"Grand Central" fabric by The City Quilter located in New York City.
The City Quilter in New York City is home to over 4000 bolts of fabric including batiks, hand-dyed, exotics, contemporary, laminates, and more. They’ve also created their own fabric line featuring famous iconic images from New York City including subway symbols, famous locations, and more. Three and a half years ago they began designing, producing, and exclusively selling their original prints. Sewers and quilters traveling to New York find the fabric a wonderful “souvenir,” and while they’re visiting The City Quilter, they also enjoy a stop at The ArtQuilt Gallery which showcases amazing quilts from around the world crafted by renowned quilters. The ArtQuilt Gallery is part of The City Quilter.
Grand Central Terminal is a National Historic Landmark located in New York City. It it currently celebrating its 100th year in operation, and The City Quilter has created 2 new fabrics, each with two different color schemes honoring this event: “GCT Constellations” and “Grand Central.” “GCT Constellations” is inspired by the amazing ceiling located in Grand Central Terminal in the Grand Concourse. “Grand Central” captures the history and iconography of this world famous structure. These fabrics are exclusively sold at The City Quilter.
Built in 1831, Grand Central began its 100-year history handling steam locomotives. Over the years the trains have evolved to faster and more technologically advanced electric trains. Grand Central is still running today with hundreds of trips going in and out of the city everyday. It’s a highly popular station and next time you’re there, be sure to take a picture at the famous meeting spot at the large clock in the center of the station, and be sure to observe the amazing ceiling!
Threads magazine is giving away samples of the new Grand Central Station fabric! To those who are interested, please leave a comment telling us what you love about New York and if you’ve ever been to The City Quilter. The deadline for your comments is June 28, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. ET and the winner will be chosen the week of July 1, 2013. Good luck!
What I would love about NY would be getting to go there.
I have always loved NYC, but have not been able to go back since I graduated college, so I am not acquainted with The City Quilter. I have raised my kids in Alaska, very different from NYC, so I hope to take them someday to see it, there are so many cool things there, My favorite is the store windows at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
oooooohhh!!! My home town!! Would love to win!! A majestic location, right in the heart of the city. Would LOVE to win this.
I love NY! I just returned last night from a weekend in NY and went to the City Quilter! What a huge coincidence! What an awesome store!
Love NY went with my husband who sadly died the fabric would remind me of a great and a happy holiday
I have been there once on a bus trip - it seems a long time ago. My grandparents came thru Ellis Island and I would love to see their names on the wall around the Statute of Liberty. Shopping for fabric would rank right up there of desires on my bucket list and being able to use fabric picturing all the landmarks would be WONDERFUL.
The history of our country and the way it never seems to sleep.
Always teeming with activity on top of everything.
The 1st in all things and leading in the fashion
industry. Haven't been back since a child. Thanks for
the chance to win.
I love Grand Central Station. There is something magical about disembarking a train into GCS.
I would love to win this fabric. I would love to go to New York. I've only stopped there many times on the way overseas. But City Quilter sounds like a fantastic reason to go. Love to see the city as well.
We are close enough to go to New York a couple of times a year, but we haven't been this last year. City Quilter would be on my list next time I go. See the exhibits at FIT is my favorite thing to do there---then there's fabric shopping! Love all fabric with text and these type of drawings. If I don't win, I'll probably see if I can buy the fabric.
Oh wow! If I don't win I'll definitely have to pick up some of this print. I love Grand Central Terminal and it holds a special place in my heart because my great grandfather Ira A Place whow was once the vice President of the New York railroad and his name is engraved on one of the Bricks on its edifice becuase he had a part in connecting Grand Central terminal with the NYC subway system. Grand Central is also the first station I entered on my first day as an NYC resident back in 2003.
That said, I would have to say that I love public transportation! Oh and yes, I've been to City Quilter several times.
I have only visited New York once, but the huge amount of things to do and see were exciting. I would love to visit the garment district with some sewing friends sometime!
New York is like no other city in the world. The diversification of businesses,
cultural centers, restaurants, a city that never sleeps ,but most of all its people. Tourists and residents speaking countless languages alike came together when New York was threatened reaffirming how much heart and love the people have for this city.
I have been to city quilter an example of quality goods and instruction. a creative space that is missing in other cities in N.Y.
