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Embellishments Special Issue: Check out our latest issue and enter to win!

Pick up your copy of Best of Threads: Embellishments starting April 7.

The Best of Threads: Embellishments special issue hits newstands April 7, and it is full of more than 50 luxurious embellishment details. Here’s a quick round up of what you can expect to find inside this incredible issue.

The Embellishments special issue can be purchased in our store or downloaded directly to your mobile device. If you can’t wait to get your hands on it, check out some of the web extras from this issue. We’re also giving away three copies. Read on to find out how to enter.

Surface Design

  • Painted Textiles. Create original fabric prints with brushes and stamps.
  • Shirred Velvet. Fashion a luxurious surface with gathered tucks.
  • Distress Leather. Age, fade, and texturize with household tools.
  • Ombré Effects. Spray or dip-dye your way to gorgeous color gradations.

Trim & Detail

  • Cutaway Lace Appliqué. Add a delicate couture touch to lingerie.
  • Ribbon Flowers. Adorn garments and accessories with beautiful blooms.
  • Glamorous Yo-yos. Gather fabric circles into an elegant trim.
  • Fabric Filigree. Nature takes shape with sculpted bias tubes.
  • Fanciful Feathers. Borrow soft and colorful plumage for glamorous accents.

Creative Beadwork

  • Beading Basics. Essential methods and materials.
  • Charmed Cutwork. Suspend pretty baubles in open “windows”.
  • Beads on Leather. Three easy methods for over-the-top effects.
  • Pile It On. Combine materials into dramatic embellishments.

Stitching & Embroidery

  • Border Stitches. Four ways to sew decorative edges.
  • Cutwork on Knits. Stabilize before you stitch and trim.
  • Boho Embroidery. Find contemporary inspiration from Eastern European techniques.
  • Lavish Stitching. Enhance machine embroidery with free-motion sewing.
  • Needle-Felt Silk. Meld fabric pieces for rich texture.


For your chance to win a copy of Best of Threads: Embellishments, all you have to do is:

  1. Look at the embellishment articles listed above.
  2. Leave a comment on this post explaining which feature article or department you’re looking forward to most.

Entries must be recieved by 11:59 p.m. EST, April 17. Three winners will be chosen at random, contacted via email, and announced the week of April 20.

Good luck!


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  1. User avater
    LuvThreadsMagazine | | #1

    Looking forward to the devore' topic, it seems so intimidating and perilous.

    When I try devore', I want the experience to be fraught with success!

  2. User avater
    WillaMcNeill | | #2

    I have lots of wonderful beads. Learning how to use them with the sewing machine would be a boon.

  3. cajun1108 | | #3

    There are yummy topics in every category! Hard to choose, but probably the Fancicul Feathers under the Trims category , and the appliqué on sheers. I'm already imagining a project using both! I want that!

  4. gardin | | #4

    Pile It On. I have "that" collection of family doilies packed in a box filled w/guilt. I must find a way to display and showcase the artwork of my maternal ancestors. I am sure the Pile It On will have ideas and suggestions, as will the other options.

  5. AliCB | | #5

    Beading by machine - that would be fantastic to learn! I want to add beads to my sewing creations!

  6. User avater
    kiwitan | | #6

    Can't wait to read the article on shirred velvet! I'm making a midnight blue velvet evening coat soon, and this might be the perfect embellishment for it.

  7. User avater
    kiwitan | | #7

    Can't wait to read the article on shirred velvet! I'm making a midnight blue velvet evening coat soon, and this might be the perfect embellishment for it.

  8. DrivesSewMachBest | | #8

    I am looking forward to the "Trim and Detail" Department. My mind is whirling in possibilities.

  9. Flanerie | | #9

    Too many to pick one, but I do love ombre effects... and the shirring of velvet sounds appetizing - I love texture created through fabric manipulation. But then I see fabric filigree listed... ooh, that sounds good...

  10. lovetosewsorselo | | #10

    I've been experimenting lately with fabric tubes for embellishing a jacket and could certainly benefit greatly from some expert advice on this - as well as "beading by machine". Wow! I might have to give up cooking to concentrate more on my sewing.

