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Project Runway All Stars, Episode 5: “You’ve Got Male “

Casanova works on his design for the fifth Project Runway All Stars challenge: a pair of avant garde and androgynous outfits.

After a week off for Thanksgiving, Project Runway All Stars was back with a challenge that hit the designers with a big twist mid-episode.

The nine remaining designers had to make androgynous and avant garde looks for their female models. After shopping at Mood and getting started on the designs, the competitors were stunned when Georgina Chapman showed up at the workroom with an additional challenge – the designers had to come up with coordinating looks for male models!

The guest judges for this episode were fashion designers Jason Wu and Robert Rodriguez. On to the judging!

The winner

Emilio Sosa won for two very polished looks that really played up his models’ assets. Both models looked great, and yet it wasn’t obvious which was the man or the woman. Now that’s androgyny.

The loser

Kayne Gillaspie went home for his well-made, but nightmarish, houndstooth pairing.


The rest of the top three

Uli’s looks:

Anthony’s looks:


The rest of the bottom three

Laura Kathleen’s looks:

Casanova’s looks:


Everyone else

 Joshua’s looks:

Ivy’s looks:

Althea’s looks:

What did you think?

Uli and Anthony Ryan had very strong looks – do you think one of them should have won instead of Emilio?

The judges all complained about Kayne’s taste level. Do you think his design was in good taste?

The buzz is that Laura Kathleen should have gone home, and Kayne should have stayed. What do you think?

This cast of designers seems very sophisticated. Do you think the judging is going to become more and more difficult as the competition moves forward?

Who are you rooting for?


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  1. User avater
    aislinnluv | | #1

    I think Laura Kathleen is still there because the producers want the drama her bitchiness brings. Her look was about as bad as Kayne's so either one might have gone. I did not care for either Uli's or Anthony Ryan's looks; I preferred Althea's after Emilio's, or Joshua's.

  2. furballs | | #2

    In this case, the only look that even remotely appeals to me is the winner, which I think is excellently done.

    The giant houndstooth pattern is hideous, but I like the actual shape of the garments and there is a nice androgyny about them. Love to see them in something other than the houndstooth.

    The only other look that really strikes me as being androgynous is Althea's. It would not be hard to mix up which is male or female. But I don't care for the design.

    To me, none of the other looks seem to have achieved genuine androgyny, which was at least half of the assignment. It's all in the eye of the beholder, isn't it ?

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