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Magazine Giveaway: Threads Issue 168

Threads magazine issue #168

Threads magazine’s latest issue is out (August/September), and you can win a copy of it! It’s full of great new sewing techniques, embellishments, and notions!

We asked our contributing authors to answer this question: “What garment worn in a Hollywood movie–new or old–would you consider your favorite?” They each responded with a unique choice. Linda Lee would love to make a tuxedo like the one Julie Andrews wore in Victor Victoria, but with a green charmeuse lining. Bobbi Bergquist admires the dress worn by Scarlet O’Hara in Gone with the Wind that was made from the window drapes. Leah Virsik enjoys the black velvet cloak that Meryl Streep wore in The French Lieutenant’s Woman. Finally, Sarah McFarland included three choices–Audrey Hepburn’s garden party dress in Sabrina, Lana Turner’s platinum cocktail number in Imitation of Life (the 1959 remake), and Daryl Hannah’s trompe l’oeil trench coat in Kill Bill.

What garment worn in a Hollywood movie–new or old–would you consider your favorite? Tell us in the comment box below and you could win a copy of Threads #168! The deadline for comments is July 10, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. ET and the winner will be chosen during the week of July 15, 2013. Good luck!


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  1. vanginney | | #1

    The breakfast at tiffany dress. A classic!

  2. margabisa | | #2

    I completely agree with Vanginney : the Givenchy's Black Sheath Dress, worn by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's !

  3. idosew | | #3

    Jean Harlow dress from Dinner at eight.

  4. moviedoll | | #4

    i love the peach pink dress Jennifer Lopez wore in Maid in

  5. billedeaux | | #5

    Although it is not "sewn," I would have to say that my favorite Hollywood dress is the Saran Wrap dress worn by Kathy Bates in "Fried Green Tomatoes." I love the creativeness and the playful whimsy... Perhaps more than her husband did!

  6. User avater
    aislinnluv | | #6

    The dress Kate Winslet wore when she fell in the rain in Sense and Sensibility

  7. GMterrie | | #7

    My favorite is, indeed, Scarlet O'Hara's green velvet dress. Next is the peach pink dress that Jennifer Lopez wore in Maid In Manhattan. THAT one is to die for!

  8. Mannogre | | #8

    Turned out most of my favourites came from independent and foreign films, so... Let it be day dress with stole, long gloves and pink scarf worn by Angelina Jolie in the beginning of "Tourist".

  9. gem43 | | #9

    Anything Grace Kelley wore fit her magnificently and it was stunning though simple.

  10. momadd | | #10

    I don't have a specific favorite, but I do love the dresses from My Fair Lady, especially the ones for the Ascot Races.

  11. grami | | #11

    Not being much of a movie goer, I would have to say the beautiful transformation of the velvet drapes made into Scarlet O'Hara's gown in the classic, Gone With the Wind. It was such a terrific gown and movie.

  12. talliana | | #12

    Halle Berry Die Another day red dress

  13. tiajah | | #13

    Audrey Hepburn's little black dress from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

  14. zzz123 | | #14

    My favorite movie dress was the lavender satin ballgown that
    Deborah Kerr wore in the King and I.

  15. Merrilymarylee | | #15

    I always loved the outfits Doris Day wore, especially in her movies with Rock Hudson: Pillow Talk, for instance.

  16. User avater
    caamaro | | #16

    I admire the outfits Katherine Hephurn wore -- especially her pant suits. She wore pants at a time when it wasn't fashionable but she made it so.

  17. DianeQue | | #17

    My favorite would be any of the classic (and classy) tailored suits worn in the movies of the 1940-1950's.

  18. pathersl | | #18

    Almost anything Kate Winslet wore in "Titanic." The movie is fascinating just for the costumes.

  19. dancinmars | | #19

    The green and white dress Scarlett O'Hara wore in the opening scene of Gone With The Wind. I modeled my prom dress after it in the late 70's.

  20. User avater
    user-2435109 | | #20

    The beautiful dress that Grace Kelly wore in the scene with Frank Sinatra in the 1956 film 'High Society'.
    A beautiful, graceful lady in beautiful, graceful garments.

  21. CAS48 | | #21

    I love those big old skirts that required a hoop, Like Scarlett O'Hara's dresses, but not necessarily the green velvet one made from drapes!