Grand Central station is like a diamond shining bright , Penn Station once had that luster only to become a sports arena that made the transportation hub an eyesore.
Grand Central gives one a feeling of the grandeur of travel that New York had in its golden age. The sheer space and beauty with the art deco styling is magnificent,it has been modernized a bit without sacrificing the beauty of the building and space. Every tourist coming to New York city hopefully will have the opportunity to experience one of the jewels of the city,Grand Central Station!
It is grand that the fabric celebrating Grand Central Station. I appreciate the historical remembrance of such a place with such an appropriate name!
I stood in awe of its size and grandee once and maveled at the thought of so many people who hhave passed and are passing through the building!
There was a saying that if one stood in GCS one would see everyone in the world...or somethinglike that!
I have never been to City Quilter...maybe some day!
I volunteer many hours in the Heritage Village Museum in New Braunfels Texas, another place that is remembering the past and the people who made it all great and Grand!
New York has the most intense energy and I love walking, walking, walking everywhere! Years ago, the company my husband was with suggested that we relocate to NYC since he was commuting from Phoenix and living at the Grand Central Hyatt. I'm still a little sad that we decided not to make the move. It would have been pretty exciting and I would love to make my husband something fun with the Grand Central fabric!
I am awed by New York City. The architecture is so beautiful and the culture is so different from te Midwest and Southwest that I visit. I love the hustle and bustle on the streets and the beautiful flowers that are offered for sale outside the delis and bodegas. Most of all I love the stores and the variety of merchandise that IS AVAILABLE. As my son says "New York has EVERYTHING." It is "the center of the universe." AND. . . I can't forget to say. . . THERE ARE fabric stores there--something we are losing from many locales.
what's not to like about a city that has a gazillion fabric stores? i would be in like flynn!
What most do I love about New York? I most love its passion, energy, and drive, which can be found in just about every imaginable cross-section of life. From a budding designer, scouring the city for the perfect fabric or decorative element to add just the right expression of self to a creative design -- to a virtuoso concert pianist, tirelessly practicing the same bars of music over and over again, unaware of time and striving for the best expression the composer – to the third generation baker, who proudly makes the perfect artisanal bread, soft and moist inside and encased in a delicately browned, crunchy crust – each is an artist in his or her own right, honing their craft and using the media of choice, be it fabric, a keyboard, or flour!
And the beauty of New York is that, while at times a tough critic, she also honors her creative residents, and will recognize an haute couture gown, a flawlessly played concert, or the perfect baguette will equal and unbridled enthusiasm and applause!
For those of us who are passionate about color, fabric, and texture, I can only imagine how exciting it must be to visit The City Quilter! Imagine to what levels of creativity and expression one could aspire by having the opportunity to visit such a store – I, for one, would be thrilled and honored to have that opportunity!
I got to wander the garment center and all of the unique little button, ribbon, fabric stores in the area. What a great day...took one thing off my bucket list. Love, love the city. The next day, I did museums and saw the 9/11 Memorial Quilt at the Folk Art Museum...just a wonderful tribute to those who lost their lives that day. Yes, I would love to win this fabric as it would remind me of all things wonderful in NYC.
My father was from NYC. He would say, "This place is like Grand Central Station!" when my friends would come in and out of the house. I would love to make a quilt in his honor using this fabric.I would love to visit NYC and the City Quilter with my daughter.
What a wonderful opportunity to see history printed on fabric! I was in NY City with the School Band of America in 1964. We met there from all over the states to board our plane to fly to Europe for a concert tour. When we returned to the USA it was such a welcoming sight to see "home". I hope to return there some day and I know it will be by Amtrak and I'll get to visit NYC again.
My son and his two little boys "live, eat, and breathe" all the different locomotives. My 4 year old grandson can tell you all about steam locomotives, especially the 844 engine that "lives" in Wyoming. Norfolk Southern Railroad had a Heritage Festival in North Carolina last July where they had 13 engines on display. The engines were painted as replicas of past railroads. We drove there from Edmonton, KY and enjoyed reliving history.
My house is a library of railroad related books because my son's house wasn't big enough. Having the Grand Central Fabric on display would be a unique addition to our railroad history. Happy 100th to Grand Central Station !
