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Project Runway Episode 6: “Fix My Friend!”

Fabio's top scoring design. Look at how happy his client is!

You can’t let your hairdo outdo your clothing – or vice versa. In this hairstyle-influenced episode, the designers had to come up with makeover looks to match new L’Oreal stylist-created hairstyles on real women. The women approached the designers as friends of clients, so every designer had to deal with two opinionated women. Some designers were more gracious than others (ahem, Ven) about the “real” figures of the women they were designing for.

The guest judge for the episode was British designer Alice Temperley

The winner

Fabio’s winning look:

The loser

Nathan’s losing look:


The rest of the top three

Dmitry’s design:


and Gunnar’s design:

The rest of the bottom three

Sonjia’s design:

and Ven’s design:

Everyone else

Alicia’s design:

Christopher’s design:

Elena’s design:

and Melissa’s design:

Your conclusions

It was a surprising development to see Ven, usually so softspoken, be so intolerant of and derogatory about his model’s size. What you think of designers who can’t get past a client’s size? Don’t you think good design should be about more than body type?

Do you think Fabio’s design deserved to win? Was there another look that you preferred?

What about Nathan’s look? Do you think it was truly the worst?

Until next week!


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  1. User avater
    SnickerDoodle_Kids | | #1

    HELLO! 68% of americans are overweight at least 20 lbs. Who does he think he will be selling clothing to? I think Ven acted like a spoiled, self-centered brat. If I was his model,I would have been way more vocal about his comments and I might have even walked out. I think the judges should have let him have it.

  2. Ikebana152 | | #2

    Women who naturally have a "model's body" are about 2% of the population. That means that overweight or not the other 98% of us are probably, shorter, rounder, bustier, hippier etc. etc. than the women that grace the runways. How do get out of design school with honors and never make a dress for a "real" body? (as though models are not real people also). Ven's attitude was sexist, condescending, and selfish. He treated that woman horribly. She was gracious enough to put up with it. Frankly the judges should have dressed him down when he was on the runway alone. If he makes it as designer, is he only going to sell clothes to the 2%? Loved the winning dress. It was nice to see something that was modern and a little demure.

  3. user-1109679 | | #3

    It takes a lot more skill and creativity to make a flattering design for the average women who has figure flaws (or multiple figure flaws) of one type or another... Think it would be VERY interesting to ban traditional fashion models from a future season -- winning in that environment would bode extremely well for a future successful line! Was rooting for Ven, but no more!

  4. user-1146583 | | #4

    I love this show, it's so much fun to watch. Ven was definitely my favorite to win but his attitude was a little off-putting and he hurt his models feelings. Even so, I didn't think his dress was as bad as the judges thought, I thought the woman looked fine in it. It certainly wasn't as gorgeous as his other creations but it is more difficult to fit a larger model. Still, he could have been much nicer about it, making that girl cry was cruel.

  5. fabricstitcher | | #5

    Ven - really??? REALLY??!! Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?? THe biggest frustration I have with the show (which I really enjoy) is that the models are not "everyday realistic." I have a great respect for the model and her friend who spoke out about Ven's attitude. His outfit was not at all flattering and showed how e felt about the model and the challenge. I agree with Serral - hopefully the judges raked him over the coals about his bhavior.

  6. Cherlyn | | #6

    Nathan made his model looking like a tramp. I wasn't happy with Ven's either becasue of the flutter sleeves that just make arms look BIGGER! The skirt was okay that Ven designed andwas probably his saving grace. But his comments were way out of line. I hope he appologized to her. I di8dn;t care for Gunner's look either. Why black all the time? Dark colors that are bright and upli9fting to the spirit can have the same effect. And really, its all about creating an illusion with lines placed in the correct spots. And why does everyone think women can show their large boobs off at work? Melissa's dress was pretty and black, but the scarf---what was she thinking?

  7. User avater
    carynification | | #7

    Gunnar started out being the jerk I disliked, but the way he dealt with his client was so wonderful. Ven is an insensitive jerk, and he ain't no ideal body either. I can't believe how he made that woman feel. I hope some really famous designer sees this show and volunteers to custom design a wardrobe for this lady and make her fabulous. She didn't ask to be humiliated on national television.

  8. user-1118825 | | #8

    Ven came off like a real creep! I agree with all of the above posts. I had hoped that he would excel and share his creations with Vogue patterns. But now? Maybe he'll gag on them.Perhaps he doesn't have an idea about the money that older women with "mature" figues are willing to spend to look good.

