The Lasting Appeal of Vintage Patterns | Episode 7
Special guest Peter Lappin talks about his love of all things vintageIn the Sewing with Threads Episode 7 podcast, Threads editors spoke with Peter Lappin, well-known for his sewing blog, Male Pattern Boldness. He’s also active on Instagram, sharing his passion for vintage patterns and vintage sewing machines with his many followers. This thoughtful expert now serves as a Threads digital ambassador.
When he is not posting online, Peter sews for private clients. He’s currently working on a wedding ensemble inspired by the sequined ensemble worn by Rosalind Russell in the 1958 movie Auntie Mame.
Threads has written about how to sew sequined fabrics, available only to Threads Insiders, and has shared one reader’s advice for seaming fabrics with sequins.
Peter often purchases and uses vintage patterns. For information on sewing with older patterns, see “Working with Vintage Patterns.” Consider some advice for storing vintage patterns in “Q&A: Vintage Pattern Preservation.”

Peter says he copies a vintage pattern when he needs to make fitting adjustments, to keep the original pattern intact. A Threads reader has advice for copying patterns: “Use Big Graph Paper for Patternwork.”
Smocking has piqued Peter’s interest of late. Check out two Threads articles about the modern version of this sewing technique:
“Modern Smocking Lozenge Pattern”
“How to Add Smocked Sections to a Pattern”
Threads also delves into the how-tos of other vintage sewing techniques in its “How Did They Sew That?” department, which is based on the garments shown on each edition’s back cover.
Peter’s latest fascination is with Japanese pattern books, sold at Kinokuniya bookstores, among other book retailers. There’s no need to be fluent in Japanese to use these patterns, as Threads spells out in “Japanese Patterns” by Véronik Avery.
Peter explains his appreciation for vintage sewing machines comes partially from their simplicity and ability to beautifully create a lockstitch. Learn the mechanics of a machine stitch in “How a Stitch is Made.”

For more information about the podcast discussion regarding ironing and pressing, view these posts:
- “How to Iron”
- “Press While You Sew; Iron Finished Items”
- “How to Press Your Garments for a Professional Look”
- “Video: Pressing Tips”
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I am so glad that you have Peter on your podcast and now working as a digital ambassador for Threads.. I discovered his blog a few years ago and love it for its clear directions, photos and clever commentary. Too many blogs just have a photo of the author wearing his/her latest creation and chatting about how much fun it was to make. Peter explains his methods, shows construction in progress and then shows the final product. He is truly an inspiration for us all.