Just returned from a vacation in NY. While there, spent a rainy afternoon taking an audio tour of Grand Central. One of the most interesting tidbits--the ramps, which were built for ease of passenger traffic, are right up-to-date with what's required today to comply with the ADA for making things convenient for the handicapped. So much foresight went into the building.
Another interesting tidbit--the ceiling you mention, where the constellation is actually backward. When people said as much at the time, the wealthy person who had commissioned it said it was deliberately painted that way to resemble how the stars looked from god's view from heaven. So funny! But how are you going to disagree with the person who paid to have it done? :)
Didn't know about the quilt shop; would have visited had I known.
Brought home my usual souvenir instead--a refrigerator magnet purchased at the gift shop. Curiously, none of the magnets being sold have the name of the terminal on them. But it is pretty and colorful, much like the fabric, which I would dearly like to win.
Thanks for this opportunity, and also for the chance to relive part of my recent visit to the city!
I've never been to The City Quilter but I would make it a point to get there if I could. Our last visit was a theater overload. Still love the glitter and glory of that.
I was in New York and in Grand Central Station a lifetime ago. I loved watching all the people. Some were in a hurry and just passed on through. Others were sightseers and just lingered to catch the view. But through it all pulsed an energy that was amazing.
I don't know if The City Quilter was even around when I was in New York, but you can count on the fact that when I get back up there, I will certainly make it a priority to visit.
I was born in New York City and lived there until age 4, when we moved across country to Seattle. There are photos of me taken near various landmarks. I would love a chance to go back!
I grew up in Brooklyn and as a child and young adult, occasionally when to Grand Central to go places by train (Connecticut, Poughkeepsie NY, Garrison NY, etc.). I also spent a year in school in the Graybar building (built above Grand Central Station). My classmates and I spent our lunch hours "people-watching" from the mezzanine. What fun! I'm a quilter now and would love to visit the City Quilt store on my next trip to NY.
I've never been to New York. Of course, this means I've also never been to The City Quilter. Given that I've not been there, I can't honestly say I love NY, but I do want to visit the new World Trade Center in Manhattan and also the Statue of Liberty, as well as Grand Central Station... you know... tourist stuff...
The fabric looks fabulous, I'd love to have some to play with; do, please pick me.
I have never been to New York City! If I were to visit, both Grand Central and the City Quilter would be tops on my list to go to. I would love to win some fabric from the described line!
I have not been to New York City but it is on my list. I love the fabric
I have never been to City Quilter and it has been a long time since I went to NY.
Love the diversity, the creativity, the energy, the tall buildings and bright lights. Love the theater. The hustle and bustle. The crowds. The UN.
It is such a varied experience. What's not to love! At least for a visit.
New York is my favorite place to visit. The broad spectrum of sights, from the floors of the wonderful fabric shops to the broadway productions and the skyscrapers. What more could a person want. Well,the next time I go I hope to visit "the city quilter".
Dot Myers Sheldon
I was born in New York City 68 years ago but moved away at age 8 and have never had the chance to go home. I remember taking the train from Grand Central to Portland, Oregon as a child and had several occasions to meet my grandparents there when they arrived for a visit. In the near future, I plan to see my birthplace again (107 West 109th Street, PS 165).
I have been to New York city twice for a vacation. It's one of my absolute favorite places in the world.. I love all the fabrics shops! I will definitely visit The City Quilter on my next visit!
Although I was born in Staten Island, New York I only spent about ten years there almost sixty years ago before moving to New Jersey. I now live in South Carolina and have never been to the The City Quilter and think I would find it very interesting.
I have been in love with NYC since attending FIT. Once you have lived in New York, you realize that everywhere else is completely boring and horrid.
I have never been to NY, though it has been a dream that has been passed down through my family for generations! Even my teenage daughter dreams of going to NY, but unlike myself and the rest of my family- I think she might actually succeed in going! Thanks for the great info- I am going to pass it on!
I am fortunate to be able to pass thru Grand Central Terminal on my daily commute to NYC and love the building and it's architecture. There is always something going on in the Terminal. New York is a dynamic city and it truly never sleeps... Now that I know about The City Quilter I will definitely have to stop by and shop.
Love it and NYC.
