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Under the Gunn, Episode 11: “The Benefit of Fashion”

The judges thought Shan's dress had a certain wow-factor and couldn't believe he made it in such a short amount of time.

The designers were greeted on the runway by burlesque dancers at the beginning of last week’s episode. Truth be told, the designers seemed more terrified than entertained by the performance. Soon thereafter, Annie Ford Danielson, a global beauty authority for Benefit Cosmetics took the stage to explain a bit about her company’s history and the fact that their first customer was an exotic dancer. Ever since, Benefit has been using its products to make all women feel beautiful.

In keeping with this theme, the designers were challenged to create looks for real women who have a hard time finding clothes that make them feel attractive. Each designer was paired with a client who experiences a different fit issue–from having a boyish figure to being too petite to find professional-looking clothing. Shan, however, ran into an unexpected setback when his client experienced an allergic reaction to his crop top and was forced to create an entirely new outfit about an hour before the runway show.

The guest judge was Annie Ford Danielson. For the most part, the designers played it safe on the runway, and the judges had criticism for everyone. While Asha’s client loved her outfit, there were definitely some construction problems the judges were concerned about. Oscar’s design was sleek, sophisticated, and well-constructed, yet the judges thought the design was too safe and it aged his customer. The lowest scores this week went to Sam and Blake. Sam’s outfit was too ordinary, whereas the print Blake chose for his dress was poorly placed and unflattering on his client. Blake was finally asked to leave the competition. Shan, on the other hand, won both the challenge and the Benefit Cosmetics $1,000 reward for achieving the ultimate quick-fix.

The top:

Shan’s client, Brittany, wanted a date night look:

Shan's design

Oscar’s client, Dani, wanted a sophisticated gown:

Oscar's design

Asha’s client, Erin, wanted a sexy party dress:

Asha's design

The bottom:

Blake’s client, Ruzena, wanted a feminine look:

Blake's design

Sam’s client, Norah, wanted a body conscious dress:

Sam's design

I was very surprised by the results of this episode. To begin, I thought the judges were way too hard on Oscar. He seemed to have made exactly what his client asked for, and it looked absolutely flawless on her. On the other hand, I was stunned that Shan won. Considering the judges were unhappy with Sam and Oscar’s looks because they’ve been done before, what was it about Shan’s outfit that made it so original? Besides the asymmetrical hemline, I thought his design was pretty basic, and the construction seemed less than challenging. I just don’t understand what the judges are looking for. I will agree that they made the right decision by eliminating Blake though.

Did you have a least favorite design from last week’s episode? What did you think of the judges’ critiques? Please share your thoughts below!


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  1. SisterSuzieSews | | #1

    I see why Shan won. He was given very little time to redo his look and still came up with something that looked good. As for Oscar, the dress did look too old for that sweet little woman who was very young. Blake did pick a hard to work with fabric and moved in the wrong direction with it. He didn't seem to have a clear idea of who his client was and what she needed. That makes him a real odd man out.

  2. User avater
    Soli | | #2

    I do not understand the judges thought process. Did Shan get rewarded for having to start over two times? Other than the 'tail' on the back of his dress, it was fairly unremarkable; could have probably used some flatlining, even with a solid cotton batiste to keep it light and moving. The rolled hem looked slightly stretched out and puckered on our tv screen. I wasn't particularly inspired by any of the day dresses, and could have been happy with any of those four going home. Oscar's dress was absolutely impeccable and perfectly proportioned to the young lady. It was not the usual pageant cliche of rhinestones/bugle beads and organza. The bodice looked flatlined and also as if it was sewn with a tiny needle, because there is not one pucker in that tricky fabric, not one thing gone wrong. Even the lining in the slit skirt looks pretty. AND he gave the client what she wanted. I was really prepared to dislike Oscar in his first challenge when he said he was inspired by 'slutty professional women.' His gowns have been anything but slutty. And compared to what I see local girls wearing for Prom/homecoming, this is really sophisticated. So was the problem that he didn't make it too tight? That it wasn't inappropriately short? I contrast Oscar's gown with Asha's short thing and the green dress is much better designed and executed. Maybe if he'd styled her differently with Katy Perry-worthy hair and accessories, he might have fared better. I hope that Oscar will be one of the three finalists. I get the feeling that Asha will be in there, despite her lack of taste and construction issues, just because it's Lifetime and they won't want a finale without a female contestant. Maybe Shan for the third spot, because some of his pieces (including the Francesca's jacket) have been really good. Oscar could end up doing mass market bridal like Austen Scarlett.

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