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ASDP Master Alterations Specialist Certification

During its national conference in October 2013, the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals (ASDP) will launch a certification program for alterations professionals. The program complements the ASDP’s previously-launched Master Sewing and Design Professional Certification program.

According to the ASDP, the Master Alteration Specialist Certification has been developed to address all the skills necessary to run a successful alterations business. The certification program is built upon standards of quality created by the ASDP, and it is intended to uphold high standards of workmanship and provide a benchmark of superior quality for consumers. Certification is open to any sewing professional, not just ASDP members. It’s important to note also that certification is not a requirement for any practicing alterations professional, nor is it a requirement for ASDP members.

According to the ASDP, professional certification sends a message to the public that sewing skills are valuable and quantifiable, that high standards of workmanship are upheld, and that alterations service providers can be trusted to deliver quality work. The program also educates the professional in evaluating his or her own work and advances skill development.

Master Alteration Specialist Certification is rigorous and each candidate must complete five modules: Professional Practices, Fabrics, Alteration Techniques, Alteration Fit (requiring hands-on fitting of six garments in front of three evaluators), and Alteration Overview. Once certification is achieved, individuals are required to complete continuing education units to maintain certification.

Do you think a certification program for alterations professionals will be beneficial? From a customer standpoint, do you think it will give some assurances that are not currently available that the customer can expect a certain standard of work?


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  1. Ikebana152 | | #1

    I'mnot interested inthe certification. I want to see your portofolio and photos from your satisfied cliients.

  2. sibba | | #2

    I would be interested in seeing an outline of each section.

    [email protected]

  3. legrandchic | | #3

    Where is the certification taking place? How does one apply for this certification? How long does it take to complete the program?
    I consider myself a specialist as I draft patterns and create bespoke garments for clients. I am European trained in my work and teach the method in North America. Would I be a suitable candidate?
    Thank you.
    Maria Calautti

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