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Debbie Bone-Harris’ Sewing Room Extras

Debbie Bone-Harris loves creating wearable works of art in her Kennewick, Washington, studio.

In Threads #179 (June/July 2015), Debbie Bone-Harris, owner of Deb’s Threads, let us into her newly built studio to tell us how she managed to make her space as functional as possible. Below are additional photos of her space and an inside look at how she brings order to her many supplies.

Organization is very important to Debbie, which is why she labels as many boxes and containers in her studio as possible.

Labeled boxes

machinesTake a look at more sewing studios and spaces:

• A Closer Look at Denyse Schmidt’s Quilting Studio
• Ruth Ciemnoczolowski’s Sewing Room
• An Inside Look at Mary Ray’s Sewing Studio
• Inside Louise Cutting’s Sewing Room
Another Look at Kenneth D. King’s Sewing Space
• Helen Haughey’s Favorite Tools and Storage Solutions

In particular, she keeps her vast collection of beads in labeled clear containers (right). She stores and sorts all beads by color, so she can grab what she needs easily.

Labeled bead containers

Debbie’s fabric stash is hidden on shelves behind mirrored sliding glass doors. Each shelf is 3-feet deep and extends the width of this 19-foot wall.


Inside the closet, fabric is organized by type. Categories include quilting cottons, linings, faux furs, crushed velvets, laces, and more. Within each section, the groups are then ordered by color.


Over the years, Debbie has managed to collect 29 sewing machines including Elnas, Pfaffs, Vikings, Berninas, Singers, and more. Many of them are displayed around her room for decoration.

Sewing machines

Even with a large variety to choose from, Debbie says her go-to machine for straight sewing and embroidery is her Pfaff creative sensation (left).

Sewing stations

Five bookcases in Debbie’s home are filled with sewing-related books. For this reason, she organizes them by topic such as patternmaking, couture techniques, fashion illustration, beading, embroidery, and dyeing.

Fashion books

Debbie also keeps her entire collection of Threads magazines in plastic magazine holders on shelves for easy access to additional reference materials.

Threads magazines

Are there any ideas from Debbie’s sewing room that you plan to adapt to your studio? What additional organizational tips would you recommend to fellow sewers? Please share your thoughts below!


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  1. candy_s | | #1

    Your sewing area is spectacular! May I ask you a question: How do you keep your fabrics folded so neatly? Thanks

  2. User avater
    EduardoCarr | | #2

    thanks for share......

  3. User avater
    SamFowler | | #3

    Really nice studio

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