each Part as they have come out and there is always at least one of Louise's tips and techniques that provides me with an "aha" moment. So that is how it is done! I've been saving my pennies to purchase the set...but to win it for free would be nirvana!

  186. User avater
    sbtbstyle | | #186

    What a terrific resource! Thanks for the opportunity to learn even more from Louise.

  187. User avater
    plumcreek | | #187

    I just love Louise Cutting. She is the diva of sewing techniques. Having her expert advice at hand would make anyone's sewing projects that much easier to complete!

  188. Mengar | | #188

    I am tall, with quite different proportions (bust line placement etc) so help on these aspects, as well as the troubleshooting and detail advice, and all the rest would be priceless!

  189. user-667961 | | #189

    I would love to win this set of DVDs to help me improve my sewing skills.

  190. Maritza | | #190

    I would love to have this set!

  191. catisnapping | | #191

    I'd love to improve my sewing skills with these.

  192. bethw82 | | #192

    It would be great to improve my sewing skills and learn new techniques.

  193. User avater
    LF_Studio | | #193

    This would be a great reference set for the studio.

  194. User avater
    barbiemac | | #194

    I think these videos are an excellent way to learn new techniques and I would love to have a complete set.

  195. SuzOH | | #195

    I could really use these DVDs. I'm learning, but I have a long way to go.

  196. tootsie2008 | | #196

    What a treat it would be to take a class from this great teacher! It would keep my brain working. Thanks for giving me a chance.

  197. user-1109679 | | #197

    Louise is a great teacher and my go-to for fool proof advice. Would make a great addition to my studio.

  198. User avater
    Scheri | | #198

    Louise Cutting has the most incredible insight into techniques used in RTW and Couture garments. As a self-taught sewist I need as much instruction as I can get.

    Edmonton, AB CANADA

  199. woodywoodpecker598 | | #199

    Louise is easy to learn from, her instructions make sense, and down to earth. She totally amazes me and I have been around for a few years. In the process now of trying to teach someone else to sew. These books would be great.
    Thanks for giving us all the chance to learn from her.

  200. woodywoodpecker598 | | #200

    Thank You to Threads and Louise for giving us all a chance to learn new skills and ways to make our projects better. She totally amazes me. I'm in the process of trying to teach someone else to sew and winning this contest would be a great help.
    Thank You

  201. bnlattea | | #201

    I'd love to be able to make clothes for myself that fit and I think these might help me.

  202. user-1130346 | | #202

    I love Louise's work--design and instruction both. Fingers crossed--

  203. Mary5176 | | #203

    Thanks for all the sewing and fitting techniques that you make available for us. When I am stumped on a particulat technique I know I can always find an answer here!

  204. webolton | | #204

    Please enter me in the giveaway for the DVD's. Thanks so much!

  205. designred | | #205

    I would love the convenience of watching an expert explaining her techniques while I am sitting at home.

  206. user-1144193 | | #206

    I would love to have the DVD collection from Louise Cutting. I have watched a few of her videos and they are fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  207. lovetostitch | | #207

    I would love to have this DVD set because it would help me fit my tricky figure and to refine my techniques.

  208. Lexi9 | | #208

    Every time I have seen Louise CuttingI have learned so much. Having this bundle DVD set would really improve my skills.

  209. simiquilt | | #209

    I would love to have the DVD set. IFrom what I have read about Ms. Cutting, I know that I would learn some great techniques that would help me get back to garment sewing.

  210. dianajanssen | | #210

    I've always enjoyed learning from Louise Cutting and love any opportunity to learn as much as possible to make my garment sewing better.

  211. user-1151494 | | #211

    Would love to be a Cut above the best with my finishing techniques ,thats what gives the quality finish to a handmade garment x would love to learn these techniques through these dvds

  212. aindava | | #212

    I want to win this DVD bundle!

  213. Debbie | | #213

    Downunder in New Zealand we are a long way from any of Louise's classes. While I would just LOVE to go to one of her classes, that just isn't on the cards, so a DVD bundle would be just fantastic to help me improve my skills. Of course if Louise was to come to New Zealand that would be even better. So how about it Louise...

  214. IndustriousIris | | #214

    It's not clear really what I ought to do to win this fabulous set of dvd's, but I guess I have to post a comment here and share it with as many as possible social accounts? So that's what I will do, because it seems so great to me, to learn better techniques in sewing and living so far away doesn't give me the opportunity to follow classes in real life!

    Iris, from the Netherlands

  215. dagmarthor | | #215

    Living in Europe the courses available for making garments are few and far between. I would love to have these DVDs so I can improve my sewing skills and move into more advanced techniques and also be a bettr help to my daughters who also sew but has less time to learn due to work. Thank you very much Threads for giving your readers this chance to win a great learning tool

  216. designsbj | | #216

    oh! I would love to acquire such a DVD set as I have viewed them and am really interested to enhance my knowledge. Cheers!

  217. kslaughter | | #217

    Wow--what a generous giveaway! I'm sure these lessons would bring my sewing up a notch or 10! Thanks so much~

  218. Kylli | | #218

    Like others have sead before, there is no sewing classes available here where I live. I´m grown out of my sewing books and would like to go futher with my skills. Hopefully these DVDs could help me.

  219. HEN2 | | #219

    As an Insider I am addicted to watching and learning from these videos. If I won the entire set (dare to dream) I would be able to share them with the wonderful women in my sewing group. Awesome!

  220. carlina | | #220

    I'm a visual learner, so I think it would be much easier to learn from videos than books. Thank you!

  221. Carol H | | #221

    I would love to win this set. These DVDs are great!

  222. Carol H | | #222

    Louise is a great teacher!

  223. user-1065639 | | #223

    everyone who sews wants to get better eventually. I'm a self-learning sewer and the dvds would help me refine my skills and learn new things!

