Enter this giveway and win Let's Get Creative with Quilt Labels by Shannon Gingrich Shirley
Have you ever wanted to learn new techniques to spice up your quilting? Well look no further, because this giveaway is for you. Whether you’re looking for exotic patterns like those in Quilts in Morocco by Kaffe Fasset (Westminster Fibers, 2014), or searching for more traditional skills like those described in Let’s Get Creative with Quilt Labels by Shannon Gingrich Shirley (Schiffer, 2014), or you want to try making the quilts found in Quilt Love by Cassandra Ellis (The Taunton Press, 2012), this giant giveaway is exactly what you need. Also included in the prize package are Mini Quilts (The Taunton Press, 2014) by Jodie and Jayne Davis and the latest quilting special issue from Threads magazine, Quick Stuff to Quilt. Your quilting can only improve with these wonderful additions to your sewing library.
In addition to the wonderful books and magazines described above, our winner will also receive soft and colorful fabrics from Shannon Fabrics. The yardage included in the prize package is perfect for your next quilt.
To enter to win all of these amazing prizes, tell us about the first quilt you ever made, or the first quilt you’d love to make. Add your comment before the deadline, 11:59 p.m. EST, February 20, 2015. The winner will be randomly selected, contacted via email, and announced online during the week of February 23, 2015. Good Luck!
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Quilts on an English Farm by Kaffe Fassett
Brilliant Little Patchwork Collection by Kaffe Fassett
I'd love to win this!
Oh, my, does this ever look like fun!
Would love to add to stash and library.
My very first REAL completed quilt was a kit and I was so thrilled I haven't stopped quilting since.
The first quilt I ever made was following a Quilt in a Day class I took. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!
My first quilt was a hand appliqued floral quilt, double-bed sized. I still love it!
My first quilt was made of recycled clothes....it was soooooooooooo warm....I loved it kept me nice and warm on cold winter nights.....
Wow! What a fun package! My first quilt was made of recycled corderoy pants, backed with a bed sheet, and tied with yarn. 30 years later, my dog is still enjoying it in her bed. Thanks for the chance to win!
My first quilt was a simple block/patchwork quilt that I made back in college in the early 80's. It was made using my favorite shades of purple and covered my bed in my first apartment. I still use it 35 years later as a picnic tablecloth, a baseball blanket, a chill-chaser at outdoor events and sometimes covers a guest who needs a place to stay overnight. It always brings me a smile to see it!
I love giveaways! My first quilt was a lap size double Irish chain. I took a class at the rec center on Misawa AB in 1997. I've quilted on and off after that. Since I lost my job last summer I've delved into sewing and quilting again and I'm so hooked.
I learned to quilt from my Grandmother when I was very small. No rulers or rotary cutters in those days. Just an old treadle machine. I made a giant heart out of 3 inch red squares. I used it till it wore out. The fabric was this back then and didn't hold up very well but I sure loved that quilt.
just learning to quilt and would love to win
My very first quilt was solid breast cancer awareness fabric that I hand stitched for my eldest daughter. That was 2 years ago. I started quilting to help keep my mind of the nerve disorder that racks my body and I love it!!!! I am not able to to quilt as much as I would like but fight my body to let me!!! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!!!! [email protected]
I made a cheater quilt with grizzly bears on it. Over 20 years ago. My son will not get rid of it! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
I'mworking on my first quilt, a bright and cheery sampler quilt!
Thank you for the chance to win. My first quilt was a basic block with old jeans and flannel that I made for my dad.
My first quilt is knocking around in the back of my mind. I bet this package would be just the thing to inspire me.
I would love to win this package. The first quilt I made that I was proud of was a four patch and solid block lap quilt. It, and a couple others, were made for the "Quilts for Kids" foundation. These were easy to put together but I still have to practice a lot on my machine quilting ability.i have made quilted casserole carriers that turned out nice.
The first quilt I made was for my baby brother Rick when he was born. I used the little fabric samples out of my dad's wallpaper books. It was about 24x36 with a flannel backing. My Mom was very thrilled.
I'm in the middle of my first quilt right now and it's HUGE. Much bigger than I was anticipating. Can't wait for it to be done so I can start new ones!
My first quilt was done in a sampler class where we experienced a whole lot about block design and construction, many machine and hand techniques, and a beginning of mastery of many quilting tools. It was a great intro. to the world of quilting and quilters, and I will always be grateful for the teacher, Robin Lipp. It opened up a vast world to me.
My first quilt was a bed sized quilt made in 1993 when we moved to a new home and I wanted a new bedspread but did not like what I saw in stores. After making that one and a twin size for my son, I was thoroughly hooked on quilting. I studied quilting via library books for 2 years before joining the local guild.
