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Tools & Supplies

These Two Apps Let You Carry Your Fabric Stash With You

Two Handy Sewing Apps

It’s a common problem for sewers to have their stash get a little out of hand. When you reach the tipping point due to lack of organization or just an overwhelming amount of fabric, don’t fret. There’s an app for that. In fact, there’s at least two to help keep your stash organized: Cora, an iPhone app, and Sewologie, a web-based one. Each has its pros and cons, so try them both and pick whichever is best for you.

Cora is an intuitive little app focused solely on making your stash portable and sortable. As a phone app, Cora has the benefit of quick camera access. To add a fabric to your in-app stash, you just snap a photo from within the app and then optionally add information such as fabric type, where you have it stored, yardage, and from where you acquired it. Once you’ve added a few fabrics, you can easily sort them, search with keywords, or filter for specific qualities. Cora is available at the App Store now. You can add up to five fabrics free to try out the app.

Sewologie does more than keep track of fabric. In addition to the My Stash section, the app lets you add fabrics and patterns from a variety of retailers to an “Ideabook,” which is like a wish list that can be used for planning projects. Perhaps the most exciting feature is the Styleboard Editor, which lets you drag and drop to mash up fabrics, patterns, and text in a collage that can be shared publicly. All of these features will allow you to visualize your next project. Visit Sewologie.com to sign up for a free account.

Have you used these apps? If so, what has been your experience? Share your thoughts in the comments section and let us know if there are other fabric apps you’d recommend.


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  1. dianajanssen | | #1

    I use Cora to keep track of, and manage, my fabric stash. It is very practical and well thought out. I can record all the relevant information about a fabric, including a picture, and there are a number of ways to search my stash so that I can match the fabric to my project.

    I never get excited about apps but this one makes me happy because it is a good and transportable way to keep track of my fabric. I liked it enough that I paid for the full version. Incidentally, the app actually costs $6.99 now and is only available in IOS. I hope it will become available on Google play.

    The developer has been very quick to respond to my questions and suggestions.

  2. User avater
    mlranson | | #2

    I just downloaded the app to give it a try. It looks like the price for the full version is up to $9.99 now.

  3. Conniedlawson | | #3

    Thanks, there is also a great app to keep track of sewing patterns called PATTERNBOX. It's easy to use, you just take a photo of the front and back of each pattern and add it to a catagory. You have access to all your patterns on you phone or IPaD.

  4. Conniedlawson | | #4

    I'll also mention that PATTERNBOX has a free version to try it out and a full version for $2.99 that gives you unlimited storage for your patterns. I have so many patterns, with the app I can just scroll thru my patterns and have access to all the info on the back. Love it.

  5. HS1998 | | #5

    This is simply insane, I don't care about the cost. I love sewing!

  6. McAlvie | | #6

    Thanks for the info on Cora. I tried it out last weekend, and it's great! It's a nice simple app, simple enough that I will actually use it. So now I have a portable catalog of my stash with photos, fiber content, yardage, etc. I want to do something similar with patterns and notions, but I rather like the lack of clutter with Cora, so I'll probably do something separate for those items.

  7. user-6376655 | | #7

    Alas, I think Sewologie is no more. It's a shame. They had a great interface.

  8. Fabric.Stash.App | | #8

    Now there is a third one and its just 3,50$.
    "Fabric Stash, your fabrics app" .. more functions, better usability and there is a project manager which can use your fabrics collection! Just a great sewing app and there are many features coming soon!

  9. karabayleaves | | #9

    Nothing good available on Android, unfortunately. There is one that has a subscription model that costs more than $30 a year! And one other that has bad reviews. I would love it if Cora became available on Google Play.

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