  224. User avater
    scrandall | | #224

    Would love to have this set!

  225. User avater
    scrandall | | #225

    Would love to have this set!

  226. user-247475 | | #226

    As a self-taught sewer who learned so much from the Threads Learn to Sew DVD set One and Two, winning this insider techniques DVD set by Louise Cutting would be a dream come true. Louise has such a clear way of communicating when she teaches and can break down techniques that are very difficult into a simple, clear way that's easy to learn. Whoever wins this set is on there way to learning some very exciting insider techniques which will bring their sewing to a whole new level - fingers and toes are crossed that it's me :-)

  227. asewrru | | #227

    What do all these responses tell you about these willing to learn people? They are hungry for learning and creating something to be proud of. The sources are the great teachers willing to put together videos for us to learn. Thank you Threads Magazine for keeping our juices flowing. Of course add my name to the list. Who wouldn't want videos from Louise Cutting!!

  228. JeanneNS | | #228

    I haven't sewn for a long time and this past year have gotton back into it. It has been great but I'm a little rusty and I'm sure these DVD's would give me a lot of great ideas of how to improve my techniques. Thanks for the chance to win this great set of DVD's.

  229. User avater
    ctdamsel | | #229

    Adding these to my sewing information would be fantastic.

  230. smyoker | | #230

    I great collection that would be great to have!

  231. User avater
    LLaMona | | #231

    I lived in Florida for several years and had the privilege of being able to travel to Louise's fabric store; I then relocated out of state for my work. I also had the opportunity to have her advise me on fit and adjusting patterns for a petite. I also attended one of her presentations during a Sewing Expo in Florida. It would be great to have her tips and techniques at my fingertips and having this DVD collection would certainly be a way to do that.

  232. kimmy61 | | #232

    I have taken classes at expos with Louise. I would love to have this set for myself.

  233. pattyv | | #233

    I read every article by Louise and would love to attend a seminar with her. In the meantime, her dvd's would be wonderful to have.

  234. Changmom | | #234

    I am always looking for ways to improve my sewing, but scheduling and finances make it difficult to take classes. These dvds would be so helpful.

  235. user-1109173 | | #235

    What a DREAM PRIZE! I literally need these videos. Here's why. I have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). One of the symptoms of CFS is something called "Brain Fog". My brain doesn't work the way it used to. Sewing has been a passion of mine for a long time. Right now I sew simple things because I can't sort out all the steps of more difficult projects. I want to sew a collar onto a blouse and get beautiful results. I want to do a lapel on a jacket and tailor the jacket to fit. I want to learn how to work with bust darts because I can't purchase a T shirt that fits. Owning Louise's videos would allow me to watch over and over until I was able to do it myself. Louise is a star seamstress. Her instruction is so complete. She makes it look easy. It would be so wonderful for me to sew something and have someone ask me where I purchased it and be able to answer "I made it".

  236. BeckyPiette | | #236

    It is always fun to learn something new and to improve my skills.

  237. Iliana | | #237

    I have been looking to get back into sewing and this looks like the kind of set that would get me back into it plus advance my sewing knowledge. Thanks for being here for everyone who sews.

  238. CharHane | | #238

    I have taken classes with Louise at my local sewing expo and love her straight forward approach. I am a self taught sewer and welcome all the tips and information I can get. These DVD's would valuable tools.

  239. user-1115501 | | #239

    I am starting a business in the sewing industry that has been in my mind for 30+ years. Yikes! I need great reference materials and the DVD's would be an incredible help. Thanks..

  240. NinaLBoston | | #240

    Louise has such a wonderful straight-forward teaching style! Owning this DVD set would certainly help me get back into a higher level of sewing -- keeping fingers crossed!

  241. vic2025 | | #241

    I would LOVE to win these DVDs. Louise Cutting is brilliant. I would love to learn all her techniques to just get better and better. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  242. marybethb | | #242

    I want to sew like a pro!

  243. KBTsewer | | #243

    I confess that I'd never heard of Louise Cutting, (I live in Scotland), until, many years ago, I took out a Threads subscription and, more recently, became a Threads Insider (and what good value that's turning out to be).
    I've been sewing for many years and consider myself to be very skillful.However, as they say, you're never too old to learn something new and I've been learning lots of new skills by watching Louise's DVD's on Threads Insider.
    Some lucky person is going to win the whole set and I'm just hoping that someone is me. After all you have to be 'in it to win it!'

  244. KimDZ | | #244

    As I find myself job-hunting due to the impending closing of the company I work for, I've decided to brush up my skills learned at my mother's knee many years ago. These DVDs would be a blessing. You never know how/when these skills will come in handy.

  245. User avater
    QuiltsShootsAndLeave | | #245

    I love Louise Cutting's Threads articles but have never had the chance to take a class from her. These DVD's would help plug that gap in my life!

  246. SUZAG | | #246

    Wow, this looks like such a useful collection of DVD's. It sure would help me out with my sewing!

  247. user-2004928 | | #247

    I've heard such great reviews of these DVDs! I would love the opportunity to learn from Louise.

  248. kmessee | | #248

    I would love to have this DVD set. I have the basics down. Now I really want to learn the techniques to move from home made to hand made.

  249. saschapup | | #249

    I have sewn for years, but want to sew garments, and would love this DVD set! I could learn so much!

  250. sewcool | | #250

    Louise Cutting is such a wonderful teacher, I would love to have these DVDs as a learning resource.

  251. User avater
    Calama | | #251

    This DVD set would immensely help with my sewing skills. I have sewing for my children for a while, but have recently ventured into sewing for myself. This is more challenging and I need to up my skills for sure.