  22. Katywho | | #22

    The ball gown from The King and I

  23. coolfurniturelady | | #23

    There was an incredible wedding dress in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (not a particularly great movie - Kevin Costner really can't pull off a British accent.) It was somewhat unstructured with wonderful flowing ribbon detail, a little translucent with the forest backlighting....all this from one glimpse and a 22 year memory or this movie. Or not - my memory is starting to go so it could have been burlap and my subconscious is making this up. *sigh*

  24. stsimon | | #24

    I love the dresses that Fred Astaire's dance partners wore. They were so artfully cut that they looked like regular dresses when the actresses stood still, but when they moved, they swished and flared into yards and yards of floaty skirt, as if touched by a magician.

  25. lovely_n_lace | | #25

    So many to decide upon!! Especially have been influenced by the clothes Grace Kelley wore--"It Takes a Thief" and clothes Doris Day wore in many of her movies--bought fabric to copy the white and yellow "daisy" dress Doris Day wore in the "Glass Bottom Boat." Glad you asked--brings back many memories.

  26. user-2602378 | | #26

    I have always loved Marilyn Monroe's pink gown with the big oversized bow in the back. I collect Marilyn dolls, and she looked gorgeous in everything; especially the almost-not-there gown from "Happy Birthday Mr. President." Even so, the perky, flirty pink bow brought out who she was inside.

  27. Green4Life | | #27

    I like the outfits Rachel wears in Blade Runner - a modern retro 30's mix.

  28. pattipat | | #28

    I don't watch many movies and can't think of one in particular, but I love to see the old movies with the outdoor ice skating and the ladies wearing the outfits with the long coat/dresses with fur on the cuffs and around the bottom. They always looked so elegant it made me want to learn to ice skate!

  29. mrssmitty | | #29

    The dresses that I love were from The Titanic movie with Kate Winslet, absolutely beautiful.

  30. User avater
    smfsprout | | #30

    Breakfast at Tiffany's is a classic but I love the period fashion like the gown Helen Mirren wore in Excalibur. Call me crazy.

  31. sewbutterflyme | | #31

    This is easy! I have ALWAYS been in love with the pink/coral pant ensemble Lana Turner wore in Imitation of Life! The top is peplum high in front and long in back. The pants are pedal pushers. Can't remember the other top underneath the sheer peplum top.

  32. User avater
    rdejam | | #32

    I am in love with the purple dress that Chita Rivera (Anita) wears during I Want to be in America from West Side Story.

  33. User avater
    Miira | | #33

    Rita Hayworth's dress in Gilda.

  34. User avater
    LuvThreadsMagazine | | #34

    The 1988 movie "Chocolat", it's a French film, takes place in Cameroon in the 50s, the mother is laced into a strapless gown by a male servant. It's a great scene, and an even better dress (so confining, yet revealing).

    The dress reflects the excess and elegance which could not be sustained. It's the zenith of 20th century refinement. Find the movie if you want to see something quite remarkable.

  35. User avater
    user-2631256 | | #35

    Pamela Ptak writes: Embroidered golden gown, robe, headress worn by Li Gong as the Empress in "Curse of the Golden Flower" (2006) http://www.imdb.com/media/rm1115134208/nm0000084
    Li's wardrobe in Memoires of a Geisha was also magnificent http://www.imdb.com/media/rm680889344/nm0000084 :D

  36. User avater
    StinaP | | #36

    Sophia Loren in her black corset and wide white hat in The Millionairess! Stunning!

  37. letsquiltnow | | #37

    Being a classics movie buff, I love MANY of the fashion knockouts from those old films...one gown that stands out was worn by Myrna Log in a Thin Man movie (I don't recall which); it was a sheer, perhaps organza, with circular diagonal stripes in probably satin spiraling around the gown...highly unusual and very striking! I need to dig this out of my DVD collection and take in another long drink of that smashing gown!

  38. User avater
    Sewista | | #38

    Elizzabeth Taylor's slip in Butterfield 8.

  39. User avater
    user-2440927 | | #39

    I, too, loved that peachy pink dress Jennifer Lopez wore in Made in Manhattan. I would have given anything for that dress.

