Use Slot Seams to Embellish Garments
The mention of slot seams brings to mind tailored vintage garments made from worsted wools or crisp linens, with precise lines and impeccable construction. But they can be used in any type of garment, whether formal or casual.
The traditional slot seam can be taken a step further, into the realm of embellishment. These slot-seam variations can be applied to tailored garments and those that are more casual, including knits. After a quick review of how to construct the basic slot seam, Mary Ray will show you several ways to expand on the technique and transform its traditionally subtle effect into an eye-catching detail. You can use unexpected fabric underlays, change the seam’s shape, embellish the seam with thread and stitching, and slice patterns to create opportunities for slot seams.
Once you’ve learned the techniques described, let your imagination go and create your own variations on the slot seam in this article from Threads #168.
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Evamarie Gomez
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