  252. msewwhat | | #252

    I can appreciate the quality that must have gone into the making of these instruction DVD's as I have followed Louise Cutting on shows such as "Sewing With Nancy," "America Sews with Sue Hausmann" and "Martha's Sewing Room."

    Even if I don't win this contest I plan on ordering some DVD's because it gives me the freedom to watch specific techniques again and again until I "get it." Also, I totally appreciate Louise Cutting's way of explaining sewing techniques with concise and clear instructions. I like the way she shares techniques she has learned through trial and error. She has been sewing for a long time and has a lot of experience to share.

    She is also a very cool person.

  253. Carly_Sue | | #253

    I recently became "An Insider". It is by far more than worth the price of admission! I am a seasoned seamstress and find that there is always much to learn at any stage of life. There are so many entries for these Louise Cutting DVD'S and only one lucky person will win them. I sure hope it is me!

  254. User avater
    marec | | #254

    What a generous giveaway! I love the idea of being able to learn new techniques, and to review old ones. I live in a rural area and do not have access to quality garment instruction except online. These DVDs would be so welcome in my sewing room.

  255. chenille3 | | #255

    I am teaching myself to sew garments and this would be a wonderful addition to my library. Thanks for the opportunity!

  256. savannagal | | #256

    These DVDs look terrific and would be such a great help. I have so much to learn. I haven't really been doing much sewing because I don't know enough to start projects, or complete them for that matter. It's hard to learn on one's own without any guideance. I would love to win. Thanks for thet giveaway.

  257. fergus4 | | #257

    I am a self-taught garment sewer and have been at it for many years. Getting Industry Insider Techniques would be amazing! Louise Cutting teaches brilliantly. Thank you for this opportunity. I have my fingers crossed!

  258. daglag | | #258

    My mother taught me to sew when I was very young, but she didn't teach me how to alter patterns or couture finishing techniques. I stopped sewing while going to grad school, and now have time to start again. Since I'm not a perfect pattern size I need help altering patterns to fit. And I'd like to make tailored clothes for work. The DVD set would be extremely helpful in enhancing my skills. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  259. daglag | | #259

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful DVD set. I could certainly use the lessons on fitting techniques, tailoring, and couture finishes.

  260. Isabelsdaughter | | #260

    These DVD's look amazing. Louise is a wonderful teacher and her knowledge and experience are conveyed beautifully. I am always trying to improve my skills and these would go a long way to accomplish that.

  261. User avater
    jamama | | #261

    I would be honored to win this giveaway! Although I have been sewing a while I would love to take my sewing skills up a bunch of notches with the help of Louise! To have a video reference would be like going back to class over and over again.

  262. howsew | | #262

    Anyone who sews would be thrilled to own this set. It's a fantastic reference to have in one's library. I know I would go back to the videos time and again to check out the information contained there. HowSew in Tucson

  263. Corrales | | #263

    Now that I'm retired I have more time to get back into the things I love, sewing!! This set would be great for brushing up on skills I need to refresh on. Thanks for the opportunity to win this DVD set.

  264. BaysicKnits | | #264

    I have Volumes I & II and would love to have the whole set!

  265. abqdancer | | #265

    Man, would I love to win this collection!!! I could get ready for the State Fair with a lot of inspiration!!!

  266. makesthings | | #266

    This would be an excellent birthday present for me!

  267. user-900277 | | #267

    Just working up flower girl dresses for my easy shop. I need this series!

  268. organdy | | #268

    I used to sew with my sister Louise - it would be great to sew w/Louise's guidance, again!

  269. User avater
    Cheriezel | | #269

    I would love to win this set of DVDs and take my sewing to the next level from "Did you make that?" to "WOW! You made that????"

  270. bkpr97 | | #270

    This set looks like something I could really use. I sewed years ago for my children and myself. There are a lot of things I need refreshing on to get back into it. I would love to have this set, to guide me and help me learn new things as well. Thanks for this opportunity to win these dvds.

  271. BethVH | | #271

    Our 4-H clothing project includes our whole county. We invite all the project members from each club to meet in one central location where we have a room full of youngsters (sometimes 20 or more) learning to sew. This collection would be a wonderful resource and teaching aid for our volunteer leaders and members.

  272. tuckersmeout | | #272

    I learned to sew at my mother's feet, on an old Singer foot-powered treadle machine, many, many years ago. She was an excellent seamstress and tailor. I have not updated my techniques since then, for the most part, and would love to have the chance to do so with this series of DVDs. There is such a difference between "home-made" and "custom-made" and these DVDs will help me bridge the difference.

  273. ldstang | | #273

    I've really enjoyed watching these on Insider and would love to have a set of my own for future reference. I've been impressed on her streamlined approaches to obtain quality and couture results. I've put to good use her clipping on curves - what a fast and great way to eliminate ridges!

  274. User avater
    talondrago | | #274

    I am like every sewer, I want to learn from the best.

  275. leahl | | #275

    Would love to own these. It would be like have Louise Cutting right in my sewing room teaching me

  276. kdmb | | #276

    My young granddaughter is now designing & creating her "originals" by hand. This would be a terrific gift to guide her as she continues to develop skills and continues to enjoy unleashing her creativity. Thanks so much.

  277. gypsysue | | #277

    Wow, I would love to learn from Louise. Not only would it be educational, but also great fun.

  278. sewmydreams | | #278

    I purchased the Threads Magazine Fitting Series last year which was tremendously helpful in developing my sewing and fitting skills. The magazine is never disappointing so I can only imagine that this Louise Cutting series is outstanding especially considering her background in fashion teaching and pattern making. Even if my name isn't chosen for this give-away I'll have to start putting away that loose change to save up and purchase this series. . .Thanks Threads for all that you do for the Sewing Community

  279. Patti M | | #279

    This would be great to win. The DVDs appear to address all sorts of issues and help for those of us who do all sorts of sewing for ourselves and others. Thanks for offering this.

