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24 inch metal zipper?

rodezzy2 | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I purchased a jean jumpsuit for a 1970’s party.  I had to make some alterations due to my present odd shape (giggle – girth in one area and some lack of girth in another).  I was instructed on the label to wash before wearing, I did as instructed.  The zipper must have been dry rotted.  It broke. 

I was going to take it to the cleaners for repair, but decided “I can do this myself” why pay them?  (giggle).  I took out the old zipper and on the hunt I went.  Could NOT find a 24 inch metal zipper that was not a separating zipper.  I didn’t want to pay extra to go online (shipping would be as much as the zipper).

I went to JoAnn Fabrics only so far.

Well, I went on and purchased a 22 inch zipper and the two inches are lacking at the top.  I could leave open, it’s not much.  And I am so scared to machine sew in the zipper because of the stretch denim, I am hand sewing it in.  (Ugh!).  Any suggestions for the top opening?  It’s not really that much and I wouldn’t have it zipped totally to the neck, what would be decorative for the two inch gap?

Oh, I didn’t get to wear the jumpsuit, the party was last Saturday and I just got the 22 inch zipper Monday.  I just settled on it and decided to make do.

Edited 4/21/2009 10:08 pm ET by rodezzy2

Edited 4/21/2009 10:10 pm ET by rodezzy2

Edited 4/21/2009 10:11 pm ET by rodezzy2

Edited 4/21/2009 10:21 pm ET by rodezzy2


  1. User avater
    rodezzy2 | | #1

    Oh and here are some pictures of my mess.  giggle


    1. KharminJ | | #3

      G'Morning, Rodezzy!How about adding a decorative "charm" of some sort to the zipper pull? If you're not going to close it all the way, anyway...Could be anything from a special-made "zipper charm" to a keychain dealie or part of a thrift store necklace or bracelet. "Cell phone charms" are all the rage, these days, too! Glad to see you back around!Kharmin

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #6

        Good evening, thats a great idea.  Check out the pics I sent of the finished zipper, a charm would look pretty cute!

        1. KharminJ | | #8

          Good Job! Sometimes a jumpsuit is just what you want to wear! K

          1. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #10

            Thanks.  I've got to top stitch it now with the same color thread the rest of the suit is top stitched with.  What you think!  I figured that if I sew it in by hand first, that would stabilize it enough to then top stitch by machine. Shouldn't ripple now.

            Edited 4/22/2009 10:36 pm ET by rodezzy2

          2. KharminJ | | #11

            sounds good - lighten the foot pressure a little, I'd think...

          3. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #13

            Makes sense.

    2. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #4

      I 2nd Kharmin's idea! and it isn't a lot open at the top. Cute jumper any way, and those are becoming stylish again anyhow, tee hee, Cathy

  2. Ralphetta | | #2

    You probably did, but did you check for a zipper in the drapery/upholstery dept?

    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #5

      I sure didn't, thats a good idea for another time.  I've sewn it in now. And by hand no less, I'm impressed with myself.  Take a look.   The missing two inches is just fine.  What do you think? My camera is the pits lately.  I don't know why the pictures blur now.  Technology.  The better it gets; the worse it gets!

      1. Ralphetta | | #7

        It looks great. Getting a zipper in a hurry can be a really big "pain." On more than one occasion I've selected fabric based on the fact that I could find a matching zipper for one piece and not the one that i preferred.

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #9

          Thanks it worked out fine.  I'm going to look for a charm for the zipper.  Thats a great idea.

      2. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #12

        I am impressed with you too! :) Cathy

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #14

          Thank you.

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