Secure a Coat Lining
Sew sturdy tabs to keep the layers in line.Browsing in a vintage clothing store, I came across a Burberry trench coat with a free-hanging lining anchored to the coat hem by small tabs at the side seams. It was such an elegant way to prevent fine lining fabric from pulling against heavier coat fabric and shredding. This not only puts less stress on the coat lining, it also gives the coat hem a softer, more draped look, and it allows for more movement. The fabric anchor tabs are stronger than traditional thread tacks, and they keep the lining from shifting out of position as you move in the coat. All in all, this designer detail improves wearability and durability and adds a fine touch you will want to use in all the coats you sew.
This article, in the PDF below, is from Threads #176 (Dec. 2014/Jan. 2015) by Jacque Goldsmith. She walks through an innovative way to make sure a coat’s lining is secure.
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