Sewing Fake Fur: Installing a Lining In a Fake Fur Jacket

Installing the fake fur jacket lining is the final step in creating the plush outerwear. Watch as Threads Contributing Editor Kenneth D. King demonstrates the process.
Start at the hem
Kenneth likes to line a fake fur jacket in an unconventional way: He begins at the hem. With the jacket lying flat on the table, wrong side up, smooth the fur downward on the hem allowance. Then pin the lining to the hem’s bias strip, with right sides together. Match the side seams of the jacket and lining. With a running stitch, hand-sew this seam.
Anchor the fake fur jacket lining at the armhole
Bring the lining up so its wrong side is against the jacket’s wrong side. Tack the lining to the jacket with a loose swing tack at each underarm. Then tack the lining’s shoulder seam to the outer notch on the shoulder pad.
Attach the lining front and neckline edges
Insert the sleeve linings into the jacket’s sleeves. Now match the lining and jacket’s center-back seams, and pin the lining along the back neck, to the shoulder seams. Align the lining’s folded edges to the front facing’s bias strip and pin. At the hem edge, form a jump pleat. Finally, slipstitch all these pinned edges to secure the lining.
How do sew lining to sleeve cuff