Sewing Fake Fur: Collar Attachment on a Fake Fur Jacket

Kenneth D. King, a Threads contributing editor, continues with his step-by-step instructions for creating a fake fur jacket. In this episode, he shows how to make and attach the collar.
Fake fur collar preparation
Kenneth begins by demonstrating how to prepare the collar piece: Trace the pattern onto the wrong side of the fake fur, adding or removing seam allowances as needed, and cold-tape the seams. You’ll need a seam allowance at the neckline edge but not at the front edges.
Shave the neckline seam allowances, and then sew the front edges and collar points with a hinge seam. Turn the collar right side out and comb and fluff the pile. Next, pin and baste the collar’s neckline edges together. Be sure to transfer match points, such as center back and the shoulder match points, to the fabric’s right side.
Fake fur collar attachment
When preparing the jacket body, you cut it without a seam allowance at the neckline. The collar has seam allowances, and they will be sewn to the jacket in a lapped seam. Place the collar with its undercollar against the jacket’s right side, and pin, matching centers and notches. Hand-baste, then remove the pins.
Sew the collar to the jacket with a zigzag stitch, 4.0 mm to 4.5 mm wide and 2.0 mm to 2.5 mm long. This hinge seam goes over the jacket’s cold tape; the collar’s seam allowances extend beyond the stitching. Brush the fur out of the seam.
Complete the facings
Fold the cut-on front facings to the right side, sandwiching the collar between the facing and the jacket front at center front. Hand-baste the neckline seam from the front edge to the shoulder. Then machine-sew along the front sections of the neckline edge with the hinge seam. Finger-press the seams,…
Any advice on doing a shawl collar in fur