I have been in New York several times to visit friends who always shared their favorite haunts. I really enjoyed the restaurants, fabric stores, bead stores, museums, concerts and EVERYTHING! Especially Grand Central Terminal. Hope to be back soon.
I have been to NYC. It is such a fascinating place to visit. I just love the fabric of the Grand Central Station and would love to win it. Depending on how much fabric is being given a way, I think it would make a beautiful coat or if a smaller amount is being given, it would make a lovely hand bag and perhaps cover a pair shoes and/or a hat to match. Or a cover a piece of luggage.
I lived in New York City (Manhattan) for 5 years and there is so much to love! The fact that there is just no other place that is like NYC or even comes close is what I love the most.
NYC is one of my favorite places to visit!
The fabric district in NYC is like no other place and I feel like a child when I am there in awe with an over whelming amount of fabic, notions and other treasures to see.
I love the creativity and choices in NYC. I used to be paranoid of NYC, but (good) friends planned a special "weekend" (5-days) to rid me of my fear. I have not been to "The City Quilter" yet, but I would love to visit to see more of your cool fabrics. I LOVE great fabric, so that is reason enough to visit NYC. I have recently returned to sewing, so I am ready to explore!
Yes, I have been lucky enough to visit The City Quilter when I was in New York. What a great shop with a friendly knowledgable staff. What's not to like about New York? As soon as I leave, I am waiting to return, so much so I am thinking of moving from sunny So Cal to NYNY.
I've only been to NYC one time and it was on a bus tour so I didn't get to pick where I went. I would like to return someday and go shopping at City Quilter and other great fabric store.
I've never been lucky enough to go to NYC, but I've always been thrilled to hear about all of the things that were available in the garment center. Maybe if I win, I'll be able to celebrate a part of the city that means so much to everyone!
As a child I remember being awe-stricken when we entered Grand Central Station during WW II. It was amazing then as it is now. What a neat way to commemorate this wonderful iconic part of NY and our country's history!
I have loved my visits to New York City and now that my son lives in Manhattan, I have been blessed to be able to visit him and explore more of this amazing city. During my last visit, I had a blast checking out the Fashion District fabric and trim shops. A visit to The City Quilter is on my list for my upcoming visit in July. I will have to pack light to leave room for the fabrics I am sure to fall in love with.
I love all the great museums in NYC. I'm afraid I haven't been to New York since I discovered City Quilter on line, but I hope to get there one day.
My only trips to NYC consist of plane changes. Maybe one day I'll get to stay a while.
I have never been to New York but it is deinatley on my bucket list! Would love to vist the Fashion District in New York!
Sigh, lived there 13 years and really miss it!
Visited the Fashion District several years ago on an excursion from Baltimore during annual workshop for Association of Sewing & Design Professionals. Love, love, loved it! Touched every piece of fabric and trim I could manage in 4 hours! Brought home pieces and memories. Lunch was wonderful and atmosphere even better. Have not been to the Quilt shop but sounds like a fun place to put on my "to do" list. Grand Central Station would be magical. I have decorated a guest bedroom in a travel theme from the late 1800/early 1900's, and this fabric would make a perfect accent pillow! Pick me, Pick me!
I have been a small-town girl my whole life. EVERYTHING about New York City excites me! As I am no longer able to travel, having the Grand Central Station fabric samples would be amazing! Thank you for this opportunity!
I love the history of New York and it's part in our heritage. I've never been there, though and so haven't been to The City Quilter. Maybe someday - one can always hope!
NYC was my childhood home. Mom and several of her sisters worked in the garment district (which may explain my love of fabric). My childhood memories of Grand Central and all the wonderful places in that lovely city stood the test of time when after 40 years I went back and visited. How wonderful to have a little fabric to add to the memories.
Oh please choose me. About 20 years ago I visited New York with my husband and 3 young sons. I had the opportunity fo visit the garment distrcit and several fabric stores which of course was the highlight of my trip. Please let someone from the Pacific Northwest win your fabric because east coast people can visit so much easier than us Pacific coasters.Please let me have another treasured souvenir of New York, New York New York New York New York New York New York
New York is a resource and has a resource for almost any artistic medium. I love it.
New York... I've never been but it's on my bucket list because it has so much to offer and it's a shopper's paradise.
