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100 idees craft magazine?

stitchagain | Posted in General Discussion on

Does anyone know what happened to the French craft magazine 100 idees?  Tried Google with not much success.

100 idees included sewing patterns, but also had instructions for other projects in knitting, embroidery, cooking and furniture building etc. etc.  I think they stopped publishing in the early 90s, but I wonder if there are any books out there with some of their published projects?

I have a stockpile of old issues and even though I now longer feel comfortable with the French language I enjoy going through them and deceiphering the projects.  I have not seen any comparable magazine with that “lifestyle” approach to crafting.






  1. lakaribane | | #1

    My mother was addicted to this magazine and bought them all the time. I did look it up on French Google and I found out that it ran from 1972 to 1989 under the name Les 100 idées de Marie-Claire.

    I have good news for you : it's reincarnated now as Marie Claire 100 Idées!!! If you check the forums, you might be able to find older copies of the previous format.

    They also have an online store where you can find the magazine and various books they put out but it's in Euros.

    The also have a 100 idées Jardin for gardeners.

    Good luck!

    1. stitchagain | | #2

      Thanks for information.  It is good to know that someone else remembers these magazines too!

      Could you explain what you mean by forums.  Although I have used email and web searched I am new to this computer discussion thing.  The 100 idee query was my first entry into that world!! 

      I see that this is a forum, but were you referring to other forums as well?




      1. lakaribane | | #3

        Well,  I was refering in my post to the forum for the magazine's website. When I did my Google search, I found two references to readers who had posted on 100 idees online forum. So try looking there first.

        Re: forums/messageboards/discussionboards, the worst part (and I don't want to scare you) is that sometimes they're all different and don't function the same. I'm just glad there's this subscription function so I get an email whenever someone adds a message to a thread I've started or am reading.

        Check out the button with the envelop at the top of your message. That's how I knew you'd asked another question: I got an email! Isn't that cool?


  2. sbonser | | #4

    100 Idees

    Wonderful magazine. Any chance you would consider parting with them?

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