My first quilt was made for my daughters bridal shower. It was all appliqués with shoes and purses. Pink and leopard print
I am working on my first quilt now as part of a Saturday Sampler series at my LQS. Wish me luck. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
I've made quilted objects, but never a quilt. My first one will be a Christmas quills for my granddaughter.
23 years ago my husband and I blended our families; my daughter and his son and daughter. Our son was graduating from HS and planning to attend Michigan State University. I bought Eleanor Burns' Irish Chain book and had decided to make it for his graduation gift from me. He still has it at 32 and it made me feel like it was a gift from me (not us!) and my desire to care for him all my life.
My first quilt is literally dancing around in my head between my brain cells. Where to start? I have the threads, I bought fabric that inspires me in colors that make me smile... I have the equipment and tools, and all I need is a big push!
Should I start small with something like a mug rug or potholder or quilted pillow cover or Quilted drawstring bag, or a baby quilt? The choices are endless! Help me! I need a creative outlet or I will literally combust if such a thing was scientifically viable. Oh well, just enter me in your sweepstake. Pretty, please!
My first quilt was to work on one my grandmother started by hand. She had used garment fabrics to make nine patches and the top was about twin size when she gifted it to me. I was about 10 years old. I loved working on it while she sewed next to me.
I am a beginner quilter. I have made pot holders, placemats and a table runner. I have quilts that my mother has made me and they are very precious, and the work that has gone into them is appreciated after my attempts at quilting. I eventually want to work my way up to making one.
Homemade quilts carry so much love and each quilt has a story to tell. There are so many patterns, techniques and the variety of material can be
overwhelming. I have to tell myself to slow down and take my time when making choices. I pick the colours and patterns that seem to "speak" to me.
I admire all the people (mainly women) who have posted pictures, videos
and blogs regarding this timeless craft. I will be crossing my fingers for the
This is an amazing package! My first quilt was Trip Around the World done up in creams, rose florals and spring green. I fell in love with the fabrics. However, I made this quilt and had it quilted in 2011' but have only put the label and binding on it this year. I think your give away would really inspire me to finish my quilts much sooner. Thanks,
This is an amazing package! My first quilt was Trip Around the World done up in creams, rose florals and spring green. I fell in love with the fabrics. However, I made this quilt and had it quilted in 2011' but have only put the label and binding on it this year. I think your give away would really inspire me to finish my quilts much sooner. Thanks,
First quilt was a baby quilt made for my first son.
My first quilt was a block of the month kit that I bought from Joanns sewing and fabric store. I had seen that they were selling these kits that were separated by each month 1-12 and a setting kit. Each set had pret cut fabrics to make the blocks for that month and all the instructions you would need for machine or hand sewing. Each month had different type blocks so that you learned something new. It took me about seven months to complete the queen size quilt which I gave as a gift to my daughter and her husband. I really had a great time, the quilt turned out so nice that my husband said he wanted me to make the same one for us!!!!
My first quilt was a sampler, learned in a class held at the local university way back in 1980. The students loved the lessons so much we continued after the term ended in our teacher's home. The sampler has led to a life time of enjoying quiltmaking and helped me know that my favorite part is choosing scraps and piecing geometric shapes.
My first quilt was a sampler I took at a LQS learning to sew. I would love to make a bargello.
My first quilt was made back in the early 1980s, cut out on the floor with scissors. A portion of the quilt was a nine patch that finished with each square at 1", yikes! The pattern is called "Young Man's Fancy", the 9 patch being the center of a star pattern. I machine pieced and hand quilted it. Unfortunately, my intricate hand work is not visible in the print; lesson learned. I'm now into art quilts, dyeing my own fabrics and have not lost my love and excitement for quilting.
First quilt was a baby quilt for my first granddaughter. Each grandbaby's quilt is more complicated than the last.
My first quilt going to be a baby quilt for my first grandniece or nephew (yet to be revealed) due in August. I plan to do a simple top and flannel backing with no batting. I've gathered the materials and am excited about starting this project!
My first quilt was one for my older son when he was a toddler.
The first quilt I made as a white sheet with applique yellow and orange flowers on it. I quilted it by machine and it lasted several years until the batting all shifted and made valleys and ridges in it. I did not know at that time about proper spacing for the batting I was using and did not quilt closely together....
My first and only full size quilt was a log cabin pattern. I used warm colors on half and cool colors the other. I gave my quilt to a lady to quilt for me, and she made a mess of it. I have spent a long time taking it apart so I can finish it. I would love to get this one done so I could start another one. I have made several baby quilts for new parents. Thanks for the offer.