I never have been to New York city ,but I have been to New York the state . One day I would like to go.I would love to win this New Yourk fabric to use in my next quilt.I have seen Grand Central Station on TV and it really big. That I would like to see. But I can't travel far.So I just watch it on TV.
I've never been to NY but still have hopes of going. If I win some fabric I would like to make a vest and purse for my granddaughter. If there is a lot of fabric I might tackle a quilt..again for my granddaughter.
I've never been to New York - didn't have the nerve to travel alone there! My daughter has been several times and really likes to visit the garment district. The fabric would be a great way to see the sights. We lived near Chicago so that was the "big city" we visited.
Just the historic landmarks are enough to love about NY
I'm originally from New York and even though I moved away years ago, NY will always be home to me. There is a vibrancy about NY that is unlike any other city in the world.
Ah, New York. There is nowhere like it in the world. Something for everyone no matter your background. For me, I love exploring the different styles of buildings.
My daughter dances in the ballet...New York is an awesome theme for my sewing
I love walking around New York City, there is so much to see and there is great people watching. Good food and lots to do.
When my daughter and I went to New York last year (best trip of our lives), the one place that was absolute must on our list was The City Quilter. I still have the New York fabric I bought. The GCT sample would be a nice addition. The staff there was so nice, and it was a pleasure shopping. We saw several Broadway shows and hit all the major tourist spots, but fabric shopping was the highlight of the trip for me. (Okay, meeting Alan Rickman was a close second.)
When my daughter and I went to New York last year (best trip of our lives), the one place that was absolute must on our list was The City Quilter. I still have the New York fabric I bought. The GCT sample would be a nice addition. The staff there was so nice, and it was a pleasure shopping. We saw several Broadway shows and hit all the major tourist spots, but fabric shopping was the highlight of the trip for me. (Okay, meeting Alan Rickman was a close second.)
Love New York! Unfortunately haven't been there in years. So much to do, didn't sleep for 3 days!
I lived in NJ and was a bridge and tunnel rat for 7 years. There is so much to miss... but being able to find exactly what you are looking for and having an adventure doing so would top my list. The GCT fabric's artwork is just beautiful and a nice tribute to a stunning piece of architecture.
I love NYC for the shopping, museums, theatre, The Plaza, the library, the variety of food. Next time I'm there I'll head for the City Quilter.
I have only been to NYC once and then for only 3 days but I love the connectedness the city has with the entire globe and enjoyed the unending variety of sights, sounds, foods, people... I have never visited to The City Quilter, but can imagine that I would find all that I love about NYC there in a quilt shop. Now I'm feeling inspired!
Lived on LI for many yrs, favorite times were taking the LIRR to Manhattan - miss those walks in NYC. The fabric would inspire me to start another quilt.
NY was my favourite place to visit - a sewers paradise. And I felt at home in Manhattan too.
New York, that would be my dream vacation! Maybe someday! I would love to go to all the fabric and notions shops! I hear there are stores just for buttons! I just can't imagine it! I would love some samples!!!! Thank you for a chance to win! Cynthia
I LOVE THE BIG APPLE!!! I have been there several times but it was years ago when I went to the fabric district with my daughter who purchased so much faux fur fabric, it had to be shipped. I would love to go again and purchase some fabric for myself to sew. Sewing is the most therapeutic and creative hobby one can have. I know since I have been sewing for quite some time and am still SANE in spite of my sew and rip adventures.
kay krueger
I am a native New Yorker. I live on the other side of the country now and don't get back very often, but used to love walking around in Manhattan. My favorite walk was up 5th Ave from Macys all the way to Bloomingdales. Lots of sights and sounds to take in and enjoy. The garment district is another world for those of us who live in "fabric deserts".
I haven't been to the City Quilter but I spent more than a dozen years living in NYC. I only started sewing a lot after moving out. But I'm still a New Yorker and I think the fabric looks brilliant!
Greetings from AZ where is is a "dry heat" ad currently 105. I grew up in NJ and my dad worked in NYC. I have many great memories of being in the "Big Apple" but what I remember most is the fashion. I have been a seamstress for 42 years and currently teach sewing to both youth and adults. These fabrics would be a greatt addition to my stash. Have not been to the quilt store, but will check it out the next time I am there! Get out of the heat and sew!!!