  280. anitabach | | #280

    I would love to learn more sewing techniques. I hope I win!:)

  281. user-738820 | | #281

    I am the leader of an American Sewing Guild neighborhood group. We call ourselves the "Fabric Artists of Riverside."
    We are 30 members strong and like to not only lern new embellishment ideas but are interested in increasing our sewing knowledge. This video set would be a great resource for the members of our group plus whole the Riverside/San Bernardino Chapter of 190 women.

    I have been following Lousie for many years on Televison, Threads magazine, The Cutting Edge Patterns and her classes at Conventions. I like her quiet manner of teaching with authority and her sure knowledge of her subject. She is the best in the field and I love sharing her techniques with my sewing friends.
    Betty Renck
    [email protected]

  282. User avater
    curleyque | | #282

    Would love love love to win the DVDs.

  283. User avater
    teariana | | #283

    I just finished sewing a whole wedding ensemble, bodice with boning, buttons and zipper. Skirt with bustling and etc. Floofy slip and gorgeous veil.

    When I was done it looked great but I knew it could look much better if I was more experienced and had the necessary knowledge.

    I would like to continue making couture wedding dresses and I know this collection would really benefit me.

  284. fiberthyme | | #284

    I believe Louise Cutting to be one of our industries best educators. She is so on target with techniques. Would love to learn more from her in these videos.

  285. ItaB | | #285

    I would love to gift this to my daughter, who is an aspiring fashion designer.

  286. User avater
    Jools369 | | #286

    Great videos with loads of info. Would love to add to my library.

  287. User avater
    eoconnell | | #287

    would love reading to perfect my skills. I have been sewing off and on for years, and with my daughter now off to college, I have more time to focus on my passions, of which sewing is one. thanks for the chance to win the dvds!

  288. SWoerner | | #288

    I need all the help I can get since I haven't been sewing on a regular basis for years. I am dying to get back into it and learn all the new techniques. So much has changed and unfortunately I haven't kept up with it. What better way to learn than DVD's!!

  289. sherry18 | | #289

    Continually learning is one of the great gifts we can give to ouselves and friends. What better way than with Louise Cutting's excellent material.

  290. LizinCA | | #290

    I would love to win these videos because I've seen Louise on some different sewing shows over the years, and I always find her information useful and taught in a manner that is easily understood.

  291. skooze48 | | #291

    I recently started my own alteration company and I do a lot of work with thee only high school drama club. I basically sew the costumes for $5 an hour. I consider it my part in giving back to the community, plus I love to watch the plays put on. I used to work for a boutique consignment shop where ladies would purchase an item if it could be taken in here or hemmed. I soon had my machine at the shop, and during my breaks I would alter their garments. After the consignment shop sold, I started doing alterations at home. Since I became permanently disabled with RSD, a neurological disorder, I sew when I am able to. I've always been striving to learn new techniques. The money I make from my work goes right back into my business buying notions, books, and machines. I recently switched bedrooms, and now my studio is in the master bedroom, to accommodate my 8' by 4' press and cut table. Living on an island my business is finally taking off do to word of mouth and my community service. Since I have good days and bad days, the bad days I spend reading and research, and would love to add this set to my collection.

  292. User avater
    tusche | | #292

    I love Louise's approach to eliminating extra bulk and reducing seams and darts with a goal of creating a sharper silhouette. Thanks Louise

  293. Grandmagwen | | #293

    It would be so great to have these DVD's as I am 65 and disabled. I am unemployable but I can sew and I am going to try to make a living by sewing for others. I know all the basics of sewing but need help with custom fitting, alterations, and the tricks of the trade. I have a fairly new Brother Embroidery sewing machine along with the desire, excitement, and the sticktoitiveness to get it done. Either way, I will be studying and sewing until I get it right.
    Thank you so much for this offer,

  294. User avater
    user-2002362 | | #294

    These would be so special to have in my collection. They would be a wonderful way to improve my sewing skills.

  295. AuntCoCo | | #295

    Louise Cutting is the master at teaching simple ways to get amazing results. I'd love to have this collection!

  296. CAS48 | | #296

    This will be a great start to learning Fashion Design.

  297. user-1079708 | | #297

    Winning this set would be a second chance. I love to sew, but would like to know how the fashion world creates. When I was deciding what to be in high school... dinosaurs walked the earth... I wanted to be a fashion designer. Instead, I let my parents talk me out of going away to school and went to work in customer service. So now, all these years later, whenever I get a time away from work, you can find me in my sewing nook. I'd love to be able to sew great fashion, even if it is only for me to wear.

  298. heather36 | | #298

    A sewing buddy of my dreams. Always available and has all the answers

  299. whoneedlesthis | | #299

    I have always loved Louise's articles in Threads, and when I wrote to her she very graciously replied to me. I can think of no better way to learn to improve my sewing skills than by owning this set from this awesome teacher!!

  300. ruthk | | #300

    I can't think of a better way to improve sewing skills than by watching a DVD - so much clearer than even good illustrations! That's why I would LOVE to win this DVD set.

  301. RRQG | | #301

    I'd love to watch, learn and stitch along!

  302. Elizam | | #302

    I have learned over the past year how wonderful it is to have visuals when learning and improving on sewing techniques. To have this as a reference tool would be awesome!

  303. User avater
    mimi310 | | #303

    It is always good to improve your skills. These dvds would really help.

  304. kiras_mom | | #304

    Unfortunately, I have been away from sewing for quite a while and just now am starting to get back to it. I've forgotten a lot of the tips and techniques from before, and this would be a great reminder of some of those long forgotten and learning new.