My first was an Eleanor Burns log cabin, taught by the lady herself in San Diego. Chopped up X-rays to make the strip templates, marked and cut and cut. Navy blue and maroon. Still have pieces of the quilt in the dog beds. Thank you Eleanor for introducing us to strip piecing long before rotary cutters.
My first quilt actually started out as a wall hanging. I just kept adding borders and voila, it's now a bedspread. Crazy!
I had made several wearable art quilted clothing when I decided to try to make a bedquilt. I used polycotton fabric to make an envelope, turned it , inserted old shrunken woolen blankets and tied them. My children loved them as much as they do the much more accomplished quilts I make today :-) .
I would love to win this.
I had no idea what I was doing but a good book to work from. I gathered all old fabric including some muslin that used to be kitchen curtains. All quilts have muslin, right? I did a block at a time technique and ran each block into work to ask my friend if it looked right. I am Italian. No one in my family had ever made a quilt. She's from the South, so all Southern gals know about quilts, right? Luckily she really did and kept me going. It's a sea of beige with a binding that defies descriptions but my first is a treasure.
My first quilt was for my daughters bat mitzvah. It was paper pieced tree of life and all the family names were in the border. People were called up to ace a fabric leaf with their name on the tree.
I was very pleased with the result.
My first quilt was made in 1974 after we had moved to a new town. My husband had just started a medical practice and I was left home many evenings with young twins. It was a Double Irish Chain , but with 2" squares. We used it on our beds for many years.
I really can't remember my first quilt. I think it was piecing scraps from my grandmother's leftover pieces from one of her quilts. I would make quilts for my dolls. the books would be a great addition to my bookshelf. Thank you
My mother was a quilter. My daughter is a quilter. I, too, want to be a quilter and make a memory scrap quilt from all the non-quilt projects from my sewing adventures.
My first quilt was a 'cheater' quilt for my Dad. He loved draft horses and the quilt was made from panels of Belgian horses. He loved it.
Thank you for this exciting offer.
My 1st quilt was made in high school as part of a Home Economics class. Basic patchwork, a flannel sheet was the backing, and tied with yarn at each corner.
My first quilt was made for a school auction. The children drew pictures on muslin squares with fabric crayons. I made it into a quilt and unfortunately, it was crooked! It sold for $2,000 and was hung in the lobby of a downtown office building.
I designed my first quilt myself when I was pregnant with my son. It was a simple quilt, tied rather than quilted. I gave it a valiant effort but unfortunately I didn't finish it until he was 11 years old. I am now a grandmother and finished two baby quilts (quilted!)by the time their recipients were born and I am itching to do more. I would love to win this package!
My first quilt was a Flying Geese wall hanging- not my best work!
I want to make my first quilt a beautiful quilt of roses. I love roses and would love to have them all over our bed!
My first quilt was a baby quilt for my niece! A very simple pattern! I have been quilting for about 35 years, and am always learning something new!
My first quilt was for my then-boyfriend, my hubby, and it was staggered brick rectangles in four different calicos, with the corners of the bricks tied with floss. The mistake was to use two batting layers of fiberfill so it was too hot to tolerate for a los Angeles winter season. We all make mistakes when we first try to do something by hand. Help me learn properly!!!
My first quilt was made with the help of the internet. It was a 'simple' brick design so I could finish it more quickly than something complicated. I gave it to my granddaughter but sometimes I miss it and being able to gloat over the achievement.
I took a class for my first quilt even though I had read every book and article I could find on the subject. I still needed a little push to start. During the class I noticed the teacher behind me cutting my finished blocks to "straightened them" she said. When I finished the blocks later at home, one was just less than 1/2 inch narrower than the others. I had worked so hard and spent so much on the class and materials; that I just cut a slice of the background color (black) and seamed it down the left side to match the other block dimensions. I feel it gave me self assurance to be able to salvage the project. I still need to finish the hand quilting as this will be my first to hand sandwich as well. I think I will use this narrow slice by signing down the piece with my name and date; kind of like it was planned. Now I read there are no rules to making quilts and often others have an experience as I had. Thanks for this chance to win more quilting stuffs. Never have enough. lol.
My first quilt was one I made from a class I took at my local quilt shop. I took the class with my sister, and we had a great time together. I still love the colors I chose and am pretty proud of my first effort. I'd love to win the contest.
I have just begun quilting and am loving it. I'm converting my sons old bedroom into my sewing room, and leaving plenty of room for books and material stash.