New York City is absolutely fabulous with so much to see and do. I have always loved trains and Grand Central is so special with its great history. Think of the films and songs that include NYC and Grand Central! Unfortunately I haven't been lucky enough to have visited The City Quilter but it will be on my "to visit" list for my next trip.
When my daughter and I went to New York last year (best trip of our lives), the one place that was absolute must on our list was The City Quilter. I still have the New York fabric I bought. The GCT sample would be a nice addition. The staff there was so nice, and it was a pleasure shopping. We saw several Broadway shows and hit all the major tourist spots, but fabric shopping was the highlight of the trip for me. (Okay, I have to admit that meeting Darren Criss and Alan Rickman was first, but fabric shopping was a close second.)
What a great idea creating a fabric line with images of the city!
What I like best about NYC is that it's on the opposite side of the continent and it's 3 time zones later. I like Project Runway scenes of the garment district street sign and other flashes of the ostentation that is NYC. I like that it becomes a character in TV and movies, a favorite being the quirky and hilarious City Island. I'd love to have a holiday there and have my mind blown by this amazing city.
NYC is truly the top of the world! Born in Brooklyn, I have loved the city forever--for its diversity, its culture and remarkable resiliency. New York keeps reinventing itself, turning different neighborhoods into the latest mecca of fabulous finds. For me, one of the Best neighborhoods is the Garment District with aisles of swoon-full cloth! As a civil engineer with a long career in transportation and city engineering, the Grand Central Fabric would be proudly and happily transformed into fashion for my family or my home. And The City Quilter is a yet undiscovered treat for me.
PS, Happy Birthday Grand Central Station!!
As a fourth generation native California girl, I never thought anything could take me away from my beloved state - especially from San Francisco! But New York did exactly that. I moved there lock, stock and barrel for two years and adored every moment of it.
A self educated student of American history, I found this city, in all its borrows, to be alive with history's echoes of people and events I'd only read of. As a musician, I found inspiration and opportunity on every street corner, and as an artist, The Big Apple availed me of creative energy and motivation from its vast collective of all that had gone before. The hopes and dreams of so many, from hundreds of years past right up to 'newbies' like me is there and available to all who wish to be part of it.
Grand Central Station is a walk-thru repository of the human condition - striving, celebrating, failing, achieving and, most of all, living life. Hooray for this commemorative fabric showcasing a few of its many ornamental jewels, and hooray for the idea of its design coming from The City Quilter. Who else would have made it possible?
I've never been to New York but getting the fabric would be the next best thing.
I was in New York in 2000 before the 9/11 disaster. It was an amazing trip. I went with students from our local high school who were involved in musical theatre. One of the many places we visited was the Juilliard school of performing arts. We had the chance to go down into the costuming department. Oh my!! I literally had to put my hands into my pockets. It was an amazing place with all the beads, trim, fabric etc. I was enchanted. Fast forward 11 years and I am now going to university in North Vancouver, Canada and I'm in the costume program for film and theatre. Even though I'm a "mature" student the same thrill fills me even now. I so loved my trip to New York back then and I hope to go again in the near future. It was pure magic!
It would be fun to see the architecture. I've never been to NYC.
I love just walking around NYC and checking out all it has to offer, finding inspiration along each corner. The fabric district is one of my favorite stops. Next visit will definitely include a trip to the City Quilter.
I've never been to New York, but I have a dear friend who is from there originally, and I would LOVE to make her something from this fabric!
I haven't ever been to New York as I am an Australian. However the beauty of the internet is that we can often access fabrics from around the world. I would love to experience this fabric.
My second big trip on my own with my own money was to NYC in1963. The city encourages you to examine the possibilities...
There is no place in the world like New York. As for Grand Central Station...you can take a 2 hour train at 90 miles an hour from Baltimore and get the enjoy the best NY has to offer and get back home before Midnight. There are store which require an annual visit....I can't wait to return.
Love the fabric!
I have been to New York once for a whirl-wind fun filled day seeing The Statue Of Liberty, The Empire State Building, Grant Park, Radio City Music Hall and Times Square. Our train came into the Grand Central Station, what a magnificent building. I hope to come back to New York again and will visit the City Quilter when I do.