  11. user-3036558 | | #11

    I would be most interested in the creative beadwork section of the magazine

  12. Vikichek | | #12

    I've a project in mind for which I'd like to use embroidery (by hand), appliqué, beading, and possibly some textured effects. The embellishments special issue could help me choose and then use the right technique for the effect I want.

  13. pambc | | #13

    Not sure if I am more looking forward to the shirred velvet or the fabric filigree or the needle felting silk.......too many choices!!

  14. User avater
    decorchick | | #14

    The machine beading looks like fun. I think that will be my next endeavor. Maybe today!

  15. User avater
    andysmom | | #15

    I could use inspiration and knowledge to take my garments to the next level.

  16. Mayell | | #16

    I love beaded embellishments and am most looking forward to ways to sew beads on fabrics.

  17. user-2658237 | | #17

    The Cutaway Lace Appliqué technique looks like a great way to make custom tops.

  18. [email protected] | | #18

    I am looking forward to the knit cutwork article. I am always looking for more knit know how.

  19. 39sewgal | | #19

    Would love to try cutaway applique on Lingerie. Want to dress up on the inside...

  20. SEGnesa | | #20

    I am fascinated by the fabulous beading done on couture clothing and this special magazine could help me start doing my own beaded embellishments.

  21. Liberty1889 | | #21

    I'm looking forward to the Border Stitches article.

  22. sandrainsaintjohn | | #22

    looking forward to this issue especially how to successfully use feathers to embellish.
    Sandra Betts

  23. user-2459054 | | #23

    I am looking forward to "pile it on", using materials and other essentials to make fabulous articles.

  24. nadory | | #24

    looking forward to curved applique as i am a new grandmother looking forward to sewing for my granddaughter

  25. Mostlyquilting | | #25

    I'm really looking forward to the beading articles. I've wanted to try embellishing with beads for a long time and need a push in that direction.

  26. gailete | | #26

    I would really like to see the article on border stitches. I don't have a lot of physical energy these days nor places to wear elaborate embellisments, but border stitches can be used on most anything and even better yet if they are made by machines or a combination of machine and hand stitching.

  27. CarolSewsAZ | | #27

    Looking forward to the embellishment of leather, especially texture, sounds so interesting. I can't wait to see more on beading, also.

  28. user-815539 | | #28

    I am looking forward to exploring the world of Stitching and Embroidery! I have always envied anyone who could master the unique stitches and embroidery! I can't wait.

  29. User avater
    rosemaryschild | | #29

    How to machine bead a design -what a great time-saving idea!

  30. User avater
    rosemaryschild | | #30

    How to machine bead a design -what a great time-saving idea!

  31. RoysterM | | #31

    Wow! Where do I start! I'm interested in beading embellishments and ribbon embroidery. Probably the one I'm most looking forward to reading is beading by machine. That should be very informative.

  32. User avater
    missmarie | | #32

    I'm very excited about the beading section. I love embellishments. Thank you

  33. User avater
    missmarie | | #33

    I'm very excited about the beading section. I love embellishments. Thank you

  34. Jolianne | | #34

    I'm very interested by the Ribbon flowers article. I have just bought the book "Bag in bloom" so I could use it to personnalize my bags!

  35. cmct | | #35

    Needle felt silk sounds fascinating.

  36. Carly_Sue | | #36

    I LOVE embellishments on garments and home furnishings. Embellishments make the difference between a plain garment or draperies and an elegant well thought out plan.

  37. bjclack | | #37

    Looking forward to reading "SURFACE DESIGN"

  38. sunnyc | | #38

    I am anxious to read the article on Ribbon Flowers and also the Fabric Filagree. Looking forward to this issue!

  39. samsstuff | | #39

    Needle felted silk sounds really interesting!

  40. webolton | | #40

    Oh goodness...Talk about getting one's creative juices flowing! The beading brick stitch looks neat. But I'm excited to see the stitching section on border stitches.

  41. aindava | | #41

    If I absolutely Have to pick: Surface design section, Ombre dyeing. Really, though... Everything!

  42. Clewtwo | | #42

    Looking forward to information on cutaway lace applique. There are so many varieties of laces it is always a challenge to apply the right technique.