My first quilt took eleven years! A t-shirt quilt for my son. Once I finished it, the quilt bug took a big bite out of me.
My first quilt took eleven years! A t-shirt quilt for my son. Once I finished it, the quilt bug took a big bite out of me.
My first quilt took eleven years! A t-shirt quilt for my son. Once I finished it, the quilt bug took a big bite out of me.
The one quilt I've made was from a kit with precut squares and triangles from ties. It was really fugly but, I still use it on my bed. I made it 35 years ago. I would love to make another quilt.
I made my first quilt in 1989, it was a King size log cabin. Quite ambitious for my first quilt project, but the quilt store where I took my class to learn quilting encouraged me to go for it. It is still as beautiful as the day it was quilted. The only thing I wish I had more knowledge of then was how to choose more timeless colors in my fabric selections as this color palate is indicative of the times. Would be very grateful to win this contest and put to good us for myself and others in my sphere. :)
My first quilt was a baby quilt for my nephew when he was born 30 years ago. I designed an applique teddy bear on a patchwork background.
I made my first quilt for my baby nephew two monkey flannel print quilt.
My first quilt was for my young granddaughter. It took a week to piece and nine months to do the hand quilting. She loved it and her reaction led me to make one for her younger sister, then one for each grandchild that came along. I now make my own designs using illustrations from story books as inspiration. I mix different techniques like applique, trapunto,fabric painting and embroidery depending on the style of the quilt. That first quilt started a tradition and inspires me each time I begin a new one.
The first quilt I made was a hanky quilt. I collected approximately 125 hankies, both vintage & new. I hand quilted each panel, then put together a machine sewn border and backing. I am now going to practice some machine quilting so that I can call it completed.
My first quilt was a baby quilt when my daughter was on the way. We didn't know gender, so it was appropriate for either: applique' kittens in realistic colors. The kittens were playing with rainbow striped yarn on a yellow gingham background. I had no idea how to machine quilt, and had to do it twice after the backing fabric had some major pleats on the back. Since then, I have made quite few art quilts, several of which have been exhibited at International Quilt Festival.
My first quilt was for my granddaughter's layette. Good thing she loves me, because the quilt was made with more love than skill. I did better for my grandson, but I still have way too much to learn.
I have made a baby quilt some 14 years ago, since then I have made small wall hanging, but with this giveaway I would try to make my first large quilt.
First quilt? There was a book with 50 State Capital Quilt Blocks, just drawings. I made them all, totally by hand, including cardboard templates, cutting with scissors, sewing by hand, quilting by hand, binding by hand. Although threadbare in places, we still sleep under that quilt some 35+ years later! Quilting has come a LONG way since then.
This is a comment to the Louise Cutting "21 sewing tips" article. Threads, if you offer an article in this newsletter offering "21 sewing tips", why not edit it so that the tips are ALL viewable by non-insider members? Insider members already know where to go to look up their other articles.
It's already time-consuming to open and scroll through your website articles since it's necessary to start all over again after looking at each item in-depth. So it's doubly time consuming -- and a waste of your readers' time - when you include tease inaccessible articles under the section where non-member readers would normally expect to find readable material.
Thanks for thinking of us when you post your articles. Best Regards.
I made my first quilt for my son who had just purchased a new home. It was a BOM and it was pretty easy. Since then I have made many more quilts in a variety of sizes and styles. I'd love to win!
Years ago, I completed my first full quilt top at a shop in Middlebury, VT while visiting a cousin nearby. Loved the quilt. It was red and white. I'm still friends with my fantastic instructor.
1987 I laid my 1st daughter on a floor on top of a light blue calico that I purchased 22 yrs. The pink calico was a 20 yrd purchase. I had no idea what I was doing . I traced her body and appliqued the blue body onto the pink background. Then appliqued a pail and a shovel. One the bottom I couched her name in a chinchilla yarn. I tied it with a white cotton thread that was used for cooking roasts. It was dreamy. At that time I didn't know that there were names for the above actions and I used that calico for years. The next 12 quilts had pink and blue calico features. I look back and laugh at how enthusiastic a starter I was. I am still a student and now buy more fat quarters.
Wow, when I was very young my grandmother quilted & I then wanted to learn that craft. Not until many years later did I find a quilting class. I used to travel to the next town (which was very long drive away from home.) The first class the teacher showed many of her own quilts & I was hooked. The next class she took many of us shopping & gave us a quick class on fabrics & how to use them. We learned so much that day. We all bought our fabric that day. The next class was on templets. Not one lady dropped out because we all loved what we were learning. We all worked on the same pattern & not one of them was a duplicate. After about the 5th class she let us take them home & do a little work on them. It was a queen quilt & I finally finished it. We used it for many years. It is packed away but I think about it often as I learned so much. Many years later...I love to add quilting to my sewing projects now.