  9. Elaray | | #9

    Ven was really rude to his client! The purpose of this challenge was to make the clients feel good. The only problem I saw with Sonjia's dress was that it was too short.

    So far, I've like Dmitry's and Ven's designs. But Ven really lost points from me for the way he treated his "real body" client.

  10. User avater
    lauriepie | | #10

    I LOVED Fabio's dress. He got the proportions right, and the whole artsy/professional vibe of his client. He managed to make her feel powerful as a woman (she didn't want to wear dresses because they made her feel "weak"!!!). Mostly, it was one of the few outfits where the model's proportions were truly taken into consideration. Most (but not all) of the other dresses were entirely too short (I know, its the current fashion) for the clients. It would have been so much more transformative to see Nathan, Dmitry, Sonji, Alicia and Melissa put their models in slightly longer lengths that would have flattered their legs and hips.

    Vin's poor behavior (and outfit) aside, did anyone else recognize his model's friend as a bride from that TLC show "Randy to The Rescue"? She wanted a "Steam-Punk" themed wedding and he fashioned an incredible facinator and bouquet to go with the beautiful lace dress she selected.

    ...and "props" to Gunnar. Didn't think he had it in him.

  11. allthatjazzercize | | #11

    It sounds like it’s almost unanimous that Ven needs to go home, and I couldn’t agree more! A few ladies around my office at Dish and I couldn’t help but laugh at Ven’s ignorance this week as we listened to those terrible comments he said. Like @SnickerDoodle_Kids mentioned, he is going to have to get used to that body type if he wants to work in the real world! It just goes to show how arrogant and prideful he is! In fact, I can only watch a recording of Project Runway now thanks to him, so I can fast-forward through all his self-appraising monologues! Luckily, I have the Hopper DVR, with tons of recording space to accommodate these lengthy episodes, so I’m not wasting precious memory just to spare myself from seeing Ven. I can’t wait for him to be out!

  12. User avater
    aislinnluv | | #12

    The word "real" has lost all its value in the last few years, due in large part to TV. "Reality" programming has very little to do with unprogrammed events."Real" housewives of Anywhere are so far from real that it is disgusting. Why not use the words "normal" or "regular" when talking about women who are not "Size 0" (another "unreal" concept)? It's the models who are not the norm, and I'm weary and put off by the presentation of those admittedly attractive young women as more "real" than I am. I'm also unhappy that we have been seeing less of the clothing as it is being sewn and more of the drama. I watch PR to be inspired, not to be annoyed by shrill dilettantes. I want to get a good look at the garments during the process.

  13. User avater
    MissPat | | #13

    I costume Community Theatre and believe me, I have very few model-thin actresses to dress. One favorite of mine asks only that I make her "pretty" costumes and she is not a small woman. I love creating costumes for her that make her happy. Why the judges didn't send Ven packing I do not know. His design was as bad as Nathans and he was rude and hateful to that poor lady. I wanted to smack him and hug her. The winning dress wasn't my favorite but it was interesting.

  14. Mariesainte | | #14

    Responding to the story question--a designer who has a positive attitude about only 2 percent of his customer base is in for poverty. There are always people who go into fantasy business, but this explains for me why it is so hard to find basic clothes, never mind great clothes, at the national average height (5'4") and larger than any model. The whole industry seems to snub its customers; why else would shopping be such a difficult project? This is one reason I sew, to have properly fitted & comfy lingerie and clothes that last a while, supporting my dignity and what attractive features I can claim. Ven seems to represent a youthful ignorance about building a customer base, and he has added many of us who are already turned off the fashion industry. If he can't handle real body shapes, he's in the wrong business, or maybe he thinks being poor is a lot of fun. While it is unbecoming to say so, I hope he experiences what many of his non-customers have, and watches his own body change with age. As far as I can tell, the age of couture is not with us any more, and the days of catering only to models and the wealthy who voluntarily starve are over. Forget him.

  15. Oceanpeg | | #15

    Ven was extremely unprofessional with the way he treated his model. He lost my respect and cheering him onto being the top designer for this tenth season, that's for sure. Now, can't wait to see him booted off the show. No designer should treat a client or model the way he did. Instead of lifting his models spirits, he pretty much turned her into tears. Shame, Shame on Ven... Loved it when Heidi said "One or more will be eliminated" and had Ven be the last designer to leave the stage. Bet he was really shaking in his boots, with possibly thinking that there would be a double elimination, with him being the second one!!!