  305. restlesslegs | | #305

    What a wonderful gift to win. DVDs are such a great way to learn new ideas. I'm 84 yrs old and sew for my daughter, grand daughter, great grand daughter an myself. I read Threads magazine plus some old old sewing books and would love some new ideas and ways of sewing. I learned to sew in 4H in a one room grade school. Sewed for the children when they were young.
    About 20 years ago took up sewing for my daughter, making skirts & blouses. The DVD give away Industry Insider Techniques with Louise Cutting Volumes 1-4 would be used by three of us. thank you.

  306. user-1068810 | | #306

    I'm just learning to sew garments and I feel these DVD's will really
    give me quite a good advantage. Thank you for putting them up
    for grabs.
    Nancy B.

  307. veras | | #307

    What better way to learn - other than having Louise there IN PERSON! - than to have DVDs which you can stop, rewind, review and really comprehend what's going on and improve your technique. Brilliant, and I would *love* to win the set.

  308. User avater
    tinyskids | | #308

    I home-school all 7 of my children so its not easy for me to take classes. Winning these DVD's will help me a whole lot.

  309. knise | | #309

    We all love to win something. Imagine having a set of sewing DVDs and not have to spend any of your sewing money!!

  310. kinde1 | | #310

    While I have lots of books, and have taken classes fron Louise Cutting at expos and bought patterns from her, there would be nothing better than to have this DVD set as a reference. Watching over and over is wonderful.

  311. User avater
    acatalina2 | | #311

    This lovely collection of insider techniques is just the ticket to assist this newbie sewer!

  312. betsyv | | #312

    This set of DVDs would be a great addition to my reference library! I am always looking for new ways to improve my skills.

  313. CraftyBeach1 | | #313

    I am currently trying to expand my skills, as I have really started to love sewing AGAIN! What a great help these DVD's would be to allow me to get the results this "slight" perfectionist would love to achieve!!

  314. user-918123 | | #314

    I have attended Louise's workshops at Puyallup's Sewing and Stitchery Expo several times. I have learned a lot from her techniques. I own several of her patterns and booklets and the first 2 Techniques DVD's. She is a leader in the industry.

  315. User avater
    barblm | | #315

    I would like these dvd's as I understand that Louise is an excellent teacher, and I would like to start sewing again. It has been 40 years or so....

  316. user-1152264 | | #316

    I would love to have the opportunity to see these videos. I am a stay at home mom of two, I taught myself to sew 5 years ago. my husband then was laid off and we needed money. I am a quick learner and have become qiet the little seamstress. we live in rural Alaska, which makes Getting to town with small kids in tow can often be impossible or improbable. I have been working on my fine tuning skills and this could be a great educational tool for my small town sewing business. Thanks

  317. [email protected] | | #317

    I have recently retired and hope to have the time to update my garment sewing skills. These dvds would be a great inspiration.

  318. sewson | | #318

    I love Louise, Love to learn new methods, I'm teaching young mum's to sew and love trying out new easy methods! Watching dvd's it's so much easier to explain and practise new technique"

  319. user-318323 | | #319

    Expert advice on DVD – marvellous! Being able to view techniques in a film can make understanding so much easier. I would love to win the DVD-set!

  320. sewerdownunder | | #320

    Sew love to improve my sewing, need all the best help I can get, being a visual learner I love DVD's! would love to have this collection to coach me in my hobby.

  321. sewshable1 | | #321

    As I age and sewing becomes more difficult i would very much like to have something that will make it easier instead- to encourage me to sew more often, not less!

  322. user-906560 | | #322

    I consider myself an intermediate sewer and I would like to learn advanced tailoring techniques. I sew mainly men's clothes and there is very little specifically aimed at this market ( at least that I can find) In one location, this series could provide me with the techniques I need in one convenient package.

  323. sewingqueen2 | | #323

    I love sewing just as much as I love reading and watching dvd's about sewing. I'm addicted to You Tube sewing videos and having this dvd set would be fun to have and learn from. I met Louise Cutting at a sewing expo and she is brilliant! The only thing better than having this dvd set is having Louise in my sewing room with me. thanks for the opportunity.

  324. 416 | | #324

    I would like to own a complete (so far) set of Louise Cuttings DVDs to continue sewing at my best potential. When I see a video of her teaching a new or better way to make a seam or some other technique, I play the video over and over while I use the technique. I have a 30" doll that is my model so I can perfect the technique using inexpensive fabric before actually using it on my full-size garment. Thank you, Louise for sharing your secrets.

  325. camillepdx | | #325

    These look wonderful. I am always looking for ways to make my clothing more professional.

  326. user-1046249 | | #326

    Now that I've retired I have rediscovered my love and my frustrations with garment sewing. Why does the pattern instruct you to do it that way when my purchased garments are clearly not made that way? I would love to be able to refine my techniques and this DVD would help tremendously.

  327. lv2stitch | | #327

    How wonderful this would be!! I could use the help!Louise Cutting makes everything seem so easy and her directions are so logical.

  328. user-1059822 | | #328

    I've been sewing for many, many years and have collected an assortment of sewing books and articles. A Louise Cutting DVD set would be a great start of a DVD library. One is never too old to learn new techniques!

  329. User avater
    lauriepie | | #329

    Would love to own these. I've been stymied on how to apply some of the techniques I've seen on ready-to wear. Always nice to get sage advice from an expert. Saves me time and frustration, not to mention my beautiful (and often expensive) fabrics. Thanks for offering these and good luck to all the entrants!

  330. Mizmash | | #330

    Would absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this incredible set! What a resource to have for my very own. Thanks for the chance.

  331. sewgramms | | #331

    I love sewing and I love learning about sewing almost as much
    so the DVD wouls be wonderful.

