Sergers are designed with suction cups underneath to help control the vibration of the machine. But if you have a serger, you know that doesn’t always work. Luckily, there’s a better way.
Diane McNevich from Newark, Delaware, suggests buying an inexpensive mousepad. The suction cups sit on the mousepad for vibration-free serging.
Will you try this tip? Do you have other methods of securing your serger during use? If so, share your tricks in the comments section.
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My new Bernina serger (2010) sits on a sturdy table and doesn't vibrate at all. My old Toyota brand serger (early 80's)hopped all over the sewing table and drove me crazy. This would have been a very useful tip.
I have used rubber mats that are sold for lining kitchen cabinets to protect glassware underneath my serger for many years. This material has worked well to eliminate vibration and still keeps my machine from walking all over the table.
I am going to look for that mouse pad I have right away. Wish I had thought of this many years ago.
I also use the Rubbermaid kitchen shelf lining. It is kinda padded and works very well for this use. I buy it by the big roll, as I find it has many uses.
Yes. I used the padded shelf liner too! It's been too long to remember... I really needed my serger and my sewing machine to stay on the table! That does the trick! Now I need to keep my pins and tools on the table too!