I made my first quilt a few years ago. It's made with lots of pink fabrics. It isn't that big, but I love it! And ever since then, I've caught the quilting bug.
My sister talked me into making a t-shirt quilt for her daughters high school grad. It turned out great can't wait to make another quilt.
Still learning.. so the quilt I made was a throw to cover up with...
would you believe it was tobacco pickers accommodation and made from sweat-shirting and tee shirt fabrics - fools step in where angels fail to tread!!!!
The very first quilt I ever made ????!!!!! Wow that takes me back Thirty -seven years when I was expecting my second son !!! I wanted something new to do in the sewing related world to help pass the time ,( as if not looking after my other son who was still a baby ). So after reading some class ideas I felt that quilting had to be the right choice which it absolutely turned out to be! , I have never turned back.....I made a twin size teddy bear quilt for my baby I was expecting which involved an introduction to applique for me as well as quilting . I still love and enjoy quilting as much as ever and always will !!!
I'm in the process of gathering my sons old favorite t-shirts, scout shirts including his Eagle.sport jerseys and of course his Tee-Tee from childhood to make into a quilt for college. Can't wait.
My first quilt I made was a patchwork quilt when I was in high school, I used old jeans that had holes in them and were going to be discarded (this was back in the day when people tossed holey jeans). So I guess, not only was it my first quilt, but also my beginning of being a lifelong recycler. I made that quilt 36 years ago and my Mom still has it, says it's one of her most treasured possessions along with the other's I have made her and Dad through the years.
Looking forward to making 2 quilts soon
I would love to win this
Always ready for quilting... especially a giveaway. http://www.sewandso.wordpress.com
After spending so much time perfecting a quilt, I would love to have the perfect "unique" label for it! Love all the books and of course, I "really need" the fabric!
What a great giveaway!!!!! The first quilt I made was a breast cancer awareness quilt for my oldest daughter who is into breast cancer awareness as much as I am. I was brand new at sew so I hand stitched every little breast cancer ribbon. It took me three months but she loved it and used it on her bed she is 21. I just started quilting 2 years ago to help deal with the pain I suffer from arthritis and RSD which is causing severe nerve pain in my legs and is not curable. I am 38 and a retired nurse. Quilting is all I have left I can physically do so this would be awesome to win!!!!!! I need supplies and can't afford them right now. Thanks for the chance to win!!!! [email protected]
My first quilt was made of flannel diamonds. A baby quilt for a friend. That was more than forty years ago.
My first quilt was a sampler. I made it with fabrics left from making our clothes. A purist would not like it! It has a lot of different kinds of fabrics in it.
I HAD a book with pieced quilt labels but it has somehow gotten lost between me and my daughter. I'd really like to have some unique for labels.
Love to quilt. I would enjoy winner this prize.
Wow, so long ago, the first quilt I made, I was 12 years old and a girlfriend, who had been taught to make a Cathedral Quilt by her grandmother, taught me. I loved it and really went to town. I don't know what has happened to that quilt from 47 years ago, but I do know that it ignited a fire for the love of quilting that has lasted a lifetime!
Thanks for the opportunity for this giveaway!
Sincerely, Tracy B. Snyder
My first quilt was a King size Impressionistic Garden with Gate quilt. It was all done with 3" squares, and my own design. The piecing was great fun and gave me a true appreciation of the fabric design uses both the front and reverse sides. It was trying at times, but it taught me a lot. It is the only quilt I would never give away because it means the most to me.
What else, it was a doll's quilt. Two pieces of fabric sewn together on 3 sides. Stuffing put inside and sewn shut. It served my dolls for many years. I have advanced a little now. Now it is gingham baby quilts. Looking forward to time to make official big bed quilts with all kinds of patterns.
Would love to make my first quilt with this.
my first quilt was a baby quilt for my daughter 31 years ago; am now working on my second for her as yet unborn child.
My first quilt was 27 years ago when I was expecting my first child. I took a class at the only craft store we had at the time. My teacher was very patient and made me fall in love with quilting. I still have my blue and white Rail Fence quilt and it always brings back nice memories.
My first quilt was a lap quilt made over 40 years ago when I was in high school. I crocheted alternating powder blue squares to black squares. Both fabrics were fairly loose weave. I crocheted around each square with white yarn first, then crocheted the squares together with blue yarn. The back was a light gray flannel, which I crocheted to the top. I didn't have any batting. I tied the quilt at the corner of each square with white yarn. I don't remember it as being very pretty, but I used it all through college, then lost track of it.