  16. user-261446 | | #16

    I always enjoy reading everyone's comments. Ven's attitude towards a figure that is not proportioned like a model's (and by the way, everyone knows magazines use photoshop to create unattainable "perfection" anyway) revealed a real double standard between men and women. Ven's figure is at least on a par with his client's but I bet he doesn't think there's anything wrong with his measurements.

    I am also very pleased to see Gunnar's change in personality. He has become pretty nice and I really disliked his hostile attitude at the beginning.

  17. pathersl | | #17

    With all the work Threads has done in articles about clothing our real bodies, I am hopeful that you as a sewing leader can vocalize that rudeness to anyone is always unacceptable. What respect and admiration I had for his garments has paled considerably in the light of his behavior. The sooner that he is gone from the show, the better.

  18. User avater
    acatalina2 | | #18

    We don't have a television so I'm out-of-the-loop on reality design television. Still, I do like the winning garment; however, another shoe might have offered a more elegant look for this model.

    Nathan's garment was certainly not the worst design! Goodness...I could choose four others. The worst is Ven. These garments are completely unflattering to this model and it seems that he designed to her weaknesses and not her strengths. What a shame. The blouse appears to be the bodice side of a salon robe and the fabric screams...ouch! Why did this designer cut this woman in half instead of elongating her with one dark color sheath (and possibly a light tailored jacket)? Gosh, I would have cried to come on stage wearing that outfit and the enormous handbag at the largest part of my body. It seems to me this designer was acting out his hostility toward this woman, or those of us who are not shaped perfectly. Bah...humbug!

  19. moorjenn | | #19

    Ven is a very talented designer. He is also, after this week, a complete ass. He should have been eliminated for his obvious issues with his model's size, and his continued self-aggrandizement. There was no excuse for him to design something so half-baked for that poor woman, and to treat her so poorly-- how did he manage to get through design school and earn all those honors without learning something about designing for non-model sizes? She was maybe a size 14, so not even a true plus size (not that it should make a difference anyway) and he didn't even bother to try any of his fancy draping techniques on her because he said they don't work on people her size-- WHAT?! He should be sent home for being a big rude baby! /end rant

  20. fergus4 | | #20

    Christopher and Alicia were good. Other than Fabio's, I didn't care for any of the others.

  21. Rothland | | #21

    Christopher was the only one doing justice to a normal woman's body. Elegant and feminine, not Amazon inspired masculinity.

  22. Flanerie | | #22

    Has Ven looked in a mirror lately? He's not exactly reed-thin himself. His comments and attitude were appalling, and I no longer see him as someone who will go far in this business, because he clearly doesn't have the appreciation for the female form in all its sizes that is necessary for any designer to win a loyal clientele. I think that a man who designs for women has to genuinely like women, and the comments Ven made show that Ven just likes Ven.
    Before the show started, I perused the show's website, to see the various designers to preview them, and at that time, Ven and Dmitri were the ones I thought were the best designers. Dmitri is the dark horse in this, I think, turning in at least competent designs each time and underrated on several of them. I look forward to seeing what else he does.

  23. laxi | | #23

    Can anyone out there tell me how I can watch this program in BC, Canada. I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find it. As for the clothes, I really didn't love any of them but Fabio's would have been much better if he had not put her in a boot which cut the length of her leg. A shoe would have improved the look.I also think that many of the dresses were too short for the models. A bit longer would have been more flattering.

  24. 416 | | #24

    Fabio's design was good but his accessories were not. I didn't like those clunky shoes with the dress. I liked Sonja's design but it was too short, an inch or two would have helped. Nathan's look was not the worst. Accessories would have helped his design also. Ven was really in a bad mood. He thought he was discriminated against because he had a plus model. If he went to FIT like he claimed he was taught to dress all body figutes. FIT is a fine school and a complete fashion school. I was taught to design for all figures when I took dress design. Ven just didn't want to take the time to make his model look good. I am glad Project Runway chose to keep Ven because he is a good designer but he must learn that all clients do not have an hourglass figure.

