In 2013 filmmaker Vicki Vasilopoulos released “Men of the Cloth,” a fascinating documentary about three Italian master tailors confronting the decline of the apprentice system within their craft. Featuring U.S. custom tailors Nino Corvato and Joe Centofanti as well as Checchino Fonticoli, this film is a moving and inspiring look at how three masters are working to ensure that their knowledge is passed on to the next generation to keep their craft alive.
If you haven’t seen “Men of the Cloth” and you’re interested not just in tailoring techniques but in the people behind them and the tradition of the tailor’s trade, you should really make an effort to see it.
Luckily for those near New York City, there’s an opportunity to see it on the big screen in the near future. “Men of the Cloth” will be screened on May 20 at the AMC Loews Village 7 theater from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. After the screening, Vicki Vasilopoulos and two New York tailors, Nino Corvato and Joe Genuardi, will host a Q&A session.
Advance tickets are required to attend the screening, and you can purchase them at: If you can’t make it to the screening, DVDs are available for purchase at
Have you seen “Men of the Cloth?” What did you think?
I was lucky enough to see this last week in Columbus, Ohio. I found it engrossing and inspiring from beginning to end, and my husband did, too--even though he's not a sewer. This is a film about craft and mastery. If I were in New York I'd be buying my ticket to see this again and listing my questions for the filmmaker and those tailors!
please consider showing this film in Red Bank or Asbury Park, NJ.
user-1064945: Please contact the filmmaker Vicki Vasilopoulos via the film's website ( to lodge your request with her. Threads has no input on where the film will be screened.