  332. user-1145743 | | #332

    What a bundle! I could probably use this more than most current sewists because I am returning to sewing after a long absence and have forgotten how to do many of the techniques I had faced without fear. Now not feeling so much confidence and would really like to learn again -- but do it *much better* this time. Perhaps I've grown more discerning now and couldn't be proud of anything I did not handle with authority.
    This bundle will give me that authority - and confidence!
    Thank you for offering this -- and the best to all of us!

  333. user-1145743 | | #333

    What a bundle! I could probably use this more than most current sewists because I am returning to sewing after a long absence and have forgotten how to do many of the techniques I had faced without fear. Now not feeling so much confidence and would really like to learn again -- but do it *much better* this time. Perhaps I've grown more discerning now and couldn't be proud of anything I did not handle with authority.
    This bundle will give me that authority - and confidence!
    Thank you for offering this -- and the best to all of us!

  334. User avater
    dmlackey | | #334

    I recent got back in to garment sewing and have thoroughly enjoyed the access that Threads Insider has provided to research and learn techniques that make a better fitting garment. I have viewed the beginning of the Industry Insider videos and have been amazed at the techniques and ideas Louis shares.... It has made sewing a garment a pleasure once again AND the garments FIT after I review the techniques and apply them. Having these DVDs in my library would be a bonus to say the least! Thanks for the opportunity!

  335. User avater
    azbarbara | | #335

    I've been to a couple workshops with Louise in the Phoenix area and use the techniques that I learned at her classes almost daily. I need more - please :) Thanks Louise!

  336. GSJGarments | | #336

    I am getting back to teaching others about sewing, especially my more mature friends and this DVD set would be a fabulous addition to my sewing "tools".

  337. kehrhahn | | #337

    I just attended a Louise Cutting Class and found her to be knowledgeable and articulate proponent of well reasoned sewing techniques. I would enjoy being able to learn more from her via these DVDs.

  338. judithsj | | #338

    I admire Louise Cutting. She spoke to the Grand Rapids Chapter of the American Sewing Guild twice. I would like to review her techniques, so that I may incorporate them into my sewing projects. View on a CD is more effective than reading the material in a book. I would also use it as a teaching and review method for member of the sewing guild.

    Judith Joseph

  339. Sharenda | | #339

    Like several others who have posted here, I am rediscovering the joy of sewing (after about 20 years) and could really use a comprehensive guide. Currently my sewing library consists of the Burda Sewing Handbook, a Threads magazine subscription, Threads online, and a few select sewing magazines that I find from time to time at Barnes & Nobel. Unfortunately, I seem to be getting these magazines in the middle of various 5- to 8-part series articles on some of the basics with which I need help. This DVD series would certainly fill in the gaps.

  340. user-1125757 | | #340

    I want to win this CD package because I know that you can teach an old dog new tricks. With the exception of 1 dress for my son's wedding, I was away from garment sewing for about 25 years. I am so (sew?) enjoying learning and implementing new techniques and love getting tips from the pros!

  341. lakewoodlady | | #341

    I have been sewing for the better part of 65 years and am always open to learn something new. What better way than to utilize the information from THREADS magazine or from selected DVDs like your current Giveaway "Industry Insider Techniques with Louise Cutting". I appreciate this opportunity.

  342. miamihoneybee | | #342

    Wow, a lot of entries! This beginner could definitely benefit from this collection :)

  343. Vaorchid | | #343

    This collection of DVD's would certainly be a great addition to anyone's sewing repetoire. I know I am always looking for new/better techniques, and I'm sure there are many in Louise's series that I would benefit from.

  344. User avater
    kbms | | #344

    I am always looking for ways to upgrade my skills and having taken one of Lyiuse Cutting's courses a few years ago, I know what a great teacher she is.

  345. phoebe1beloved | | #345

    I am mostly self taught, though I did used to hang over my mother's shoulder when she sewed. I mostly quilt now as my clothes sewing skills need some help. This would be a great way to learn

  346. Ladybug809 | | #346

    Like many others, I am primarily self-taught. Tips and Techniques from professionals would be a great way to expand my skills.

  347. tomsmama2 | | #347

    Like everyone else, I would love to receive these. There is always something to be learned.

  348. nevr2late | | #348

    How could a person Not want this offer? I do, I do!

  349. User avater
    njean | | #349

    As a sewer who has been away from it for awhile, these books would be a huge help in getting my skills back. (have you ever noticed how some people's names fit their profession, such as Louise CUTTING?)

  350. Celyesp | | #350

    I would absolutely love to win these DVDs! After many years of trying to figure out the perfect fit with store bought patterns, I am teaching myself to draft my own patters. This collection would be an awesome tool!

  351. user-2009036 | | #351

    I want to make my own clothes in order get what I like. The
    problem is I am a novice at sewing so I need lots of help.
    I love Louise Cutting and having her DVD's would give me courage to use all the patterns and fabric I have bought.

  352. sewcheck | | #352

    Who wouldn't love to have Louise Cutting at their beck and call to aid in the creation of one's own fitted garment!

  353. user-1117685 | | #353

    Louise is such a great teacher,would be a great addition to my sewing library. A vert generous offer. Joyce

  354. fionac | | #354

    I LOVE the way Louise Cutting teaches. Her methods are straight forward, they are easy to understand (especially with the video)and she takes all the angst out of trying new procedures. Since watching her session on uneven mitred corners I ALWAYS use them on my shirts and jackets. As a result my corners are much cleaner and the garments look very professional (to my unbiased eye at least!!!).

    I can't wait to try the resizing technique for tops which I recently watched "inside". I would love to own all 4 DVD's so I can incorporate even more of Louise's wisdom into my sewing.

    Thank you Louise!