Last summer I decided I would learn how to quilt properly and took a short course at the Salty Needle where I bought beautiful batik fabrics in aquas, greens and yellows. The quilt pattern was a small square inside a larger square and all the squares were to be sewn together by machine. In my mind, the squares needed a narrow edge. The teacher gave a me that "Are you crazy?" look, but told me to go ahead. I added ¼-inch strips (plus seam allowances) so that each square was outlined in ecru. The quilt pattern called for two borders around the quilt, a narrower one and and a wide one. After attaching the narrower one, I realized I would have to add a ¼-inch strip before adding the wide border. My teacher agreed. I found that I had to pull threads to get a consistent ¼-inch width. It was a lot of work, but what a beautiful quilt!
My first quilt was a whole cloth, oversized twin quilt, back in 1970. I was a Jr. in High School and machine quilted a pattern based on a quilt I saw in a local store. I used it all through college. Sewing was my passion then, and still is today.
What a wonderful giveaway! My first quilt was for my then single brother, almost 30 years ago, and was a birthday gift. I sent out muslin squares to relatives so they could create a block for him. When they were returned, I arranged and stitched sashing onto them and put a border on it. It was a king size quilt for the waterbed frame with mirrored and shelved headboard he had built. He still has the bed unit and the quilt! The quilt is stored. I didn't start "learning" to quilt until about 13 years ago and am surprised that first one even turned out.
I have done a lot of sewing however I've never made a quilt. I'd love to learn how and do just that. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am from Demmark,so maybee this giveaway is not for me?.
Well,my first quilt was for my daughter.It was made from 4cm pathes in light fabric and with Hearts made from scaps,also 4cm.It was so cute.
Many regars from Dorte
My first quilt was a red-blue- green with six inch blocks of red material with zebras and rainbows. I backed it with white cotton. I hand quilted it while my son played underneath it, using the quilt as a tent. He often fell asleep under it. It was for his ' big boy bed'. His nickname is 'Zander ' so I named the quilt ' Zanders zebras .
The first quilt I made was a wall hanging for my parents 25th wedding anniversary. It's been over 20 years ago and I'm still going strong!
I love to sew but lately I have been absorbed with quilting. I just this week gave my 2 month old nephew a quilt. I just love giving that piece of myself to a loved one and in my mind I'm planning them for all my family members Right now I'm actually planning one for me to lay on my couch. So you can see my eyes light up at rhe idea of winning fabric and more books! More ideas! Thanks for the chance to keep on quilting and continuing my legacy.
My first quilted item was a quilted crazy patch valance for my dining room window. My first real quilt was a block of the month class creating an applique quilt with birds in a winter scene.
The first thing I ever made in quilting was a cushion made with many multicoloured hexagons with paper templates that took ages to hand sew together. xx
The first quilt I made was a log cabin pattern in yellows and greens. It is the only quilt I have finished, except for a small table centerpiece.
Inspired by the Little House on the Prairie books, I decided to make a quilt starting in 8th grade. The only thing I had to go by was what I had read in the books. I don't think I had ever seen a quilt at that point. So I asked mom for permission to use her scraps and I started cutting out squares. No template mind you. To cut each square, I would put the cut out square on top of fabric and cut around it. My fabric choices ran the gamut of very lightweight crep to upholstory fabric (an ugle green stripe). Not knowing much yet about sewing I sewed them on my mom's old straight stitch only Singer using all of her scrap thread spools. What I never realized until years later that much of the time I was sewing with a basting stitch. But sew I did and by the time I finally hit 12th grade I got the top done including appliqueing 6 Le Moyne stars to backing fabric. When I say appliqueing, I mean using a zig zag stitch with a stitch length of about 3 (my mom by this time had a new machine). I tied that sucker together with red string, certainly not crochet or embroidery thread. I loved that quilt and used it during 4 years of college and the first couple year os being a wife and then it fell apart. that basting and fabric choices had done a number on it. I did have some unused blocks leftover and I decided to see if I could do anything with them and as I meausred those sqyares, I discovered that some of them were a half inch bigger than other sqaures.
Anyhow I wasn't discouraged and I have gone on to make so many quilts now that I have lost track of how many and where they are, but one of my pride and joys was a quilt that I won a blue ribbon on at our local fair.
If I win this, it will be given as a Thank you to the quilter who made me a quilt for Xmas.
I can certainly use the fabric, and the books sound interesting. Anything I can't use will definitely find a good home.
My first quilt is yet to come. I've bought the supplies. I just have to get started.
