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Win Tickets to ASDP’s 2014 Fashion Show

Five lucky winners will receive two tickets each to attend ASDP's 2014 Fashion Show on October 17.

We’re thrilled to announce that Threads Executive Editor Judith Neukam will receive the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals’ Lifetime Achievement Award during the 21st Annual Educational Conference, October 15 to 19, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

To celebrate, we’re giving five (5) of you – and a friend – the opportunity to attend the ASDP’s 2014 Fashion Show. The fashion show will take place during the Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation on Friday, October 17.

To participate in the giveaway, leave a comment detailing why you would like to attend the ASDP’s 2014 Fashion Show by 11:59 p.m. EST, October 7, 2014.

Five (5) winners will be randomly selected from qualified entries, as determined by the editor of Threads magazine. Each winner will receive two complementary tickets. The winners will be contacted via email and announced October 8, 2014.

Good Luck!


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  1. JessWerner | | #1

    It would be an honour to attend the ASDP's 2014 Fashion Show and to meet others who are as passionate about the art of sewing.

  2. user-2715505 | | #2

    I have been sewing for many years, I started as a young girl designing and sewing clothes for my dolls while my mother made most of my wardrobe. It was one of the many gifts my mother gave me before she left this world suddenly after a car accident.

    I have never attended a fashion show and would love to have the opportunity to attend one. I would take with me, my sister, because my mother's spirit doesn't need a ticket.

    Thank you for considering me for this give away.

    Linda McAndrews
    Freeport, NY

  3. katcatt | | #3

    I would love to attend the ASDP's fashion Show. This would be a dream come true.

  4. TzipiGlick | | #4

    I cant imagine anything i would want more than to win these tickets because1) I am a big fan if Judy and would love to be present when she receives her award. 2) i LIVE in Philadelphia so what could be more convenient. i really hope i win. thank you

  5. EvaSuzanne | | #5

    I would love to attend this fashion show! After a long week at work, sewing & sewing related activities give me peace & joy. I'm sure this will be inspiring. Thank you for offering this chance to attend.

  6. User avater
    sewhappybjm | | #6

    I would love to take my daughter who is studying Fashion Design to the show. It would be a great mother-daughter outing and it would be great for her to get to go.

  7. Brittany_Tait | | #7

    I would love to attend the ASDP tickets. I am a young seamstress, trying to connect with others that share my passion for sewing. I believe that the art of sewing is making a come back and I want to help it along! I would love to attend this show in particular as I am moving to Philly and would love to meet people with common interests. I like a sense of community, where people can learn from one another.

    I would even be willing to use only one ticket in order to allow for another contestant to go!

  8. User avater
    slmendes | | #8

    How exciting and a huge congratulations to Judith Neukam for the ASDP's Lifetime Achievement Award! I would absolutly LOVE to attend the fashion show coming up soon, I love fashion shows and really love sewing, a match made in Heaven!

  9. 14scotty | | #9

    Are you kidding, Any one would like to go who sews fashion. I study fashion and would love to go. That would make my world. Thank you Thread for the fine magazines you put out.

  10. berauschend | | #10

    I think it would be wonderful yo see the clothes in person. Photos are nice but in person is better. Some details are hard to appreciate in pictures.

  11. SuzyQCanuck | | #11

    It would be a unique educational experience.

  12. nllesley | | #12

    It would be a great experience to attend the ASDP's 2014 Fashion Show. The ASPD has such an amazing history and offers wonderful support.

  13. njtsieling | | #13

    Fashion shows are so inspirational, and I haven't seen one in years. I would love to go! I even have a place to stay in Philadelphia and someone to go with!

  14. User avater
    Brenda_Schmidt | | #14

    My first thought is...who would I take with me??...my Mom of course! She started me on this long learning road of sewing. Attending ASDP would be a trip to remember. I'm always wanting to learn more about any kind of sewing!!

  15. user-96911 | | #15

    As a long-time subscriber to Threads and a passionate patternmaker/seamstress for more than 40 years, I would be thrilled with the opportunity o attend this fashion show! My great-grandmother gave me a sewing machine for my 7th birthday and I never could have dreamed how much sewing would change my life! I could never have realized at such a young age that I would make my living doing what I love to do. If selected to go, it would be incredible to spend time with other people also passionate about sewing - and I would take my dearest friend with me so that we could spend the weekend sans husbands delving into the world of sewing, fabrics, and indulging in ourselves! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  16. jeannie86 | | #16

    oh who I would love to win tickets to this show! I've been a sewer in various forms throughout my life. I lost my "real" job recently due to layoff and decided it is now time to make my "hobby" a real job. I'm working on my own designs and building up a stockpile of products to start selling. A trip to Philly (and a visit with family who live in the area) would be inspirational and FUN! Thanks, Threads, for this opportunity.

  17. cj383 | | #17

    Would love to but I will be at the Ft Worth Sewing Expo - signed up for classes with Louise Cutting, a dream come true.

  18. User avater
    PKKing | | #18

    I'd love to see the editor of my favorite magazine receive such a prestigious and well deserved award. And the fashion show will be amazing and inspiring fr sure. Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. user-5085047 | | #19

    Would love to attend a sewing convention - have never been to one - but have heard great things!

  20. User avater
    dsandler | | #20

    As a family and consumer Science teacher for the last 30 years, I have taught thousands of students how to sew. I am always looking for ways to stay current, and to increase my students' participation. That's why I would love to attend this fashion Show. We always end the semester with a Fashion show for our faculty.


  21. Sadaajit | | #21

    I'm working on becoming a clothing designer and this would be really inspirational and instructional for me.

  22. dalej528 | | #22

    As along term (30 + years) subscriber to Threads, seeing Judith get this award would be a real thrill and honor!!!! Go Judith, and congratulations... well deserved!!

  23. User avater
    wicked_stitcher | | #23

    Philadelphia has become my home in the last decade, and there's definitely a unique fashion take here i'd love to see up close and personal!

  24. simplypat | | #24

    My heart belongs to sewing. To attend an event with this level of talent and zeal would be and honor.


  25. simplypat | | #25

    My heart belongs to sewing. To attend an event with this level of talent and zeal would be an honor.


  26. sandeeg | | #26

    I've a happy new divorce, and 2 responsible grown sons. It's time for me to take care of myself, get back to sewing for myself, have some fun, and see what's new!

  27. FiftyDresses | | #27

    As one who is thinking of joining the ASDP as a "friend", I would so appreciate the opportunity to attend the Fashion Show. And to attend compliments of Threads Magazine would be even better!

  28. finchmama | | #28

    Looks like a great girlfriend trip for sewing buddies. I have just the person to go with. We love to sew and be inspired with what's new.

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