  355. lucky_cat28 | | #355

    I eagerly anticipate learning Louise's secrets!!

  356. user-2007023 | | #356

    What a great give-a-way! I really enjoy the Louise Cutting videos that I've seen on this site and would love to have all of them in my personal sewing library!

  357. user-950638 | | #357

    When my mother was alive, she would help me with my sewing and was always able to get me out of a jam. Since she has been gone I haven't sewn much, but recently decided that I wanted to get back to it. I'm a little rusty and love looking at Threads videos to get inspiration and help when I get stuck, it's not like I can ask mom. Louise does a great job explaining techniques and a collection like this would help so much with my confidence and provide concrete examples of how to do things. Would love to win this, and keep growing

  358. Karakins | | #358

    I'm a visual learner and love watching sewing videos. It's my favorite way to learn new techniques and review others.

  359. lesleej | | #359

    So much to learn! And such a great teacher! This would be a wonderful addition to the sewing room. I am itching to create, just thinking about it!

  360. Taenocat | | #360

    Oh, I would so love to win these! There aren't any sewing classes being offered for miles and miles from where I live. And I find it so much easier to follow from watching someone do something.

  361. e_dingle | | #361


  362. Lovi | | #362

    I would love to have this in my library collection, not only for myself to use, but to share with my sewing buddies,

  363. sailcocktail | | #363

    Would love to expand my knowledge with this series!

  364. Soosewiets | | #364

    It'such a great series of DVD's which I would love to own and watch over and over again. Love from the Netherlands

  365. MackeyBoy | | #365

    Who wouldn't want to have Louise Cutting on hand for personal advice. Her classes are terrific, and with these I could "ask her to please repeat that" without slowing either her or the class down. Those classes are limited in time available, as you know, and it's impossible to get it all the first time.

  366. JBarry | | #366

    I saw Vol 1 & 2 at a friend's and was impressed with the tips that Louise provided. Have put these DVD's on my gift list but would love to have the opportunity to win them in the drawing.

  367. blmur47474 | | #367

    I started a Teen NeedleArts Guild and Summer Sewing Camp several years ago in the small Virginia town where I live. Some of my girls have now graduated and gone on to college, but they all still sew and design. I share my tips and tricks with all the young people who join us -- many from the pages of Threads and this newsletter. Having Louise Cutting and her amazing insider tips in our guild library would be a wonderful resource for my teen sewing-istas (and me,too, of course). We all love Threads and the Threads Newsletter. Keep 'em coming!

  368. leezee | | #368

    i want to win the series because it's way cool.

  369. user-1134693 | | #369

    I'm new to sewing. I would love to own these DVDs to expand my knowledge.

  370. Antjie | | #370

    DVDs is the best way to learn and Louise Cutting makes it easy to learn the tricks of the trade.Would love to have these DVDs at my disposal to watch over and over

  371. sewalliwant | | #371

    I would love to receive this DVD set - It would be like having a private lesson with Louise Cutting! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

  372. joannab | | #372

    I would love to win the 4 volume DVD set because I'm always eager to learn more about sewing!

  373. joannab | | #373

    I would love to win the 4 volume DVD set because I'm always eager to learn more about sewing!

  374. arledesign | | #374

    What a wonderful series of videos....I have been sewing for decades and learning the insider information will renew my sewing methods ....how wonderful this would be!

  375. user-1023732 | | #375

    Wow! What a fabulous giveaway, I would love to win this because being largely self taught I find my teacher is often sorely lacking.

  376. User avater
    sewsilly4ads | | #376

    I have sewn since I was 12. But enjoying improving my skills through online courses, DVDs, reading. Finally finding my passion. This set of DVDs would add to my expanding education.

  377. User avater
    HStorm | | #377

    I started sewing just 3 years ago and I could always use some Industry Insider tips!!! These look amazing! Thanks!

  378. KtsMom | | #378

    I would love to win this set of DVD's by Louise Cutting!!! I have been sewing for over 30 years now, but I am a self-taught sewist...I learned all I know from Threads, and books by Sandra Betzina, Nancy Zieman and Susan Khalje. I read everything I can get my hands on! My fifteen-year old daughter is FINALLY wanting to learn to sew...my hope is that I can teach her all that I know, with the first rule being to LOVE sewing as much as I do. Thanks Threads for such a wonderful sewing family!!! Did I say I would LOVE to win???

  379. beetrice524 | | #379

    I have been sewing for many years, but this collection would be such a valuable addition to keep my sewing skills up to date. I would love to win this selection.

  380. asdfdghjkl | | #380

    I would love these videos. I so much want to improve my sewing skills. Thanks for the opportunity!

  381. SharonPicone | | #381

    This DVD set would be a great way to improve my sewing skills even further. Thanks for the opportunity to win these DVDs. Louise Cutting knows her craft!

  382. moynahan45 | | #382

    To win ONE Dvd by Louise would be Fabulous but to win 4 Dvd's - It would be Heaven. - Louise is the Queen of the sewing world and as I live in Australia, it would be like having Louise in my sewing room.

  383. user-1134526 | | #383

    I have been sewing for the past 30 plus years, but never have had training beyond the basic classes in high school and then I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to take a class on making my own patterns from a sloper. I would love to have these DVD's for the great resourses that they are.

  384. User avater
    prettysewlulu | | #384

    i'm learing to sew and a dvd like this would help me alot :) i so excited i hope i win <3 xoxo lulu

  385. ScoutLeader | | #385

    After just completing a two day "guerilla" garment construction class for a lined jacket from hand woven fabric. I came to the conclusion that I don't know nearly enough about garment contruction as I really need, and all the local classes available require me to quit my job to attend (and somehow that seems a bit drastic, you know?), so I am thinking THIS would be the next best thing, perhaps even better as it would allow me to replay the information over and over and over again! (slow learner?)