The first quilt was a baby quilt...quilted by hand using a frame of four 2 x 4s and 4 hand clamps...thumbtacks to hold it on the frame....my mother-in-law felt real quilts were quilted by hand and I didn't want to disappoint her!
I would love to win this. I have never made a quilt before. This first quilt I want to make is actually to finish a quilt my great-grandmother started but never finished. The piece is (I'm guessing) 18in x 36in. I don't have any more pieces, so I need a plan on how to make it work into an actual quilt and guidance on how to make a quilt in general.
I haven't made a quilt yet but I would like to try a crazy quilt or a quilt as you go. Have a great day!
My first quilt was made on my mother's treadle machine using scrap packs I bought at Zellers. It was hexagonal and the pattern came with the scrap packs.
The first quilt I ever made was a baby quilt for my son. It was simple and easy. His daughter now has it 44 years later. Great giveaway!!
The first quilt I ever made was for my granddaughter. I used flannelette scraps from PJs I had made for her dad and her mom over the years. Thanks for the giveaway !
I want to finish a quilt. I think I just need more confidence. and this should help.
The first quilt I ever completely made was a baby quilt for my niece's first baby. I didn't realize until I had completed about 90% of the quilting that one of the patches was turned the wrong way. I finished it anyway & gifted it to my niece. Now when I look at a picture of it, I have to hunt for the "wrong way" patch. Thanks for the chance to win.
Would love to create a baby quilt for my new grandson..... with whimsical sheep!
I am just beginning to learn to quilt. I have joined a guild as quilting courses
are difficult to find in my area, and I am also considering doing an online
workshop with quilt designer Joan Ford. I am looking forward to making
one of the scrap quilts from her Scrap Therapy Book. I need all the help
I can get.
Thank you
Old dress pieces made into a twin size log cabin quilt - went to college with me.
My first serious quilt was inspired by Kaffe Fassett's striped shirt fabric quilt. I made it entirely from shirts found at thrift stores and the goodwill, and backed it with an old chambray striped sheet I had. Because the shirts had been worn, the quilt feels softer than it would had the fabrics been new. I love it.
The first quilt I made was not intended to be the first quilt. I actually started a quilt that is now only in need of the backing and binding, but I haven't finished it yet. However, I did do three mug rugs for gifts that I finished! I need to get my original quilt finished so I can move on to other quilts! Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful group of prizes!
The first quilt I ever made was for my son before he was born. It has green fleece on the back. His daughter uses it now, 44 years later.
I made a simple checkered tie quilt in high school and just struggled getting the seams to match up. But I've come a long way and really love quilting!
my first quilt was for my mother. I used regular scissors to cut the pieces to make the blocks out- basically it was 9 -24 inch blocks and I used ink to put my kids hand prints on some of the squares and used colored ink to draw hearts and "we love you" on it. I'm pretty sure i was made out of anything but cotton fabric- It was a hot mess! She says she loved it- however it is nowhere to be found nowadays some 17 years later.
My first quilt was made from my husband's old shirts and I still use it and love it. Thank you for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I would love to win! My first quilt was a sampler, all hand pieced and hand quilted. It was a beginner class that I had enrolled in about 10 years ago. It is beautiful! I was a sewer, made my children's clothing and later my grandchildren's clothing. Today I quilt for the pure joy of it and to leave quilts as a legacy to my family. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I would love to make a quilt of rich fabrics like velvets, satins and brocades. Probably not the best for a first project!!!
My first quilt was a scrap thousand pyramids that my grandma let me raid her scrap bag for. I still have it and love to look it over and remember the dresses, pants etc that were made from the fabric.
I have lots of clothes belonging to my late mother who I miss so much, also clothes from my childhood that had special meaning and memories to mum. I would dearly love to quilt using these and make it a quilt of love and memories. I just need more skill now
First quilt I made was a HST quilt for my Daughter, & then last Christmas...I made her a D9P quilt too. :)
Although I've been sewing for many years, I just recently moved across the country and joined the Tidewater Quilt Guild. My first completed quilt was a simple 5" patchwork baby quilt in primary colors for the Linus quilts program. I learned so much with that exercise including choosing a batting, a little machine applique, stitch-in-the-ditch quilting and binding. I now have several quilts in progress,building a "stash" and continue to learn and fun!
I remember the fun and memories I had passing this skill to my two young granddaughters. They were four and eight when they made their first quilts for their own beds. They were both two when they started sitting on my lap to learn how to sew and they keep getting better with each project they tackle.