  40. catisnapping | | #40

    Instead of mentioning a specific dress, I want to say I love the dresses that Gracie Allen wore on the Burns and Allen tv show (the later shows that showed them a bit more affluent). I love almost all of them. They're not flamboyant, but graceful and flattering in their fit and details; feminine without being obnoxiously over-sexed the way so much Hollywood fashion is. Their subtlety made her, as a housewife, look elegant without looking out of place. In contrast to her ditzy scripted character, she exuded self-confidence and polish. They're clothes the average woman could wear, not just women posing on the red carpet. I did a quick search and came up with the name Don Loper, so I'll give him credit.

  41. user-802961 | | #41

    Grace Kelly's black and white dress in Rear Window is one of my favorites! She also wore a beautiful green suit that is absolutely stunning. I think they were designed by Edith Head.

  42. elainegint | | #42

    Katherine Hepburn's trousers in The Philadelphia Story were sublime, the perfect combination of tailoring and fluidity.

  43. Lilee | | #43

    There have been two (and a half!) specific defining moments in my history involving film costumes which I must defer to.
    In Pirates of the Caribbean (film #1) When jack sparrow and Will Turner were dueling in the blacksmith shop, I was staring at their shirtsleeves. Call me crazy if you wish, but during that scene as well as the final duel in The Count of Monte Cristo, the men's period shirts were so beautiful to me! In Pirates, they were dirty and everyday but still fluid and beautiful, in Monte Cristo they were dramatic and pristine at the start, and equally beautiful.
    Stereotype me if you must, but the most pivotal film costumes in my life have been some of the gowns in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Eowyn's first gown in the first film, the loose flowing, bound-sleeve gown with brown bodice is something like my ideal of classic womanliness.
    I have a special love for natural fiber fabrics, and especially the styles re-interpreted from dark-ages art. I'm not SCA, or a Ren Fest nut, this has just been my aesthetic since childhood. My earliest fascination with clothing was fed by illustrated children's books of fairy tales, specifically Snow White.

  44. Rachel0328 | | #44

    Hi. I just discovered your magazine at the library and recently subscribed. I am a beginner and when my Mom recently visited we went over the magazines I checked out from the library and found many great tips. I'm looking for ward to receiving my first issue. Thanks

  45. rshirt | | #45

    How sad that most of our comments look to the old movies!

    My favorite dress is Audrey Hepburn's wedding dress in Daddy Longlegs. It was so sweet, and she didn't have to show half her body off to look absolutely stunning!

  46. Isabelsdaughter | | #46

    I love the outfits worn by Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. You could wear those today. Also, the dresses worn by Bette Davis in Now, Voyager after her makeover.

  47. emilynd06 | | #47

    Anything Grace Kelly wore in "Rear Window"

  48. craftretiree | | #48

    I loved the 'makeover clothes' Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman. Classic & timeless clothes that are always in style.

  49. jzzl | | #49

    Ginger Rogers lovely beaded dress in "Follow the Fleet".

  50. gwtw1936 | | #50

    I am a life-long "Gone With the Wind" fan and love many of the costumes from the film , my choice for this moment ( it changes every day ) is the Green Velvet Drapery Dress- considered by many film hostorians the most iconic film costume.

  51. pattyv | | #51

    Audrey Hepburn's black cocktail dress in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is so classic and beautiful. It is still in style today.

  52. BelleBeryl | | #52

    The dress worn in the Titanic movie by Rose very pretty.

  53. cussot | | #53

    At fifteen, I adored Olivia Hussey's sumptuous costumes in Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet. They helped to spur on my interest in sewing.

  54. jennieMB | | #54

    I loved the outfits worn by Rachel McAdams in The Notebook. The high waisted shorts, 40s dresses, and how every outfits had an amazing pair of wedges.

  55. User avater
    at_clearing | | #55

    I've loved so many! Though having just seen one on Antiques Roadshow, I'll choose the black gown Marilyn Monroe wore in Some Like It Hot. It had fringe on the bottom part and was worn in the dance number on the train. Amazingly, it was so tiny, and she had to be sewn in to it.

  56. putittogether | | #56

    So many costumes, costume designers, and actors who wore the items to perfection....I can't chose. What does stand out in my mind are the wonderfully tailored and detailed women's suits and dresses from the 1940's. I would like to copy and sew those precise, crisp and clean, details.