  25. grannyg60 | | #25

    I agree with all the comments regarding Vens' horrible behavoir. He should have been eliminated cause that was not the right design for his client.I liked Elena two piece..my other comment is that I agree aislinnluv I know that the drama has to play a part of the show, but this season there seems to be less sewing we(watch PR to be inspired, not to be annoyed by shrill dilettantes. I want to get a good look at the garments during the process.) My exact thoughts the season of PR seems to be missing the mark their doesn't seem to be that excitement to sew as has been in the past season..Really think PR blew it with this group

  26. user-2005712 | | #26

    the winning design was fantastic and so were the choice of shoes. she got exactly what she wanted. very cool.
    ven should go home. what a jerk. and I find his look getting super predictable and a bit yuk.
    the losing design should have lost. It was horrendous. tacky.
    gross. too bad he couldn't have pulled her up a couple of notches. darn.
    sonji dress was a complete bore. I expected more from her.
    I'm always looking for more sewing tips ect.. while watching this show... always want more. but you have to have drama or lose audience. I thought last week was a great "show".
    keep it up Project Runway!!

  27. lorettoDOLL | | #27

    I disagreed with who was sent home. I thought that Ven's behavior was very inappropriate and insulting to women who are not "model thin". Ven was bullying his client because she was not "model thin". People who stand by and don't stop the bullying behavior when they see it are part of the problem. That makes the judges and Heidi guilty as well. I've always loved Project Runway, but this episode made me sick. I don't think I'll be able to enjoy watching it again.

  28. user-626014 | | #28

    I was not happy with the design or the attitude of Ven . I think that the judges should have said something about the way he treated his client. I think his design was awful. I have heard from a lot of my friends that watch they feel the same.
    How sad, I think that couture is great but since most of us are not size 0 a show for "normal" women would be accepted by the audience. I would like to see more sewing than we have seen this season

  29. User avater
    wicked_stitcher | | #29

    Clearly, the response of the client should not govern everything a designer chooses to create for the client. On some levels the designer should know bodies well enough to know what will not only FIT but FLATTER!
    i did think the look Fabio created for his well-built toughie fit her looks, her body, but pushed her out into a fashionable, flattering arena.
    It helped that the judges told some of the designers that their lengths were simply too short. What was adjudged a failing design might have proven successful with the mere addition of a few more inches.
    And some of the fabrics! Listen up! There are so many choices available that, even with monetary restrictions, one can go from rags to riches by strategically choosing to cut from a better cloth, uplifting the outcome substantially.
    I hesitate to name favorites because that's so subjective. So is the response of the models to their garments. There are looks i think succeeded that were not highlighted by the judges. And, for instance, Dmitry's, while it drew praise, made that poor woman look like a sausage to my eyes!
    As for Ven; his disgust for the model was so apparent that it should alone have disqualified him. I thought the elimination and saves were off.

  30. User avater
    KarenGass | | #30

    Boy, lots of comments on this episode! :) I completely agree with aislinnluv about the issue of 'real'. What TV thinks is real, is a far cry from what's going on out here in the real world. (with the possible exception of Duck Dynasty) :)
    Ven was my favorite designer, I thought he had it in him to win. After Thursdays episode, he is off my list. He has enough talent in him to have made that woman look GORGEOUS! But he couldn't be bothered. He WAS bothered by the fact that he had to 'make a dress for a fat lady'. And she was not fat, she was pretty and normal sized. As far as I'm concerned, he owes the public, and the woman he designed for a big fat apology. And several new dresses for the woman. Give him some practice at designing for 'real' women. Adios, Ven!

  31. sewseitz | | #31

    I think the winning one is ugh! The shoes are hideous! I like Christopher's and Elena's. The short and tight looks like they are squeezed into the sack!
    You should be able to design for whatever body you have been given. Yes, it is probably harder than designing for not shape!
    I guess I sew for a reason.
    Nancy in IN

  32. User avater
    sewold | | #32

    I don't get to watch the show but the comments sure gave me an idea of the content. Fabio's design is fine, but the shoes don't add to a finished look, even if the model does like them. Christopher's design looks like something a normal person could wear. If a person is on the "plus" size she doesn't need to wear something that divides her in half and is too short, too. Elongating the look would improve it. Ven is way off base as a designer if he can't make clothes that flatter any size.

