Sewing School 2 by Amie Petronis Plumley and Andria Lisle (Storey Publishing, 2013).
Do you have a young one in your life who may be interested in becoming a sewer? If so, these books are perfect for you! Sew Fun (Story Publishing, 2013) features 20 unique, colorful projects that are described in step-by-step fashion for easy understanding. Full-size patterns are included in the back of the book for all of the projects. The projects will appeal to both adults and children alike, including: accessories to wear, dolls and toys, and items to create a cozy downtime.
Sewing School 2 (Interweave Press, 2013) also features 20 projects, but these are geared toward the little ones actually doing the work. The book includes simple instructions including everything a beginner needs to know about how to use a sewing machine. The projects are for any gender and are geared toward ages 7 to 10. This is a book kids can really learn from. They’ll learn techniques they will remember for the rest of their sewing career. Reusable patterns are included in the book along with a conveniently attached ruler. The book has everything a new sewer needs as well as great tips for parents who want to teach a child to sew.
To become eligible to win these great books, share a story about a sewing experience with one of your little loved ones or a project you hope to create with them in the future! Enter before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on July 4, 2014, to be entered. The winner will be randomly chosen and announced both online and via email during the week of July 7. Good luck!
My mother taught me and my two sisters to sew by the time we were twelve years old. I have had years of fun creating new pieces of clothing for myself and my husband. I look forward to the day that my daughter is old enough to learn how to sew from me!
I would love to make some toys from Sew Fun and Sewing School for my children, with them, when I would have become a mother!
My mom taught me to sew, I taught my boys (now grown) and now I am teaching my sweet girls. I have 3 budding sewists in my home! They made themselves hooded towels. The each design and help sew birthday dresses each year. I would love to have the books! We are always looking for new ideas. The next project on our agenda is sewing skirts from start to finish for themselves.
I teach a set of twins to sew right now and will be teaching more kids this summer I would love this book for inspiration!
I would love to make memories for other less fortunate. I LOVE to see smiling faces :)
I have been encouraging my 10 yr old granddaughter's interest in sewing and my 9 yr old grandson has caught the bug , too. I plan to have a sewing weekend with both of them later this summer and am looking for a project that will interest them both.
The books would be perfect for my granddaughter who is attending sewing camp this summer. They would take her beyond camp.
Like many others, I have a couple of granddaughters who are just starting to sew. They would love it!
I have been looking at these books at my local fabric store but I have not purchased them as of yet. Hope I don't have too. This summer I am going to start a new sewing program at our small private school. Sewing is a dying profession in many areas and our school wants to compete in the spring against other schools on the fine arts level. We have competed in the academics and this coming school year we want to compete in the arts and crafts levels as well. I am excited to teach these girls some even as young as first grade. I have been sewing since I was 8 years old and pretty much taught myself how to do it. I make all my clothes and the girls at school want to learn and I hope I can instill in them the passion that I found.
I recently tried to teach my 2 year old how to sew with a big yarn needle and some punch holes in cardboard. Not very successful! She's constantly trying to use my sewing machine, so I hope one day soon I can teach her to sew some simple things. I also want to be able to teach my son when he's older - I think it's important for both genders to be able to do it!
I have been making a quilt with and for my 5 yr. old daughter. She's been able to choose the fabrics, sew them together as she wants to, and design the aplique blocks. It's been lots of low-key fun for both of us! When my 9 yr. old was 5, she sewed a dress for herself with my help, and it was her favorite dress until she grew out of it.
My grandmother had a treadle sewing machine, and although I learned to sew in school, she taught me how to control the treadle, the thread feed, and the bobbin (which included knowing how to oil all the parts), and I made many, many clothes on that machine. My granddaughter is almost old enough to begin to sew, and I hope to leave her some warm, loving memories like those I have of Grandma T.
I have twin granddaughters who are 5/12. I promised to teach them to start learning to sew once they turned five. I bought a hand crant machine recently to help them get started. The three of us would make great use of these books!
Last summer I taught my great niece how to make a quilt. At that time the sewing was done by hand. Now that she has a sewing machine I hope to continue to be able to sew/quilt together. She's very creative, but I would love to be able to create things with her inspired by these books.
One of my most treasured sewing related memories is the day our youngest daughter married her high school sweetheart. Not only were they surrounded by loving family and friends the wedding and reception included many handcrafted items - most completed by the bride. Not the least of which were the dresses worn by the bridesmaids and the "woman of honor," the groom's sister was his "best (wo)man."
I'm teaching my grandchildren to sew and other crafts. Excellent for self expression and improves problem solving. Best part is easier to clean up than painting.
I love to sew. I used to make all my kids' clothes. I taught my daughter by helping her make a pair of shorts when she was about 8 or 10, then forgot and told her later, "I wish I had taught you to sew." Of COURSE she said, "you did!"
Now I have a 16 year old granddaughter who doesn't live near me. But her parents got her a sewing machine for Christmas 6 months ago, so I sent her a sewing kit and some books, and told her about Craftsy and Creativebug, and the many You Tube video tutorials there are.
I have also a 6 year old granddaughter and I'm anxious to teach her, although her mother (daughter in law) does sew and can teach her. The minute her dad thinks she is old enough, I want to get her a machine to learn on.
These books would be wonderful for passing the love of sewing to the next generation!
I am teaching my two granddaughters to sew. We are just starting with the basic and they will be ready soon to create things. This would be the perfect time to have theses books. Thank you
I will be teaching my 10 year old niece how to sew when she comes here to live (in two days - they are moving from Michigan to Arizona). She is very excited to learn to sew.
