2 thread flatlock stitch for faux fur

I am making a faux fur vest and found instructions for stitching the side seams with a zigzag or 2 thread flatlock stitch on a serger. Does anyone know how to adjust the machine to get this stitch? Any help would be appreciated.
For both techniques, remove the seam allowance from the fabric pieces.
For the zigzag seam, butt the 2 pieces together, right side up; using a wide zigzag and normal stitch length, sew the 2 pieces together.
For the flatlocked seam, use the suggested tension settings in your owner's manual for your serger for either a two-thread flatlock or 3-thread flatlock. The needle and looper threads should meet at the edge of the seam on a 2-thread flatlock. For the 3-thread flatlock, the needle tension is loose, the lower looper tension is tight, the upper looper tension is normal. The upper looper thread and the needle thread will meet at the edge of the seam with the lower looper thread between them. When opened out flat, the looper thread will look similar to the zigzag and the needle thread will look like a ladder. Which side shows on the right side depends on which side you serge the seam. For the loops to show on the right side, flatlock fabric wrong sides together. Then pull until the seam lies flat. For the ladder on the right side, flatlock fabric right sides together. Then pull until the seam lies flat.
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