  33. rkr4cds1 | | #33

    WickeOd_stitcher: (Dmitry) On some levels the designer should know bodies well enough to know what will not only FIT but FLATTER!
    Agreed!! She looked very sausage-like! RIDICUOUS! You could see every muscle group in her body and her underwear. Clothes (especially a sheath like that) are supposed to skim the body, and hang from the shoulder seam and the waistline or other touch-points.

    416: but he must learn that all clients do not have an hourglass figure.
    No, and after all of these decades, today's runway clothes are still designed for 'Twiggy'. I don't know when this IDEAL is going to leave us. As our nation and the rest of the world gets fatter, the designers continue to design these unrealistic shapes, setting everyone up for a depression/failure.

    Flanerie & user-261446: Has Ven looked in a mirror lately? He's not exactly reed-thin himself.
    Ven's figure is at least on a par with his client's but I bet he doesn't think there's anything wrong with his measurements.
    Thank you Ladies! I didn't want to be the first to point this out, but Ven himself is the only over-sized person currently on the show; how can he be so blindly prejudiced? He certainly doesn't purchase his clothing in any off-the-rack shop, as he doesn't even fit men's standards at the Gap®: he's a Big & Tall himself. NO EMPATHY!!! I had my money on him from the start with the fantastic design work he accomplished out-of-the gate. Perfection in tailoring and finishing. And he did most of it in silence. But this week he hardly closed his mouth, though editing can probably be fingered for the amount of grumbling we saw & heard from him. We know that drama is what keeps 'the number ratings' up and advertisers need those.

    acatalina2: The blouse appears to be the bodice side of a salon robe...
    Exactly. It appeared that he removed (a bit) of the fullness in the gathers between the workroom and the runway but 3/4 of the rest could have also gone and still given the same effect, yet minimized her assets! And to add insult-to-injury, Ven put on hugely flaring butterfly sleeves, ending again at her waistline, which again added bulk across the top, could have had the same effect with 1/3 the amount of material, really had no design purpose linked to the bodice and showed none of the design talent for which he's been known. A salon-style robe WOULD have been more flattering; it would have looked like a Diane von Furstenburg Wrap-style dress on his model!

    And my personal pet peeve: I'm forever bothered by the lazy lazy method of applying all of the zippers onto the outside of garments!! It's not a design element, as in Ven's skirt, but just the ordinary garment zippers. With the sausage-fitting garments, they have dips and waves in them like roller coasters, yet the competitors are never called out for it by the judges. They should use a point system and receive Technical Demerits!
    If they must, do they have to use metal-toothed ones which catch the light reflection on the runway? They certainly must have the nylon-spiral/toothed style available in the workroom, which can be inserted in the 'invisible seam' method. It would take less time to do it the right way than try to get one on the outside to be lined up straight!
    Stepping down from my soapbox for the day....

  34. EmSewCrazy | | #34

    VEN WAS TERRIBLE!! I think he should have gone home instead of Nathan! At least Nathan's client liked her dress. Ven's customer service was terrible!

    I loved Gunnar's attitude this episode even if I thought the garment construction looked a bit sloppy.

    Fabio had the most dramatic change and original dress so good for him for winning.

    Ven just made me so SO sad.

  35. Kelcey | | #35

    I don't have a tv, so I can't watch the show, but I love Fabio's design. I think it is beautifully fitted and proportioned, original, flattering. I think the fun contrasting cut done in the subtle grey pallet is very sophisticated. Christopher's design is elegant and flattering, just not as striking and original as Fabio's. To me the other designs looked cheap and trendy by comparison. I think Sonja's would have been nice were it a few inches longer.

    Part of getting over fashion being designed for the very thin is not being enslaved by a limited "in" look. The fashionable short skirt is adorable on my petite size 0 nineteen year old daughter and some of her long legged friends, but, with the exception of Alicia's model, it was not the most flattering look for the other women featured on this episode. If designers paid more attention to designing for real world bodies we might have more of a range of what the fashionable look is so that heavier and older women could find clothes with a flattering silhouette that aren't conservative and boring.

