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Video: Embellishing with Paint Sticks

Gary Junken

Minneapolis stencil designer Laura Murray transforms any fabric in minutes by using paint sticks to transfer a surface texture to the cloth. In this video, she demonstrates how the technique we learned as children can be used with more sophisticated materials-such as silk, oil paint, and texture-and an eye for design.

For full instructions, read Laura’s article, “Surface Rubbings Transform Fabric,” in the February/March 2006 issue of Threads (#123).


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  1. User avater
    tejka | | #1


    what kind of paint sticks do use? Textile ones?

  2. BethCh | | #2

    I cannot find any way to start the video.HELP
    PS I am not blind, or stupid!

  3. User avater
    VictoriaNorth | | #3

    There is a play button at the bottom left corner of the player and the video should also begin if you click inside the player.

  4. User avater
    Yumjo | | #4

    Very interesting and informative. I've been wanting to know more about oil based paint stiks and this was just perfect for basic information. I especially appreciated learning about all of the products used and where to find some of them...like the child's rubbing plates. Thanks

  5. 34state | | #5

    What do you do after the paint dries to fix the design? Can you wash the fabric?

  6. jgflo | | #6

    Did tejka get an answer to what kind of paint sticks to use and where is the best price for them?

  7. quilterkitty | | #7

    It looks like she is using Shiva Artist's Paintstiks, but there are many other brands. Sennelier also makes oil paint sticks in an iridescent color variety like the Shiva ones (and they cost quite a bit less than Shiva's), but you can find a number of different oil pastels by searching on the internet. One place with great prices is CheapJoes.com. No affiliation, just been researching paint sticks lately. As to the permanence, I believe you can heat set the color with an iron (use parchment paper under the project and between the project and the iron to protect the iron and ironing surface) or just let your project sit undisturbed for at least 48 hours. Hope that helps!

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