I've never been to NYC, but it's in my list if vacation destinations. I want to do the touristy things, then hit the garment district for fabric and fashions!
never been to City Quilter, but born and raised in Buffalo NY and love the fall season!
I Love, Love everything about New York, even the smells!! Did not make it to the City Quilter but have spent many good hours at Mood and all the other fabric stores close by.
I just turned 60 and went to NYC for the first and SECOND time last summer. I had no clue how wonderful it was. I spent time at Mood, and a whole week in the garment district on tours, shopping sprees and museum trips with the ASG sewing trip. Loved every minute of it - every single one!
~I have only been to NY mentally, from the media. It is on my bucket wish, to go there in person!
Been more years than I can remember since my trips to New York but the excitement and hustle and bustle are what make it so exciting. So much to see and do there. The fabric is fantastic. Love to have some.
I just went to the garment district in NYC last Friday. Absolutely loved it, and I need to go back. I did get to the City Quilter, and got some fabric and they were wonderful and shipped it, and it arrived on Monday. They even shipped fabric purchased from another store. really wanted to see Mood, and didn't get there, but it's on my list for the next trip.
I love walking through the neighborhoods - walking through history, feeling the past alive all around me in Grand Central Station (and the Oyster Bar!), everywhere. I love the old architectural details, the parks, the cobbled streets. I love hearing so many languages, seeing so much life.
oops, forgot to say - yes, I've been to The City Quilter - a great store!
Wishing for some fabric. :-)
I love so much about NYC--Broadway shows, the energy of the city, the City Quilter (always make a stop there!) but what I love the most about NYC is visiting my daughter. :-) I would love to have some GCT fabric to add to my collection of NY fabric.
What can I say about the city in which I grew up? I now live in New Baltimore, NY after a VERY long absence from this lovely state. New York City...the city that never sleeps...I grew up on West 57th Street between 8th and 9th and went to New York University, I will not tell you how long ago that was.
I can remember going to Lincoln Center with my Mom and seeing the ballet. I can still see the Center all lit up in its finery.
In the Winter, we used to go ice skating at The Rink and then sitting in Schrafft's for hot chocolate and apple pie. I can still, to this day, smell the chestnuts, peanuts and pretzels on the coals on a crisp day. I can remember the beautifully decorated windows of Bonwit Teller, Tiffany, Macy's, Gimbel's, etc. during the Christmas season. Back then, the Christmas season started at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Still, my favorite time to go to the city.
I remember, seeing James Earl Jones perform Otello in Central Park. Many an afternoon were spent walking through Central Park. The Carousel, Alice in Wonderland, Columbus Circle.
In my mind's eye, I can still see the beginning of the World Trade Center. They had put up wooden fences with holes at different levels so that all could see them working furiously. It seemed that it took forever for them to finally complete the Towers. And, what an eyeful they were! I remember having dinner at Windows of the World restaurant. To tell you the truth, I do not remember the food, I remember the view! I remember taking my youngest daughter to the top of the Towers when she was but a little girl. I have not been back to the City for a long time, and I do not know if I will have the courage to go to ground zero, but I will try.
I remember my first day of College...I was a bit awe struck. The Village...full of character, history, new beginnings. It was 1973. The era of Flower Children, Make Love not War...It was a revelation to me as I began this great adventure. College was wonderful! I still remember sitting in Washington Square Park with friends discussing how we would change the world. Good times, good times.
So, what can I possibly say about the city in which I grew up? It is a magical, wonderful, energetic city. Yes, it can be harsh...and there have been times that I wondered if the City would survive. But, New Yorkers are made of strong stuff. They endure. There is no other City in the world like New York City. Stand anywhere in the City and you can actually feel the energy all around you. Let it envelop you.
I have never made it to City Quilter. But it will be on my list the next time I go to the City. Along, with the wholesale district and Mood!
My husband who "Loves" trains and has over 50 railroad books, train pictures on the walls and N gauge and HO gauge trains, this material would make a beautiful quilt for him. We've never been to New York City and any states up the east coast past North Carolina. We want to go to every state and are up to 36 states so far. The rest are on our bucket lists to visit. Thank You!
I've never had the opportunity to visit NY except vicariously through my son's visiting there.
