Have you ever stumbled upon a sewing trick or clever concept that you wanted to share with the world? Do you have a technique that you’ve spent years developing, and now it’s ready to be shown off? Threads magazine can help. To share your insightful tips and techniques with the readers of Threads, the submissions process is surprisingly simple.
Start by sending an email briefly describing your idea to [email protected]. If your idea sounds like what we’re looking for, we’ll be in touch about writing a more detailed description and, eventually, a completed manuscript with the help of our writers. Images or other media that may aid in our understanding of your idea are helpful. For more information about this process, see the Threads author guidelines.
Some of Threads’ finest articles have been written by readers just like you. In the Quick to Make department of Threads #173, June/July 2014, reader Eyrlene Kammerer, who taught tailoring and alterations for two decades at Diablo Valley College, describes her method of creating a handy ruler keeper. Sharing a sewing project with the world is immensely fulfilling, and we would like you to have that experience.
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