  57. miwts | | #57

    I am absolutely loving all of the costuming in "Game of Thrones", but as it is a HBO Series and not a Hollywood movie, I would have to say that the Joker's nurse costume from The Dark Knight (2008) is my favorite garment. It's not my favorite garment because of its styling nor fit on Heath Ledger (both were atrocious), but for its part in the best scene of the movie :)

  58. Denne | | #58

    I started to fall in love with fashion while watching Elizabeth Taylor walk into a room wearing a butterscotch colored tailored suit in Butterfield 8. I was very young when I first watched that movie and I have never forgotten that suit to this day. It was to die for.

  59. skiss | | #59

    My favorite garment worn in a movie is the striped, ruffled dress worn by Myrna Loy as Nora Charles in The Thin Man. The movie is black and white yet it doesn't matter what color the stripes are. She and that dress are hosting the party!

  60. dkrebs | | #60

    Jean Harlow--Dinner At Eight-- in a party scene she wore a satin gown, 2 of draped satin crossed over her chest up onto her shoulders. It was backless, and she wore it with a shite fur wrap. Gorgeous!!

  61. Connied | | #61

    Definitely, Scarlet O'Hara's Red gown in "Gone With The Wind".

  62. mkbarnett | | #62

    I love Padme's (Queen Amidala) Pastel Lake Gown in Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

  63. SallieA | | #63

    Diana Ross in Mahogany wearing the One shoulder Purple Gown by Mackie w/The oversized muff dyed to match.

  64. nightowl2704 | | #64

    I loved the dress that Marilyn Monroe wore in The Seven Year Itch! Isn't it delicious!

  65. User avater
    sewhappybjm | | #65

    Lt. Uhura's uniform in Star Trek into Darkness

  66. tsimshiangoddess | | #66

    I love the gown that Drew Barrymore wore in the movie "Ever After" (from 1998) where she walks into the ball in the gown of her mothers with the fairy wings.
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  67. User avater
    2tango | | #67

    absolutley anythng Audrey Hepburn wore and Diana Ross in Mahogany all the clothes were fabulous in that movie. I also loved The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover, the designs by Jean Paul Gaultier were dynamite

  68. alisoncat | | #68

    Definitely the little black dress from Breakfast at Tiffany's!

  69. user-969641 | | #69

    Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina.

  70. User avater
    iris68 | | #70

    the dress that Marilyn Monroe wore in Somebody likes it Hot

  71. SewFancy | | #71

    Most definitely the iconic little black dress Audrey Hepburn wore in Breakfast at Tiffany's!

  72. bajjmayer | | #72

    actually i LOVE carol Burnett's "dress" from her skit parody-ing Gone with the Wind--the dress that she literally saw in the window and wore--curtain rod and all--PRICELESS and probably the original repurposed outfit.

  73. phyllisincanada | | #73

    So many faves! But I'm going with the fab suit in Philadelphia Story.

  74. User avater
    Susie__E | | #74

    Although I love the black dress with pearls from Breakfast at Tiffany's, there is a lovely flowing dress from a 1930's film, "A Good Woman"; yellow with white and black flowers. The clothing in old movies are spectacular!

  75. matrice43 | | #75

    Doris Day in Do not Disturb. She wore this gorgeous long dress and this blue coat I love. I have pinned that coat, so I can make.

  76. ambrerose | | #76

    I have a;ways liked the 50's swimwear. And I also like the white dress from Under the Tuscan Sun.

  77. User avater
    ShiningStar | | #77

    I love Lorelai Gilmore clothes on Gilmore Girls. Very classy.

  78. User avater
    PKKing | | #78

    It's so hard to pick a favorite. I agree with Sarah MacFarland's choices - at least there are three to choose from, all terrific! And, I also agree with "bajjmayer" who remembers Carol Burnett's hysterical interpretation of Scarlett O'Hara's dress with curtain rod included. I giggle just seeing the image in my mind. :)

  79. user-1132263 | | #79

    I just love the dark chiffon mid length cocktail dress with the little cap sleeves & sparkly brooch Lauren Bacall wore in "how To Marry A Millionaire". Actually, anything Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe & Betty Grable wore in the film was fabulous, and all the lovely clothes in the fashion parade scene were amazing.
    I also liked the clothes in the film "Singin' In The Rain", with the musical fashion scene to the song "Beautiful Girl" being another of my faves too!

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