I have never seen NY but have heard great things about it and would love to someday visit!
Time for my late 1920's quilt to get some more layers of fabric.
I love all the distinct neighborhoods and of course the shopping. I HAVE been to City Quilter and purchased other exclusive NYC fabrics
Haven't been to NYC in many years. Grew up 35 miles away in upstate NY. Haven't heard of the City Quilter before.
Grand Central Terminal's been a daily part of my life for over 40 years. I went to junior high and high school through the Terminal (commuting via subway from Queens); hired out in the NYC subways and worked there for 13 years (with divisional headquarters at Grand Central Shuttle Passageway); and have worked for the last 24 years (first as a Conductor for four years and a Locomotive Engineer for the last 20) for Metro-North Commuter Railroad, the railroad that runs out of GCT. All that time, and all those pension-creditable years, and I'm *still* not old enough to retire :-)
My swing time never seemed to allow me to make it to City Quilter, although my sister (a city bus driver) has managed to get there and gotten me quite jealous with her tales of swag and fabrics!
What's not to love? The hustle/the bustle. The food! The culture! The MUSEUMS! The Fabric District! Grand Central!!!!!
This is super cool fabric. I love the graphic nature of it and can think so several projects to use it for.
I have never been to The City Quilter, but I would love to.
I've never visited NYC, but I am sure I would love it all.
I've only been to New York once, but MAN! did I love all of the stores!! I have not been to City quilter.
Love going to NYC for fabric, but don't get to go enough. Would love to go again ASAP
Would be one of a kind fabric to play with :)
I love the energy in NYC, but I visited in high school, WAY before I started quilting/sewing. Thanks for the chance to win!
Love this fabric, I want to see New York!
What I love most about New York , while you there you feel all your dreams will come true , it's so inspiring .. Hopefully next time Im there I will vist city quilters
New York has a lot of inspiration and this fabric would be great for a blouse. Never been to the city quilter but would love to go.
My daughter lives in the great NYC and I don't visit enough. My favorite pastime in NYC is just walking around in the springtime enjoying the sites, the diversity of the people, the magnificence of buildings like Grand Central, and the many places to enjoy food with loved ones!
I'll always be a New York City girl. Can't imagine living anywhere else. I'd love to use this fabric.
Going to NY is a dream - one I hope to realize in the next 5 years. I have heard so much about the Garment and Theater Districts - these are the first areas I would like to visit, followed by museums and shopping! I will have to take an extra suitcase for all the fabric I plan to purchase. Art with fabric is a passion and the Big Apple is such a vibrant and exciting place - the ideas and creativity this city can inspire is mind boggling!
There isn't one thing best about New York...but a few of my favorites are (1) the Fabric Stores of course (haven't been to the City Quilter but will be sure to visit on my next visit), (2) the theatre...looking forward to seeing Pippin, (3) eating..oh such a variety of restaurants to choose from, (4) THE PEOPLE...just all kinds to watch...Museums, Central Park, walking, shopping.... :-) This fabric would make a great vest!!
Love NYC, especially the food, but I've always been with a group of non-sewers, so I've never had the chance to do any fabric shopping while I'm there.
What do I love about NYC? The incredible variety of things to do, the people, the architecture, the sights, the smells, the ENERGY!
I've never been to The City Quilter (I'll add it to my growing list of things to do in the city), but I have fond memories of Grand Central. Growing up in CT. the train was the easiest way into NYC. Once you were off the train and into the throng of people you really had the sense that you were in a bustling, busy, exciting place. Back when we first started dating, my husband and I had a date in the city and we took pictures in Grand Central. I didn't know he was "the one" at that point, but I knew we could have a lot of fun together! We live far away from there now but have managed to visit with our son, adding another dimension to our NYC experience. There are so many great things to do with kids there. We have climbed rocks in Central Park, pointed out the constellations on the ceiling of Grand Central, visited FAO Swartz, admired the beautiful Christmas displays, and posed with a Gorilla at the Empire State building!
I love the idea of fabric as a souvenir of a place. I may have to start designing my own to commemmorate the wonderful places I've had the opportunity to visit over the years.
I love it to make a jacket from this fabric. I live in Holland and never been to New York because I'm afraid of flying over such a long distance. when I can have this fabric, NY is with me.