My first quilt was made in a class I won in a 25 cent raffle. I knew nothing about quilting so I used polycotton that didn't iron well, had little contrast, but thrilled me nevertheless. The teacher was inebriated during class and the store closed shortly after that class ended, but I was hooked and have made tons of quilts since then, so I guess it worked really well.
I would love to win this. I am just now getting started quilting and have a beautiful fan quilt pattern that I want to try. I sure hope I win. Thank you for the giveaway.
I am currently working on my first quilt! It is a full year project, creating a new block each month. Learning about sewing techniques, machine feet, threads and fabrics.
I have my heart set on making baby clothes quilts for my girls.
I remember seeing a little ad tucked away in the stock pages of our local newspaper. The ad indicated that if I sent in 75 cents and a stamped envelope they would mail me directions to make a quilt. I was 12 years old I popped in the quarters into the Elmbrook and my mother mailed it for me. A week or two later I received a bill which was very unusual unless it was my birthday inside work paper cut outs I have no idea what they were it look like trash to me I threw the envelope away. Years later I find out those with the templates I was supposed to use. Funny and sad
Guess my first official quilt was a serged table topper. I made it when I got my serger. My truly first quilt were made of tiny scraps of my mom's fabric. I hand sewed them into little quilts for my barbie doll.
I'm working on first quilt right now. I made the top more than ten years ago when I was a teenager and then lost track of it for some time. I came across it again recently, made a backing and bought batting. It's finally all put together and basted, awaiting hand quilting. I'm so excited about it because it's the most lovely purple and pink batiks with a swirly pattern on one of the fabrics. I can't wait to finish it and put it on my !
made my first quilt about twenty years ago and am using it still and enjoying would love to make another one.this prize would really push me
The first quilt I ever made was a log cabin baby quilt for my daughter 30 years ago.
My first quilt was for my child who was due in June of 1994. Everyone convinced me I was carrying a girl. "Carrying just like your mother did with you" they said. So I made this beautiful Pink, Mauve and White play mat for the floor. Well on June 1, 1994 out popped my little Boy. Needless to say that playmat was never used for him, but it started me on my quilting journey.
This would be a big help to me, I recently lost both of my parents and older sister to cancer and silliness, but I have plenty of items of theirs that I want to incorporate into quilts for the remaining siblings to have. So I am teaching my self by looking everywhere to make them as special as possible. If I am chosen this would be so special in making this possible.
I'm starting my first quilt this week. Gradation of black to light grey base with coloured squares randomly places. Armed with nothing but fabric and the illusion that I can actually finish it before the end of reading week : )
This is a great give away! I hope I win, if not congrats to who ever does win!
Awesome quilty prizes that I would love to win!
I love to sew and that is the perfect giveaway to encourage me to learn something new!
The first quilt I ever made was a puff quilt with an applique design of a man fishing. I made this for my boss, who was an avid fisherman. It was about 24 x 24 and I attached it to a small decorative fishing rod and he hung it on his door at the office.
My first quilt was a Sunbonnet Sue baby quilt for my daughter while I was pregnant. I used sewing scraps for most of it but had no batting, backing or any idea of what I was doing. I pieced the top and then took an old white cotton sheet and folded it to the approximate size. Quilted it by hand (I still have scars!) and finally bound it with some more of the sheeting. My daughter still has this rather thread-bare quilt that gradually began to fall apart after numerous washings.
My first quilt was a 6" flannel block quilt for my son. I used all my scrap flannel from pajamas that I have made for my children. He loves this quilt and it has been used so much it is now time to make another. Thanks for this great giveaway.
I remember making my first quilt when I was a teenager.
I've always wanted to learn to quilt, but I've not done so yet. My husband's grandmother and mother do, and they are so amazing at it. I'm hoping that I'm able to sit down with them and learn some from them. I'd like my first quilt to be an easier quilt, with lots of green fabrics. :)
My wife wants to make an American quilt.
My first quilt was a sampler at a quilt class. It is still hanging over my bed.
This is an awesome package and would be a great inspiration. I have free time now and would love to get back into Quilting.
Thank you
My first quilt was about 40 years ago and my mom did the quilting for me. I've gone on to make a quilt for my younger brother and for my parents. I had about a 30 years break and started back into quilting by making a pink lacey quilt for my niece and a scenic quilt with bright orange fish for her brother. I am finishing a large quilt for my oldest brothers new house done in red, black and white with the storm at sea patter. It looks awesome and quite native american. I also started a double wedding ring quilt done in camp and dark browns. That is for a friend who got married and they are both into hunting, so thought it appropriate. I did not think I would like it at all, but it is turning out to be quite attractive. I would love to win your giveaway!!
this is awesome
very nice!!
nice design