  43. User avater
    Yumjo | | #43

    I'm looking forward to the articles on free-motion machine embroidery and machine beading. I've been doing both for a lot of years, but want to see if there's something new and interesting. I certainly hope there are noted sources along with all the articles. Many of the products used are not available in my area and I must mail-order them to begin and complete projects.

  44. User avater
    SunnyGerry | | #44

    I am interest most in the Trim & Detail as I have two little granddaughters that I will be making fun clothes for.

  45. nanaluv2sew | | #45

    I love creating quilts and clothing using a variety of embellishments, but my creative juices need more inspiring ideas with beadwork, also be a little more creative using handkerchiefs, doilies, trims, etc.

  46. User avater
    harikleia | | #46

    It's hard to pick. I would like to read the articles about embroidering using free motion, trims, and beading edges. Thanks

  47. User avater
    jamaco | | #47

    Trim and Detail! I love ribbon work.

  48. CathiMc | | #48

    REally looking forward to the Creative Beadwork section especially Charmed Cutwork and Beads on Leather. They both sound so unique.

  49. User avater
    iluvthimbles | | #49

    Oh Darn... I can't decide... Devore plus Ombre plus BoHo Embrodiery. They all excite me. Your magazine looks very interesting.

  50. feelingblessed | | #50

    I am really interested in the article on Trim and detail, making ribbon flowers. I have sewn tote bags, dresses, pillows, quilts, etc. for gifts as well as for myself. The explanation of how to make these ribbon embellishments will bring my craft items to the next level. I already embroider with floss and yarn and now want to learn how to work with ribbon.

  51. seemless | | #51

    I'd like to try the Beaded Edges, just so I have a reason to play with all the pretties....

  52. jcanyon | | #52

    Beading by machine looks like a winner to me~!

  53. DianePB | | #53

    I am looking forward to the beading techniques. I appreciate the delicate beauty of a beaded edge or embroidery.

  54. vestis3 | | #54

    Although all the articles look very interesting, the two that peak my interest most are Fabric Filigree and Beaded Edges.

  55. twoclumbers | | #55

    I'm looking forward to the article on shirred velvet.

  56. Paula_Beron5 | | #56

    Im looking forward for the creative beadwork articles, I love beads, and would love to work with them.

  57. DonaMarie | | #57

    I like the quality of the video showing how to bead with a sewing machine. I like to bead but found the info for brick stitch not as informative as the video.

  58. SueBee256 | | #58

    Beading by machine for sure. It scares me. Looks interesting.

  59. Carolsewmuch | | #59

    Always eager to learn how to use beads in creative ways.

  60. suzieinohio | | #60

    I always look forward to learning more hand embroidery techniques.

  61. wlstarn | | #61

    I'm interested in the silk needlefelting article, although it all sounds inspiring!

  62. User avater
    shreya_l | | #62

    Interesting techniques for embellishing! Devoré seems novel!

  63. judyh321 | | #63

    Trim and detail. I love adding special details to a garment to make it one of a kind.

  64. SewsinOKC | | #64

    Distressing leather and cut work on knits! Love Threads!

  65. Ellen66 | | #65

    I am excitingly looking forward to both trim & details and beads sections because I love to enhance my purses and garments with beads, trims, rope, and other items. It is my goal to sew, crochet, and bead daily. I am proud to say that I have kept this goal before me for almost a year!

  66. Rgburack | | #66

    I would love love love to dive into this text and learn several of the listed techniques. But I've always been fascinated by cut away lace appliqué.
    Although I don't do any heirloom sewing I can think of lots of other clothing styles in which to incorporate this pretty detail.

  67. User avater
    mommer | | #67

    I would love to learn about beading techniques, particularly when done by machine. I have so many beaded ideas swirling in my head that need to find their way onto my projects, but don't know how to accomplish the look successfully.

  68. Januarywoman | | #68

    I would like to see the article on fabric painting as I've been carving many of my own stamps lately and would appreciate ideas for using my stamps.

  69. User avater
    Maydge | | #69

    CREATING ORIGINAL FABRICS!!! I had a chance discovery using bingo dabbers on material to accent or decorate and it was just awesome. I would love to know more ways though :)

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