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How to Sew a One-Seam Poncho

Threads magazine - 127 – Oct./Nov. 2006

For instant style, fold a fabric rectangle in half, and then sew a shoulder seam. In Threads #127, Lori Hill shares her design for a one-seam poncho that can adorn any outfit and is an especially pretty cover-up for evening attire. It’s also one-size-fits-all, so it makes a wonderful gift. Your friends will think you spent a week slaving over it, but only you will know the truth: This sophisticated poncho can be cut and sewn in less than an hour.

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  1. carbonglo | | #1

    I must make this! This poncho would also look great with a sheer layer on top of the knit fabric... as I learned from one of the other 'insider' articles. Thank you. I really appreciate all the information I'm learning as an 'insider' member. So glad that I joined.

  2. Petarnevill897 | | #2

    Thank you. I really appreciate all the information I'm learning as an 'insider' member. So glad that I joined.

  3. User avater
    eatsallinsects | | #3

    I did not realize this was only for "insiders"?
    I have let my subscription lapse but cannot get a good download/

  4. smockerlady | | #4

    Hi there,
    Just received the email and am trying to download, but it wont? I am a paid up insider and wonder why it wont let me download.............can you help?

  5. nani | | #5

    The link is broken.

  6. CarolynRuth | | #6

    Link for one seam poncho is broken!

  7. cookiedough | | #7

    the link for the poncho does not work I would really like to make this one

  8. Countess11 | | #8

    This link does not work (9/15/15 3:49pm pacific time) I get this error even though I am logged in

    "Not Found

    The requested URL /assets/pdf-download/One-seam_poncho.pdf was not found on this server."

  9. trusst | | #9

    Could not download. Server not found even after logging into account. Same day as I received email, limited time is very limited.

  10. Burnsk | | #10

    The pattern will not download. Getting same message as others. Is any help available? Thanks.

  11. user-2112496 | | #11

    I got the email at 3:10 pm yesterday. I can't download the instructions either. I guess the "limited time" was REALLY limited!

  12. Michelerc | | #12

    I tried to download it on Sept. 15th. It says it was 1st. posted on Sept. 11th. The link does not work. I just subscribed to be an insider, and thought I would be able to download it from there. Good heavens, only available for FOUR days? And not available to insiders? The post should have said it was only available for 2 to 3 days, however long it was, I would have clicked on it before the time ran out.Very disappointed :-(

  13. stelluchi | | #13

    The pattern is an online extra for the magazine. Regardless, the link does not work but apparently no one at Threads is reading the comments to fix it. I've wasted my time trying to download this pattern this morning.

  14. user-2425579 | | #14

    How embarrassing how unprofessional shame on you Taunton! There's no social media person looking after comments? I don't use FACEBOOK OR Twitter but I bet if someone posted this lack of response on FACEBOOK or Twitter we'd get some attention ladies. What a joke. I mean I don't mind a non response or slow response time for a question the thing here is who can't post a live link correctly?!?!

  15. rambou | | #15

    I'm very disappointed also, Just received my email late yesterday, so now it's not available. Boy, when they say limited time, they really mean limited.

  16. rambou | | #16

    I'm very disappointed also, Just received my email late yesterday, so now it's not available. Boy, when they say limited time, they really mean limited.

  17. User avater
    eatsallinsects | | #17

    Well, I guess I pushed the "easy button" as I found my Issue 127!
    Now, to get out the magnifying glass to actually read the article. Will probably get my MENSA daughter to help!

  18. Evamarie | | #18

    Hi Everyone! Oh my...this is not good. It was made available for free but looks like something happened unknowingly on the back-end to place it back behind the paywall. We are looking into this matter and rectifying it right now. I'll be sure to update this post and social media when it's back up. Our deepest apologies and thank you all for your patience!

    Thank you!
    Evamarie Gomez
    Web Producer

  19. Evamarie | | #19

    Hello Everyone! The problem has been fixed. To download the article, you can click on the blue button that reads "Download Article", or you can click the text link that states "Download Article Now." Thank you all for your patience!

    Evamarie Gomez
    Web Producer

  20. User avater
    eatsallinsects | | #20

    THANK YOU, Evamarie!

  21. Mamato8 | | #21

    The link works now!

    Cute designs! I like how simple it is.

  22. ChristinePL | | #22

    Article downloaded! Thank you for the lovely poncho idea! Can't wait to try it.

  23. User avater
    eatsallinsects | | #23

    OK, you have now sent me down the "rabbit hole"!
    I have cut out 3 and have fabric ready for 2 more!
    LOVE IT!

  24. smockerlady | | #24

    Thank you so much for rectifying this glitch for us all. Just re-visited and downloaded this article.
    Kindest regards,
    Marysia, aka Smockerlady.

  25. User avater
    emilyswan | | #25

    Hi,there.. I just want to thank you for sharing this lovely idea with us.LOVE IT>>>>>>>

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