I will be teaching my 10 year old niece how to sew when she comes here to live (in two days - they are moving from Michigan to Arizona). She is very excited to learn to sew.
I will be teaching my 10 year old niece how to sew when she comes here to live (in two days - they are moving from Michigan to Arizona). She is very excited to learn to sew. I think I am just as excited to teach her as she is to learn.
I have (and use) the Bernina my mom used to teach me to sew on and now I have a 6 yo daughter who I hope shows interest so I can teach her. She's interested in how the machine works but I ask her if she would like to try and make something and she says "Not right now".
My grandkids always want to be doing what I'm doing. With these books and some quality time, we can make memories together to last a lifetime.
My granddaughter wants to learn to sew. When she was just two, she rummaged through my fabric and found a piece that delighted her. I used to sit her on my lap and guide her on how to use the machine. She is grown now and we don't live close enough to see one another often, so I would like to win the books to send to her. She is the mother of a 3 yr. ofd daughter and a 5 month old son.
I have taught daughters of two coworders to sew and a third wants to now learn. I also have a neighbor girl who is interested in learning and I'd love to help her. These books would provide great projects for them to work on and aquire a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I love to share my love of sewing! Thank you for making these books available.
I teach sewing and my young and old alike would enjoy the benefits this book would have on their quest to learn this dying art. I am always looking for simple projects and to have these two great books would benefit my business as well!I have been sewing for more than 55 years and have noticed the problems in the commercial pattern companies keep getting harder for beginners to follow, with the errors I find and even pattern pieces printed overlapping each other. Thanks for at least letting me know about the books.
I would love to teach my grandson to make something simple and get him inspired for a life of sewing!
Teaching the next generation is the only way sewing will remain a known skill.
Having recently purchased a sewing machine for my grandaughter, the mom of my first great-grandchild, I'll pass on the legacy of my mom's 80+ years of great sewing tips and tricks - a lasting treasure she'll have to share with her descendants.
I never got to sew with my Mum as by the time it was interested in sewing, we were living on opposite sides of the world. We made a temporary move to be with my Mum but unfortunately she died before we completed the move. I often think of her when I sew.
This has made me decide not to delay teaching my girls aged 8, 7 and 4. Tomorrow never comes and there's no time like the present. I bought a hand turn Singer and have started teaching my girls. I also hope to teach a friend of theirs. Right now they are practising sewing straight lines and planning a first project. These books would be a huge blessing and give us ideas.
I would love to sew with my 9 year old granddaughter and in a few years with the next one who is now 3. I learned to sew early and believe sewing teaches creativity, problem solving, confidence, "stick-to-it tiveness", the art of design and positive feelings of self worth. All of which are life long skills. This book would give our sewing time more structure. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I enjoy sewing with my daughters, ages 10 and 12. I just bought the first of the sewing school books for summer fun, and we will start it after we finish a dress for an American Girl doll ( a formal dress of white and black silk with lace on the bodice). I liked the sewing school book ideas because many were short, quick projects which seem to fit with my youngest's attention span. She doesn't want a multi-week project, but something she can do in one day is great! I would love to have the second book as well!
I am a newly Certified Sewing Teacher. My fist goal is to volunteer with the 4-H organization to teach young people to sew. These books would be a great resource for fun projects for the kids to do. My goal is to increase sewing projects at the fair to 30% next year, after that; who knows I can build on that :) I learned to sew in 4-H and I am sad to see how few sewing projects there are at the fair, even at the State level. I am going to improve on that!
My 6 year old grand daughter asked me if I would help her make a birthday gift for her Mum. She wanted to make two pillows, one a little smaller than the other. I asked why the pillows and she said that because her Mummy hadn't been well, and had lost weight, she needed help sleeping. One pillow,the smaller one, was to be placed between her Mum's knees so the bones did not rub together and hurt, and the other one was for her Mum to hug. I was told that since my grand daughter still hugged her blanket at night for comfort, her Mum needed something to hug for comfort also.
We sorted through Gramma's fabric stash, about 15 storage tubs worth of all different kinds of fabric, until we found some soft patterned flannel. The two pillows were made, and other than helping line up and pin the closing seams, she did it all by herself. Ignoring the occassional complaint from the machine, and suggesting that fancy design stitches may not be the best thing to close the stuffing seam with, I got through it by giving encouragement and praise. It would warm my heart if this child loves sewing and creating as much as I do.
We love them, help them, and get to send them home.
I have had two granddaughters to my home for a week of sewing school in the summer. This year I plan to help them draft a pattern for an A-line skirt and then sew it. Two years ago I guided them (then aged 9 and 13) to make a sleeveless dress, which they did from cutting out to completely sewing them. Last year I taught them to make circle skirts. They were so proud of their accomplishments, and I was proud of actually being able to teach them. Last year the younger one made a "jacket" using some orange velour and some quilted fabric that I had; she designed and made it on her own.
My eight-year-old granddaughter and I are very close and we like nothing better than to create together. I sew clothes for her dolls, as well as for her and her sister. I'd love to be able to teach her to sew so she could explore the wonderful world of fabric for herself. Her mother sews, as well, and this is something they could do together, too.
I helped my then 6-year old granddaughter decorate a shirt for her little sister by sewing loving words on the shirt using the alphabet stitches on my machine. She sat on my lap and programmed the words and then stitched them on. We changed thread colors with every word. It was a fun activity and a fun shirt.
I have two 8-year-old friends who are learning to sew. I love teaching them! They'd love either of these books.