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18″ wide iron board cover source??

user-51823 | Posted in General Discussion on

my MIL has an old wide board and can’t find a cover to fit.
it’s 53″ long and 18″ wide.
if i can’t find anything, i’ll add a casing to a new standard 15″ cover, but i’d like to find a ready-made one first. thanks


  1. ShannonG4d | | #1

    I have a new board that is similar in size...you're right, it's tough to find covers for it!  I've found them on occasion at Target or Linens and Things, but they don't always have them, and they don't keep many in stock.

    I've had much better luck making my own cover.  Just turn the board on its top on a large piece of paper on the floor and trace around the shape.  Add 2 to 3 inches to each side of the tracing.  Cut out one piece of fabric  (heavy-duty muslin-type fabric, even prewashed denim!) to this size. 

    At the nose end of the tracing, measure 12 to 18 inches toward the flat end....then cut off the pattern at this point to make the nose pocket.  I cut two of these in fabric, and stitch together along the straight edge, then turn right side out.  Pin the nose pocket to the larger piece.  Then find a long piece of elastic and stitch it around the whole thing, stretching the elastic as you sew.

    Honestly, the instructions for this take almost as long to write as the cover does to sew.  I usually cut two covers at the same time, and store one set unstitched in a ziploc bag to bring out when the current one needs replacing. 


    1. user-51823 | | #2

      great suggestion to make from scratch using a "pocket" for the nose. unfortunately we're back from visiting her now, a 9 hr drive away, so i won't be able to make the pattern myself. i'm off to target to look now, and if i don't find one i may call her and ask her to have a friend help her with the tracing. but already know the answer-- she won't want me to go to the "trouble" so she won't oblige. thanks tho! and please post again if you come across any internet sources.

  2. diday | | #3

    Williams-Sonoma (pricey!), DIY.com, and Aubuchon Hardware online have covers 53x18 ranging from $8.99 to $25.00. You might try calling your local hardware store and ask if they have covers the size you're looking for.

    This website is unusual in that it has you enter the measurements, then shows the products they have to fit. They also show materials to custom fit covers, and have other sewing-related products. I'm not affiliated but was impressed by what I saw.

    1. user-51823 | | #9

      thanks everyone-
      diday, i just ordered one from sew4less. it would be easy enough to make one , except i have no sewing space now and am still pretty busy trying to finish up lots of other projects around the house.

  3. offerocker | | #4


    I've made my own also, from heavy-duty muslin, and actually prefer them, as they are sturdier.  I used the old cover as the pattern, added a couple inches for self-pocket for a drawstring.  I didn't think of making a nose cover - great idea; keeps everything in place, even though I didn't have that problem.  I've even washed my covers, soaking first in oxy-whatever; came out great!  Making one took less time than shopping around!  And they want to sell a cheap sponge pad, which I don't use; the felt ones are better, imho.

    1. diday | | #5

      Offerocker, what did you use for the pad? Thanks.

      1. offerocker | | #6

        I kept the one that I'd had for awhile; think it came with the ironing board, which also has an extension on R end for the iron.  I really like it; think it's felted cotton, not wool, although that should work also.  If you don't have a source, I could look at a fabric outlet we luckily have here, and I know they have different types of felt - much thicker than the craft stuff, but don't know if it comes in white, or even if that makes a difference.  I'd be happy to get some for you if you don't find any.  If you do, (white), please let me know from where, as I always like a 'backup', and it eventually compresses some, but doesn't fall apart like the 'sponge-y' stuff.  I'll let you know what I find out what they have.    On the other hand, you could always buy some wool batting,  lay it out on a special sponge 'board', layer it, and felt it yourself - would kill your wrists and keep you busy for a month, ha ha. just kidding...I've recently been making felted wool balls that I use as pin cushions.  Kathleen

        1. susanna | | #7

          I had the same problem w/my big ironing board, which CAME with a cover that did not fit~and no pad. And I went to Target for a replacement, which was bad: a foam-backed fabric, which also didn't fit, so I returned it. I made my own cover (also with a nose piece) out of ticking, and I used an old mattress pad for a pad. Good luck.

      2. krenee | | #8

        I recently replaced my ironing board pad. My mom gave me this suggestion and it worked wonderfully for me. I bought a used flannel blanket from a Goodwill type store. I traced the pad, cut it out and placed it under the cover. The cover's drawstring holds it in place.

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