  36. dyufer | | #36

    First, I think this challenge was grossly unfair to the designers (no pun intended). Some of the "real" women were embarrassingly overweight, and some might not quite of made it on Ralph Lauren's list of models, but they were not overweight by ordinary standards. Since I weigh around 100 pounds and wear a size 0-2, it's only my height and age that wouldn't fit into model statistics, so I'm not speaking from sour grapes or any other fable. But I have spent a lifetime sewing for people of all shapes and sizes, without ever denigrating a client or failing to design (or pick a pattern for) an appropriate outfit that they would feel beautiful wearing. I never have had a complaint, and the only job I ever turned down was when I was living in Las Vegas. I was asked to make a runway-appropriate gown that was very low-cut: below the ample (and probably silicone) breasts all the way across the chest. Toplessness has always been part of LV, but I didn't want my name associated with it. Other than that sort of thing, a designer/seamstress has the duty to listen to the customer and suggest amendments. Some of the "real" women were rightfully delighted with what the designers created for them last week, but none of those was in the extremely overweight category. There is a lesson to be learned here, and it's not just for the designers, it's also for the producers of Project Runway.

  37. dyufer | | #37

    First, I think this challenge was grossly unfair to the designers (no pun intended). Some of the "real" women were embarrassingly overweight, and some might not quite have made it on Ralph Lauren's list of models, but they were not overweight by ordinary standards. Since I weigh around 100 pounds and wear a size 0-2, it's only my height and age that wouldn't fit into model statistics, so I'm not speaking from sour grapes or any other fable. But I have spent a lifetime sewing for people of all shapes and sizes, without ever denigrating a client or failing to design (or pick a pattern for) an appropriate outfit that they would feel beautiful wearing. I never have had a complaint, and the only job I ever turned down was when I was living in Las Vegas. I was asked to make a runway-appropriate formal gown that was very low-cut: BELOW the ample (and probably silicone) breasts all the way across the chest. Toplessness has always been part of LV, but I didn't want my name associated with it. Other than that sort of thing, a designer/seamstress has the duty to listen to the customer and suggest amendments. Some of the "real" women were rightfully delighted with what the designers created for them last week, but none of those was in the excessively overweight category. There is a lesson to be learned here, and it's not just for the designers, it's also for the producers of Project Runway. They should be ashamed.

  38. user-1123293 | | #38

    In the 80's I made quite a few bridal gowns for clients that were not a size 10. In those days if you went to a bridal boutique there were only sizes 8 and 10 to try on, so if you were any larger than that you had to take a chance and order a size by measurement and hope it fit properly with some alteration. One of my neighbors was a woman that was over 300 lbs and I designed all of her clothing and learned how to fit the fuller figure. Now because of that experience I specialize in fitting woman who are over a size 18. I liked Ven in the first couple of episodes and thought he was very talented as a designer. I was excited to see he had a great opportunity to fit someone who was not a size 2. To make this spectacular outfit for her, but he blew it. Blew such a great opportunity to show himself as a true designer that could do anything that was presented to him and make that person look great. I feel he should have been sent packing!

  39. sexymil282 | | #39

    Did the judges see proof that Ven went to FIT? Although FIT also focuses on size 8, which, to me is not real world. (I went to FIT too.) However, I think designers who can't get past a clients' size is stuck on STUPID in todays fashion/real world.

  40. user-894624 | | #40

    Ven's and Elena's designs were not at all complimentary. They both accentuated the models' sizes and made them look even larger. Perhaps the designs themselves were good but definitely not for the larger women. One color, vertical elements and less fabric create a sensation of smaller. The two color, chopped at the waist designs were unsuitable for the larger women. Shame on the designers for not being considerate of their customers.

  41. User avater
    FineTexan | | #41

    I thought Fabio's dress was different. I guess because it wasn't black!! I liked it. Just because Ven didn't want to design for a 'fat' woman doesn't mean he should go home for his attitude. Just for a bad design. Yes, he is 'fat' too!! But haven't we all seen big men do the same thing to their wives and girlfriends? They sport a big belly and criticize the women. I am so disappointed with this bunch of designers with a couple of exceptions. I could hardly watch Buffi(?). She was so unattractive and her designs were not much better. The men are showing the women up. Elena has an attitude that is off putting. Maybe she should go home for her attitude. I have a lot more I could say about the show but...

  42. Josefly | | #42

    Nathan's design wasn't the worst. Ven's was. Absolutely awful. Many were awful, though. The winner was a good design, I thought. Interesting combination and arrangement of colors, a very wearable style, and well-suited to his client's figure. The others seemed to disregard their client's figures altogether, trying to fit the client into their idea of style, rather than fitting the style to the client. Mid-thigh dresses were perhaps not the best idea.

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