  386. afrati | | #386

    I've been on a sewing spree this summer with simple and easy garments. I've gained some confidence and now I'm ready to tackle the next two complicated projects: a winter coat and a glamorous evening dress. I need this series to help me get the knowledge and guidance to dive into sewing these two challenging pieces for my wardrobe. ;-)

  387. misfited | | #387

    Having seen snippets of these on the sewing shows, these techniques elevate the ordinary and provide the education to make that garment beautiful. This info isn't easily accessible in one collection, so this set will be very special and will motivate me to extend my skills to obtain extrordinary, professional results. !

  388. beacreative | | #388

    I have the first two dvd's of this series. I love them, they are so helpful. Even if I don't win, I will slowly buy the rest. I would recommend them for sure. Bea

  389. belindalee | | #389

    I would watch the whole set from end to end, because with sewing, you just don't know what you don't know.

    For example, I have had a mystery foot in my sewing box for years, okay decades. I happened upon a video of someone using it - the narrow hemmer foot, so I came to Threads to get the facts on how to REALLY use it. Now it's part of my regular arsenal. I can only dream about what new tricks I might learn from Louise's DVDs!

  390. abyester | | #390

    Being able to get sewing techniques from an industry pro like Mrs. Cutting would be awesome. I am so excited about the possibility and would cherish the DVDs.

  391. shelly123 | | #391

    louise is so talented, i wish i were just two steps behind her.

  392. user-1138829 | | #392

    I am ready to start taking steps toward a career change! I have been sewing my whole life (I'm 31 and I started sewing when I was 9!) but I work a boring office job. I want to get my skills as perfect as possible and start my own sewing business! These DVDs would really help me perfect my skills and help me change my life. :)

  393. julie999 | | #393

    I would love to have the DVD set for reference as I brush up my sewing skills.

  394. AdinaC | | #394

    I would love to have the DVD set. I have been teaching myself to sew and although I have gotten pretty good at home decor, I cannot seem to make my homemade clothes fit correctly (and I am using a dress form). I don't have a family member or friend to teach me or to give me advice. There are no classes where I live for apparel (only quilting) and the one class I found which is over an hour away is for kids only (I am over 40).... too embarrassing to contemplate! I have a couple of books, but I do not always understand what I am reading. It is better for me to see what I am supposed to do. I did watch a video by a clothes designer on how to make a scarf and my scarf came out perfectly, but it doesn't make my shirts fit. I would really love the chance to receive this DVD set. I'm not ready to give up on making my own clothes. Thank you.

  395. C91604 | | #395

    After years away from sewing, I yearn to begin anew. The "Insider Techniques" videos would be perfect inspiration.
    Carol M.

  396. Ladybugger1065 | | #396

    First off , Thank You to Threads Magazine! I have never read a magazine that I learned so much from and extremely enjoyed it also!!! I am in the process of collecting every issue from day one....... I recently found out that my very active life that I was living would come to a complete end if I did not have spinal cord surgery.... So I had the surgery and ended up having to have another four months later, which did not turn out well so during my year of recovery that I spent in bed I taught myself to hand sew and made a quilt, now not able to work no longer I have started sewing! I would love to take classes but the funds are just not available. I Love garment sewing and have been teaching myself, thru Threads Magazine and lots of sewing books from the library I am doing pretty good , so these DVD's would be so very helpful and greatly Appreciated! Thank You so much for the opportunity to win and hopefully own and cherish them! Sincerely Cheryl Henderson

  397. Carreesue | | #397

    I would love to be able to expand my techniques!

  398. oldpeacock | | #398

    I am learning to sew late in life and teaching myself with the help of others through available reference material. Sadly, I could have had the best teacher, as my mother was an artist with a needle and won awards as a young woman, but I am learning after I lost her.

    I have read several of Louis Cutting's articles and find great value in her expertise. I wish she was right next door so she could 'hold my hand' and guide me as I learn. I use my seam ripper as much as my machine and have learned to enjoy the process of learning to sew as much as the finished product.

    I would appreciate her guidance in the DVD's as an always available teacher.

  399. User avater
    Missahope | | #399

    Always open to the chance to expand my horizons! The DVDs sound very interesting!

  400. celkalee | | #400

    I recently met Louise at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo and bough 5 of her patterns. The fashions presented in the show were beautiful and totally my style. I would love to have this DVD set because I did not have time to take one of her classes. Great give away!

  401. Camielle | | #401

    I am teaching myself to sew. I have watched some of Louise Cutting's DVD's and they are just the best, most clearly illustrated DVD's there are in the industry. That is my #1 magical wish to win all of her sooooo needed and appreciated DVD's. Pick me, pick me, puleeeeze!!! Sincerely, Doris in Indiana

  402. User avater
    LuvThreadsMagazine | | #402

    Not to be too course, but ME!, ME!, ME!, ME!, ME!, ME!, ME!

    Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  403. user-3400046 | | #403

    My aunt introduced me to sewing when I was 9 years old. I took sewing in high school for a year and then I have sewed on and off over the years. I have been primary self taught except for the basics I got in high school. I have been enlightened by the articles and the insider information on making items. I have a dream of sewing for a living from my home. I would love to win this set because it will be so helpful. Thank you for offering this opportunity.

  404. Jbabytdb | | #404

    Hi! The DVD's sound like they are just what I need. I have sewn on and off for over 45 years, and you can never learn everything. There is always something you can learn when it comes to sewing especially. My last project was completely hand sewn as my neices baby only weighed in at 3lbs. and 7oz. It had been a while since I had hand sewn and outfit for anyone other than a doll for my 6 year old grand daughter. I hope I am chosen, I would have loved some lessons before my latest project. :)

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